Clementine X Male Reader Seas...

By Demon__Killer163

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I DO NOT OWN ANY OF TELLTALES CHARACTERS OR GAMES. In these stories I'm gonna make Clem more emotional becau... More

Y/N Bio
Chapter 1: Done Running
Chapter 2: Train Station
Chapter 3: Train Station Part 2 & New People
Chapter 4: Somewhere New
Chapter 5: Helping Out
Chapter 6: Getting To Know Each Other
Chapter 7: War
Chapter 8: Dormitory
Chapter 9: Morning Fun
Chapter 10: Huntin' Fishin' lovin' Everyday
Chapter 11: Robbed & The Train Station
Chapter 12: Back At The School
Chapter 13: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 14: Death Of A Leader
Chapter 15: Aftermath
Chapter 16: Funeral & Kicked Out
Chapter 17: Return Of The Witch
Chapter 18: The Whisperer
Chapter 20: Greenhouse
Chapter 21: The Kind Of Love We Make
Chapter 22: Two Weeks Later
Chapter 23: Preparations
Chapter 24: Truth Or Dare
Chapter 25: Family
Chapter 26: The Attack
Chapter 27: Interrogation
Chapter 28: Searching
Chapter 29: Walking Through The Woods
Chapter 30: James
Chapter 31: Back At The School, Reveals & Romance
Chapter 32: Party & Dance
Chapter 33: Party Concert
Chapter 34: Dreams
Chapter 35: Here We Go
Chapter 36: Boarding The Boat
Chapter 37: Knocked Out
Chapter 38: Traumatized
Chapter 39: Showdown
Chapter 40: Take Us Back
Chapter 41: Escaping The Beach
Chapter 42: Trust
Chapter 43: Conversations
Chapter 44: The Bridge
Chapter 45: Goodbye?
Chapter 46: McCarroll Ranch
Chapter 47: Waking Up
Chapter 48: Reunited & New Friends
Chapter 49: Backstory & Getting Married
Chapter 50: Would You Rather & Birth

Chapter 19: We're Back

345 9 5
By Demon__Killer163


We escaped from Lilly and Abel but AJ got shot. We were helped by a guy named James and he told us they would attack the school. We decided to go back to the school to get medicine for AJ.


Me, Mom, Scarlett and Clem who is carrying AJ.

James: Is he awake?

Clem: Yeah. He's so hot.

Y/N: Can I carry him now? You look tired Clem.

Clem: I'm good.

Carley: I can carry him too.

Clem: No. I've got him.

AJ: Hurts.

Clem: Hang on. We're almost there.


We finally reach the gate.

Willy: Walker!

Willy fires an arrow at James' feet.

Y/N: Jesus Christ Willy!

Willy: Violet! Louis! They came back!

Willy runs off.

Clem: Look, you live out there alone, right? You could stay with us.

James: Not ready.

James walks away. Clem carries AJ closer to the gates.

Clem: I can't keep carrying you. We'll be inside soon. Rest now.

Clem falls to her knees. She sets AJ down.

Y/N: Clem!

I kneel down beside her and she rests her head against my chest.

Y/N: Are you okay?

Clem: I'm fine just... tired.

Louis opens the gate and runs up to us.

Louis: Shit, is he...?

Carley: He's alive. He was shot. He's got a fever.

Louis: Come on, let's get him inside.

Y/N: Can you take him please?

Louis picks up AJ.

Louis: It's okay, buddy, I got you.

Carley: Keep him company Scar.

Scarlett: Okay mommy.

Louis walks back to the school.

Y/N: You should've let mom carry him.

Clem: I guess I wasn't as strong as I thought I am.

Y/N: Don't say that honey. You're strong.

Y/N: Can you walk?

Clem tries but but drops down to her knees again.

Y/N: I'll carry you.

I pick Clem up bridal style and she rests her head against my chest.

Carley: Let's go.

We start to walk into the school.

Admin Building

We walk inside and see Louis holding AJ in front of the others.

Ruby: Is she hurt too?

Y/N: No she's just exhausted.

Ruby: Let me see. I have what I need upstairs. Come on.

Carley: Someone helped us get the shrapnel out of him.

Ruby: Someone?

Carley: It's a long story.

We go upstairs. Louis sets AJ down on a couch. Ruby puts her hand on his forehead.

