Rise of Oni (male oc x harem...


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A boy abandoned in the wood until he was founded a shaman family and two about a several years until his powe... Еще

Chapter 1: Prologue
Harem 2
Harem 3
More Oni Forms/Pet
Chapter 2: Strategy X
Chapter 3: The X Impulse
Chapter 4: Rogue Recruit

Chapter 5: Mutant Crush

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At the Texas State Fair

There was a Monster Truck crushing smaller cars as the crowd cheer with excitement.

"All right, let's hear a big cheer for the lady of monster trucks, Shirley Ray!"

The crowd watched as the female driver of the massive red monster truck fired up, rolling over row upon row of cars, even doing wheelies over them and all other kinds of stunts and jumps. It was truly quite the show. The crowd cheered as they saw a woman hand waving to the crowd. Then she drove off while inside the tunnel there was a young teen boy standing with a cloak. He was getting a pep talk by his fellow overweight friend. He was a tall overweight Asian man with a fire tattoo on his belly.

"You got this, Fred. Just remember what I taught ya. Ain't no shame in giving it your all."

"Thanks, Zang-Ching." Fred said.

"Thank me later, now, get out there and show the crowd what we belly brothers got." Zang-Ching said.

He placed his hand on Fred's shoulder, but little did he know that there was an blue scorpion spirit crawling into Fred's ear. Fred was rubbing his ear for a moment.

He shook his hand as he was walking outside to greet his fans. Zang-Ching was smirking as he was leaving the tunnel. He stopped for a moment as he was looking at Homara who was sitting on a metal barrel.

"So, did it make it inside?" Homara asked.

"Yup, Old Freddy boy is going to give that little critter a lot of amount of his anger." Zang-Ching said.

"Good. Now, I want him to face off against him after this." Homara said.

"And now, Ladies and gentelemn, the main attraction of the evening. Give a resounding cheer for the world's strongest teenager, Fred 'The Blob' Dukes!"

Fred took his cloak and grabbed two industrial chain; each one chained to the monster trucks, and wrapped them around his wrists and held on. The audience was watching carefully to see this young man is about to hurt himself.

"All right, Dukes, show us what you can do!."

Fred breathed deeply as the monster trucks roared to life. Everyone in the stands held their breath as nothing happened momentarily. Then, a simple nod from Fred provoked the monster trucks to haul away. The chains quickly went taut, but Dukes held on. Anyone else would have been ripped apart trying to hold back such horsepower. But the Blob was not anyone else; he merely gritted his teeth and groaned as the trucks hauled away, but they could not advance. It was like they were tied to a mountain, unmovable. The trucks accelerated, but all this accomplished was going into wheelies. Duke held on.

The crowd was mesmerized at this amazing show of strength and fortitude; no one could believe their eyes. Suddenly, Fred jumped straight up, pulling as he went. The monster trucks were pulled backwards as if Fred hauled toys instead of trucks. There was a crash as the trucks collided, and Fred landed right on them,one foot on each of the beds. His weight crushed the rear tires, causing them to pop and deflate, but he stood there unabashed. He was victorious. The crowd instantly stood up and cheered. Zang-Ching was clapping from the tunnel while Homara was smiling.

"Fred, seems to be happy." Homara said.

"Yes, but he has a horrible temper." Zang-Ching said.

Fred soaked up the glory and bowed to the cheer. Then suddenly because of his weight, he fell to the ground face first into the dirt. The crowd went from cheering to jeering. Logan and Jean were the only ones that didn't laugh at him. Fred picked himself up, barely containing his rage, and sulked out of the arena. Inside Fred's body, the scorpion was feeding on the raw power of Fred's anger as it started to change from blue to a light red.

In the Locker Room

Fred Dukes was furious, and he took it out the only way he knew how; tearing apart anything he could get his large hands around. THe table, chairs, even lockers, if he could grabit, he threw it. The walls were littered with fist-sized holes, but he showed no signs of slowing down. Every punch just fueled his fury, punctuated with cries of rage... and pain. He barely felt pain physically, but emotional pain was a very real thing to him. He had always been large, extremely large at that. As is so often the case, such obesity was the draw of attention of bullies everywhere.

Fred started to trashed the entire room all the while the scorpion was working overtime. He was punching several walls. He was about to punch another wall until he stopped. Fred turned around to see that Dakholme was walking into his room.

"Something bothering you?." Darkholme asked.

"These small town hicks! And you'd better get out of the way, because I'm ditching this stupid place for good!" Fred said.

The woman just smiled merely.

"That can be arranged, Mr. Dukes. In fact, I represent an organization where someone of your talents would be truly appreciated." Darkholme mentioned.

Fred scowled.

"Listen, lady, if you are with the circus, forget about it!' Fred said.

