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Ashes| 'Can beauty come out of ashes?' [Book 1] chicago fire/kelly severide x oc season 1-4 ©️BUCKLEYSEVERID... More

'mon amour'
professional courtesy
one minute
hanging on
rear view mirror
two families
leaving the station
it ain't easy
merry christmas, etc
god has spoken
under the knife
warm and dead
a little taste
better to lie
a coffin that small
retaliation hit
leaders lead
let her go
a hell of a ride
a problem house
prove it
defcon 1
a nuisance call
a power move


76 2 0

The two squad lieutenants enter the locker room opening their lockers as casey exits the locker room when shay walks in very cheerfully as she taps kelly's back.

"Hey" shay greets, "hey" kelly greets back as carter changes into her work pants, "giving us a strip show there honey?" kelly teases causing carter to stick her middle finger up at him as shay sits down on the bench, "so, me and tk are off and running" shay says, "for what?" kelly asks, "I went to the doctor's office this morning and got my hormone shot" shay explains, "oh, yeah" kelly realises, "yeah" shay agrees, "how you feeling?" carter asks as she pulls her lieutenant shirt on, "fine, yeah, it's not affecting me at all, just, uh, it means the window for ovulation is gonna be in the next couple of days so will you please be there with me, and, um, as soon as these say that I'm good to go, me and tk gotta get to the clinic and perform our respective duties" shay explains, "I'll make sure my schedule is free" carter assures, "sorry, I'm just, I'm really excited and a little nervous" shay explains as she stands up, "we can see that" kelly points out, "yeah, all right" shay agrees, "hey, we're really excited for you too and we'll be here to support you" kelly says causing shay to giggle as she heads out, the two head into the common room instantly heading to the popcorn tin that cruz is holding, "uh, Strand, Severide, I think Capp's looking for you two" otis says causing carter to frown, "no, we just left him" kelly explains as the paramedic candidate walks in staring at the loved up couple as kelly's right hand has a firm grip on carters side guiding her to the table watching as otis attempts to chat up the woman when the alarm rings out, "engine 51, truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, industrial accident, Racine and 15th Street" the alarm announces which sends the crew running.

The crew move debris out the way as they try to free the crushed man.

"Let's get the spreaders" matt announces which causes the squad lieutenants to shake their heads at him, "forget the spreaders, get the torch in here, we need to cut this beam" kelly instructs capp, "copy that" capp confirms as he heads towards the squad truck, "wait, why, why don't we try and lift it?" mills asks, "It's too unstable, anything shifts, and it'll all fall right back on top of him" kelly explains, "which will complicate the rescue and further injure this man" carter adds, "hey, is there anything flammable in these boxes?" carter asks the well dressed man, "no, miss" the man confirms, "need water over here" severide instructs as capp hands him the mask and the torch, matt and carter look around and spot a category 2 flammable liquid, "Severide, kill the torch!" matt instructs, kelly looks in the truck lieutenants direction, "what?" kelly asks as a spark flys off the beam setting the liquid alight as it travels to the further barrels causing an explosion the truck crew grab the extinguishers from the truck and blast the flames, "Is it out?" kelly asks, "can't tell, I need to get in there" matt says as he bends down to check, "It's still smoldering, this can go up again any second, we gotta move him" matt says, "I didn't make it through the beam" kelly reveals, "wait, wait, how about this?" mills asks as he carries a large beam over, "nice thinking Mills" carter praises, "It's worth a try, Hadley" kelly instructs hadley to help him as they slide it under and lift it which in turn lifts the beam trapping the man, "quick thinking, candidate" kelly praises.

The squad lieutenant duo stand by their rig talking to mills.

