Widower (Marvel)

By liesforthetruth

32.3K 668 14

Dreykov was successful in making thousands of Black Widows but it wasn't enough for him. He wanted more. So h... More



1.7K 38 2
By liesforthetruth

I knew I was supposed to be in questioning but I didn't expect so many. They were questioning as a team. We were in a conference room I guess, I was cuffed to the chair in front of them.

"Okay, look I don't know what you told Natasha for her to believe you or whatever but I'm not buying it so your going to drink a little something I got from a man called Ant-Man." Tin can man advised. Green man went out of the room and when he came back in he had a large shot that held a long needle which scared me half to death. I was fine with it being over with him.

"Really Stark?" Natalia asked with sarcasm dripping in every word. He rolled his eyes and green man came closer with the needle so I tried to negotiate. "Come on guys. I'll tell you all you want to know. Really! I promise!" My voice getting louder as he was ready to stick me with that needle. 

"If you tense it'll be sore. Calm down." Green man tried to calm me down as he was injecting me with the familiar sting of the needle. I should have listened because it hurt a lot. 

"Okay now tell me what happened, why are you here, why did you try to kill Natasha and who did you work for? Or better yet tell me what you told Natasha." I gulped not really wanting to talk about those horrors. I kept my mouth shut but then words fell out against my will. He must have given me a truth serum.

"Red Room contains widows which are female. Dreykov the leader wanted to experiment and sent one of the widows to find two boys. He found me and my brother when we were abandoned. He kept us hidden, only certain widows knew about me and my brother. We cycled through Red Room until we had the final test. The final test was me killing everyone in the room, trying to survive. One of the widows I killed, stabbed my brother which lead to his death. I promised him that I would live the life we always wanted and get out of Red Room." I could tears building up in my eyes. 

I didn't want to talk any more but it seems the truth serum had more to tell. "I was supposed to protect Dreykov but he didn't appreciate the fact that I could resist his orders. You see, Dreykov could send out a hormone that made widows follow his orders with a red mist that chemically made them do as he says but clearly I'm a male so it didn't effect me as much so he tried to break me but Black Widow bombed him and thought she killed him but didn't. 

He sent out a order for me to finish Red Room's graduation party which was a vasectomy and the Red Death, and for me to be shipped to Hydra so Natalia wouldn't reach me. On the day of the surgery I was shipped there and supposed to fight the Winter Soldier but I wasn't strong enough so they gave me an enhancement. It still wasn't enough for them so they decided to make me a different experiment. That's where I got my powers and the Widower. They gave me a serum that made me a different person in my mind. It's like a switch. I saw what they did to Winter Soldier. I knew him for a long time and snuck over to his cell a lot of times. But they erased him and he didn't remember any more so I stopped going so he wouldn't get erased again. I was froze and then used as their toy before Hydra fell, I ran away but I got caught quickly and got froze again. " At this time I could tell everyone was silent and very uncomfortable but the serum wasn't finished. The Winter Soldier looked on edge.

"The second time I woke up was the time where everyone in the base was dead and my handler told me my mission was to kill Black Widow and that she was a traitor to Red Room and a threat to Hydra.  My handler used the red mist before she died. I was transported to small Hydra camps before coming here and tried to kill Natalia before she broke me out of there control." I'm starting to get confused on what to do.

 "I trust Natalia and Winter Soldier because she's a widow and came from Red Room and he came from Hydra. I don't know what to work for or what can I do now. I'm supposed to go back to Hydra but I.... I don't want to. They said you guys were killers but you haven't killed me yet. I saw what they were doing to Winter Soldier and that wasn't helping. They hurt him. They hurt people but their helping right? I see Winter Soldier right now and he doesn't seem hurt or killed. But Hydra.... I belong to?" I was getting confused and emotional. I still had tears coming out my eyes from the thought of it all.

"Look, Hydra didn't help help the world. They are destroying it. I worked for them and thought I was helping by doing what I was told but I wasn't. I was killing off people who were innocent. Killing people who don't deserve it, isn't helping. Hydra was a parasite that left me a shell of my old self and that's what they are trying to do to. You won't go back to Hydra because you don't belong to anyone. Your a person not their Widower, not their asset, not their mission, and certainly not their toy." Winter Soldier told me but I was hesitant on believing him on that. 

"What is Hydra's main goal? And why haven't they sent anyone here for you?" Red metal man asked. I learned his name is Stark which sounds familiar. "Hydra's main goal is to capture the Winter Soldier again and to kill all threats including the Avengers. They probably will have someone to get me and erase my mind, if not that, they kill me." I answered. Everyone looked like they were surprised and others looked like they were were tired and worried. 

"Do you know how they are going to do that and what blueprints they set out?" Arrow-man said. "Well I know that they have tubes, serums, and stuff like that for you guys. They were going to kill you guys in front of Winter Soldier to show him a lesson. Hydra will try to kill you guys but at least you have more of a chance of winning now right?" No one answered me. 

"Okay now the truth serum will eventually wear off. Natasha go with him." Captain America said while green guy uncuffed me. "Good, these cuffs were annoying." I hoped that would lift the mood. News flash, it didn't. 

