Son of Superwoman

By Wolf-Guardian

14.2K 274 414

In this, Izuku is the son of Hisashi and Kara Midoriya (formerly Danvers). This means Izuku is half god half... More

Info & Harem
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

1.8K 39 75
By Wolf-Guardian

~Timeskip to when Izuku turns 10~

We see the Midoriya family in the lounge room spending time with each other, when a knock at the door sounds and pulls them out of a very deep conversation, getting Izuku to fly towards the door and open it. This reveals the entire Todoroki Family, Aizawa Family, Kent Family, Alex, J'onn, Zod, Lena and Faora.

Kara: Izu! Who is it?

Izuku: It's Uncles Enji, Shota, Zod, and J'onn, aunties Rei, Inko and Lena, and cousins Clark, Diana, Conner, Toya, Fuyumi, Natsuo, Shoka, Shoto, Tenko and Fay!

Kara: Come on in, guys! We're all in the lounge room!

Izuku moves off to the side to let everyone in, closing the door and chasing Conner and Faora to the lounge room, causing everyone else to chuckle or giggle.

Izuku: *catches Faora* Gotcha!

Faora: Aww, man! No fair!

Izuku: I have been working on my speed, Fay!

Faora: Still with the nickname? You are ten now!

Izuku: Duh! So are you!

Faora: Okay, fair.

Izuku: *grin* I know!

Faora: Cheeky ratbag.

Izuku: You know it!

Zod: So, that aside, I hear it's a special someone's birthday?

Izuku: *chuckle* Yep! It's my birthday!

Zod: Well, then, happy birthday, buddy.

Everyone else: Happy birthday, Izu!

Izuku: *smile* Thanks, guys.

Kara: Now, the reason as to why no one has any presents is because we know you don't want anything that is physical, but we decided to get you something far more special.

Zod: Especially those of us that are Kryptonian.

Izuku: *tilts head, curious* What is that?

Kara: *hands him a box* This.

Izuku frowns a bit for a moment before opening the box to see a special device inside, picking it up carefully to look at it, surprised as he sees it's Kryptonian tech.

Izuku: I-Is this K-Kryptonian?

Zod: Indeed. While in the shape of a phone, it can do anything you can imagine.

Faora: As an example, it can work as a normal phone, laptop, tablet, computer, holographic display for anything. Since it's Kryptonian, it's highly advanced and indestructible like us.

Izuku: I love it! Thank you!

Kara and Clark both share a look with each other before nodding, a smile on Clark's face as he sets yet another box in Izuku's lap, this one being slightly smaller.

Izuku: *confused* Huh?

Clark: *chuckle* Open it and see.

Izuku puts the phone to the side and opens the box, eyes widening when he sees a new watch sitting inside, looking at Clark with shock.

Clark: Same thing as the phone, but a watch. However, this one comes with a few extra bonuses.

Izuku puts the watch on to find it is a perfect fit, looking at it to see a special type of button, pressing it and gaining a shocked look as nano-tech covers his body before a suit forms on him.

Izuku: *jaw drops* My own suit?!

Clark: Suits, Izu. Plural.

Kara: Press on the crest.

Izuku does so to find the same nano-tech spreads out over his suit to replace it, forming into another more special type.

(Again, ignore the chest area and device in hand.)

Izuku: Wow! So the helmeted one is an anti-Kryptonite suit?

Lena: Precisely. All you need to do to switch it back to your normal one is press the crest again. Try it.

Izuku does so and the nano-tech anti-Kryptonite suit deforms from his normal suit, his cape coming back to hang behind him. He only then feels something in his ear.

Izuku: Wait, what? The heck is in my ear?

Clark: *chuckle* An invisible and indestructible ear piece that forms from your watch when you are in your suit. Which then changes to your helmet while you are in the anti-Kryptonite suit.

Izuku: This is amazing! Best two gifts ever!

Kara: To change out of your suit back into civilian clothes, all you need to do is tap the crest twice.

Izuku does as told, the nano-tech suit and earpiece forming back to his watch, a grin spreading onto his face before noticing his phone starting to ring. He grabs it to look at the caller, confusion on his face.

Izuku: Grandma A?

Kara: *smile* My mum.

Izuku: *lights up, answers it* Hi, Grandma!

Alura: *smile* Izuku! Happy birthday, kiddo!

Izuku: Thanks, Grandma! Where is Grandpa?

Alura: *chuckle* He's currently working on a new invention.

Izuku: *snicker* So that's where I get my love of inventing from!

Alura: *laugh* Sure do! So, how have you been lately?

Izuku: Better than what I was when I was 4 to 6.

Alura: *tsk* Those little demons.

Izuku: *waves a hand* It doesn't matter anymore, Grandma. They will get what's coming to them.

