tu sab Janta hai Mai Chad nhi...

By khushiprajapati182

38.8K 1.5K 584

it's hurts when you're accused for the things which you never Did even not think to do its natural that a gir... More

part 1- introduce & prologue
part 2- rift between swasan
part 3 - biggest shock & betrayal
part 4 - mastermind of game
part 5 - swasan's plan
part 6 - swasan romance & there plan
part 7 - devilish plan
part 8 - swara's plan
part 9 - realization
part 10 - face off & breaking all the ties
episode 11 - karma is a bitch
episode 12 - why me.......??? πŸ˜­πŸ’”πŸ˜­
episode 13 - don't do this jaan
episode 14 - some moment of swasan with fab5
episode 15 - ending everything
episode 16 - good news for swasan
episode 18 - swasan babies birthday celebratraion
episode 19 - swara and sanskar's patch up
episode 20 - second last part
episode 21 - last part
❀️ epilogue ❀️
❀️epilogue : - part (2)❀️
bonus chapter -1

episode 17 - babies welcome ceremony

863 41 4
By khushiprajapati182

Swara deliver two babies one baby boy and one baby girl sanskar come out from operation theater he go to change his hospital cloth's then come out where everyone is standing he see there tensed face sign hevaily seeing there tension all see sanskar come out changing his hospital cloth's they immediately go near him and ask him thousands of question Sanskarrr look toward them just then two nurse come with swasan's both babies all see twins baby's of swasan they get happy seeing both the baby sanskar take baby girl in his hand and sobha take baby boy in her hand sanskar look toward his baby

He smile in tears seeing his small princess who is just carbon copy of his jaan that cute nose little pink rosy lips big doe hazel eyes chubby cheeks baby open her eyes and look toward saanskar blinking her eyes in several times cutely sanskar smile he peck her forehead softly in fear his beard don't hurt his princess
Uttara - Bhai she is so cute please let me hold her na till then you hold your other baby (sanskar look toward uttara hearing her he totally forget about his champ seeing his Duaghter he give baby to Utarra then take his son from parth who has hold him sanskar take his son carefully from Raj look toward him see he his sleeping peacefully he smile and kiss on his forhead

But soon he heard crying of his duaghter he look toward her who was in uttara's hand and all are around her Seeing her they try to make her silent but no use
Sanskar - why did you make her cry guys you all are impossible (to Janki) hold him maa (Janki hold the baby sanskar go near his duaghter  take her from Uttara she immediately stop crying all get amused seeing this she look toward sanskar )

