Twilight: What She Doesn't Se...

By FearessxXXx

36.8K 1.3K 493

They were never supposed to be. Fate seemed to want it that way. Both wrought from a different species, banne... More

Author's Note
"If Looks Could Kill..."
Russet Fur
Getting Familiar
Ember Eyes
The Scent
The Threat of the Volturi
Lust of the Human Flesh
The Wrong Foot
Survival of the Fittest
Jacob's Lullaby
Changements Dans L'air


1.3K 48 16
By FearessxXXx

"Why now," she mumbled, throwing the green wrapper in the little bin beside the toilet. "Isn't it a bit too early?"Her mind felt hazy and her stomach churned several times. A queasiness settled so she closed the lid and rested her head on the cool, porcelain sink. If she couldn't handle this then how could she handle biology lab later today? A knock on the door jumpstarted her heart into action.

"Jake's here." Chief Swan's gruff morning voice boomed from the opposite side of the door.

She yawned."Why?"

"To see you of course?"

Isabella Swan's cheeks flushed to a splotchy pink pallor, and her pulse spiked at her father's words. If she was completely honest Jacob's affection was not lost on her. Bella thoroughly enjoyed his presence, and he felt like someone she could continually confide in. There was no real reason for her to keep delaying the progression of their relationship. That white face and bronze hair came unbidden and burned into her mind like it frequently did. But, Edward Cullen had always given her mixed signals and was consistently cold and uninviting.

"Jake doesn't treat me nearly as bad as Edward does. So why am I..."

"Tell him I'll be down in twenty tops."

From this moment onward I shouldn't be involved with Edward Cullen, she thought, opening the medicine cabinet and popping open a bottle of Tylenol.

There was a heavy overcast, and the pavements were slicked from rain earlier in the morning. A slight drizzle kept a steady rhythm, Jacob's pace keeping in timing. It would have been awesome to sleep in on a slow and groggy morning such as this...Jacob's arms tightly enclosed around her, feeling the strong thump of his heart against the shell of her ear.

She shuddered, clearing her mind of her daydreams.

Stuffing her hands into her pockets she followed him to a mud-caked dual-sports bike.

"I hope you don't mind saving on gas?" Jacob joked, tossing a helmet to her chest. She struggled to remove her hands from the the warm confines of her jacket to catch the bulky mass in time.

"Nice bike! From the'70's or 80's?"

"The 70's. Hop on."

The rusty orange backpack was tightly adjusted before managing the hefty helmet on top of her messy ponytail. Sliding onto the bike made her grimace. The growing ache in her pelvic area created great discomfort whenever she shifted her hips.


Sheepish, she only nodded.

"Hold on tight."

The wind whipped at her as he revved the bike forward. Her arms instinctively tightened around Jacob's mid section, and she buried her head protectively against his back. His pulse was as strong and ardent as she had imagined it would be.

Jacob entered the school parking lot and halted in front of the school. The students exiting their cars and chatting all turned to look at them. Whispers ensued.

She let go of Jacob and unfastened the helmet. The ache returned as she tried sliding off the bike, wincing and letting out a hiss of pain.

"What's wrong?"


"Here, let me help." Hot hands gently secured around her waist and slowly raised her until she could safely plant one foot on the ground. Ahead of herself and unsteady, she leaned too far forward and collapsed like a sack of potatoes into Jacob, his lean arms encircling her. His chest rumbled against her head in a chuckle. "Miss me already? I'm not even gone yet, Bel."

Bella's cheeks flushed to an ugly shade of red again. "I didn't realize I was so heavy."

Jacob's smile widened, eyes twinkling. She let out a short laugh. Standing there like that, she came to grasp the gravity of Jacob's beauty. Dark, deep-set, milky brown eyes captivated every fiber of her fragile being, washing her away in a lulling tide. Things got quiet suddenly and she realized she was still staring into Jacob's eyes, her heels becoming farther and farther from the ground and their lips decreasing in distance.