Ruby: He's running a fever. Body's trying to fight infection, poor little guy.

Violet: These guys will take care of him. You guys come with me. We can talk in the office.

AJ: Mom, Dad?

Ruby: Shhh, you just try to rest, okay? We're gonna fix you right up.

AJ: Mom, Dad?!

Clem: AJ, listen to Ruby, okay? She'll look after you. Come on, what do we do when we're scared? When fear starts to get the upper hand?

Y/N: We say...

AJ: Mom said I can't swear.

Clem: We can make an exception. What do we do? We say...

AJ: We say fuck off to fear.

AJ: I'm good now.

Violet: Clementine, Y/N, please. We need to talk.

Y/N: Mom, Scarlett can you two stay with AJ please?

Scarlett: Okay Papi.

We walk into Marlon's office and I set Clem into a chair.

Clem: Thanks teddy bear.

Y/N: Anything for you.

Violet: What happened out in the woods... I saw they had you both pinned, and I...shit, I got so crazy.

Violet: I wanted to help you two, but when you told us to run, I had to trust you. Thank you for protecting us. It was really brave.

Violet: I really thought you were both dead. It's just, everything is so fucked right now, you know? Everyone is scared.

Clem hugs Violet.

Clem: It's really good to see you again.

Violet: It's good to see you again too. Just wish Mitch and the others felt the same.

Violet walks up and hugs me.

Y/N: Nice to see you Vi.

Violet: Nice to see you too.

Violet pulls away from the hug.

I kiss her on the cheek.

Violet: Louis and I told them what happened in the woods. That woman who attacked you two--

Y/N/Clem: Lilly.

Violet: So you two do know her. We were wondering. Who the hell is she? I mean, I know you're not, like, with her group. But the others don't like the coincidence. Her showing up right after you guys? I mean...

Clem: She's horrible. She always has been. Her dad was a racist asshole, and she defended everything he did.

Violet: Great. As if we didn't have more than enough dickheads already.

Clem: She knocked out Mom during an argument.

Y/N: It was right at the start. We haven't seen Lilly since.

Violet: I believe you guys.

Clem: But?

Violet: There's something else. Willy said someone was with you two at the gates?

Clem: James. He saved us, let us stay in his camp for the night.

Violet: But why did you bring him here? You led him right to us. I mean, he's a stranger, guys. Running into those two in the woods, it proved we can't trust anybody.

Y/N: Look, he's not with the raiders. He lives by himself in the woods.

Violet: Willy said he was wearing... I don't know. Animal skins or something.

Y/N: He was wearing walker skin. That's how he gets past herds. He can guide them, too.

Violet: Ugh. Wow, okay.

Clem: We wouldn't have brought him here if we thought he was a threat.

Violet: It's not that I don't trust you guys, I'm just worried about the others and what they might do. They didn't even get a chance to mourn Brody and Marlon before these child-snatching assholes showed up. And then you all come back, after we thought you were dead. Now they're confused, and no one knows how to feel about AJ.

Violet sits in the office chair.

Clem: Violet, AJ is the least of their worries.

Violet: I know, but everything is such a mess. They're scared and angry, and they're looking for someone to blame. I mean, they kicked you all out. How am I supposed to make them change their minds about you? It was decided. Five to three against. I know it feels like it shouldn't matter, but they were afraid of you. All of you. Last thing they need is more things to fear right now.

Clem: You're sitting in Marlon's chair, aren't you? You're their leader now. They'll listen to you.

Violet: They don't, though. They only listen when they want to.

Y/N: Well they better start fucking listening if they want to survive.

Clem: James told us what Lilly and Abel will do next. He said they'll get more people and guns, and come attack us. Take everyone here.

Violet: How the hell would he know?

Clem: He's watched them for a while. They're at war with another community. They take people to fight for them.

Violet: Is that what happened to Minnie and Sophie? They turned them into soldiers?

Clem: Yeah. It'll happen to us too, if we don't stop them.

Violet: Minnie didn't even like killing walkers.

Y/N: Look at this place. It's a fortress. With a little work, we could make this place really hard to attack.

Violet: Do you actually know how to do that?

Y/N: Yeah. We were part of a siege once, in a town called Richmond. Here, let us show you.

I unfold the map and put it on the desk. I look at the walls.

Y/N: We've got good, strong walls. We need to make them hard to climb over, so the raiders have to come in through the gates.