Sanskar also get amused he look toward his Duaghter and smile
Sanskar - my little princess don't want me to hold her brother (baby smile looking sanskar talking with her) she smile (all looks on)
Nurse - sir your wife gain her conscious you all can meet her (sanskar nods in yes all go inside sanskar look toward swara who was seating on hospital bed he go near swara holding there Duaghter )
Swara - sanskar our baby's (sanskar smile he handover his duaghter to swara who hold his small finger in her little tiny fist ) see sanskar your princess don't want to leave you she isn't coming near me also without leaving your hand (sanskar smile start near swara who hold her duaghter she smile in tears seeing her baby Sanskarr take baby boy from nandini swara look towatd her son who was sleeping peacefully)
Sanskar - no doubt jaan he is your son only from the time he has come he is sleeping only peacefully (swara kiss her duaghter's forehead then look toward her son she peck his chubby cheeks and forehead in tears) now why this tears Jaan
Swara - it's happiness tears sanskar our baby having there Mumma papa together more than that i don't want anything we both are near them
Sanskar - and trust me we will always be near them jaan (swara nods in yes look toward her Duaghter who isn't leaving Sanskarrrr's hand swara glare sanskar) what did i do when my princess don't want to leave me
Swara - whole 9 month you didn't leave me and now i don't think so your this Duaghter will leave you i am sure she will keep holding you like this but beware haan in place of your office bag you should need take her
Manik - that can be possible doll if your son is like you then no doubt baby girl must be fully gone over sanskar in possessiveness
Swara -  no bhao your wrong it's not possessiveness it's called over possesive Ness of sanskar maheswari (baby girl start crying) see she don't want anyone talk wrong about her papa (all chuckle sanskarrrr make faces)  shh baby no crying Mumma is here specially your papa is here don't cry baby shh
Sobha - shoru may be baby must be hungry we all are going home and making arrangement of baby welcome ceremony manik will be here with nandini they will help you're both for everything (to other's) let's go we need to do preparations (all nods in yes except manan who also go out leaving swasan alone fulfilling discharged formalities sanskar keep his son on crib beside swara's bed come near swara and his duaghter help swara to seat carefully)
Swara - sanskarr....... I feeling scared (sanskar look toward swara then there duaghter who was crying he hold swara's hand)
Sanskar - i am here na near you jaan you will let our  baby cry like this see jaan she is crying (sanskar open the buttons of swara's hospital gown swara's close her eyes) she is ours shona don't make her cry this much (swara look toward her Duaghter keep her closer to her right breast put it in her mouth baby stop crying and start drinking milk swara close her eyes in tears sanskar go near swara hug her sideway pecking her forhead) i will come closing door okey jaan (swaraa just nods looking down toward her Duaghter she can't explain anyone how she is feeling seeing the scenery infront of her she weep her tears sanskar look toward swara and his duaghter he don't want anything more from god now the scenario infront of him is more peaceful he go near swara who see him then feel her baby fall in sleep while drinking milk she slowly make her depart sanskar help swara to button her hospital gown) what's wrong why this tears
Swara - sanskar i am unble to make my duaghter away from myself then how easily Mrs Gadodia did this the thought of making my babies away from me giving me death to the core then how can anyone should get this much heartless (sanskar sign heavily he go near his jaan keeping his Duaghter beside his son who is sleeping he hug swara stroking her hairs Making her relax) i am not missing her sanskar trust me (sanskar smile hearing his innocent jaan who don't know he know her better he depart cup her face)
Sanskar - whom your Explaning jaan me which person know you more than you know yourself well your eyes always speak truth Mrs sanskar Maheswari and your eyes can't never lied to me (swara get teary eyes) you don't need to give this explanation do you want to talk with her and tell her about your babies jaan (swara look down in tears sanskar make her look toward himself holding her chin) say it jaan looking into my eyes
Swara - no i don't  want that sanskar don't talk about this today is very happy moment i don't want to think about anyone now (sanskar what about to say something) please (swara weep her tears sanskar sign hevaily nods in yes after sometimes later doing all the discharged formalities manan come in swara's ward nandini take swara to change her cloth's swara come out changing in red colour off shoulder one piece

She  go near sanskar who was talking with Manik they smile seeing swara
Manik - okey you both come with baby i will take out car from parking lot till the okey (swasan nods in yes manan go from there swara what about to take her son sanskar take him swaraa look toward sanskar)
Sanskar - you hold her jaan otherwise later you will blame me that i am keeping you away from Your Duaghter i will hold my champ (swara smile hearing him she hold her duaghter ) careful jaan hold her softly (swara glare sanskar) okey i won't say anything yaar i was just leave it let's go (they go from there out after sometimes later they reach home they were welcome by everyone swasan see the decoration then look toward each other seeing all decorations )

Nikhil - see sanskar keeping inside in our mind remembering you're over possessiveness for shona and your babies we didn't bring much balloons we decorated home with rose and it's petals that your babies don't get scared if balloons gets blast
Sanskar - still there are some balloons nikhil make sure before my babies get up you will remove them and throw them
Swara - your impossible sanskar they did this much beautiful decorations leaving there praising your saying this all nothing will happened
Janki - it's okey shona (after doing veneration of swasan and there babies all come inside after sometimes later swasan go to there room swara smile seeing whole room she look toward sanskar with brightest smile