Shortly, it dawned on her that numerous eyes were scrutinizing them in amusement. She cleared her throat.

"Um, I need to get to class, Jake."

"Right...I'll pick you up after school. I want to take you somewhere," he pulled a strand of loose hair behind her ears. "Don't overwork yourself this week, Bella."

"...What do you mean?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Jacob's smirk only caused her anxiety. Her jaw slackened and her heart stopped as he closed the distance between them and wrapped a hot hand over her hip bone. Gently, his thumb massaged innocuously, temperorarily relieving her cramps. It was like a heating pad. Surely he didn't have the nose of blound hound, right? She was going to retort in defense but Jacob's eyes halted her dead in her tracks. A darkness cast over them and they narrowed dangerously to slits, zeroing in sharply on something behind her. His whole vibe had changed, his breathing quicker, and his fists balled to his sides. She flinched away to glance behind her, shivering.

There stood Edward Cullen, eyes locked on jacob as if he was a sniper menacingly watching at his opponent.

Bella prayed that a fight did not break out in the middle of the parking lot. Whatever had occured between them earlier seemingly was about to burst out an unfold before everyone's eyes. Time slowed as she prepared for someone to take the initiative. All sound was violently swept away in a black hole. All her ears could hear was Jacob's harsh breathing. All was... still. Edward's first step nearly broke the sound barrier. The anxiety induced trance broke. She placed a palm over Jacob's arm in case he attempted to rush headlong into battle. Not that it would do much except get her dragged across the ground like an idiotic rag doll, but she didn't want to see either of them hurt.

But then Jacob receeded.

"I have to go," he told her hotly. He jumped on his bike and hightailed it off, engine revving in his wake.

What was that all about?

"What's he doing here?"

She had never left the ground so high from such a start that she was sure that she was only milimeters from touching the looming clouds. How did he always get to her so fast?

Grounding herself, she lifted her chin in slight indignace and said shortly, "Why is that any of your business?"

Edward Cullen's eyes bored into her for a total of six seconds. Somehow in three seconds his eyes shifted across the parking lot five times. He growled almost as if he was extremely exasperated.

"Why do you have to be so hard to read," he mused.

Her mind instantly strayed back to their encounter not long ago. Her "comic book conjecture" as he would put it came to mind. Apparently, his telepathic abilities didn't work on her.

"There is nothing to know," she replied, crossly. Swinging her backpack over her shoulder she marched to the entrance of Forks High School. The doors were now inches from her small hands. Without warning, she felt herself halt to a standstill. Her eyes trailed behind her to find Edward's fingers pinching the end of a rusty orange strap.

"What was he doing here, Isabella?! He doesn't belong here!"

Inhaling sharply, she tried to yank her backpack from his minimal grasp. It was to no avail.

So she settled with loosing her cargo all together, slipping her arms out of the straps. The doors were finally within reach, and she used more force than necessary to pull them open. However, brisk footsteps tailed uncomfortably behind.

"You're playing with fire, Bella!" Edward's Cullens voice sharply cut into her ear. Why was he so close? Alarmed, Bella Cullen sprung towards the wall. It was all a blur as Edward was suddenly in front of her, and she was pinned against the concrete wall with Edward's arm entrapping her. "I know he's told you to stay away from me- and for good reason-" his words died off a bit. His hard eyes softened, but only for a mere moment. "The same goes for him as well. If you know what's good for you, you should stop getting involved with him."

"Hey! No one gets to decide who I hang with," she retorted, jerking her head, her low ponytail completely shifting to one side of her shoulder. Bella felt herself rock to the balls of her feet in a defensive stance; A mouse wobbling on its hind legs in front of an insatiated lion. Inhuman eyes, vast and nebulous sent glaciers into the pit of her gut, freezing each cell in her body until she was a statue of ice. Still, Edward Cullen had no right showering her with demands and threats.

"Maybe someone should as you seem to be oblivious and dense when it comes to apparent danger!"

