The Elements: Curse of Kai Ha...

By Dr_Hiragana

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Unaware of their special powers, Kazuya, Miyuki, Asuka, and Misa lived the normal lives of normal girls. Trag... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 12

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By Dr_Hiragana

"W-wait, that's not how big it is?" Asuka stuttered.

"No, he's going to get much much bigger, I can feel it--" Kazuya replied, looking up in shock, "wait! There are things raining down! What are those!"

"Those are not things! They're like small dragons! Are those the minions?!" Misa asked in panic.

"Girls, listen, start fighting off these minions and we'll go fight off Kai if we can!" Hiroki ordered, they all nodded and obeyed. Hiroki put his hands together and a huge amount of magic surrounded him, his body started to flash and it started growing. He started roaring and a huge black fire dragon with lava between its scales started to grow in his place.

"That's his dragon?!" Kazuya asked in shock, all the other boys transformed, Samui turned into a huge ice dragon, Ryujin into a glowing fire dragon with hints of blue in its scales, and Karuo was a large green dragon that looked like it was made of leaves and thorny roots. The biggest and most intimidating looking one was Hiroki, who was still growing. They all soared up and flew towards Kai.

"Guys! All those minions are coming towards us!" Asuka exclaimed, she made hand signs and thick, thorny roots came blasting from the ground and she made them run towards the small dragons. She made glowing thorns appear and as soon as a minion hit it, it started rotting, "hurry! Let's do this!" Miyuki made a huge ice wall blocking one part of the village.

"I'll fight them in the village! You guys take care of the outer parts! Misa! Come with me!" Kazuya ordered, Misa nodded and ran with her. Kazuya took out her sword and slashed one, and as soon as it hit the creature, the creature became a pile of ash, "Misa! Use your sword! Maybe it'll help!" Misa stabbed one and it became a puddle of water.

"You're right!" Misa nodded, she put her palms together, "protect me! I'm going to take out my serpents!"

"Alright!" Kazuya replied, blasting fire onto a few more, a huge portal formed and a huge sea serpent came right out with her glowing gold eyes.

"Mizuchi, group!" Misa demanded, Mizuchi nodded and roared loudly, the roar made the minions collapse and turn into water.

"Great!" Kazuya grinned, "this is getting good!"

"Mizuchi, attack the small black dragons on the ground!" Misa ordered, and as she expected, the sea serpents made a sort of nod and started killing every one in sight.

"Let me try something," Kazuya smiled, she closed her eyes and went deep into her thoughts, Bakano! Lend me some power!

Do you have anything that my powers and yours can both do? Kazuya asked Nakano in her head.

I'm giving you the ability to do something just like that sea serpent attack your friend did, except they are dragons made of the black flames, Nakano replied, remember, they're nameless, so you just order them and they'll do it, like, 'do this!' no name needed!

Got it! Kazuya thought.

Put your palms together and think about a huge dragon made of your black flames, big wings, horns, and tail, Nakano guided her. Kazuya put her palms together and magic surrounded her as she thought of the dragon, which was fully made of black fire. Over ten portals opened and huge black flame dragons came stomping out, roaring, "attack the cursed minions on the ground!" Kazuya shouted as loud as she could, the dragons looked at her and followed her orders.

"For now this is alright! But I'm sure more is going to come!" Kazuya shouted to Misa.

"Less are going out of the village and more here! Miyuki and Asuka are a bit safer now!" Misa informed. Kazuya nodded and started killing off more as the minutes went by.


In the Dragon Warrior Summoning Dimension--- (where they summon when they turn into their dragons if they need to merge or lend powers):

"Welcome," Naoko greeted, "I see you've transformed?"

"sensei? What are you doing here?" Ryujin asked, "why did you bring us here?"

"I'm here to help you--" Naoko replied, standing up, "Kai has gotten so much more powerful, enough to possibly surpass all four of you, maybe even me, I don't know though." He gave them a serious face.

"Well, we have some help from Nakano," Samui told him, and Naoko looked at him with wide eyes.

"My sister?" Naoko choked, "has she joined your side?"

"It seems she wanted to get rid of Kai, she has befriended Kazuya, the fire element," Hiroki pointed out, "she's done a lot, almost to the fact that we're almost able to trust her in this."

"I see, I haven't seen her before, but I've heard stories and seen some pictures," Naoko told them, "but, my summoning time is limited, I would like to tell you, be careful, also, if you need to merge at one point, the only one who can handle the extra addition of power is Hiroki."