Sanskar has didn't left any place of there room without any soft toys
Sanskar - i told you if it was baby boy or baby girl i don't care i will bring everything for my baby after all it's sanskar maheswari's baby and he will not leave anything to fulfilled his baby's wishes before his saying only
Swara - you gone totally crazy sanskar you bring this much soft toys for our babies (swara go inside she keep her duaghter in cradle carefully sanskar also keep baby beside other baby swara see whole room she smile sanskar back hug her) your the bested husband and papa sanskar
Sanskar - i know Mrs sanskar Maheswari that i am bested in everything (swara shake her head in impossible sanskar peck her lips) i love you and thanks for this bested gift jaan which is most beautiful
Swara - sanskar don't you think we should inform PA....... (sanskarr leave swara who look toward him) sanskar (he look toward her shake his head in no showing her hand and go from tthere swara what about to go behind sanskar she stop hearing baby crying she turn and see her son get up she close her eyes go near crib pick up her son seat on bed try to make him stop crying but he didn't stop crying swaraa sign hevaily she look toward her dress she needs to change her dressing now for her babies she unzip her top sanskar who come he look toward Swaara then toward baby who was crying he close the Door slowly and go inside Wadrobe swara take her top down and feed her son who close his eyes moving his hand while drinking milk swara look toward Wadrobe door see still sanskar didn't come out she see down see her son fall in sleep she slowly take out her breast from his mouth but her again start crying swara put it again in his mouth he get silent and again close his eyes swara lay down on bed with him closing her eyes after sometimes later baby fall in sleep swara get up zipper her dress place her son on crib then get down from bed go toward wadrode open door hear shower voice from washroom she take out dress from her wadrode shelf go behind curtain to change she wear simple black colour crop top and mid thigh length skirt

