Till Death Do Us Part

By iamchlxe

11.5K 649 166

Sequel to Triangular Affectionโ˜บ๏ธ More

Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14


1.7K 67 10
By iamchlxe

5 Year Later
Nicki's POV
August 25, 2035

"Get back Nic!", yelled Kelly making me duck and run behind the wall.

"We got 2 minutes to get outta here.", yelled Melissa.

"The car is still on we just gotta get to it.", I said.

Kelly, Melissa, and I were on a job which wasn't supposed to happen but Kelly got into something making Melissa and I come to her rescue.

We soon heard a car pull up and shots let off. I peaked my head up and seen Beyoncé holding a AK and spraying everything that moved.

Soon everything went quiet and the only thing that could be heard were shells falling.

"Come on out.", said Rihanna.

We rose up to see the men laying on the ground making me sigh.

"Explain to me why the fuck I get a call from Tiny saying y'all got trouble!", yelled Beyoncé. Melissa and I pointed to Kelly.

"Wow just childish as every.", she said shaking her head.

"We gotta roll out, 5-0 is close.", said Rihanna. Tiny got into the car we came in while I hopped in with Bey and Rihanna.

"What happened to us staying behind the curtains?", asked Rihanna.

"I know we're are supposed to but certain people take that as a sign of weakness.", said Kelly.

"Kelly we have a fucking child together, you more worried about a bitch who is below you than your child who you mean the world to.", scoffed Melissa.

"She has a point.", said Rihanna.

"Okay fine I'll back off, but who's gonna handle business?", asked Kelly.

"Michelle, Wayne, and Drake.", said Beyoncé.

"Just fucking wonderful.", said Kelly.

"Hold up the girls are calling.", said Rihanna. She answered the call.

"Ms.Maraj I'm sorry to bother you but your daughters have got into a physical altercation with a student and have to be picked up.", said the principal.

"Which daughters Principal Henson?", I asked. Luckily Taraji and I used to kick it back in the day.

"The triplets.", she sighed.

"Wait a damn minute, the triplets are in fucking high school why is the mi—

"Oh they walked to the middle school and beat the shi—

She cleared her throats.

"They walked to the middle school and assaulted 2 of the students.", she said.

"Well then, we'll be on the way.", said Beyoncé.

"Welp looks like we're going to the damn school.", I sighed.

"How much you wanna bet the two kids have bruised faces?", asked Kelly.

"You think I'm crazy, I know my nieces.", said Melissa.

"I know y'all not back there betting on my damn kids.", said Rihanna shaking her head.

It's been 15 years and lemme say we all have grown. My Imani is 16 years old and she's growing so fast. She still sticks to her lonesome of course unless with the triplets who look up to her like she's a mother in her own way.

The twins stick to themselves, of course Rumi spends her time watching over her brother. The triplets are like bodyguards with the twins. Here and there they've tried to punk them but those twins are true firecrackers, especially Rumi.

She literally busted Winter's lip because she made fun of Sir falling off the swing. She's her mama's child, calm but a storm is quick to rip from the inside.

Imani started driving about 3 months ago and she's been practicing so much even though she already has her license. She drove the twins to school today while the triplets went with Steve who still watches over them.

A bodyguard is with the kids kids at all times speaking that we are involved in risky business. The twins especially are watched speaking that Sir can't go to a place like school without either Rumi or Tiny.

We finally pulled into the school and got out.

"Tiny you might wanna come in for this one.", I said. He nodded before locking the armored Escalade.

I walked into the familiar middle school to see a security guard standing at the door.

"Ms. Knowles.", he greeted with a smirk. Tiny stood in front of him as he gawked my wife.

"You need assistance lil man.", he growled. I laughed at the expression on his face when he looked at Tiny's large frame.

"Nicki please don't let your giant hurt another security guard.", said Taraji.

"Look the faster we get outta here the better off your guard is.", I said.

"Well then, the kids are in the office.", she said stepping to the side allowing us in.

We came in to see the triplets and the twins also.

