I Gotta Find You [Elvis]

By PurpleKorea134

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Elvis falls in love with a girl no one expects... After Elvis's manager Colonel Tom Parker severely reprimand... More

Chapter 1 - What a Knockout
Chapter 2 - Surprise Guest at School
Chapter 4 - The Waiting Game
Chapter 5 - I Finally Found You

Chapter 3 - Spur-of-the-Moment Interview

365 11 0
By PurpleKorea134

"You happy now, Elvis?"

My manager wasn't happy about stopping at that school, of course. I had begged him and begged him, and finally, he gave in. I just wanted to cross the school off of my mental list since he confiscated the physical one. "I'm sorry, Colonel. I guess she doesn't go to this one. I asked a few of the girls that I signed papers for, but they never heard of 'er."

"How about you just drop it? Please, Elvis. Move on. You had a moment with her, yes, but now, just move on."

I didn't want to, but I said, "Right." The car went on as Jerry drove it. "Well, at least I could make all those students happy." I noticed the Colonel looking over at me, and he wasn't looking away. It wasn't a mean or irritated look. "What?"

"You're a good man, Elvis."

I smirked. "Thanks. But I think I'm a selfish knucklehead, too."

"You're also that, but you're a good man. You went after that girl after I said some pretty harsh things to her, and you forced me into agreeing to let you go to that high school to find her, while at the same time, giving a lot of those kids something that they'll never forget for the rest of their lives."

My manager was strict, but there was a soft spot there, too. "That means a lot, Colonel. I guess I just see people—or more, I try to see people—the way that God does and treat 'em as such. My momma taught me that."

"So did mine, and she would probably be appalled with me right now."

His mother, from what he told me, was ill at the moment, but a really sweet gal. "You were only tryin' to protect me from someone who could've been the bad guy, but... it turns out that she wasn't." I paused and fiddled with the bottom hem of my suit jacket. "I really wanna see 'er again. Badly. I was really hopin' that that high school was hers."

"Maybe it was, and those kids didn't know her."

I nodded. "Could be." I looked at him. "Are you goin' along with this now?"

He sighed again. "Well, I don't want to, and I want you to move on, but you're going to continue to bug me about it, so do I have any other choice? We're not going to the next high school to ask around, though. Who knows what those kids will think of this Miss Rose when they find out who she is?"

Oh boy, I didn't think about that. "You're right. If she really does go to that school, those kids are gonna find 'er and demand how I know 'er. She's gonna be mocked because of me..." My heart dropped to my toes. "I've been a fool. I'm sorry."

He snickered. "It's alright. A man in love is always a fool and does stupid things."

"So, you think I'm in love with 'er?"

"You have a crazy infatuation. Plus, I wouldn't worry too much about how she fairs. She was mortified by falling on you, so I doubt that she'll say how she really knows you if her classmates come asking. She may just say that she met you and got an autograph like any other fan."

I nodded, thinking that through. It eased my nerves a little. "You're right. I just don't want 'er to be disliked. I want the opposite."

"You want her to know that her favorite star has feelings for her, that's what you want," he quipped.

"Yeah, and... I just wanna see 'er again."

"Well, God willing, you may."

That was right. God was in charge. He allowed me to meet Evalyn through a rather interesting way, and He could allow us to meet again. "Yeah, you're right. Let's just head on to the interview and pray that they don't ask about how I got knocked over by a fan."

"They may, but I can have a word with the interviewer."


The car went on, and I stared out of the tinted windows at the buildings and palm trees going by. Yes, I would meet her again if I was meant to. I should stop trying to find her.

Or should I?

~ ~ ~

"We're very sorry, Colonel Parker, but we had to move the interview to four o'clock tomorrow afternoon."

The Colonel let out a huge sigh in frustration as we stood with the middle-aged and salt-and-pepper-haired manager of the studio, Mr. Howard, and we were in the lobby area. "Tomorrow afternoon? Why?"

"There was a scheduling conflict with you and another man we had come in for an interview with us. He's in with the interviewer right now."

Another man? Who was this other man? Another star like me? I asked before my manager could respond to what the tall and thin manager said, "Excuse me, but who's bein' interviewed right now?"

