
By MissRomero

445 6 3

Every ten (10) chapters will be a Tegan POV chapter, I don't know if I said that before, but saying it now. More

Family Issues
All Around Me
Tighten up
Not Tonight
I'm on Fire
Up from Below
Finding Beauty
Little Wolf
Float On
I'll Keep You Safe
Breaking Out

My Blood

16 0 0
By MissRomero

"Fuck! This is bullshit!" Slamming my fists on the bathroom sink, I sent a good crack down the middle of it. Jolts of pain scattered throughout my entire body when I touched the scar on my left collarbone. The cut ran from the base of my neck, down my side, and ending with 2 similar cuts above my waist. Claw marks that were coated in poison for my kind. I was ambushed by guards of my parents outside my cabin. I had read the letter finally, it spoke of meeting with me privately in my cabin up in the forest. But it was a trap. I was beaten and thrown around. My father wanted me dead finally. He had grown tired of this nomadic act I put on. He wanted me to need his help.

But instead I ruled the second largest territory in Canada, I was in no pack. And he hated that fact, I was his daughter. I shouldn't be an alpha, let alone a nomad.

I should be someones luna, keeping peace in the pack.

But that was not in my nature. I should've died, they came at me from behind and wrestled me to the ground. Compared to them, I looked like a human. But they were trained in the old ways. Something that was long outdated. I'll admit it got me thinking of death, and how sweet it would've been at that moment. Laying face down in the dirt, white hot pain searing every inch of me.

Tegan appeared in my mind. Her sweet smile. The thought of finally having her longer than a few decades, making her mine, being ready for that commitment this time.

It gave me enough strength to kill them. Lord knows how I did it, but I hid all four bodies. All I remember is waking up with a head in my lap. His dark eyes fixed in horror. Blood stained his skin, the jagged edges of his neck resembled teeth marks, the congealed blood slowly oozing out onto the ground. I killed him and the rest of the guards and I had no feelings of guilt or remorse. My only thought now was to survive for Tegan.

Touching the inflamed skin, a hiss caused me to cringe. Tugging my shirt back down I walked into the kitchen. I needed a drink, but no amount of alcohol was going to numb me. I couldn't get drunk, my metabolism ran at a much higher pace than all humans. Making everything that gave them a high, almost do nothing for me.

Walking hurt, it pulled at the taut skin making jabs of pain shock my body. Leaning on the counter, my breathing became heavier. I would have healed nearly instantly from every cut and bruise they inflicted on me, had they not used a certain poison on their claws.

As I said before we're not immortal, but it takes a lot to do so. And none of the legends are fully truthful. Silver doesn't burn us, we're allergic to it but not deathly so, Holy water, crosses, and prayer doesn't harm us. A lot of my kind are Catholic. But there is one thing that can cause us pain for an extended period of time. Wolfsbane.

If the toxins are extracted carefully and properly then it can almost be deadly to us. Using that information, it would take a great deal of it to do so. But the guards used just enough of it for it to get into my system, or they had only used some before I fought back. It causes our temperature to drop below normal, even so for humans, and hallucinations, which are similar to those when someone drops acid.

It also slows our heart rate, our blood thickens, and it makes us lethargic. We require a lot more blood when we're poisoned by it. And that was a huge problem for me at the moment. Being sick, I was in no shape to hunt.

I had to call in favors, ones I was going to regret.


Sitting in my car, I watched people walk in and out of the donation center, looking happy with themselves even if they looked extremely pale. Looking down at my hands, licking my lips in anticipation for my supply.

I had contacted an old friend. She was also a wolf, a millenium or two younger than I, but she was a specialist. A doctor for the wolves. And she happened to be working at a blood center here in Montreal.

Taking deep breaths caused the cut to throb painfully. Any sort of quick movements made me instantly regret it. I was tired of this pain, I needed to get the poison out and fast. If I let it run it's course it would take weeks for it to heal.

"Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Sare." The door slammed shut behind her, the familiar scent of honey and sun filled my nose. It was sickeningly sweet, I hated it. Her hand grabbed mine and I felt just how freezing I was. Her hand felt like a car that had been sitting in the sun on a hot day. It caused shudders to shake me, "Fucking Christ Sara, what the hell did you do now? Where's the wound?" She moved to sit on her knees. I turned in the seat so I was facing her, lifting the shirt slightly I looked away while she examined the marks.

Fire crawled through my veins when she touched the angry flesh. I yelped and pressed myself into the door. "What the fuck is wrong you?!" My breaths came in deep, fast bursts. My wolf snarled in my throat, the pain also effecting her.

"It needs to be cleaned. Let's go inside, I can get you your supply for the week, but after that you're on your own." She leaned over and kissed my cheek. Cringing away from the contact, I felt an airy laugh on my neck. "Pussy."

I forgot that most of the packs were so close and intimate. They were unafraid of anatomy, and preferred the feel of fur on skin with no barriers. In my opinion they were whores. Sharing mates, sharing beds, displays of affection.

Shoving her off, I threw a glare at her and quickly got out of the car. She worked in the basement of the blood donation center, she had many degrees mostly consisting of science and biology, but this decade she worked as a phlebotomist and a hematologist. So she was the first and best choice.

"We got to get the poison out, it's slowly like melting into your system. Once it hits your blood stream, I won't be able to do shit for you. We'd have to let it run it's course. But since the crystals are still intact, which I'm fully assuming, we can get them out no problem and you'd be healed in a day or two." She barreled through the doors, quickly scanning her card and shoving the door open before the machine had a chance to process her I.D. "I'm not going to lie, this will hurt like a motherfucker and nothing I give you will last long enough for the entire ordeal. But I mean, you're daughter of the Alpha. You should be able to handle this shit." Walking into the lab, I saw two other people, sitting in piles of paper looking lost.

Straightening my posture, I glanced around at the dimly lit room. What should've been white walls and flooring, was a discolored yellow. "Ava...this isn't sterile." I gently rubbed my left shoulder, feeling rather drained now.

"I have a room where I do my experiments, it's completely sterile. I'm not an idiot and I wouldn't do it in front of those two losers." She stepped to my side, fingers gently lacing with mine. Her heat was rolling onto me in waves, making small shudders rack my bones. I was deprived of blood and the poison inhibited my nervous system.

A hand was gently placed on my lower back and I relaxed into the touch. "Let's go fix you up." Her voice husky and low. I had a feeling she was going to try and rekindle the old flame I had with her. I hoped not.


Laying on the table, I stared at the picture of a poorly drawn kitten saying science was excellent. My breathing was laboured and coming in short gasps, she had gotten a few shards out. Now it was time to drain it, get as much of the fluid out.

"Okay Sare, I have a cocktail for you. Drink up and you won't feel a thing for five minutes." Glancing at her through my lashes, I knew she was lying. The last few 'cocktails' did nothing.

"Are you such a sadist that these cocktails of blood and human painkillers is your way of assuring me it'll be over soon? From my knowledge of Wolfsbane, I know its not." She lightly slapped my thigh.

"I'm only a sadist around the full moon and with ones I'm intimate with. You know this, Sara." She gave me a dramatic wink. "Drink up, I can get most of the fluid drained in fifteen minutes." She handed me the styrofoam cup and gave a silly grin.

Grabbing it, I felt the warmth of the blood seep out of the cup. I wasn't as cold as before, I had close to 4 pints of blood. It helped greatly, I was beginning to get sick from the poison but it had not reached my bloodstream. Downing the red liquid, the taste was sweet and salty. The iron smell was heavy in the air, my wolf pressing close to the surface. She had been quiet and lethargic the past day. Not once pressuring my decisions.

A sharp pain shot through me, forcing my eyes shut and a growl to leave me. Locking my jaws, I strained my eyes open and looked down at Ava. She was pinching around the inflamed skin, squeezing it and quickly wiping the lavender colour liquid away.

A scream tore through my lips and I curled into myself. "Sara, please. Lay still. It's almost over."

Gritting my teeth against the pain that threatened to throw me unconscious, I slapped the table and grabbed whatever I could find. It was fire licking at my bones and skin, the flame burning and scorching. But it was also ice to the touch. I yelled out, turning my head away from Ava.