"I see," Hiroki nodded.

"But, it's a huge risk for him, if you merge, everyone will live, but Hiroki has a chance of dying, because of the amount of power mixed in with him, and also with the amount of damage done to the dragon itself," Naoko explained.

"We wouldn't do such a thing to him--" Karuo shook his head.

"If we need to, we will, me dying is not as bad as thousands of people dying, right?" Hiroki told them, smiling.

"Wait, so you're saying that you would die, if it meant to save everyone else?" Samui asked, making an upset face.

"Yes, and there is a chance that I may not survive, but, it's better if I die than others," Hiroki nodded, and Naoko started to fade.

"My dragons, I need to leave, good luck, I've given you a small portion of my power, only use it to repair the dragon core when you merge, do not use it by yourself," Naoko warned them, "it's in this orb, do not use it unless of utmost importance."

"We understand," Ryujin nodded, Naoko smiled and vanished, "thank you, sensei."

"We've gotten help, all we need to do now is fight," Hiroki smiled, he closed his eyes and went back to his dragon's mind, Samui and Ryujin looked at each other.

"Hiroki--" Samui sighed, "if you don't make it, we'll always remember you and love you, you've been like our brother." Samui smiled and went back as well.

"Agreed," Karuo and Ryujin nodded, doing the same.


"How many are there?!" Miyuki demanded, Asuka looked at her with a worried face.

"I'm not sure! They just keep coming down! But look! Kazuya and Misa made dragons of some sort and they seem to be doing well!" Asuka pointed out.

"Alright, but this isn't going to work, maybe we should make shields around us, and we can move the shields along with us," Miyuki suggested, shooting a few more with icicles, "do you know how to do it?"

"Yes, and I can put thorns on it, so if we charge towards them, they'll die instantly," Asuka nodded, she closed her eyes and started to move her palms, green magic surrounded her and thick roots started to make a huge shield around her. Miyuki did the same and her eyes turned a glowing teal.

"We can use our elemental powers now, but don't use them while making this," Miyuki informed.

"We might drain ourselves if we overdo it," Asuka nodded, Miyuki stood next to her while holding the shield in place, "ready?" Miyuki nodded and they both started charging towards the huge group of minions, they all hit the shield, some froze and shattered, some rot in their place.

"It's working!" Miyuki laughed, "this is going good!"

"But look at the village, those dragons are killing off them as they fall," Asuka pointed out, "to make sure they don't fall, how about we tell them to make a forcefield around the village?"

"How can we get to them?" Miyuki smiled.

"Hmm, one of us has to go," Asuka thought for a second, "I will go."

"It's dangerous," Miyuki protested.

"Trust me, we need to prevent the village from being demolished, it may be damaged, but we don't want it completely crushed, cover me!" Asuka ordered, Miyuki sighed and nodded, Asuka ran as fast as she could and she lifted herself up with a root.

"Amazing!" Miyuki gasped, Asuka made the root shoot forward to make herself go faster, "you made yourself a ride, Asuka." Suddenly, a figure was running towards them, it was a woman with glowing pink eyes.

"I'm not letting this fight end so easily," the figure hissed, "I, Mito, will kill you both and give the powers to Kai."

"Mito huh?" Miyuki chuckled, running beside Asuka, "Asuka, let's deal with this loser."

"Way ahead of you," Asuka smirked.

"The confidence is adorable," Mito cackled, "but, you both seem a bit too overconfident." Mito closed her eyes and started transforming, she became a skinny pink and red dragon with black eyes.

"What the hell?!" Miyuki screeched.

"She's a dragon too, exactly how many of these dragon warriors exist?" Asuka asked, making her shield's thorns bigger and making the roots thicker, "she's not very large."

"I agree, she's quite small compared to the others," Miyuki smiled, "we might have a chance." Asuka glanced at a glowing light coming from the dragon's chest, she widened her eyes and tapped Miyuki as she pointed to it.

"There is a glowing spot on the chest of her dragon," Asuka pointed out, blocking Mito's attacks while Miyuki shot any surrounding minions, "that must be the heart or something, we should try and aim for that."

"You're right, but are you sure we should? What if we hit it and she self-destructs?" Miyuki asked.

"There has to be a way to destroy a dragon somehow, how do you think others did it? There must be a sensitive part of the dragon in which you hit it and it could get defeated," Asuka explained, sweat trickling down her cheek, "we need to figure out a strategy, maybe one of us distracts her and one of us tries to attempt to hit that heart."