His brown eyes flicked to me. "The CEO of CBS News. He's in town today, so we wanted to snatch him and ask about one of the most popular news channels in the country."

Fascinated by this, I smirked. "Is that right? I would love to have a word with 'im."

"And why would you want to speak with the CEO of CBS News?" the Colonel asked condescendingly.

"Because, as Mr. Howard said here, CBS is one of the most popular news channels in the country. I've met several of his employees in several cities all over the country as they asked me questions. They were all good people. I want to tell 'im that."

"Write him a letter. Since we have some extra time at the moment, we should head to the recording studio so you can rehearse your songs." He gave a pointed look to Mr. Howard. "And we'll have to move the signing that was at four tomorrow to a different time since we will have to be here."

"There's no trouble with that, right?" I asked, trying to help Mr. Howard not feel like he was the one to blame. "It was just a mix-up."

"Thank you for understanding, Mr. Presley," said Mr. Howard. I shrugged a shoulder.

"Hey, it happens."

"And I think Mr. Edwards would love to speak with you. You'll just have to deal with having another little article in the paper tomorrow, though."

I looked at my manager and asked him, "Would it be alright? The interview just started, so he'll be done in, what, thirty minutes?"

"That's right," said Mr. Howard. "Or twenty."

Again, the Colonel sighed, but in defeat. "Fine, fine. But after that man is done, you can talk to him for just ten minutes, got it?"

"Got it," I said, grinning, then heard a few gasps off to my right. A few people were there, gawking at me. I knew what I had to do.

Mr. Edwards came out after about twenty-five minutes, and as I was still talking with the employees who worked in this building and signing autographs for them. The older heavier-set CBS CEO saw me and boomed, "Mr. Elvis Presley!"

My fans stood back as Mr. Edwards approached me, hand extended. I noticed a cameraman behind him who wheeled a film camera on a stand. I took the CEO's strong hand. "It's a pleasure, Mr. Edwards."

"The pleasure is all mine."

"When I heard that you were here, I wanted to jump on the opportunity to say what great people you have workin' under you in your various locations around the country. I've met several of 'em as they interviewed me."

There was a twinkle in his blue-green eyes, and his whole face wrinkled near his eyes and mouth as he smiled. He looked to be around fifty-five. "Why, thank you for saying that, Mr. Presley. Yes, I have met several of those people myself, and I have to say, I agree. I will send out a message to my various branches that Mr. Elvis Presley was impressed with his treatment by my employees. And I would add, I know where you've been, so I will send that message to just those branches. We are a news company after all." He winked.

"I would be very touched by that, Mr. Edwards."

"Would you mind if I have a little interview with you, Mr. Presley? Or do you have to be elsewhere?"

"Well, we were going into the radio interview, but found out that it was already occupied," said the Colonel, budding in. Mr. Edwards still smiled. He seemed like a friendly man.

"Colonel Tom Parker, a pleasure." The men shook hands. "Yes, I heard that I stole your timeslot. My apologies."

"It's alright," I said. "We were bumped to four tomorrow afternoon."

"I see," said Mr. Edwards. "Well, would it be alright if I talk to your boy for a few minutes, Colonel Parker?"

The Colonel put out a hand. "By all means. We're already here. But remember, only ten minutes."

"Noted. Now, Mr. Presley..." The cameraman came up closer, and I noticed there was a male scribe as well. I was asked about my time in the city so far, and of course, all I could think about was Evalyn, even though I had been busy recording music and making a movie. "I see that smile on your face. Tell me, why are you so happy? Something favorable happened while you've been here?"

I glanced at my manager, and he shook his head. He knew very well what was on my mind—who was on my mind. I looked back at Mr. Howard as the scribe scribbled away. "Well... I'm just thinkin' that my time here in LA so far has been great. I've been finishin' up my third film Jailhouse Rock, and I have been recordin' some music here and there. I've also done some concerts. I have met so many wonderful people and been to some pretty swell places."

Mr. Edwards nodded. "I see. You have been quite busy, then."

"Indeed, I have, sir. I enjoyed every moment of it."

"That's wonderful. So, Jailhouse Rock is to come out later this year?"