"The only danger to me right now is your apparent Bipolar Disorder," she seethed out, she brazenly turned away from him, her face heating with red anger. Blood rushed and throbbed to her temple. Edward Cullen never made sense to her. Why was he so adamant about keeping her away? Was he some repressed psycho or sociopath? She squeezed her eyes shut to block out the memories of when she had almost shed tears from his rejections of having an amicable relationship. How embarrassing, she thought bitterly. Now, she saw that he was someone that needed serious help, and being near him would only bring bad news for her.

"Look...Edward..." Bella began evenly, wishing to regain some of her composure. It wouldn't benefit her to let him get her all riled up. "It's clear that you have some personal issues to sort out and have displaced anger for me. So I think it's best if we go our separate ways and keep to ourselves." She wanted to slap herself at the sentimentality of it all. It was like they were breaking up!

His nose flared in anger. Well, she could only surmise it as anger. She wasn't so sure as a strange expression washed over his mockingly perfect facial features.

It was the same look in Biology class on the first day of school.


"You're bleeding?"

Words did not, could not formulate.

Edward Cullen's eyebrows shifted up as if he had just grasped something unthinkable.

Slowly, he backed away and raised his arm, her backpack dangling disgracefully from his delicate fingers. Bella Cullen grappled it and took off as if she was a football quarterback player.

By lunchtime, Bella was in no mood to socialize with her peers.

"You almost fit right in with the Cullens,"Jessica Stanley lightly elbowed her underneath her ribcage. The name instilled dread. Unsettled, Bella lifted her face from her resting elbows and met Jessica's soft smile.


Jessica swept her hair to the side. "You're not eating, and as a bonus, you're as pale as them-" That was partially due to the upcoming lab in biology. There was no way she could handle it.

"It's just-"

"I know. I have some pain relievers if you need them," she whispered before turning away to chat with the others.

Bella sunk into her chair, hoping to melt and pour into the fine crevices of the floor. Was it so obvious?

"I wonder why he's sitting all by himself?" Someone muttered.

Behind them sat Edward Cullen. He was staring at Bella Swan. A crooked smile replaced his seriousness.

A long finger then beckoned her over.

She wanted to turn back around and ignore him, but she was already being pushed out of her seat. So she clumsily made her way over and then stood behind the chair across from him, unsure.

"Why don't you sit with me today?" he asked, smiling.

He has to be bipolar, she thought.

Bella sat down automatically, watching Edward with caution. He was still smiling. It was hard to believe. She was afraid that it might disappear in a sudden puff of smoke, and she would wake up. She had to be daydreaming.

He seemed to be waiting for her to say something.

"I told you we should go our separate ways," she finally managed.

"Well..." he paused, and then the rest of the words followed in a rush. "It's clear you're not going to heed my advice, and I've decided that I'll do the same as well. If I am going to hell, I might as well do it thoroughly. I think I like being messy. It's quite fun."

Bella waited for him to say something that made sense. The seconds ticked by.

There was nothing. No explanation whatsoever.

Bella stood, and turned to face back towards her group. She stood for a couple of seconds.

"Fine," a wicked glint shown in Edward's eyes, a subtle smirk plastered at the corner of his mouth. Pristine-white, longer than average incisors gleaming under the bright caferteria lights. "I'll let you escape...for now."

She gulped.


"You okay, Bella?"

Mike Newton pulled her arm over his shoulder and patiently shuffled both of them to the infirmary. "Sorry, I don't handle the sight of blood too well."

"It's fine, it's fine-just lean against me. I've got you."

Bella did not have the strength to open her eyes so she let Mike lead the way.

"We're almost there-"

A sharp, and velvety voice cut in, "I'll take her the rest of the way, thank you."

It was a familiar voice. A painfully familiar voice. Maybe she was imagining it. He hadn't showed up to biology class so maybe her consciousness was playing out her fears in her most vulnerable state.

Could she not catch a break?!

Her whole body shifted as if she was being pulled back. "I'm taking her to the nurse," Mike said defensively.

"You can go back to class. I'll take her from here."

