In The Fight To Survive (Gold...

By Local4Life

2.9K 242 58

Weeks after Dumbledore was murdered by Severus Snape, the order show up in Private Drive to get Harry safe be... More

In The Fight to Survive (Golden Trio) [BOOK FOUR]
Birthday Haul
Never Surrender
Favour For A Friend
Becoming Harry Potter
Plethora Of Power
Linking Up
Bandage Bound
Beyond The Bouquet
Talking Harry Down
Molly's Tactics
Tetchy Teens
Accidental Reconcile
Risk Awareness
Where To Begin
What We Know
A Good Morning
Mikayla's ED Origin
Fading Away
Slow and Steady
Ginny's Gift
Gate Crasher
Dumbledore's Will
The Minister's Temper
Meeting Mouthy Muriel
First Dance Song
Baiting Voldy
In Writing
Deeper Understandings
In The Dark
Fake Out
Break Free
Infiltrating The Ministry
Propaganda Pamphlets
Muggleborns On Trial
Surprise Visit
The Griffiths Family
Griphook's Revenge
Explosive Emotions
Shell Cottage
After The Clash
Morality Artistry
Cooking And Chains
Phoenix Preparations
Sundry Valley Skirmish
Freddie's Superpower
A White Winter
The Carra Family Motto
Godric's Hollow
Alerts and Answers
The Serpent Under't
Prepping and Promises
Merry Mirth
Gifts For The Kids
Proposal and Presence
Ron's Timely Return
Ron VS Riddle
Reclaiming Control
The Nexus Resolve
Made For Mikayla
Here I Am
Monitoring Mikayla
Nott Penelope
The Breakdown Of The Order
The Crimes of Rodney O'Brien
Rodney's Sentence
Patronus and Pictures
Death Notices
Rascal, Romulus & Rapier
Come Back Home
Setting The Stage
A Fatal Accident
Sunroom Session
Blanger Danger
Advice & Lies
The Horcruxes To Hunt
Buying Time
Rest In Peace
Life Or Death
Dream Designs
Loving Looks
The Deathly Hallows
Desperation Disaster
The Most Powerful Piece
Couple's Questionnaire
A Splash Of Paint
Silver Linings
Privacy Boundaries
Thankfulness and Throwing Shapes
For You Are Mine At Last
Uncomfortable Realisations
Buried Secrets
The Canister's Key
The Mind Mystery
Afterlife Orders
Death Toll Grows
False Identities
Malfoy Manor
The Puppeted Plan
The Prisoner of Malfoy Manor
Sanguis Purificator
The Free Elf
Big Brother Bill
Return of the Roberts
The Ginayla Kinship
The Ripplestone Way
Resolve and Reconcile
Picture Perfect
Polar Perceptions
Wand Law
Operation Evacuation
First Blood

Choices and Crushes

35 2 0
By Local4Life

Mikayla collapses on to the bed next to Fred, the pair of them panting while their bodies glistened with post-sex sweat. "If you want to be on top more often, I won't argue against it." Fred comments as he blows out a breath, turning his head to face his orgasm hazed girlfriend. Mikayla jokingly rolls her eyes as she looks over at Fred, "mmm, I'll consider it." Mikayla whispers with a massive grin on her face, she rolls over onto her side, resting her hand on Fred's chest. Her fingertips began gently caressing his torso as she rests her head on his shoulder.

"I'm going to miss this..." Mikayla admitted as her eyes got lost in Fred's, there was an airiness to her voice as if she's oblivious to the seriousness behind the conversation she just began. "What having sex with me?" Fred joked trying to keep the mood light because he knew what Mikayla had originally meant. "Well yes, but mostly the after. Just getting to watch you calm down after the best sex of your life." Mikayla smirked, making Fred chuckle. "I'm mostly kidding. I'm going miss not seeing you everyday. I don't know how I survived the school year...  six weeks feels so long from now." Mikayla commented as she softly left kisses along Fred jaw and collarbone.

"six weeks?" Fred questions, as far as he knew they wouldn't see each other until the final battle in May of next year. Mikayla hummed lowly as she collected her thoughts, "You asked me a couple of weeks ago, when I first told you my plans, if there would be any way that we could see each other before the final fight." Fred was silent, not wanting to miss a word that leaves Mikayla's mouth, as it was clear that she'd change her mind if she doesn't voice all her thoughts. "So I've been thinking about it a lot lately, and realised that I would just be playing martyr, and get myself killed."