Raven didn't flinch, but only smiled bigger.

"Oh no, Mr. Dukes. I'm not thinking of using you for entertainment for the inept; what I have in mind is far more..." Darkholme said. "Care to hear more?"

Fred didn't reply right away. He had been made a lot of offers to showcase his strength--and the circus was certainly responsible. But this offer was different., and he didn't even know how to respond.

Little did they know that Zing Chang was listening to the whole conversation. He was rubbing his chin as he smirk because he knew that Fred's power could drive the scorpion to work overdrive.

Next Day, Bayville High

Cain was walking around the hallways as he was looking for Kitty. Then he stopped as he heard something...

"Hey, you! Do you know where I am supposed to be?" Fred asked.

Cain turned the corner to see that Fred was holding Duncan as he was shoving his school schedule in his face. Duncan wasl booking at Fred as he broke out in a grin.

"Try a side show." Duncan laughed.

Fred immediately saw red as the scorpion started to sting his brain.

"Ahhh! DOn't laugh at me!" Fred yelled.

He shoved Duncan to the ground. Before Duncan could recover, Fred grabbed a set of lockers nearby and lifted them off the ground as if they were made of cardboard. His face redder than a beet, he lifted the lockers ver his head and glared down at Duncan, who was so surprised at what he was seeing he didn't know what to do. Cain was about to do something, but he caught a sweet scent like before. He was looking around for a moment to see where the sweet scent was coming from.

"I'll teach you to not laugh at me!" Fred said.

Duncan clambered away from Fred, but Fred wasn't so easily deterred. Cain was about to jump to stop Dukes, but Lance stood in his way.

"Don't even think about it, Jones. That guy had it coming." Lance said.

"You got three seconds to get out of my way or else you're going to suffer the same fate as Duncan." Cain threatened.

Then Jean walked past the both of them as she walked up to pick up Fred's school schedule.

"You must be new here." Jean assumed.

That casual question stopped both Fred and Duncan in their respective tracks. Both of them looked to see Jean. Fred froze in his tracks, and blushed in the sight of Jean's beauty. Then he realized that he was still holding the lockers above his head. He chuckle sheepishly as he lowered the lockers from his head.

"Uh, yeah, I am." Fred.

Jean walked up to him without noticings the lockers.

"Hi. I'm Jean Grey." Jean greeted him.

Fred placed the lockers back roughly where he pulled them from.

"Uh... hi. I'm Fred."

Cain, on the other hand, was snickering.

"The old sweet charms. That works on dumbasses like Duncan and now it works on a muscle head like that guy." Cain said.

He continued to watch the scene as he noticed that Duncan was crawling away quietly as Jean distracted the Heavyweight Mutant to let him escape.

Jean appeared not to noticed Duncan either.

"Well, welcome to Bayville High. I guess I should apologize for Duncan." Jean said.

"Duncan?" Fred asked, just as the lockers crashed against the wall as they fell from their own weight.

"She's talking about that asshole who wet his pants a while ago." Cain said, walking over to them to look at the lockers. "Don't sweat it dude, I will help the janitor put these back."

"So, Do you have friends here?" Jean said.

Fred brushed off his hands on his overalls.

"No, I never really had any friends." Fred said.

"Well, you'll make some soon enough." Jean said. "Hey, did you need help figuring this out?"

Fred looked down at the paper.

"Oh, uh, yes, please." Fred said.

Jean picked up the paper and studied.

"Let's see...your first class is Algebra I...and...oh, it's just around the corner over there." Jean pointed to a nearby perpendicular hallway.

Fred looked where Jean was pointing, looking relieved.

Thanks." Fred said.

Jean smiled, handing back the paper back to Fred.

"Don't mention it.The first day is always the hardest. Anyway, I need to get to class. See you around, Fred."

Jean walked off down a different hallway, waving as he went. Fred didn't move. As Far as he could remember, that was the first time someone was ever that nice to him. Cain was looking at him as he started snickering because Jean just landed herself a crush.

"Yeah, you will..." Fred said.


Cain was looking at the Ms. Cana as she was going over the lesson and he was looking over at Kitty Pryde who was scribbling in her notes. Then he remembered something and he tapped her hand with his pencil to get her attention.

"Like, What?" Kitty asked.

"Where is my homework that I lend you?" Cain asked.

"Oh, Like, I turned it in along with my homework already." Kitty told him.

"Ms. Pryde, Mr. Jones, mind telling the entire class what the make a Solid?" Cana asked.

"LIke, Um..." Kitty stumbled.

"The particles in most solids are closely packed together. Even though the particles are locked into place and cannot move or slide past each other." Cain explained.

"Very good, Mr. Jones." Cana said.

Cana went back to the bar to continue the lecture. Kitty was looking at him.