Mike Newton protested and suddenly the sidewalk that kept her stable and in the present disappeared from beneath her. Bella's eyes flew open in shock.

"Put me down!"

She was definitely going to unceremoniously vomit all over him.

"Hey!" Mike called, already multiple paces behind. Edward Cullen ignored him. "You look awful," Edward said quietly. But she could hear the grin in his voice.

"I'd rather walk on the sidewalk," she moaned. The rocking sensation and swaying of the concrete sidewalk made her even more lightheaded.

Gingerly, supporting all of her weight with just his arms-the fact that she was going to spew over him didn't not seem to bother Edward at all- he carried her all the way to the Nurse's office. "So you faint at the sight of blood?" he asked. There was a note of amusement in his tone. Did this entertain him?

"Vas-vasovagal-" Bella tried to say, fighting the contents of her stomach.

"Vasovagal syncope," he finally chuckled.

Warmth soon enveloped her.

"Oh my," a female voice gasped.

"She fainted in Biology," Edward explained.

The red-headed Ms. Cope hummed in slight amusement. "There's always one."

Edward muffled a snicker.

"Just lie down and I'll get you some ice, dear."

The nausea was already fading.

"Does this happen a lot?"


Edward coughed to hide a laugh. The nurse cut him a weird look. "You can go back to class now," she told him. Bella internally sighed in relief.

"I'm supposed to stay with her," he lied with such assured authority that-even though she pursed her lips-the nurse didn't argue it further.

Bella moaned, letting her eyes close so tightly she saw white light and fragmented colors.

"You scared me for a minute there," Edward admitted after Ms. Cope exited the room. The tone of his voice made it sound like he was confessing a humiliating weakness. "I thought Newton was dragging your dead body off to bury it in the woods. I wouldn't be able to have my fun if that were the case."

"Ha ha," she said sarcastically, eyes still closed.

"Honestly, I've seen corpses with better color. I was afraid Jacob Black was going to come after me for your murder."

Walking out of the building, it was the first time she enjoyed the constant moisture falling out of the sky-it washed away the sticky perspiration on her face.

"Thanks for getting me out," she said, lowly.

"Anytime." He was staring straight forward, squinting in the rain.

They were nearing the parking lot now. She veered left toward the edge of the parking lot. The nurse had already let her notify Charlie-who was going to contact Billy to get in touch with Jacob.

Something caught her jacket, yanking her back.

"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, outraged. He was gripping a fistful of her jacket in one hand.

She was confused. "I'm waiting for Jacob to pick me up."

"I'm not letting you leave with that mutt," he said, indignantly. Edward was towing her towards his car, pulling her by her jacket, just barely away from dragging her like a limp doll.

"Let go!" She insisted. Edward ignored her. Staggering along sideways across the wet sidewalk, they finally reached the Volvo.

"This is completely unneccessary," she managed stiffly. He didn't answer. She plopped into the passenger seat. The memories of weeks before flooded her. It would be the second time she'd have to endure such close proximity to Edward. His scent suffocated her in the most pleasant way. Aggravated, she leaned her head against the window and folded her arms as if she was displaying a temper tantrum. Edward Cullen's mood swings was giving her more than what she would ever bargain for in this lifetime. When she wanted to be closer to him, he pushed her away. When she wanted to distance herself, he forced his way closer, sucking all the air and energy from her.

Edward fiddled with the controls, turning the heater up and the music down. For the entire car ride home, she gave him the silent treatment.

The grassy lawn came into view. She noticed the absence of Charlie's patrol car. Hopefully he hadn't decided to go to the school to pick her up. She also hoped this did not put a damper on Jacob's plans to hang out. The thought made her heart race. Edward Cullen turned to look at her curiously as if he knew her pulse had changed.

Suddenly, his attention was captured by a tall figure standing in the middle of her drive way. She knew his figure anywhere.

Jacob Black stood in her driveway, breathing as if he had been through some physical exertion.

  As always, share the love. Please like, comment, and follow. Notify me if there are any major mistakes -xxXX

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