Alura: *chuckle* I have a feeling you'll request for Nezu to put 'em either in 1B or Gen Ed if they make it into UA.

Izuku: *smirk* You know me so well, Grandma!

Alura: *laugh* You are the son of Kara and grandson of Zor-El!

Izuku: *shrug* I have also been training with Dad and uncles.

Alura: That's true. Say, who is with you right now?

Izuku: The Todorokis, Aizawas, Kents, Auntie Alex, Uncle J'onn, Uncle Zod, Auntie Lena, Fay, and my own family.

Alura: *surprised* Zod is there?

Zod: *joins Izuku* I am. It's good to see you again, Alura.

Alura: *smile* You too, Zod. And you got married?

Zod: Sure did. Lena is my wife. We adopted Faora as our own.

Alura: I'm happy to hear that.

Izuku: Oh! I also have an adopted brother!

Alura: Whaa?! Since when?!

Izuku: *chuckle* Since I was 6.

Katsuki: *joins* Hi, Grandma. I'm Katsuki, Izu's adopted brother.

Alura: *smile* Hi there, Katsuki. I'm guessing the reason why you were adopted is because of those little demons?

Katsuki: *nod* Yep. Didn't want to share the same name as Queen Demon or live in the same house as her.

Alura: That's fair.

Izuku: *huff* I wanna punch 'em to the moon so badly!

Alura: *snicker* You definitely are Zor-El's grandson!

Izuku: *shrug* Excuse my words, but those four are assholes!

Alura: *laugh* It's alright, Izu! I had the same reaction when Kara told me about it. So did your aunt Astra and uncle Non.

Izuku: *eyes widen* Wait, they're alive?!

Alura: Yep. If they're not on Earth, then they'd be exploring planets.

Izuku: *whine* I wanna see them again!

Alura: You've already met them?

Izuku: Yeah, it was when I turned 7 that I met them.

Katsuki: *jumps away from Izuku* Izu! Watch the heat!

Zod: *jumps up* Damn! That's hot!

Izuku: Huh? Why'd you react like that?

That's when a blue light activates on his phone, scanning his body and causing him surprise.

Phone: Scan complete. Izuku has awakened his Quirk.

Izuku: *rubs throat* So that's why my throat feels kinda sore and dry suddenly.

Phone: Indeed, Izuku. And hello, my name is Lexi, your personal AI within your phone and watch.

Izuku: Hello, Lexi.

Izuku looks confused for a moment before standing, turning his head away to breathe out emerald green fire, amazing everyone. Even Alura.

Lexi: Congrats, Izuku. You've just unlocked your Quirk and now can use it.

Alura: The emerald green flames are beautiful.

Izuku sniffs the air to smell blood and looks around for a moment, only to look directly at Lena.

Izuku: Auntie Lena, why are you hurt so badly?

Lena: *surprised* How?

Izuku: *taps nose* I can smell it.

Lena: Ah. Kryptonian senses.

Izuku: Yep. Again, why?

Lena: *sigh* A fight with my ass of a biological brother.

Izuku: Asshole.

Everyone chuckles before simply watching as Izuku breathes out a cloud of blue fire at Lena, stunned and surprised at this.

Lena: *gasps after a moment* Oh, my gods! Thank you, Izuku!

Izuku: *chuckle* No problems, Auntie Lena!

Alura: Izu, what happened?

Izuku: *smile* I healed Auntie Lena's injury.

Zod: *shocked* How?

Izuku: The blue fire I breathed. It heals myself and others.

Alura: *yells* Zor-El! Get your ass here now! Izu just got his Quirk!

Zor-El: *appears on screen* You did?!

Izuku: *laugh* I did, Grandpa!

Zor-El: Congrats, kiddo! Happy birthday, by the way!

Izuku: *smile* Thanks, Grandpa!

Kara: *joins* Hey, Dad.

Zor-El: Kara! How is my daughter going?

Kara: *smile* I'm good.

Zor-El: Say, Izu? What is your Quirk and what can it do?

Izuku: My Quirk is called Dragon's Breath. Not only can I breathe out emerald green fire, but I can turn it blue to heal myself and others.

Lena: He just healed a wound I got from my ass of a biological brother, Lex Luthor.

Zor-El: *surprised* Wow. That's amazing!

Alura: He still wants to be a Hero.

Zor-El: Really? You do?

Izuku: *nod* Sure do! It's been my dream since the day before I was 4, Grandpa!

Zor-El: *grin* And you'll be an amazing Hero like your parents and cousin!

Kara: Say, Zod?

Zod: *looks at her* Yes, Kara?

Kara: Is it possible if you and Izu's other uncles teach Izu and Kat all forms of hand to hand you know?