Violet: We used to keep barbed wire in the greenhouse.

Y/N: That's good.

Clem looks at the admin building.

Clem: This is where we should make our stand. There's only one way in: the front. And then there's the big central staircase. If we rig that path with traps, we can pull back here.

Violet: Luring in our attackers. I like it.

I look at the courtyard.

Y/N: The courtyard's pretty wide open. Not a lot of cover. We should flip the picnic tables, narrow down the pathways through it.

Violet: So we'll know which way they're coming.

Y/N: Exactly.

Clem: At the very least, it'll give us protection if they get past these walls.

Clem looks at the greenhouse.

Clem: Well, you guys don't use the greenhouse anymore, do you?

Violet: No. We used to. Then we lost someone out there. Walkers overran the place, and Marlon wouldn't let us go back. Safe zone.

Clem: We need to get that barbed wire, so they can't climb the walls. I'll go.

Violet: Are you sure? It's gonna be swarming with walkers by now.

Y/N: Well we'll need some help from the other kids like Mitch or Aasim.

Mitch enters the room.

Y/N: Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Mitch: Okay, what the hell's going on? Willy told me they were back, but I was like, "No way, Violet wouldn't just go against what we all decided."

Ruby enters the room and closes the doors.

Ruby: Shh! Would you keep it down?! The little boy is asleep! His fever's already going down, guys. He's gonna be okay.

I have a sigh of relief.

Y/N: Thank god.

Ruby: Carley and Scarlett are with him now.

Mitch: Great. We're just giving them our medicine, too?

Violet: Mitch, those raiders are getting ready to attack the school.

Violet: We need their help.

Mitch: Like hell we do. For all we know, their one of them.

Violet: Their not. If you saw their leader's boots on Clem's and Y/N's necks, you'd know that.

Mitch: All I know is that since they showed up, it's been trouble.

Clem: Use your head, Mitch. You saw AJ on your way in. If we were with the raiders, why would they have hurt him like that?

Mitch: How do I know? Maybe he shot one of their friends?

Ruby: Mitch!

Violet: Clem's going to the greenhouse to find barbed wire and anything else she thinks we need for the fight, and you're going to help her.

Mitch: Uh, no, I'm not.

Violet: Yes, you are. It's too dangerous for her to go by herself, and you're good in a fight.

Ruby: I can go too. You know, to keep the peace.

Y/N: I can go too.

Clem No! You stay with AJ and Scarlett. Mom can go with me.

Y/N: Yes ma'am.

Mitch: Fuck, Vi. Since when are you the one making the calls?

Mitch shoves Violet and I start marching up to him. Clem grabs my hand and attempts to stop me but I shrug it off and grab Mitch by the throat and lift him up in the air.

Y/N: If you wanna act like you're some big shot then pick on someone your own size for a change. If I see you do something like this again I will beat your ass!

Mitch struggles.

Y/N: Understand?!

Mitch: Yes.

Y/N: Good.

I throw him against the wall.

I walk back to Clem who wraps her arms around me.

Violet: These two will meet you at the gate, and you can head to the greenhouse once I've explained the situation.

Clem: See you there.

Violet kisses my cheek and whispers in my ear.

Violet: [whispering] Thanks.

I wink at her.

Clem and me leave the room.

Louis: I'm so sorry, little dude. Please be okay. I...

Louis walks away.

Carley: How'd it go babes?

Y/N: We need some supplies to defend the school.

Carley: Okay.

Y/N: You and Clem are going to the greenhouse and I'll take care of the kids.

Carley: Okay. Let's go.

I walk up to Mom and kiss her on the lips and squeeze her butt.

Y/N: I love you.

Carley: I love you too.

Y/N: Clem will meet you at the gate.

Carley: Okay.

Mom leaves.

Clem walks up to AJ who is sleeping and kisses him on the forehead.

Clem: I love you goofball.

Clem then kisses Scarlett on the cheek and then walks up to me and pulls me into a passionate kiss.

Y/N: Be safe.

Clem: I will. Rest up then maybe later if you feel better we can have a little fun.

Clem then puts her hand over my dick.

Y/N: Yes please.

Clem giggles.

Clem: I love you.

Y/N: I love you too.

Scarlett: Me too auntie!

Clem giggles then leaves.

Mitch exits the room. I give him a death glare then he leaves.

