BitterSweet [Momma CQ]

By Kiyoshi_Roz

788 16 10

Momma Cq Au Two overprotective brothers, a supportive mom, a sweet uncle, and lots of friends. But what will... More

Our Sunshine

Lil Party Boi

375 8 2
By Kiyoshi_Roz

The Queen family is currently in panik and stress right now, you might ask why? Today is their lil Freshy's 1st birthday and the two older brothers wanna make it more special by making the cake...well they tried-

"I told you already Error! WE CAN'T PUT TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE!" Geno yelled as he tries to take the chocolate bars on Error's hand. "THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH CHOCOLATE!!!" Error yelled.

CQ then facepalms as Asy decide to help the two baking the cake. "Now now you two, let's just work together so we can finish this in time" Asy clarified as the two sighed and nodded. Comyet is in the other room holding dozens of baby outfits for Fresh while his son Ink is taking a vid of Error and Geno arguing about chocolate. "Alright Freshy let's get you dressed up so your mom can get ya in your party" Comyet said as she dress Fresh in cute little pink bunny onesie.

Fresh seems to like it as he starts laughing and wailing his arms excitedly. "Com is he ready?" CQ asked as he enter the room. "He sure is, look how adorable he is!!" Com squeeled as CQ awe is how adorable his baby looks.

Meanwhile in the kitchen:

"INK STOP TAKING VIDEOS AND HELP OUT HERE!" Error yelled annoyingly as Ink just laugh while holding his phone. "Nah ah I will help in decorating because I am the only artist here" Ink said proudly as Geno just rolled his eyes "Yes and a lazy one" Geno said glaring at Ink. "We don't need an artist right now Ink we need HELP" Error said as he throw a spatula with melted chocolate on him.

Asy sighs as he put the cake mix in the oven. "Asy look who is ready for his first birthday~!" CQ squealed as he went to him with Fresh in a pink bunny onesie. "AWW! Look how cute ya are!" Asy said as he boop his nose making Fresh sneeze and giggle. "OMG FRESHY YOU LOOK ADORABLE!!" Error yelled as it took the attention of the others.

"AWW! Lil bro looks so cute" Geno said cooing him as Ink start taking pics while having a severe nose bleed. Comyet arrived as she suddenly panicked after seeing Ink's bleeding nose. "Omg! Ink what happened?!" Comyet asked confused. "It's overdose mom, overdose." Ink said as he cover his nose with tissue, Fresh noticed this and start tugging Ink's sleeves, Ink looked confused as he bend and leaned on him until Fresh pulled a bandage and put a bandage on his face. Ink looks stunned as he saw the smiling toddler in front of him...

"He thought I was hurt...and tried to help me..." Ink thought as Fresh suddenly went to hug him.

*Ink has died*


Hey guys thanks for reading! Hope you like it I'll try my best to make more updates as soon as possible!

Cya doods~ *mwa*

500 words

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