The blonde paused when she felt Fred tense beneath her head, she took a deep breath as she found her next words that would hopefully relax her boyfriend. "And I don't want to. I've promised a lot of people that I would take care of myself before focusing on anything/anyone else, and evidently I'm terrible at it, if the past couple of weeks are any indicator." Mikayla sighed quietly, she still struggled with learning to ask for help and putting herself before the movement. "And I've decided that it's not safe for me to completely isolated from my loved ones, despite my undying urge to disappear into the night and fight alone to protect you all, because I rarely know what to do."

Fred smiled at his girlfriend's decision, but still not utter a word as he knew she needed him just to listen first. "Like I've always had help, always had someone looking out for me and covering my back. Alone I'm not as dangerous to them and I'm usually the opposite of calm. The last thing I want is to have an Anxietas episode in the middle of a duel, especially now that Fergal is free. He knows all my triggers, hell he created most of them." Fred's fingers began moving up and down Mikayla's spine to keep her relaxed as she began to get wound up.

"I um, last night I sealed everyone's mind from being read by a Legilimens. And I'm going to give all of my family the address of the Carra Estate. That's where my headquarters will be. I escape the Death Eaters on September 2nd, no one is to come looking for me during that time. And I'd like you all to give me two weeks alone to piece myself back together before you all start showing up, I'll send a Patronus out once I'm ready. Oh and everyone is to send their Patronus to me first to give me some kind of warning that they're visiting. It's risky I know, but I ran through so many scenarios in my head and it seems the least loneliest and safest strategy."

Mikayla concluded her rambles and waited quietly for Fred's reaction, she hoped that he would be too mad with her for sealing everyone's minds. She hadn't gotten any of their consent to do it, and she felt terrible about it, but it was the only practical solution that would protect them all as well as herself. "That's... the best news I've ever heard. Are you being serious? Do you promise that you won't disappear?" Mikayla saw the sheer joy on her boyfriend's face, he was glowing and couldn't help but brighten up herself.

"I promise, Freddie." Mikayla whispered before Fred captured her lips with his own, the kiss was urgent and passionate, and deepened with every movement. Mikayla could feel Fred harden against her thigh and couldn't resist but reposition herself to straddle him. "Again, really?" The blonde chuckled softly against Fred's lips. "Can't. Help. It." Fred said in between kisses, "plus, I've got to give you something to remember me by for the next six weeks." Fred joked when his lips moved to kiss Mikayla's neck. "I could never forget you, Freddie." Mikayla smiled brightly, and didn't protest when Fred flipped them over so that she was laying on the bed.

Fred and Mikayla headed downstairs for lunch after a long shower of making sure each other was okay after a rough round two. Mikayla couldn't stop smiling, but luckily her post-orgasm joy was hidden amongst the others of the house that were excitedly chatting about the wedding, which was due to start in three hours. The Delacours were nowhere to be seen, but you could hear French exclamations and bickering float down the stairs every now and again as Fleur got ready for the wedding away from her fiancé eyes. Ron, Hermione and Harry were being rather quiet despite the fact that Molly had allowed them all in close proximity with each other.

Last night the foursome had met up while everyone else was asleep to discuss the objects that Dumbledore left them. They spent an hour examining the objects but found nothing, not a single clue as to what Dumbledore's bequest meant. The only one that really seemed useful to them all was the Deluminator, it's function was rather obvious. Mikayla had tried once again in tracking the magical traces on the objects, not just her own but the others' too.

She was unsuccessful in discovering anything, she could feel the traces were there but it seemed someone had blocked her out. Perhaps it was Dumbledore keeping her out of the loop or perhaps the Minister did it as an attempt to delay the foursome's schemes. In the end, they found themselves with more unanswered questions than what they started with, it was a rather glum conclusion to Harry's birthday.

When Mikayla and Ginny had finished their lunch, Molly ordered them upstairs with the Delacours lunch, stating that they all should start getting ready now anyway. Mikayla internally believed it was ridiculous for them to start getting ready when the wedding didn't start for another three hours, but didn't argue. The stress of leading up to the wedding has seemed to be settled within Molly by the day finally arriving. She did have a bit of a cry when Percy sent back the wedding invitation stating that he will not be attending the wedding, but other than that her mood has be light and somewhat relaxed.