Y/N: Don't go anywhere near Mitch.

Scarlett: Why?

Y/N: Because he is still mad at us and I don't want you to get hurt.

Scarlett: Okay.

Violet then walks out of the room.

Y/N: Where you going?

Violet: I was gonna go lay down. I'm not feeling that well.

Y/N: Do you need Ruby?

Violet: No I should be fine.

Y/N: Let us help you to your room.

Violet: I can take care of myself.

Y/N: Okay then.

Violet starts to walk but the collapses.

Me and Scarlett kneel down next to her.

Scarlett: Are you okay?

Violet: I'm just a little dizzy.

Y/N: I'll get Ruby.

Violet: No, no just help me get to my bed.

Y/N: "Take care of myself" my ass.

Violet chuckles.

I offer her my hand and she takes it.

Y/N: Scarlett can you stay here with AJ for a moment?

Scarlett: Okay.

We then walk to her room and open the door.

Y/N: This actually looks surprisingly good.

Violet: Thanks.

I smile then we enter Violet's room and I close the door.

I look around the room and I am admired at how beautiful it is. The wall hardly has any damage and there is still posters and photos on the wall.

I then turn to see something I did not expect.

Violet in hardly any clothing. I always thought she looked beautiful but I didn't expect this.

Y/N: Vi...

Violet: Don't make fun of me.

Y/N: No Vi you look, beautiful.

Violet: Stop it.

Y/N: I'm dead serious. You're stunning.

Vi blushes.

Violet: Just help me to bed.

I help her get into bed and then tuck her in.

Violet: Thanks Y/N.

Y/N: No problem Vi. You're family.

Vi blushes.

Violet: Thanks.

I gently run a hand a cross her belly.

Y/N: You have such a nice belly and your skin is so soft.

Violet: [blushing] Y/N...

Y/N: I didn't know Ericson had a model.

Violet: [blushing] Stop. It's embarrassing.

Y/N: What's embarrassing about being beautiful?

Violet: [blushing] It's not that. It's... no one has complimented me like that.

Y/N: No one?

Violet: [blushing] Not in awhile I mean.

Y/N: Well I'm telling you right now that I think you are beautiful.

Violet: [blushing] Thanks Y/N.

Y/N: And I wanna confess something.

Violet: What?

Y/N: I love you.

Violet: You... love me?

Y/N: I do. I know you are are lesbian but I just wanna admit it anyways. Ever since we met we've had a little spark between us and I always thought you were cute.

Violet: But what about Clem? You guys are together.

Y/N: She'll be okay with it. Me and Carley love each other romantically and so do Clem and Carley.

Violet: Y/N I... I don't know what to say.

Y/N: You don't have to say anything right now. Just know that there's someone who cares for you and loves you for who you are and loves your body.

I bend down and kiss her on the lips.
It's a soft kiss and I can feel Violet kissing back.

I pull away.

Y/N: I gotta go check on AJ. Try getting some sleep.

I open the door and go to leave.

Violet: Y/N!!!

Y/N: Yeah?

Violet: I...I love you too.

I smile.

Y/N: Call me if you need something.

Violet: I will.

Y/N: Sleep well beautiful.

I leave and go back upstairs to AJ and Scarlett.

Scarlett: There you are. You took awhile.

Y/N: I was talking with Violet.

Y/N: Let's go to my room then we can all get some sleep.

Scarlett: Okay Papi.

I pick up AJ bridal style then we walk to our room.

I place AJ down on the bed.

Y/N: Love you buddy.

I kiss his forehead.

Scarlett: I hope you feel better AJ.

Scarlett kisses AJ's cheek.

I lay in my bed then Scarlett climbs in and snuggles into me.

Y/N: Am I your teddy bear like Auntie?

Scarlett: Yes!

Y/N: Well I hope you enjoy my arm as a pillow.

Scarlett: I will.

I kiss Scarlett's forehead.

Scarlett: Papi?

Y/N: Yeah honey?

Scarlett: Are we gonna be okay?

Y/N: Of course we will.

Scarlett: I don't want to be on the run again.

Y/N: I don't either honey but I'll try to convince them to let us stay.

Scarlett: Okay.

Y/N: Now let's get some sleep.

Scarlett: Okay. I'm pretty sleepy.

I kiss her forehead then me and Scarlett fall asleep.

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