"So then, what's the difference between an oxy/acetylene torch and an exothermic torch?" mills asks, "for starters, an exothermic will cut through a solid block of concrete" kelly explains, "cool" mills nods
as kelly shuts the compartment door, "yeah, here, let us show you what else we use" kelly instructs as the two take mills round to the other side of the rig as the truck crew pull out the warehouse leaving the candidate behind which causes him to run back around trying to catch them, kelly and carter join mills chuckling, "they'll get over it, come on you can ride with us" carter says opening the door to the cab for mills to hop in, back at the firehouse.

the couple walk hand in hand down the corridor when the paramedic candidate Tara Little joins them.

"Hey, Kelly, Carter, right?" Tara asks, "yeah" kelly confirms, "we have a mutual friend, Jennifer Robinson? she tends bar at Cubby Bear" tara explains, "oh" kelly says, "she said to say hello to you two" tara explains, "okay, yeah, tell her we said hello" kelly instructs, "nice woman" carter says, "will do, It's nice to have a connection to two people here" tara nods, "yeah, it's a? it's a great group at 51" kelly muses, "I'm sure that you'll fit right in, Shay and Dawson taking good care of you?" carter asks, "yeah, I actually have some copies to go make for Dawson right now, so I'll see you later" tara explains, "sure" carter says as the woman walks away.

The squad members sit at their table on the apparatus floor each doing their own thing as mills enters the floor.

"Mills" kelly calls out, "yeah, lieutenant?" mills asks, "come here, have a seat" kelly instructs as he pulls a seat up to the table, mills sits down causing the squad members to stare at him, "don't be so hostile he's gonna be on squad soon enough" carter berates, kelly hands mills a magazine, "this is a pretty good article on the different types of cutting torches and what situations they're best for" kelly explains, "oh, cool, thanks, lieutenant"
mills nods, "how are the classes going?" carter asks, "good, they're really good, actually, I couldn't get into the vertical rescue this time around so... It's full up" mills explains, "we can do something about that" carter says, kelly takes the magazine back folding the page over as carter passes him a pen, "call Lieutenant Brunson, tell him we want you in his class" kelly instructs as he hits a number down, "great, I will" mills agrees, "good" carter confirms, the two watch as Tara balls up a piece of paper and prepares to throw it into the open trash bag, "bet you a dollar you miss that" carter taunts, "make it 2 beers" tara instructs, "deal, you're so on" carter agrees as tara throws the paper and misses the trash bag, "gee, I guess I owe you two a beer" tara says.

The next evening, carter lays on the couch with her head in kelly's lap as the duo watch a movie when a knock sounds on the apartment door causing carter to get up and answer the door coming face to face with Tara who holds up a packet of beers.

"I always hold up my end of the bet" tara says in lieu of a greeting, "very honourable of you" carter nods, "am I interrupting something?" tara asks, "no, no, come on in" carter instructs as she moves to let the woman in, "hey, Kelly" tara greets as she heads to the kitchen, "uh, hey?" kelly greets back confused, the three gather around the island talking and drinking the beers, "It was kind of a rough time when I started my E.M.T. certification, my family thought I was crazy shifting gears from design" tara recalls, "do they support you now?" carter asks, "not really, but they will as soon as I show them I can hack it, I could tell that you two didn't really remember Jennifer, that bartender I asked you about" tara points out, "no, we do, the, the blonde" kelly tries to recall, "black hair, black" tara corrects, "oh"
kelly announces, "nice try" tara teases as the trio laugh carter collects the empty bottles putting them in the trash as she heads to the fridge pulling it open in search of a certain snack, "she remembered you two, especially you, when I told her I was gonna be working at 51, she warned me about you Kelly, she said that you were just my type, that I'd have a hard time staying away" tara says, "really?" kelly asks frowning as carter turns around and watches tara, "mm-hmm" tara confirms, "she's a smart girl, that Jen" tara remarks at that moment shay enters the apartment slamming the door behind her, "what the hell, Carter, Kelly?" shay shouts, "what's wrong?" carter asks as she heads towards shay, "what's wrong? I called you both, like ten times!" shay declares angrily, "I, I must have left my phone at the gym" kelly says, "mines upstairs in kelly's room charging" carter explains, "I told you both I wanted you there for support, I'm in the window" shay says, "I" carter starts, "now the clinic's closed!" shay explains catching sight of tara, "unbelievable" shay mutters, "unbelievable!" shay shouts, "hey, we're so, look, hey! listen, Shay, I'm sorry, okay? we'll come to the clinic with you tomorrow morning, that's still in the window, isn't it?" kelly asks, "no! there's no way to be sure about that" shay argues, "I gotta ask, is this, is this you talking or is this the..." carter asks having never known shay to blow up so badly, "don't blame this on the hormones! you two can't even bother to look at your phones? you two can't even think to look at them?" shay states, "we didn't have them" kelly reasons, "supporting me after you both promised to, isn't an afterthought, Carter, Kelly" shay warns, "we know that" carter reasons, "do you? so I release you of the obligation of being my support system" shay remarks as she walks out.