"Like, lucky." Kitty said.

"It's basically common knowledge." Cain said.


It was lunch time, Cain was sitting next to Carrie while Scott was sitting next to Kitty. They were discussing what happened in class. Carrie was telling them about her Chemistry.

"You know, I thought I would hate Chemistry, but I'm starting to like it." Carrie said.

"Just as long as you keep your fur out of the test tubes for mine and Kitty's science class lecture. I mean Ms. Cana thought that we had a rat in the building when she saw the fur." Cain said.

"Hey!" Carrie protested.

She hit Cain while Cain just chuckled before looking over at Fred who was walking in a big helping tray of food.Scott and the others were looking at Fred as well.

"I take it that's the new mutant that you told me about." Scott assumed.

"Yeah. He's another mutant that got away from Jean and Logan." Cain said.

"So, Fred. Huh? He doesn't seem too bad." Kitty said.

"Yeah, you didn't see him ripped the lockers off the wall." Jean mentioned.

Both Kitty's and Carrie's ides bulged.

"He's the one who did that/ Freaky." Kitty said.

"Yeah, But something was off about that guy." Cain said.

He watched as Fred sat down at an empty table. He was getting ready to eat his lunch, until the chair gave out from his weight. He crashed to the floor, while vaulting his overloaded tray of food over his head. All those paying attention ducked at once, but those unfortunate to not pay attention were in for surprise. One such party was Duncan, his pals and a select of the cheerleaders... all in the flight path of the food.

Cain covered his mouth trying not to laugh at Duncan and the rest of the popular kids. Duncan was wiping the sludge off his face and furiously looked to see where it came from, finding a surprised Fred still on the floor, covered with his own food.

Duncan was seeing red.

"Big mistake, blob-boy." Duncan growled.

Cain was looking at the others. "We might want to move." He said.

"Agree. Things are about to get messy." Jean said.

Kitty stifled a laugh.

"Yeah, like it hasn't already." Kitty said.

Fred tried to scramble to his feet, but he kept slipping on the mushon the floor and falling back on his face. This wa met with chortling from much of the student body, which soon snowballed into laughter.

"Don't laugh at me!" Fred shouted.

He scooped up some of his food and hurled it at Duncan, who took it right in the face. His buddies took up their own burgers and flung it at Fred, who quickly retaliated with a soft drink.

"Food fight!" 

The entire cafeteria dissolved into a food-flinging frenzy. Many were content to run for safety outside or the hallways while others joined in the fun. Scott, and Carrie hit the dirt while Cain turned the table on its side to deflect incoming projectiles. Jean and Kitty was trying their best not to get hit by the food.

Cain whistled for them to head over to the table for cover as they all started running towards the table which Kitty accidentally phased through the floor, but Cain caught her and pulled her up.

"Like thanks." Kitty said.

"Don't mention it." Cain said.

They waited for a moment as Scott was looking over the table and to see that carnage of food still being thrown. Kitty was looking as well but she was hit in the face with a slice of chocolate cake. She was looking at herself in disgust.

"Eww! No thank you, I'm skipping dessert!" Kitty siad.

Without another word, she phased through the floor into the maintenance area below, where it was sure to be empty. Cain sniffed the air once again because he could sene a sweet scent again.

Jean looked at the raging pyknic form of Fred, who had abandoned his food-flinging to scooping up a table in his hands and swinging it around. Inside his head, the spirit scorpion was starting to change its color into a purplish color.

"Fred, please calm down!" Jean said.

She tread carefully towards Fred, all the while discreetly deflecting airborne edibles with brief telekinetic pulses. Fred continued swinging the table around like a raging gorilla. One by one, the warring students decided to get out of the cafeteria before Fred decided to seriously hurt them.

Only Jean continued to come closer, running forwards him as she was trying to get Fred's attention.

"Fred, please, stop!" Jean called out.

Suddenly, Jean stepped on a piece of cake on the floor that caused her to slip and fall, sending her right up to Fred and nearly underneath him. Fred lifted up the table and Was about to smash it down, completely blind in his rage. Cain's eyes changed from forest green to completely black. He was looking around as he could see that spirit aura around Fred. He narrowed his eyes to see a tiny purplish scorpion inside Fred's head.

Fred!" Jean shouted in a panic, raising her arms defensively.

Then Cain's body started to move on its own and his right arm started to change into a dark light. He caught the table while Fred was looking at him as he was struggling to push down. Jean was looking at Cain as she was looking at his right arm to see a particularly different. Cain pushed the table upward and he added force to destroy the table in Fred's hands, leaving only one leg in his hand. Fred was so surprised by the destruction of the table that he forgot to be angry. Jean seized her opportunity.

"Put the table down, Fred!" Jean said, firmly.