"It might be too weak, we should try combining our attack," Miyuki suggested, a huge minion was heading for her, "go to hell! Let us think you black scaly lizard!" Miyuki shot an icicle at it and the creature froze and shattered into pieces.

"Let's try," Asuka nodded, she put her hands together and made a root come out of the ground, "try putting ice!" Miyuki made a strong icy wind surround it and the root but it didn't do anything.

"I think this actually requires elemental magic," Miyuki muttered to herself, she closed her eyes and opened them to reveal glowing teal pupils, she made the magic mix in with the wind and the root started to grow glowing blue thorns with elemental magic leaking from them.

"Wow!" Asuka smiled brightly.

"I think we did it! It seems you have to use some elemental power for this if you want to make a combined attack!" Miyuki pointed out, Miyuki was struggling in controlling her ice, "Wait, you control it Asuka! I'm losing control over my ice!" Asuka moved her fingers and pointed the frozen root towards Mito. Asuka made the root go straight towards Mito's dragon's chest but Mito jumped up and the root went through her wing. The dragon's wings froze and it started to rot at the same time, and it looked like a green decay was spreading across the dragon's body.

"Wait! It's working! Shoot at her chest!" Asuka exclaimed rapidly.

"They're trying to kill me, what the hell?!" Mito growled in her head, "I can't get rid of this green stuff, it's burning my dragon's body to rotten remains!" She then rapidly turned her head as Miyuki took out her ice sword and charged towards her. She impaled the sword into the glowing part and held it there with lots of effort. Mito tried to move around and swipe at Miyuki, but Miyuki's shield blocked it.

"Miyuki! Take it out! Don't let the decay touch you! Move!" Asuka screamed, Miyuki yanked her sword out and ran back to Asuka, gasping. They watched the decay cover Mito's dragon body and it almost looked like she was sizzling acid, and her chest was slowly freezing and pink light was starting to form.

"Aarrgh! Aaar!" Mito's dragon roared, the ice shattered and Mito's dragon fell to the ground, pink magic formed and Mito summoned in the place of the rotten pile of dragon flesh, gasping and frowning, "what have you done?" The decay touched Mito's arm and it started spreading across her body.

"The decay is killing her!" Asuka exclaimed, Mito was falling apart and she sizzled into a pile of bones after screaming one last time, "oh yuck, it's pretty horrifying watching the process, not going to lie."

"Wait, we just figured out how to defeat a dragon--" Miyuki gasped in shock, "maybe this is a key to defeating Kai! We have to tell them to shield the village first, things are not going well right now--"

"You need to take a break, you're tired," Asuka told her, Miyuki stubbornly shook her head.

"I can't rest at a time like this," Miyuki huffed, but she struggled to stand up as the magic was leaking from her eyes, "I guess I am draining pretty hard, I put too much elemental magic into my sword to make it go."

"Why did you do that? Overusing it can injure you!" Asuka exclaimed, she shook her head and walked up to her, "let me heal you." Asuka put her palms on Miyuki's stomach and green magic was surrounding her. Miyuki's eyes started glowing again in a matter of a few minutes.

"It's so useful! Thanks!" Miyuki beamed, "I feel much much better now!" Asuka nodded and got up.

"We should both go, the minions are all targeting the village instead of here," Miyuki told her with a serious face, "and it looks like there is one hell of a fight with the boys and Kai."


"This is getting too hard, there are huge dragons coming down now," Kazuya strained, she held her stomach as it was hurting intensely, "uggh, it's happening again!"

"I think you're overusing your elemental power," Misa pointed out.

"Yeah, but the dragons are doing most of the work," Kazuya replied, she glanced at two figures running towards them, "Asuka! Miyuki!" Misa turned around and saw them as well.

"Guys!" Miyuki shouted, running towards them, "we need your help!"

"For what?!" Kazuya demanded, still grunting.

"We need to make a forcefield around the village! The minions are getting bigger, almost to the size of giant dragons!" Asuka exclaimed.

"Wait, how are we going to make it?" Kazuya asked, still holding her stomach, Asuka noticed that she was in pain, she ran up to her and healed her the same way she did to Miyuki, "wait--the pain's gone!" Asuka smiled and nodded.

"You're healed and your power is back," Asuka grinned, Kazuya smiled and hugged her.

"Lifesaver, literally," Kazuya sighed, "alright, how are we going to do this?"