She place her dress in couch just then sanskar come out from washroom he look toward swara who also look toward him she go near him sanskar go near his Wadrobe shelf swara go behind him and back hug him sanskar close his eyes feeling swara's touch on his bare body
Swara - now don't behave like this with me sanskar i am sorry i won't talk about anything which will hurt you now don't be upset like this today is this much special day of our life sanskar and your behaving in this way with me sorry please (Ssanskar open his eyes he turn toward swara) sanskar NOw stop na if you continue to get Angry then i won't pecify you
Sanskar - jaan do you know  you are so mean...... Mean and cold hearted (swara look toward sanskar smirk naughtily hearing him )
Swara - really sanskar i am cold hearted (sanskar nods  in yes) are you saying my cute little heart has got no emotions sanskar (sanskar look toward SWara who was looking toward him with cute pouted face)
Sanskar - it's impossible to Stay Angry  on you (swara smile cutely hearing sanskar he pin het to Wadrobe shelf) but don't think i won't punish you Mrs maheswari (he what about to kiss swara they hear baby's crying voice swara chuckle push sanskar and go out) yes that was left now our babies won't let me kiss you also it must be her son only (swara go out see her duaghter crying)
Swara - wrong assumptions Mr sanskar maheswari it's your princess who don't want you to kiss me (sanskar come out changing) look your princess don't want you to touch me my son is sleeping peacefully (sanskar come toward swara who was changing baby's diaper placing her on bed she kiss baby's lips) 
Sanskar - well i didn't know it can be my princess also who is possessiv for her papa and don't want go near him
Swara - just shut up sanskar she will again get cranky come now help me to make her sleep
Sanskar - feed her and make her sleep Mrs maheswari do you want me to help you for it also okey i don't mind Mrs maheswari (he come closer to swara who push him glaring him angrily ) for making her sleep not feeding her her stomach is full Mr maheswari so please behave yourself
Sanskar - cool down but i suggest you jaan i think you should feed her she must be hungry yaar (swara look toward sanskar hearing him then look toward her duaghter she sign heavily she take her crop top up and feed her duaghter who drink it ) look my princess was hungry and you don't care  next time if you do like this na then i won't spare you Mrs maheswari (swara roll her eyes hearing after sometimes later baby sleep then swasan go down for having dinner they come in room for sometimes all also come play with baby then babies cry they go swasan maje there babies sleep then they also sleep in middle of them there duaghter wasn't sleeping) what happened princess why your crying baccha Mumma even feed you na Now sleep see your chotu Bhai sleep na please sleep baby
Swara - sanskar she will not understand whatever you talk give her to me let me make her sleep i am already tired give her to me (sanskar give baby to swaraa who place her on bed and patt her to make her sleep baby's crying get reduce she  close her eyes holding swara's little finger in her fist sanskar sign in relief swara close her eyes in relief just then sanskar's phone ring swara open her eyes) sanskarrrrrr (sanskar gulp he start searching his phone) are you serious now you don't know where you have kept your mobile (sanskar look for his mobile everywhere but didn't find )sanskar search it quickly if she wake up na she will get cranky (sanskar find his mobile under quilt he show it to swara) cut it sanskar (sanskar nods in yes he cut the call immeadiately otherside there duaghter open her eyes swasan look toward her then toward each other)
Sanskar - jaaan see her (swara look toward sanskar hearing him then toward her duaghter)
Swara - (seat on bed)  no no baby please please please please no (sanskar look toward his princess)
Sanskar - no princess please (baby start crying swara make crying face Hearing her duaghter's crying )
Swara - baby (look toward sanskar angrily make fist to punch him sanskar look toward swara )
Sanskar - sorry baby sorry it's all papa's mistake papa didn't put phone on silent mode sorry
Swara - ohh ohh my baby don't cry please be quite baby please my baccha be quite baby please listen to your Mumma na please
Sanskar - please princess don't cry baby please (swara was already hell tired she look toward sanskar with crying face and angrily)
Swara - NOw madam will get silent after crying fully whatever happened (to baby)  please baby don't cry na
Sanskar - princess please stop crying na baby Shona don't cry my jaan (swara look toward sanskar hearing him he feel gaze on himself) i mean princess please stop crying (in mind) what type of wife i got she is getting jealous from her own duaghter seeing me calling my duaghter by her nicknames yaar where i have stuck
Swara - baby please stop crying see na your chotu bhai is sleeping he will get up baccha please stop crying baby (baby suddenly stop crying swasan look toward her ) sanskar see she get silent hearing me
Sanskar - jaan common she don't understand anything yaar she must be done something did you check her diaper do it (swara look toward sanskar hearing him) check it and change her diaper i will come attending call okey (sanskar what about to go swara hold his hand)
Swara - she is your princess na you will do it then sanskar see your leaving me in this situation you said me before baby's born that you will help me in everything
Sanskar - yes but you will make me do this jaan it's not i mean i can't do this please you do it yaar (swara look toward sanskar)
Swara - (with crying face ) she wake up due to you because your phone ring if now she bup then you clean it i don't know anything let's make a deal if she or he bup OR wet there diaper in night then you will clean it and if it will happened in morning then i will do it (sanskar look toward swara hearing her he look toward his princess who was looking toward him and swara with her big doe hazel eyes cutely)  sanskar please do it na for ME for your princess it's not good making her stay like this it can harm her cute little bum rashes can also come (sanskar who hear swaraa he close his eyes take baby tissue cleaning paper packet from drawer remove baby's diaper then clean it anyhow swara chuckle seeing sanskar she make baby wear new diaper when sanskar go to wash his hand and flushing the diaper he come out weeping his hand with napkins Swaara make her duaghter fall in sleep beside her sanskar come back lay down on His side looking toward swara who was looking hell tired then they both also fall in sleep)

PRECAPE - same as precious one year leap babies birthday grand celebration 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗😘😘😘😘😘💖💖💖💖😘😘😘🤗🤗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🤗🤗💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💞💞💞💞💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘😘🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖

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