Finally, Fred responded, after seeing all that was left of the table in his grip. Cain was walking over to the others holding his arm as it reverted back to normal.

Jean?" Fred said.

"You heard her, big man. Drop the table leg or you'll have to deal with me." Scott said in harsh tone.

Jean looked to see Scott, who had followed her up. Holding his glasses over his eyes securely, ready to let loose his patented optic blasts at a moment's notice. Jean then looked back at Fred, who needless to say didn't care for being threatened. She quickly intervened.

"Stop, it's all okay. Everything is okay,,, right Fred?" Jean said.

Fred was breathing hard, angry and hurt.

"They shouldn't have laughed at me!" Fred said.

Jean climbed to her feet, ignoring the fact thatthere was a beautiful chocolate wipe all over her lavender blouse.

"No, they shouldn't have." Jean said.

She was conscious that Scott had risen up with her, not a moment leaving Fred out of his gaze. Carrie was looking at Cain holding his wrist.

"Hey are you alright?" Carrie said.

"I think I've busted my wrist trying to stop that guy from crushing Jean." Cain said.

"Come on, let me help you to the nurse's office." Carrie said.

Both of them left the cafeteria while Jean was looking at Scott.

"Scott, don't you have class to get to or something?" Jean asked.

Scott frowned. Jean was telling him to leave both of them alone, and he didn't want to do that at all, after seeing Fred swing that table around like it was a cheap toy.

"I'll be close if you need me.." His shades glinted in the light. "Real close." Scott said.

"I'll be fine." Jean assured him.

Scott sighed and reluctantly made his way out of the cafeteria. Upon leaving the room, he was looking at Carrie wrapped up Cain's wrist with bandage wrap that the nurse gave them.

"What happened to you?" Scott asked.

"I busted my wrist trying to save Jean. I guess that I used up too much strength." Cain said.

"What's going on here!"

All three of them spun around to see Principal Darkholme glowing over them like a mad mother bear. At once,the principal saw the food stains on their clothes, and then her silver eyes followed the tracks into the cafeteria.

"What happened?" Darkholme demanded. 

"Well, We were just talking and Cain sprained his wrist during the whole food fight." Scott said.

She turned her head to look at Cain being bandaged up.

"Then you had best stop talking and get to class. Have I made myself clear?" Darkholme said.

Carrie and Cain were walking back to class. As Scott took a different direction for his class. Rogue was watching this was head off to her class.

In the Cafeteria

Fred was calming down as he and Jean are sitting on a table talking.

"It's just when they augh at me. I...I kinda explode inside, ya know?" Fred said.

"I understand, Fred. But you've got to learn to control yourself. You can get training." Jean said.

Fred looked at Jean.

"Yeah, right. Where?" Fred said.

"I learned to control...my gifts, at the institute, where I live." Jean said.

Fred looked at Jean for a moment with a surprise on his face.

"Gifts? You mean you have powers too?" Fred asked.

"Uh huh...watch." Jean said.

She stands up and look around to see if anyone else was around. She pointed to a chair and the chair started to shake. Fred has a curious look on his face and the chair slams against a wall, breaking into pieces.

"Woah! You can really pound people with that." Fred said.

"No Fred, that's what we learn not to do. That's what the Xavier institute is all about, control. I'd love to take you there sometime. I know the Professor would love to meet you. Just let me know when you're ready." Jean said.

"I'll think about it." Fred said.

They wave goodbye and she heads out the door. Fred turns and sees her backpack on the table. He stop for a moment.

"Uh, hey Jean." Fred said.

Scott is holding the door open as Jean is leaving.

"Yes?" Jean asked.

"Uh, nothing." Fred said.

She waves again and heads out the door with Scott. Fred looks at the backpack and pulls out a photo. Its a picture of Scott leaning on Jean. He rips the pic in half and puts the half with Jean in his pocket. Then, steps on the part of Scott and leaves. He placed his hand on his head as he felt pain for some odd reason.

That afternoon, everyone is leaving the school. Fred is standing outside watching the door, Jean and a girl named Taryn step out and start to head home.

"Like, there goes my weekend. I can't believe how much homework I've got." Taryn said.

"Yeah, me, too." Jean agreed.

Fred steps in front of the two making taryn gasp.

"Oh. Hi Fred. This is my friend Taryn." Jean said.

"Yeah hi." Fred said.

"Hi.' Taryn said.

Fred was blushing as he was looking at Jean.

"Uh, would you, I mean..would you like to...want to get a soda or something?" Fred said.

Jean was looking at her friend and back at Fred.

"Uh, sorry, Fred. I can't. I got some stuff I got to do. Hey, how about if I catch up with you tomorrow." Jean said.

Jean and Taryn started to walk away. Jean turned her head and read Fred's mind...