"While the dragons kill off the minions, we need to stand at four corners of the village, making our shields as big as possible. Kazuya nodded and ran to one side, Miyuki went in the opposite direction.

"I hope what you said was true, we trust you," Misa told Asuka, Asuka nodded and ran towards the entrance. Asuka looked at her other sisters. They all looked at her and nodded. She took a deep breath as she felt a boost of confidence coming. She watched as everyone got their magic ready.

"Go!" Kazuya shouted, Asuka, Misa, and Miyuki heard the faint call and they blasted their magic and made huge shields, it started surrounding the village, the inner layer was Miyuki's ice, above it was Misa's electrocuted water, above that was Asuka's thorny poisonous roots, and finally, a very thick layer of Kazuya's dark fire.

I'm lending you some power, you may need to join the fight above, little Kazuya, Nakano suddenly informed her.

Alright, Bakano, just tell me when I need to let go, the shield needs to hold itself, Kazuya thought back.

Oh, do you know anything? It will hold itself if you put enough power in it, especially if you have cursed power in it, Nakano laughed, keep holding it, it isn't enough.

Very well, what are the boys doing?! Kazuya asked her.

Trust me, it's one hell of a fight, Nakano replied, her tone very serious, that's why you might need to help them, and for your sake and for the sake of my goal, I'll help your friends with letting their shields hold.

That's more like it, Kazuya smirked.

Enough, keep concentrating, Nakano demanded, the boys are trying their hardest.


In the Dragon Shifter Dimension--

(They are talking while in their Dragon's POV (P.S: the glowing heart Asuka and Miyuki targeted to defeat is called a core, so that is what a core is.))

Hiroki blasted at Kai's dragon core and Kai blocked it, "shit!" Hiroki hissed.

"We're in this dimension, are we merging?" Ryujin asked, "should we leave?"

"No, we need to stay here just in case, keep on controlling your dragon," Hiroki replied, fury covering his face, "Kai's power is no joke."

"He is ripping my wing off!" Samui exclaimed, Karuo blasted poisonous roots to get Kai's talon off Samui's wings, "thanks, that was close." Kai looked at them and roared loudly, he opened his mouth and a huge ball of purple and black magic formed, he shot it right into Hiroki. Hiroki's dragon crashed into the mountain and made rocks fall down.

"Hiroki!" Ryujin exclaimed, "are you alright?!"

"That was a lot of damage. Shit--" Hiroki strained, he used his hind legs and shot himself up and shot a released dark fire and cursed magic back at Kai. Kai covered his core with a shield of black roots; it collided with the roots. Samui blasted ice to help Hiroki's attack.

"Ryu! Karuo! Help me!" Samui strained. Ryujin and Karuo combined attacks and they helped Hiroki's attack break through the roots, Kai shot another ray and both the attacks collided.

"Keep shooting!" Hiroki shouted, the rays were creating force in the middle and purple magic from Kai's attack was absorbing their attack. Kai shot the attack right into Hiroki again, "Damn it! He's targeting me!" Hiroki's dragon crashed through the village mountain and crashed into the one behind it.

"What was that?!" Karuo demanded, shooting Kai away with his roots, "what type of spell did he use to absorb our attack?!"

"It's cursed magic," Hiroki grunted, there was a glowing red scar forming across his face, from the right of his forehead to his left cheek.

"His dragon is taking real damage now, just how powerful was that blast?!" Samui demanded, Karuo couldn't heal and control his dragon at the same time.

"Don't heal me! Keep controlling your dragon!" Hiroki exclaimed, the scar was getting deeper, almost creating a crack as it leaked with red magic.

"Hiroki is now taking real damage, this is getting serious," Ryujin inhaled sharply, "there is magic leaking from that scar, and it's really deep."

"Don't focus on me!" Hiroki demanded, another scar forming across his eye, "damn it!" Hiroki was straining and more magic was leaking out of his scars.

"This is getting worse and worse, Hiroki is being targeted," Ryujin hissed, gritting his teeth, "we need to give him time to at least recharge, let's keep combining attacks until he recharges at least a little."

"Very well," Karuo nodded, "you hear us Hiroki?!" Hiroki looked at them, the scar across his eye was making his eye glow red.

"Shit, I'll take that as a yes," Ryujin nodded, "get going guys!" They combined their attacks and mainly targeted the core, which kept getting shielded by the black roots.

"His core is almost unbreakable! We can't defeat him like this!" Karuo exclaimed. Nakano was closely watching them and squinted her eyes.