"Do you guys have any ice cream?" I asked Falcon. He eyed me suspiciously. "Why? How can you eat right now?" I shrugged. "If I'm going to die, I rather have eat ice cream at least one time in my life." I got surprised glances so I elaborated. "Red Room only gave us nasty healthy food and Hydra strictly said no sweets for subjects." 

"Your not going to die. I'm not going to let you." Natalia said grabbing two bowls and Falcon getting out ice cream. 

They served themselves a bowl and then handed me mine. Once I tasted it I chugged it down. "Stop your going to get a brain freeze!" The kid said, also known as Spiderman. "A what?" I almost choked on the ice cream when he said that. What did he mean brain freeze? "Who's gonna freeze my brain!" I put down my bowl and quickly got up. "No one, that's what it's called when you have a head ache caused by cold drinks or food. It usually lasts about 3 minutes." Spider-boy explained. "Oh"

"Are you done?" Natalia asked and I shook my head yes considering I chugged all of it "Good, because were all sparring. Let's see if your lying about how good you are." She said as everyone started getting up. 

Soon we got to the sparring room I think. I saw multiple weights and dunbells and a big mat that took up most of the floor  I walked in the middle in the mat waiting for someone to step forward. Natalia looked around and smirked. She walked to the mat and smiled. "First one off the mat loses." 

I let her try to hit me first. She swung to punch me but I dodged and punched her in the stomach. She went to kick me but I caught her leg and pushed her. She caught herself before she fell and went to punch me but I caught her wrist and pulled it behind her back. I chuckled a little before she stomped on my foot and I groaned. I didn't let her go though so she elbowed me in the stomach. I groaned again in pain and she twisted and escaped my hold, seeing that she knocked the breath out of me. She kicked me in my stomach but I didn't fall instead I grabbed her ankle and slung her down to the floor near the end of the mat. 

I didn't give her time to get up. I straddled her stomach and went to punch her but she grabbed my wrist and flipped us. I was on my stomach with on top, pinning my wrist behind my back. She was winning. I immediately thought of my training. 

"You are to be the next fist of Hydra. You can't be afraid to get injured! You win no matter the cost! You win or you get punished!"

And just like that it was like a switch. The widower came out.

 I realized my position and took a deep breathe before dislocating my wrist. I felt that familiar hot flash of pain before ignoring it to finish this fight. I heard other people calling Black Widow and for me to stop and or else they would jump in but I didn't care. 

I flipped us over and went to punch her but instead she blocked it with her arms. I went to hit her again but someone came behind me. It was Wanda. She used her magic to pull me off of Black Widow and slung me into the wall. It hurt my back badly but ignored it and kept pushing through it. I had to finish my goal. 

"Kill Black Widow, no witnesses."

I huffed and went to get up but she pinned me to the wall from afar with magic. I decided to use my magic. It felt like multiple people was holding every single cell in my body to the wall but I managed to pull my wrist free. With the flick my uninjured wrist I pushed her into a bunch of weights across the room. Once I got free from her hold ran to get Black Widow but the others took that as a cue to surround me.  

"Look kid we don't want to hurt but if you keep this up, we will." Captain America said. I kept the same look on my face. The look of a killer just doing orders. He sighed knowing my answer and raised his fist along with his buddies. "So the hard way it is." He said quite tiredly but I didn't care I had to finish my mission. 

Captain America decided to try to punch me but I dodged and focused on doing on thing. Once I did, I pushed them all down away from me with a snap of my fingers. Black Widow saw that I was up and ready to get her. She stood her ground, fists raised, feet apart. 

I ran up to her before I felt a sharp arrow in the calf of my leg. I looked down to see a arrow before I started feeling electricity through out my body. I screamed in pain and took deep breathes until I gathered enough strength to pull it out. 

Breathe in- grab the arrow- out. I took one last deep breathe before pulling it out and letting out a pained scream but I wasn't done with my mission. I turned around to walk to Black Widow but I fell on the ground. I army-crawled my way to her before I felt someone grab me up. 

"Bleib unten Soldat."(Stay down Soldier.) I turned around quickly to see the Winter Soldier holding my arms down and pushing my head to the ground. I didn't understand why he was with the Avengers but didn't question it. I stayed down and stayed quiet until it was told to speak. 

I knew not to try to fight the Winter Soldier. Hydra spoke dearly about him. They told me that he finished almost every mission except the one to kill Captain America. I didn't understand why he hadn't decided to go back to Hydra or finish the mission. I heard the guards whisper about him and how well he could fight. I didn't risk my chances. 

"Was ist passsiert Rory?" I flinched slightly at his tone. "Ich bin nicht Rory Ich bin Widower. Ich kam von  einem Serum, das Hydra Rory injizierte. Ich ging, um meine Mission zu beenden, Sir." (I'm not Rory, I'm Widower. I came from the serum Hydra injected in Rory. I went to finish my mission.) I hesitated before I answered him. I knew he caught it so I flinched and braced myself for impact but he didn't hit me. 

I opened my eyes and saw him look at me with a pitiful expression. He looked like he had felt bad for me but I know better. I've seen that look on my handlers faces before they would smile and punish me. I put my head down waiting for him to tell me what to do. 

"Mission aborted." Once I heard those words I was filled with dread and confusion. He didn't think I could do it. Black Widow was a threat to Hydra so why not eliminate her? All of the the Avengers are right here so why not get them out of Hydra's way?

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