"Stuff, huh? That's the best you could come up with? Stuff?" Fred thought.

Jean looked at Taryn.

"Uh, Taryn, you better go on without me. I'll catch you later." Jean said.

Taryn was looking at Jean with a confused look on her.

"Are you sure?" Taryn asked.

"Yeah." Jean answered.

Taryn leaves and Jean turns around to face Fred.

"Look, Fred, I like you and all, but I have responsibilities. And that means I can't go with you right now." Jean said.

"But you're my friend." Fred said.

He grabs her arm and she struggles to get out of his grip as it proves to be unsuccessful.

"I thought so, but friends don't hurt each other. Now let go of me." Jean said.

"Well, just let me talk to you for a second. In private." Fred said, demanding.

Fred drags Jean to the other side of the of the school and Jean is still trying to get out of his grip. They stop right in front of the side building were there is construction stuff.

"I said let go of me, Fred. I have to go home." Jean said, getting out his grip.

"You can't! I gotta go out with me!" Fred shouted.

"I don't have to go anywhere but home." Jean said.

She starts to run away but he grabs both of her arms. She struggles again, but she really can't get loose now.

"I'm warning you..." Jean said.

She uses her telekinesis to make some bricks and bucket hit him. He regards them and grips onto her more tightly.

"Ha! That's the best you got?" Fred said, smugged.

Jean makes a whole bunch of bricks and a dumpster hits him. Fred started to groan because his head started to hurt again. The spirit started to get more redder and redder as it started to transform. Fred was shaking his head a few times to regain his focus. The bricks just break and he throws the dumpster making this thing against the building fall.

"I said, let me go!" Jean said, turned around to saw something. "Ahh!"

Everything above them comes crashing down directly on them. Jean ducks underneath Fred a little. When all the stuff is on the ground, Fred gets up and is holding Jean. She is unconscious. She mumbles a little and he brushes back some of her hair. On her forehead was a nasty bruise, he got up and placed his hand on his head because of the pain of the spirit scorpion. He looks around and walks away with Jean in his arms.

At the X mansion

Cain, Carrie and Kitty were getting ready to walk inside.

"So, will you help me with my advanced Math homework?" Carrie asked.

"Okay. I'll help you with your Math homework, but I'm not doing it for you. And besides, Kitty also needs my help with our science homework." Cain said.

Cain was getting to open the door, but a certain surprise came out the door and speared him to the ground. He was showered with love kisses from his pet.

"Hahaha...Okay, okay, okay, Luna. I missed you too, girl." Cain said.

She stopped as she ran over to Carrie and licked her cheek. Carrie petted her while Kitty was walking over to the door. She heard Kitty's shoes click to the concrete. Kitty turned her head as Luna was running towards her at full speed.

"No, no, Luna, no..." Kitty said.

She jumped into Kitty's arms and showered her with kisses. Carrie and Cain were laughing at her.

"Cain! Get your dog off me!" Kitty yelled.

"Aw, she just missed us. Can you blame her? She's been cooped up in the mansion too long." Cain said.

He whistled for his pet as Luna got off Kitty.

=== Warehouse ===

"Wakie, wakie, sleeping beauty. Your table's ready. Ha ha...Pretty sweet, hugh?" Fred said.

Jean opens her eyes and Fred is in front of her. She looks around as she notices there is a table and tons of lighten candles. She gasps and tries to get up. She struggles a little more but is tied to a chair.

"This can't be happening." Jean said "Professor...I need help! Please help me."

=== Outside the Mansion ===

Kitty, Carrie, and Cain were playing keep-away with Luna with a football. Luna was chasing after Cain who tossed the ball over to Carrie who teleported as Luna was sniffing around until she caught Carrie's scent. She was jumping while Carrie was hanging upside down. She was dangling the ball. Kitty phased through the tree to grab the ball. Logan and Prof were standing near watching. Luna and Carrie were chasing Kitty while Cain just stood there watching and laughing. Carrie teleports and Kitty phases through a tree.

"That's it. Half-pint. Keep the ball away from the elf. But you've got to concentrate, or..."

Kitty looks behind her then runs into a tree limb. She fell down and the ball went flying. Carrie teleports back and catches the ball.

"It's mine now, Kitty." Carrie said.

"Give me that!" Kitty shouted.

Kitty ran towards Carrie, but she teleported on a tree branch above Cain and Luna. Cain crouched to rub Luna's belly.

"Watch where you're 'portin'!" Logan said.

The branch breaks and she starts to fall, Kitty jumps up and grabs the ball, then pulls Carrie's tail. Carrie falls on the ground, but on Cain instead. She landed face first on Cain which Kitty gasped as she giggled at the sight of Carrie kissing Cain. Carrie opened her eyes and jumped off him as she was wiping her mouth.