Ah yes, I think now is the time, Nakano told herself.


"We've been holding for too long!" Misa screamed, her eyes leaking with magic, "it's been too long!" Kazuya's eyes were turning black with red pupils, and horns grew on the side of her head. Nakano took over and let go of the shield and made it stay.

"Let go all of you!" Nakano ordered, Misa widened her eyes and let go, her shield was staying, Asuka and Miyuki did the same.

"Oh wow," Miyuki gasped, "that's interesting." Nakano teleported them in front of her.

"Now listen, I'm joining the fight up there with little Kazuya, and I want you to fight off the minions getting into the chamber where those people are," Nakano told them, she jumped up and looked down at them, "understand? Otherwise this village protection is useless if all the beings die."

"Alright, fine," Miyuki nodded, Nakano landed in front of them and put her hand on each of their stomachs one at a time, "what the hell are you doing?!"

"Calm down, I'm recharging you, remember, in this situation, I have to help you," Nakano sighed, "go on, little Kazuya's friends." Asuka bowed her head and ran towards the shelter chamber, Misa and Miyuki ran after her.

"Now that we're recharged, we should make a shield around this door, and it's good since it's underground," Misa pointed out. Miyuki nodded and before she could make a shield, a huge minion came and shot a huge black thorn towards Miyuki, and Asuka jumped in the way and stabbed her through the stomach, "Asuka!" Misa cried.

"Don't worry!" Asuka grunted, she yanked the thorn out and the hole closed up instantly, and she gave them a thumbs up, "I can handle all kinds of injuries and heal them myself, so I'll protect you guys!"

"Thank you Asuka," Miyuki smiled, she rubbed her eye, which shed a few tears and created a huge shield of ice above the chamber door, "add layers, but one of us has to protect us!"

"I'll do it! I'll make a huge shield over us made of the poisonous roots and thorns so that you will be safe and it will kill those minions," Asuka replied, she lifted roots as high as she could and made the glowing thorns pop out, then she closed the top by tangling the tips of the roots together, "there! We're safe in a way for now! Misa! Add a layer of that electric water above us!" Misa took out her water layer and did so, Miyuki kept making her ice shield thicker and covered the door completely.

"It's working, but Kazuya should be alright, right?" Asuka asked, worried.

"She has Nakano for now, I'm sure she will be a great help," Miyuki replied confidently.


"Bakano, what is it now?" Kazuya demanded, Nakano looked at her.

"We're joining your friends in the battle with Kai himself, you really think I'll just stand around shielding a village?" Nakano chuckled.

"Ah, alright," Kazuya sighed, she blushed and tried to say something, "u-uh--"

"Need to say something?" Nakano asked as she looked at her.

"T-thanks--for, you know, saving us, helping?" Kazuya mumbled, tearing her gaze away in embarrassment. Nakano snorted and laughed.

"Thank you?! This is coming from someone like you!" Nakano laughed, "but yes--your welcome, we're acquainted after all."

"I guess you're not as bad as I thought you were," Kazuya admitted, holding out her hand, "work with me." Nakano's eyes widened, she put her hand on Kazuya's and closed her eyes.

"Yes, I'll work with you, my friend," Nakano agreed. Kazuya looked shocked and smiled.

"Awesome, let's do this, Bakano," Kazuya chuckled.

"In order to be a real help, we're going to have to merge," Nakano pointed out, Kazuya's smile faded as she remembered how big of a risk it was to do this.

"It's dangerous though," Kazuya protested.

"Not for me, I've merged with plenty of people," Nakano soothed, she put her fist out and made a smile, "put your fist against mine, and I'll do the spell part, we're going to get into a different dimension because we're going to become the Dragon of Hell." Nakano had magic surrounding her and Kazuya saw her eyesight get higher.

"Alright, let's do this," Kazuya grinned, she bumped her fist with Nakano's and Nakano closed her eyes, Kazuya's surroundings turned white for a small second, then they came to a fully white place with a giant black design on the floor that looked like their seals, "so this is it."

"Yes, this is the dimension you go to when you merge, which means we can switch controls, either you control or I do," Nakano explained, "but if I only changed into my dragon, the surroundings would be gray and this seal would be dark red."

"I see," Kazuya nodded, "we're a dragon now, you can control, but if you want to use my fire element properly, let me control it."

"Deal," Nakano smiled, "but let me do the honors of at least fighting him." Kazuya made a challenging smile and nodded.

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