The crew pull up to a house fire, the two squad lieutenants hop out the squad truck and join boden.

"Severide, get that gate down" boden instructs, kelly heads towards the gate and picks the lock up realising he couldn't get it off without any tools, "Hadley, grab the k-12" carter instructs as she joins kelly, "got it" hadley confirms moments later he brings the k-12 over to the two lieutenants, kelly fires it up and takes it to the lock which provides entry, carter jogs up to the front of the house with kelly and matt following behind as she peers through the windows next to the door, "smell a little skunky to you two?" kelly asks, "yep" matt confirms leading his two fellow lieutenants around the side of the house where they find a lot of wires and a thick cloud of smoke blowing out, "patched into the city service just below the weather head, they're stealing electricity, looks like we got a marijuana grow house, chief" matt radios, "give me a small primary search team, and be careful in there" boden orders, casey yanks the wires out, "power's disconnected" matt says as they head back to the front of the house, "bring Mills in" kelly instructs, "teach him how to breach a grow house" carter adds, "mind if I run my own company?" matt asks, "sorry we've already poached him now we're trying to run your company for you" carter apologises, "no worries, the kids got squad potential" matt agrees, kelly busts the door in allowing the small search team to head inside, "all right, Mills, pay attention" kelly instructs as they head in finding the lounge full of marijuana plants, "wow" kelly remarks, "watch out for booby traps, don't get tangled up in wires or duct work, and keep an eye out for chemicals or fuel" carter instructs mills, "copy that, lieutenant" mills confirms, the team move into the room at the side of the house where the fire rages on, "fire department, call out!" mills shouts, "anybody here?" kelly calls out as they make their way through the rows of plants spotting a man, "Capp, pick him up" carter instructs, "you got it!" capp confirms, kelly looks around for a quicker exit point and spots a window, he takes his halligan to it smashing it he proceeds to clear the glass from it allowing himself to climb out he motions for carter to follow, "pass him to us" kelly instructs, capp lifts the man up with and drags him to the window he passes him to kelly, "watch the glass" kelly warns, capp heads back into the house once kelly and carter have safely manoeuvred the man onto the porch, carter checks the man's pulse and nods, kelly lifts the man up and carries him over to the gurney placing him down on it as carter follows, the two turn around and pull their helmets and masks off, "where's Capp?" boden asks, "he was right behind us" carter says.