"10 seconds, explain.", I said. They all began to talk at once with Sir just sat amongst them looking off to nowhere.

My baby still doesn't talk. He's now getting speech therapy to help, but she hasn't been able to get anywhere.

"ONE AT A TIME!", Beyoncé's voice boomed through the office.

"Mama they tried to bully Bubby.", said Summer. They called Sir Bubby which he sometimes didn't like. Especially in public.

Rihanna's neck twitched and her fist balled.

"Taraji you never mentioned that our son was being bullied.", I said slowly turning.

"Look I knew if I did y'all both would show the fuck out, I don't need reports of guns in the building going around.", she said.

"Girls you're going with Ma and Tiny, when we get home, homework, chores, then back to your rooms.", said Beyoncé.

"But Ma—

"SHUT IT BELLE!", she said.

They closed their mouths and soon filed out leaving Sir in the office alone. Rihanna left with them while Beyoncé and I stayed to talk to Sir.

He was our sweet baby but sometimes he wasn't okay.

"Come on my baby.", I said picking him up and letting him lay on my shoulder.

"T I hope you handle those kids because after a while I'll just let Rihanna do as she pleases.", I said before leaving.

We headed to the car with Beyoncé in front of me and Sir playing with my chain.

"I'll take him Munchkin.", she said before kissing me and taking him.

"Come on Bubby, let's get you in here.", she said buckling his seat belt and handing him his tablet.

Even though he hated talking, he had an app on his tablet that he would sometimes use to communicate.

"I'm sorry mommies.", the tablet said.

"No need to be sorry baby, your sisters just need to learn control.", said Beyoncé.

"Baby did you fight back?", I asked.

"No Mommy, they jumped me!"

I damn near flipped the car by pressing on the brakes so hard. I know damn well they did—

"We gotta go home baby, I know you wanna hurt someone, but we gotta go.", she said caressing my arm.

I took a deep breath before continuing to drive. Once we finally made it home the girls were spread through the common area cleaning.

"How have they been?", Beyoncé asked Rihanna.

"Of course an attitude but they followed your rules so far.", she said. We all knew those girls would never disobey Bey.

"GIRLS COME HERE!", Beyonce yelled. The girls soon were standing in front of us.

"So I have a question do you know why you getting grounded.", she asked.

"No Mama.", they said in unison.

"Look I know how it is to have a younger sibling who you wanna protect,  but you can't just beat everyone's ass.", I said.

"But Ma does it and so does mama.", said Autumn.

"Lemme ask you girls something, do you like your beds?", asked Rihanna.

"Yes ma'am.", they said.

"Do you wanna sleep on a floor in a roach infested house, do you wanna have to eat just noodles and heat up pots of water just to take a decent bath?", asked Beyoncé

"No ma'am.", they said frantically.

"Okay then, we ran so you all could walk, we have been through things so you don't have to do the things we do, you have privilege, don't take it for granted and think you can act however, you will be humble, you will be kind.", said Beyoncé.

"Mama we appreciate what y'all have done for us, but we can't let people beat on Bubby and think it's okay, you always tell us to do what's right, but people believe that they can't punk him because he doesn't have a voice.", said Summer.

"And no one punks Bubby.", said Autumn

"Except us.", added Winter.

"Girls keep the altercations down to a minimum, lemme give you a tip, make sure when you decide to beat someone's ass, you have a way to keep things silent, handle yo business and clean up after.", said Rihanna.

"Yes Ma.", they said.

"Now everyone go finish your chores and back to your rooms.", said Beyoncé.

"Wow!", said Autumn.

"Something you gotta say Nova?", I asked.

"No Mommy.", she said before leaving with her sisters. The only person left was Rumi.

"Can't we compro—

"Room.", we said together.

She huffed before running to her room.

Let the fun begin.


Welp looks like the FMK family is back in the mix.

The kids growing up?

How the girls act behind Sir?

Nicki, Rihanna, and Bey's repercussions for what the girls did?

I love y'all

And let's start this book off right.


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