"S-Sorry, Cain." Carrie said, blushing.

"No, no, no, it's quite alright." Cain said, getting up and dusting himself off.

Logan palmed his forehead.

"What kind of move is what?" Logan asked.

"Hmm, innovation. Adaptation. It's what they're here to learn." Charles said.

He looks like he is in pain for a second but is talking to Jean telepathically.

"Jean...stay calm. We'll find you." Charles said, Telepathically. "Logan, She's been kidnapped."

Logan growled as he looked at Carrie.

"You! Elf! Get Cyclops! I've got to ride." Logan ordered.

"Logan, take Cain with you." Charles said.

Logan looked at Cain.

"Let's go, Dog-boy." Logan ordered.

Cain nodded his head as he handed Luna's leash over to the Proessfor as Luna sat next to him panting. Carrie teleported to find Scott. Both Logan and Cain went into the locker room to grab their suits. They both were walking towards Logan's bike. They pulled out of the driveway and drove off to find.

=== At the Park ===

Scott and Rogue were at the park table reading from the playbooks from one William Shakespheres novels.

"Do you like me, Kate?" Scott asked.

"Pardonne-moi? I cannot tell what is like me." Rogue said.

"An angel is like youm Kate, and you are like an agnel." Scott said.

Rogue laugh as Scott looked at her.

"The girls are right. You are a charmer." Rogue said.

"Look, I'm just reading the lines, ok?" Scott said, strict tone.

Rogue blush from looking embarrassed.

"Yeah, I know. It's just sometimes... I wish..." Rogue said.

Scott was looking at Rogue with a raised brow.

"Yeah? Wish what?" Scott asked.

"Wish...I could get close to somebody. But you know what happens when I do." Rogue said.

They both stare at each other for a second, ehn Carrie ported on to the table in her suit which caused Rogue to gasp.

"Woah! Tender moment here? Sore ta interrupt." Carrie said.

Rogue scoffed.

"I swear, she's like an annoying little sister." Rogue said.

Scott looked at Carrie.

"What's the problem?" Scott asked.

"Jean's been nabbed." Carrie told him.

"What?!" Scott asked.

He pulled on Carrie's uniform so he is in her face.

"Ooh! Easy on the exquisite costume, mien friend! Wolverine's and Oni's on the trail, but I'm supposed to collect you." Carrie said.

Scott lets go of her and pauses. He sighs and then slams his fists against the table. Rogue is looking away as if in shame.

"Uhh! Blob! If he's hurt her. I'll..." Scott said, looking at Rogue. "You know anything about this?"

"No. ANd if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Rogue said.

"Then I hope you can live with your conscience.

He puts his hand on Carrie's shoulder.

"Teleporter to maximum, Ms. Wagner." Scott said.

"Aye, captain!" Carrie said, saluting.

"Engage." Scott said.

And the two are gone, leaving Rogue to muse.

=== Wolverine and Oni ===

Wolverine and Oni stopped at Bayville High, They both take a look around while Wolverine was sniffing the air to get Jean's scent but it was hard for him to pin it down.

"Hmmm... I can't get a lock on Jean." Wolverine said.

"How about I give it a shot." Oni asked.

"Hmph. Give it a shot." Wolverine said.

Oni was looking around to see if anyone was around. Wolverine nodded his head to signal him to do it. Oni started to transform into his Wolf form and he started to sniff around for a moment. With this form, his senses enhanced as he was looking around to follow three scents. Two of the scents were Jean and Fred and the third was unknown to him. He transformed back to his normal form.

"What you'd got?" Wolverine asked.

"Three scents. Two being Jean and Fred. There must have been a fight and Fred took her in that direction." Oni said, pointing in that direction.

"Clever and the third scent?" Wolverine said.

"Unknown. It had a sweet scent to it." Oni said, placing his hand on his chin.

"You don't mean that it could be them?" Wolverine assumed.

"No, the Shamen don't have any type of interest with Mutants. It could be a spirit that must've wandered into the mortal plain." Oni said.

"Well, we better get moving. I'll update Charles on the way." Wolverine said.

=== Ready Room ===

Cyclops, Nightcrawler and Shadowcart were all suited up. Charles was looking at the computer monitor.

"I've been in mental contact with Jean, but she has no idea where she is. All I can tell is that she...and Blob are somewhere in this area." Charles said, pointing to the computer screen.

"Then let's move." Scott said.

The three of them left as they were heading to the garage. The garage opens and two cars come out. Cyclops is driving his convertible with the other two in the X-van

=== Warehouse ===

Fred walks over to Jean.

"This is gonna be the best night you've ever had. Dinner, dancing..." Fred said.

He puts a napkin on her lap.