"Yes, sir. It is to come out this fall in October. At least, that's the plan."

"I see. I think all your fans are looking forward to it since we hear there is going to be great music and even a special number in it."

The Jailhouse Rock number that my director said would still be watched into the next century. I honestly thought that it would slip away sometime in the sixties. It depended on if I was famous enough in the future. "I guess we'll see."

"Indeed. Well, there is something else I would like to ask. And if you excuse me for saying this, but I heard that there was a rather excited fan the other day that toppled you over outside a record studio."

I heard the Colonel sigh in frustration again. He wanted to avoid this subject, but I had no other choice but to talk about it since I was asked, and a film camera was on me. The interview later the next day would probably bring it up, too, regardless if the Colonel asked them not to. "Yes, that happened, Mr. Howard."

"Tell me more about it."

The memory of Evalyn falling on me came to mind for the umpteenth time since it happened, and I felt heat rush up my neck. "Well, all I can say is that it wasn't intentional."

"Really, now? A lot of people think that it was, that the girl was hired to do it. You were injured by the fall, were you not?"

It was irritating that people were thinking such horrible things about sweet and innocent Evalyn. "My arm became bruised, but it's healed by now. And, no, this young woman wasn't hired by someone to injure me purposefully. I know that she wasn't."

"And how do you know this?"

My heart started to beat faster. Should I reveal this? A camera was on me—the whole country would see and hear me reveal my encounter with Evalyn. "Well, to be honest, I talked to 'er afterwards."

Mr. Edwards' brows rose. "Really? After the incident, you talked with her? Do you mean after your manager lost his temper with her?"

In the corner of my vision, I saw the very man walk away, probably so the camera wouldn't be able to spot him. He was embarrassed, I could feel it. "Yes, that's right. I suppose I felt badly for 'er. I just wanted to see if she was okay. And she was. Eventually."

"That was very selfless and caring of you to single out that fan and speak to her one-on-one. Was she shocked to see you?"

"She was."

"Could we get the name of this young woman?"

I shoved my hands into my slacks pockets. "I did receive her name, but if it's alright with you, Mr. Edwards, I would rather not disclose it. For her privacy."

He nodded. "That is completely understandable." He glanced over where the Colonel was, and I saw him tap his watch. He looked back at me. "Well, Mr. Presley, it looks like time has run out, but can I ask you one last question regarding this girl?"

"Of course."

"If you could meet her again, would you? After what happened?"

I felt my heart bang inside of me. The whole reason why I called all those schools and went to one of them was just so I could maybe see her again. I cleared my throat, ready to give my answer, and knowing that Evalyn would sometime find out about it from the paper or elsewhere. "Mr. Edwards... I would love to meet 'er again. Maybe in the same place I met 'er, and before I leave LA."

Mr. Edwards' eyes widened at that, and before he could ask me anything else, the Colonel came up to us. "Alright, that's enough for now. Elvis has to be somewhere."

"Yes, thank you so much for your time, Mr. Presley," said Mr. Edwards.

"You're very welcome," I said and shook his hand again. "It was great to meet you."

My manager pulled me away, and once we were out of the building and lost some other reporters and fans, he demanded, "Elvis, are you out of your mind?"

"I couldn't avoid the questions, you know."

"Yes, but you could've avoided saying what you did about meeting her again."

His eyes blazed. My chest pinched, knowing I did something wrong. "I'm sorry... I was just desperate, and I admit I was selfish."

"You were." I grimaced, and he patted by shoulder. "Hey, don't look so down. There's nothing we can do about it now. People who have seen the incident will know who she is, and if they spot her... well, so much for privacy. She's known as the girl who knocked you over, and she'll be known as the girl Elvis Presley's infatuated with. I think the whole country saw you grinning like a fool in there once Mr. Edwards mentioned her."

I kicked a pebble. "I really was a fool. I should've never said anythin'."

"Too late. Let's just get out of here, okay?"

I nodded. "Okay."

We went on to the car, and the Colonel and I got in. I stared out the window at the people walking around. I never mentioned Evalyn's name, but she would definitely know that it was her that I was talking about. She would know that I want to see her again. Why didn't I just say exactly when to meet me before I had to leave?

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