The uncles: That is their choi-

Katsuki/Izuku: Yes please!

Hisashi: *chuckle* They didn't even let their uncles finish what they were gonna say.

Clark: I'd also be happy to help Izu out with controlling his half Kryptonian side more.

Izuku: *chuckle* Clark, I know you were gonna do that anyway. Uncle Zod is also helping me.

Conner: I mean, when Izu got his heat vision while in class on Kat's and his first day at the new school, Uncle Zod helped out.

Izuku: *groan* By Rao. I clearly remember that one. My head had began hurting and heating up way more than normal.

Clark: That happens when it's the heat vision. Wait until you get the x-ray vision.

Izuku: Wasn't painful at all.

Clark: Wait, what?

Conner: *snicker* I remember that one! Izu, how the heck can you see through lead anyway?!

Izuku: *shrug* No idea on that.

Alura: I think I might know why.

Izuku: *looks at phone* Why's that, Grandma?

Alura: *smile* Before Kara went back to Earth, you were born here on Krypton. She wanted you to be born on your other home planet, so she came back. That night, you were glowing like the sun while sleeping.

Kara: *eyes widen* That can only mean one thing...

Zod: *realises, eyes widening* He was blessed by Rao himself.

Alura: Precisely.

Izuku: Wait, WHAT?!

Alura: *nod* Yes, Agnar-El. You, my dear grandson, were blessed by our Sun God Rao.

Katsuki: *confused* Who the heck is Agnar-El?

Izuku: *chuckle* Me. Agnar-El is my Kryptonian name. Clark's is Kal-El and Conner's is Kon-El.

Katsuki: *jaw drops* Holy crap.

Zor-El: And yes, through a special ritual performed by the Blessed One, any human close to him can become a Kryptonian as well.

Izuku: Wait, really?

Astra: *in the background* Sure can! *pops up on screen* Hey, you guys. Happy birthday, Izu!

Izuku/Kara: *perks up* Auntie Astra!

Astra: *chuckle* It's me. But yes, what my brother-in-law just said is true. Izu, since he was blessed by our Sun God after being born, is able to turn a human close to him into a Kryptonian.

Katsuki: Izu, can you turn me into a half Kryptonian like you?

Izuku: *surprised* You want me to do that?

Katsuki: *nod* I do!

Astra: Just a warning, if you do do this, Izu, it will make Kat into your actual brother. Whether originally not blood related or not, this ritual will turn him into your blood related brother.

Izuku: *tears up* Kacchan will be my actual blood related brother with this ritual?

Katsuki: *also tears up* I will?

Alura: Indeed. Now, whether he retains the blond hair and red eyes or not, is dependant on the both of you.

Katsuki: I want to look like Izu!

Izuku: I knew that was coming.

Astra: Prop your phone up on a surface so you don't have to hold it. We'll guide you throughout the whole thing.

Izuku props up his phone in a spot where everyone else can be seen, getting everyone to say their hellos before Katsuki lays down on the couch, allowing Izuku to sit on the edge next to him and begin the ritual with guidance from Alura, Astra and Zor-El.

~An hour later~

Katsuki wakes up from being out cold for ten minutes after the ritual is completed, carefully and slowly sitting up, finding his senses were far better than what they originally were.

Katsuki: Whoa! My senses are way better!

Kryptonians: *chuckle* Perks of being a Kryptonian.

Izuku: And we'll all help you with controlling all your new powers as they come in.

Katsuki starts to float in the air and gains a shocked expression.

Izuku: Calm down, Ramon-El. You just got your flight.

Katsuki: Wait, what did you just say?

Izuku: *chuckle* I just called you your new Kryptonian name.

Katsuki: *eyes widen* Really?

Izuku: Yep. While I was doing the ritual, I was contacted by Rao and he told me since I was turning you into a half Kryptonian like me, I can choose your name. Ramon-El is what I chose.

Katsuki: *lands on the couch, hugs Izuku* I love it!

Izuku: *hugs back* Ramon means protector, by the way. Mine means warrior.

Katsuki: That's so cool!

Izuku: Oh, and since I was the one who turned you into a Kryptonian like me, not only did you become my actual blood related brother and now look like me, your new birthday is mine as well.

Katsuki: Wait, really?

Alura: Indeed.

Izuku: Yep. Since you became my actual brother and wanted to look like me, you basically became my twin in every way.

Katsuki: *hugs Izuku* I'm glad!

Izuku: *chuckle* So, saying that, happy birthday, Kacchan.

Katsuki: Thanks, Izu. Does this mean I'm still 10?

Astra: It does. Despite you having a new birthday now, you remain at 10 instead of being 11 now.

Katsuki: Alrighty!


(For those wondering, this is what Izuku, and then Katsuki look like.)

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