"Fred, this is all wrong. Now, you can't force someone to like you." Jean said.

"Why not? I'm stronger than everyone." Fred said.

"Being nice usually works better." Jean told him.

"Oh yeah. I just remembered. I've got a surprise for you." Fred said.

He leaves the room as Jean was looking at him.

Outside of the building, Wolverine and Oni arrive while Wolverine took his helmet off. He detected Jean's scent. Oni on the other hand, he senses Blob's scent and the third present. He pressed button his earpiece.

"We found them. They're at the old ironworks at the south end.we're going in." Wolverine said.

"Logan, wait for backup." Charles said.

Instead of listening to the professor, Wolverine unleashes his claws and runs towards the door. Oni was about to follow after him, but he caught a scent of another sweet scent. He was looking around for a moment until he saw a young girl with long brown hair wearing a white cloak.

"Yoko?" Oni asked.

The mysterious girl just giggled.

"Do I remained you of someone you used to know?"

He was about to say something without warning, the mysterious girl appeared next to him. She was really fast to avoid his words.

"Big guy has something in his head. I know you can smell it. To expel it..."

She whispered the rest into Cain's ear. He turned to find the mysterious girl was gone. He ran inside as he was giving Charles their location.

=== with the others ===

Charles transmitted the location to the other X-men.

"Got it professor. Be there in three." Cyclops said.

=== Warehouse ===

Inside the building,Fred is walking back with a record player. Suddenly, there were two cuts in the door making a big X. Fred turns around just in time to see Wolverine jump through the door. He jumped on Fred who was in shock, Wolverine took a swing at him, but it was useless. Blob throws him but Wolverine lands on his feet. Oni came into the building as he palmed.

"For a guy with razor sharp claws in his body, sure is an idiot. Charging into the fire without thinking." Oni said.

He was walking over to Jean while avoiding the fighting. Wolverine ran towards him, but Blob got out of the way. Blob picks up some heavy metal beams. Wolverine looks at it for a second and unleashes his claws. Blob throws the beams at Wolverine.

Jean is watching this in horror as she truffles to get out of the hair. Oni managed to get to her and he started to unite her. Fred looks around for a second thinking he has won but then realizes Wolverine is perched right above him. Wolverine jumps down and the two fight some more. Jean was still struggling while Oni was trying to loosen the ropes.

"Hold still unless you want your binds to be tighter." Oni said.

Which he accidentally made them tighter.

"Ow..." Jean said.

"Hey, I told you not to move." Oni said, sighing. "Well, time for plan B."

He drew one of his swords and took his stance.

"W-What are you gonna do w-with that?" Jean asked.

"Just sit still. Don't want to accidentally chop off your limbs." Oni said.

Then he brought his sword down which slice the ropes in half. Jean smiles at his handiwork.

"Thanks. You are really good with that." Jean said.

"Thanks." Oni said, sheathing his sword.

Wolverines and Blob were still fighting then Fred falls down on Wolverine.

"Can't...breathe..." Wolverine said.

"Jean's my friend! You can't take her." Fred said.

Jean looks at a cabinet for a second and it starts to shake. Wolverine trtracts his claws and loses consciousness. Right above.Blob there is an optic blast. Cyclops was at the door.

"We're just giving her a way out. Through you, if necessary." Cyclops said.

He takes another long shot at Blob. Instead of being injured Fred throws Wolverine on Scott. They both ram into Wolverine's bike, and both are now unconscious. Jean was looking at Oni for a moment.

"What are we gonna do?" Jean said.

"Simple. You stay here and out of the way. I'll handle Blob-boy." Oni said.

I took my cape off and wrapped it around Jean. I was walking towards Blob as he was looking at me. He placed his hand on his head as Oni sniffed the air again.

"Give it up, Blob. Jean is coming back with us whenever you like it or not." Oni said.

"No... she's my friend...Ahhh...I won't let you take...ahhh...her..." Fred said.

His skin started to change from white to a deep dark red. His muscles started to bulk out more. Jean gasped at the sight of him which caused Oni to widen his eyes.

"That's what the sweet smell was. He was possessed by a spirit." Oni said.

Blob let out a roar as he charged at Oni. Oni jumped over Blob's head and kicked him in the back. Blob swung is left arm to punch Oni, but he caught it and did a reversal which caused Blob to fall onto his back. Jean was watching in horror as Oni was trying his best to avoid hurting Blob. He knew that the spirit needed to be pulled out of Blob before it completed its merge. Oni threw a punch but Blob caught it and threw him into a wall.

Meanwhile outside, Rogue walks up to both Wolverine and Cyclops as she crouches down and placed her hand on Cyclop's forehead to take his powers.

Back inside the warehouse, Blob goes in the room Jeans is in and Get hit with the cabinet.