Mikayla handled the lunch tray, following silently behind Ginny as they climbed the stairs towards the Burrow's fourth floor. Ginny knocked on the door, alerting their arrival and the room fell silent. "Who is it?" François called out, "Mikayla and Ginny. We've got breakfast and some soothing company." Mikayla responds through the door before François opens it, to let them inside. Mikayla had barely released her hold on the tray, that she left on their white work desk, before she was surrounded by the Delacours, or rather the tray was.

They devoured their lunch in minutes, only letting out low hums of delight and forgetting all the elegant etiquette that they usually perform during mealtimes. Mikayla wasn't sure if it was stress eating or their efforts to waste the least amount of time on some menial task, such as eating, when they had a wedding to prepare for. Picking up the anxiety and tension that was pulsating in each of their auras, Mikayla summoned her small potion box. She searched through it and gave them each a vial of Draught of Living Peace, which they all took as if it were a shot of Fire Whiskey.

Mikayla transfigured some of the furniture in the room to give them all more space, turning the desk into a vanity table, the bed into a large couch, and the doors of the wardrobe into full length mirrors. Ginny opened the window to get some fresh flowing through the room, before organising the bouquets on the table by the door to grab on their way out. The bridesmaid's bouquets were simple, as their gold/champagne dresses are rather loud and more of a statement piece, fresh white roses with fake golden berries.

As for Fleur's bouquet, it had much more going on, keeping the fresh white roses, with some diamond embellishments in the centres of the roses. It had a lacy champagne golden ribbon covering the stems of the flowers and some of it came out between the roses. There was also champagne quartz crystals littered around the bouquet, accenting the edges of the roses petals.

Gabrielle grabbed the black fabric garment bags that held all their names from the wardrobe and hanging them up on the back of the bedroom door. Mikayla began preparing the hair and makeup station on the transfigured vanity, enlarging it to fit two people at a time. Gabrielle and Apolline were the first to occupy the double vanity, Ginny styled their hair and Mikayla did their makeup, as pre-decided after multiple practice sessions in the few days. Mikayla cupped Gabrielle's chin to apply her lip tint, which lead to the young half-veela deeply staring into her eyes as if she was trying to memorise or hypnotise her.

Mikayla offered her a friendly smile to distract herself from the fact that the eleven year-old had a bit of a crush on her. Fleur had told her as much, asking Mikayla not to feed into her little sister's desires, and Mikayla had no intention to string Gabrielle along, or give the half-veela any inclination that she had any chance with her. Mikayla wouldn't deny that she was rather flattered by Gabrielle's little crush, she's never had a girl have a crush on her before, or at least she's never known about it. She didn't want to destroy Gabrielle's spirit, as it was rather remarkable to figure out that you're bisexual by eleven.

The younger blonde had reminded Mikayla a lot of how Avery used to be around Parvati before they got together, although Gabrielle was rather shameless in her feelings. She didn't care that everyone in the house had picked up on her crush on Mikayla, and Harry for that matter, although Ginny was a little pissed about it all. She had told Mikayla that Gabrielle merely had a taste for famous wizards, to which Mikayla retorted asking Ginny if she thought that she and Harry were truly only attractive because of their fame.

Ginny got very flustered over this question, stating that there is many reasons beyond their fame that people find attractive about them, such as their undying loyalty, respect for others and kind hearts. "Oh but little Gabrielle can't admire those things about us because she's clearly just seeking fame by association?" Ginny gave up on the argument after that, knowing that there was no way she'd win it, and apologising for even suggesting such a cruel thing about the eleven year-old girl.

Fred found the whole situation hilarious and absolutely adorable, taking Gabrielle under his wing and giving her dating advice when it comes to securing a girl like Mikayla. Mikayla just rolled her eyes at him, telling him to leave the young girl alone and warning Gabrielle to not follow any of Fred's advice, that she's beautiful, confident and kind, and anyone her own age would be crazy not to love her.

Mikayla casted the setting spell on Gabrielle's makeup, standing up and away from the little girl before she tried anything. Apolline and Gabrielle vacated the vanity table, and Mikayla and Ginny replaced them. Ginny did her own hair while Mikayla did her own makeup, then Mikayla did Ginny's makeup. As Ginny did Mikayla's hair, Mikayla did Fleur's makeup and Ginny then moved on to do Fleur's hair. Perhaps Molly was right that they would need as long as three hours to get ready, consider the ceremony starts in thirty minutes and they were yet to get dressed.

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