"Capp!" kelly shouts turning in the direction of the house, "hey, hey, hey, hey!" boden warns as he holds kelly back whilst he gives carter a warning look, "chief!" kelly exclaims, "take it easy, we have already got two men inside we do not need two more in there, Casey, you got eyes on Capp?" boden says as he radios casey, "not yet" matt radios back, "chief, the electricity is still on" matt radios again, "come on" kelly instructs hadley as he and carter run towards the side of the house with hadley following, "we're looking for a secondary line now, hang on" carter radios as the two men look around, hadley looks up spotting another line, "there, right there" hadley points, "yeah" kelly confirms as he rushes up the stairs, the three squad members reach the top of the stairs as kelly pulls the second line out, "Casey, the secondary line is cut, we're still looking for other lines" kelly radios, "can't wait" matt radios back, the three squad members run back out to the street and stand at the gate, "hey, Casey, do you hear me?" carter asks, the crew wait for an answer as static travels over the radios, casey appears in the doorway carrying capp which causes kelly to run forwards, "get in there! help him!" boden orders hadley who runs after kelly, the two help casey and mills carry capp down and set him on the sidewalk which allows kelly to pull his mask off as gabby jogs over, "hey, how you feeling, Capp?" gabby asks, "smells like a phish concert out here" capp remarks causing the crew minus the two squad lieutenants to laugh, "we'll take him in to get checked out" gabby says, the group pull capp up and help him towards the ambulance.

The couple stand in mollys bar with gabby, otis, cruz, mouch and matt helping to get the bar ready for opening when shay walks in just as the group prepare to share their first drink in molly's.

"All right, guys, belly up, come on" otis instructs as the group pick their beers up, "oh, wait, wait, wait" otis warns as he flicks the blankets of fairy lights on causing the group to cheer, "to Molly's", "to Molly's" the group repeat clinking their glasses proceeding to take a sip, "it's delicious otis, but are you gonna chill it before opening" kelly comments as the group pull faces at the warm beer, "okay who wants to see this door" matt announces, "me" gabby says as the group head towards the entrance, kelly stops to pull his jacket on which causes carter to stop and wait for him, "hey, can I talk to you two" shay asks, "yeah" carter confirms, "listen about the" carter begins as shay begins, "look I'm so sorry" shay apologises, "about the other day, we messed up big time, we know that, we're sorry" carter apologises, shay scoffs, "I'm sorry, I mean it was the hormones, or I think, I'm not sure but look, I think I should make other arrangements for a support system, cause our friendships are one of the only good things I have going on in my life and I don't wanna mess that up" shay explains, "that's the silliest thing I've ever heard" kelly berates, "but, Kelly, Carter" shay starts, "you're trying to give us an easy out, I get it, I do, but we don't need one, okay? we're supporting you through this no matter what, okay?" kelly says preventing shay from rambling, "okay" shay agrees as kelly pulls the two women into a group hug, shay kisses his cheek before doing the same to carter, the trio head out to join the rest of the group when the couples phones buzz simultaneously, carter pulls hers out frowning at the message from boden, "you got it to?" kelly asks as he pockets his phone again, "yep" carter confirms, "uh, we gotta go to the firehouse" kelly announces, "what for?" shay asks, "we don't know" carter shrugs, "see ya guys" kelly says as he leads carter back to his car, the two get in and head for the firehouse, kelly pulls up outside watching as carter gets out taking a deep breath as they head into the station.

The two walk up the apron passing tara and a smartly dressed woman.

"Hey, Tara" carter greets receiving nothing but coldness in return, "okay" kelly mutters as they head inside to bodens office, Kelly knocks on the door opening it as carter steps inside he follows, "Chief" carter greets, "come on in, Carter, Kelly, take a seat" boden instructs, the two sit down in the seats in front of bodens desk, "Lieutenant Severide, a subordinate has accused you of luring her to your apartment and trying to force yourself upon her and Lieutenant Strand, the same subordinate has accused you of aiding Lieutenant Severide in the act as well as attacking her" boden explains, "what?" kelly asks, "she hasn't pressed criminal charges as yet and we are trying to convince her to keep this an internal matter" boden says, "are you, are you, are you talking about Tara Little? what did she say we did?" carter asks, "you're gonna wanna talk to your union rep, see about getting a lawyer/lawyers" boden explains.

season one episode twenty

happy wednesday!! I'm going to
assume by now that most chicago fire fans have seen the news about Eamonn Walker (Chief Boden) stepping down as a series regular couldn't believe the news but it seems like he's going to be a recurring character kinda like Matt.

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