"Nobody respects me! And you're the worst. You pretended to be my friend." Fred said, screaming in pain.

He throws it back at her but she stops it with her telekinesis and sets it down. He grumbles a little and goes into the other room to pick up something heavier. He starts to walk back to her but get hit in the back by an optic blast from Rogue Making him drop the thing in the process. Oni was rubbing his head as he ran back to the other room until he saw Rogue with glowing eyes.

"Leave her alone, ya yahoo!" Rogue said.

Then Fred busted out as he was groaning in pain.

"What's with this guy?" Rogue asked. "It's lyke nothin' hurtin' him."

"It's not his fault. He's possessed." Oni said.

"What?" Rogue asked.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you. But for now we need to get whatever that's inside of him out before the merge is complete." Oni said.

"Well, whatever ya doing, ya better do it right now." Rogue said.

Oni was charging at Blob as he did a powerslide to get behind him. Blob was looking at Rogue.

"Whaddya gonna do to me? Make me wear bad Makeup?" Fred asked.

"Didn't Mystique tell you what mah power is?" Rogue asked.

"No, cause I don't care." Fred said.

"You should." Cain said.

Blob throws a couple of punches at her but she dodges them and touches him with her ungloved hand. Cain noticed that there was bone structure started to form in Fred's arms

"Mah power is your power, and I can take more than one." Rogue said.

She throws him and then frie. He falls down but gets up. Rogue gasped as he was grinning.

"Ha! I got too much power even for you. You can't...ahhh hurt...me! I'm...the Blob!" Blob said, in a deep voice.

'The transformation is about to be complete. What can I do?' Cain thought.

'In order to expel it...you need to call up the power that is even stronger.'

The voice started echoing through his head as he remembered back then. He pulled out his sword and looked at his right arm.

"Nah. you're just garbage that wanted a date. Now, tell ya what... I'm taking you out!" Rogue said.

He plunged his sword into his right arm.

"Ahhh!!" Cain cried out.

"Cain?! What are you doing?!" Jean asked, shocked.

He pulled out his sword as his arm was bleeding out. Jean was about to move towards him.

"Stay where you are!" Cain ordered.

He was panting as the blood started to move on its own. It was moving towards his right arm. There was a pulse as Cain's entire right arm started to change from normal to black with red design. His should was a U-shape. Jean gasped at the sight of him.

Blob ran and jump towards Rogue, but she fires again making go towards Cain. He draw back his right arm and blue energy surrounded his fist. Once Blob was close, Cain gave him a strong uppercut through the gut. The impact started to force the Spirit Scorpion out of Blob's body from his head to his mouth. The spirit started to blink from red to blue. Cain walked up to it and brought his right arm down upon it which shrieked out in pain as it was destroyed. Fred was sent flying through the roof and land in the dump. All around him seagulls are squawking.

"Stop laughing at me." Blob said, passing out.

Outside of the warehouse, everyone is conscious and Rogue is putting Scott's visor on him. Cain was looking at his arm as it was reverting back to normal.

"There you go. I only took a short-term dose of your power. You should be back to normal soon." Rogue said.

"You are like an angel, Kate." Scott said.

"I don't know. I just don't know." Rogue said.

She ran off.

"Hey, wait!" Jean called out.

Jean starts to run after her but Wolverine grabs her arm. Jean hurns back around to face him.

"Easy Red, let 'er go." Wolverine said.

"But she..."

"She ain't ready. Trust me on this." Wolverine said.

Jean turns back around and watches Rogue run off.

"Ok, so maybe she's part of the dark, icky side, but I figure we, like, totally owe her now." Kitty said.

"Yeah, yeah, we do. Big time." Cyclops said.

He put his hand on Jean's shoulder. She noticed Cain was walking out of the warehouse holding his right arm.

"Cain..." Jean said.

She walked up to him as he was looking at Jean.

"What is it?" Cain asked.

"I wanted to say thanks for saving me. And I wanted to see if your arm is alright." Jean said.

"It's fine. Whatever you just saw, drop it." Cain said.

He glared at her while she quickly nodded her head as he walked away. Off in the distance, the unknown woman was watching the X-men leave. She had her sight on Cain as she smiled.

"Soon, my dear, soon. We'll meet again but on better terms."

"Lady, Homara. Why did you reveal yourself to him?" Luchist asked.

"Come now. Luchist, I wanted to see the boy's true power in action when he had to handle that possessed mutant." Homara said, smiling brightly.

"But he..."

"It's fine, Luchist. He doesn't oppose a threat. I just wanted to see him use the power that he inherited." Homara said.

"You believe that this boy is..." Luchist said.

"I don't believe it, I know. He is the exact spinning image of the Oni King." Homara said.


Next time: Speed and Spyke

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