I pulled away as soon as Ava dumped the bottle of pure alcohol on me. The sizzling was loud and my yelps were too.

"Don't be a baby and settle down. You act like you haven't been in pain before." Walking around the table she pushed me against the wall behind me. A growl left me as soon as my back touched it. My hands went automatically to her hips, ready to fight her.

Her lips met mine and my eyes widened. Shocked, I tried to pull away. Her teeth captured my bottom lip and her tongue forced its way inside my mouth. Trying to bite her, I felt her smile against my lips. Her hot breath washed over my face when she pulled away slightly. Her eyes were a light gold, making her features seems sharpened.

Fingers worked on my pants, lips worked on my neck, my fighting slowly diminished to almost nothing. My wolf snarled at the entire thing, her anger surging through me. "Ava...Ava please." I gasped as I felt her fingers slide into my tight jeans, but instead of going straight to my pussy, she scratched down my thigh, making me hiss in pleasure. She laughed loudly into my neck and danced away from me. Mischief was bright in her eyes.

"I had to try." The smile on her face widen when I breathlessly looked at her. I slowly blinked and when I looked back at her, my wolf had taken control. White hot anger surged through me as I leaped at her, my jaw breaking as my teeth lengthened. My fingers cracking as my claws tore through my tender flesh. I felt this wild frenzy of pleasurable pain course through me. Digging my claws into her soft shoulders, I saw the amusement leave her eyes.

Pinning her on the table, I snarled in her face, my jaw popping into place. Pressing my body against hers, I tightened my hold on her. My spine was snapping from the shift, my body slowly changing on top of her. Licking my teeth, I thought of the only thing that could put her in her place after all these years.

Tearing my right hand out of her shoulder, I pushed her head to the side swiftly, and buried my muzzle in her neck. Her scream was cut short, my bite silenced her. The thick liquid gushed into my mouth, wolves blood was stronger than humans or animals. It wasn't harmful to other wolves, it acted like a shot of adrenaline to us. It was forbidden to feed off of other wolves in some packs, too much can cause our wolf to break free and our human side to disappear. We'd be lost to our wolves. We were merely shells to keep them restrained.

Letting her go, I stepped away. I had marked her as my pack member. I had traits of an alpha, and to make her obey me and put her in her place, this was the only way. I had to hastily decide to make a pack of my own.  Now my father will really want me dead, maybe so much he'll come to kill me himself.

"Fuck you, Sara! That was a bullshit move!" Falling to my hands and knees, I let out a strangled laugh. Bones snapping to grow, pain coursed through my body at lightning speed. Groans turned to whimpers and yelps. Fur replaced my skin, paws replaced my hands and feet. The three cuts healed more in this in this form. My wolf blood pounded through my veins, making everything so much clearer and sharper. I stumbled to my feet and shook out my fur, the pain finally residing. Air seemed to find its way better into my lungs.

I turned and looked at Ava, she was my Beta. We were no longer lone wolves. She was holding a hand to the bite on her neck, blood seeped through the cracks of her fingers. Her legs slid out from underneath her and she glared up at me. Anger clouded her now dark blue eyes. "I thought you never wanted to run a pack, let alone be a fucking Alpha." Her voice was just above a growl.

I opened the mind link, hearing all her thoughts that were running through her head. 'Well, how else was I going to get you to obey me? Surely, a simple request would have went right over your head.'

She gave a forced laugh, "Fuck you."

I moved in front of her, a sudden idea popping into mind.

'Ava...Do you know anything about human and wolf mating's?' She looked at me with a weird blank expression. She knew of me finding my soul mate, who was human. But she only knew of the first time so many centuries ago. Not the second or third time.

"Maybe, what do I get if I tell you?" 

'As much freedom as I can give you without you leaving my pack. I'm going to need you from now on.' A confused look shifted her features, she put her hands down and sat up straighter. I had her attention, and maybe her willingness despite what just happened.

If I was going to be with Tegan finally, I'm not going to bet on a fourth reincarnation for her, I needed to know everything there was about our sort of relationship. I wanted to make it work this time and I wanted her forever. If that was possible.

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