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By CrazyCatTeen35

156K 4.7K 6.5K

"๐‘พ๐’† ๐’„๐’‚๐’'๐’• ๐’†๐’“๐’‚๐’”๐’† ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’‘๐’‚๐’”๐’•, ๐’ƒ๐’–๐’• ๐’˜๐’† ๐’„๐’‚๐’ ๐’”๐’•๐’Š๐’๐’ ๐’˜๐’“๐’Š๐’•๐’† ๐’•๐’‰๐’† ๐’‡๐’–๐’•๐’–๐’“๐’†." Ev... More

Chapter 1- Rapunzel's Return
Chapter 2- The Coronation
Chapter 3- Lady Caine
Chapter 4- Visiting Varian
Chapter 5- The Best Day
Chapter 6- Science Expo
Chapter 7- The Snuggly Duckling
Chapter 8- Listen Up
Chapter 9- The Compass
Chapter 10- Queen Rapunzel
Chapter 11- Forever Winter
Chapter 12- Lost Time
Chapter 13- Black and White
Chapter 14- Shall We?
Chapter 15- Breaking Point
Chapter 16- Ready
Chapter 17- The Battle of Old Corona
Chapter 18- Battle Wounds
Chapter 19- A Good Heart
Chapter 20- Community Service
Chapter 22- Parties and Promises
Chapter 23- Ball Gown
Chapter 24- A Room of People
Chapter 25- The Wand of Oblivium
Chapter 26- Red Bandanna
Chapter 27- New Saporia
Chapter 28- Angel
Chapter 29- Blue Betrayal
Chapter 30- More Than Just a Dream
Chapter 31- Let Me Make You Proud
Chapter 32- The Threat
Chapter 33- Captain Creighton
Chapter 34- Monster
Chapter 35- I'm Fine
Chapter 36- You and Me
Chapter 37- A Cinch
Chapter 38- Xavier's Legends
Chapter 39- The Pink Shell
Chapter 40- The Things We've Missed
Chapter 41- Nightmare
Chapter 42- The Plan
Chapter 43- Inherently Bad?
Chapter 44- The Truth Will Set You Free
Chapter 45- A Date with an Alchemist
Chapter 46- Hearts Apart
Chapter 47- When The Past Resurfaces
Chapter 48- The Girl Who Has Everything
Chapter 49- Cassandra's Return
Chapter 50- Shadows of the Moon
Chapter 51- Light of the Sun
Chapter 52- Floating
Chapter 53- Awaiting Alarms
Chapter 54- Captian Lance
Chapter 55- Project Obsidian
Chapter 56- The Gopher Grab
Chapter 57- Mistakes
Chapter 58- Safe and Sound
Chapter 59- Through It All
Chapter 60- The Tomb
Chapter 61- Hunted
Chapter 62- Gone
Chapter 63- What Once Was Mine
Chapter 64- Varian's Promise
Chapter 65- The Lost Realm
Chapter 66- Plus Est En Vous (Part I)
Chapter 67- Plus Est En Vous (Part II)
Chapter 68- Something That I Want
Chapter 69- The Garden
Behind the Scenes + Author's Note

Chapter 21- Andrew

2K 73 38
By CrazyCatTeen35

:-:Four Years Ago:-:

I smile with delight as I see the royal carriage transporting Varian and his father pull in front of the castle. As my father steps towards the royal carriage and greets Quirin and his son, I quickly hopped out of the window seat to meet Varian at the front doors. I could hardly wait to see my best (and technically only) friend again!

As they entered the palace, I run up to Varian and grinned. "Hey, Var!!" I greet.

Varian's sigh was the first signal to me that something was wrong. Usually, Varian was super excited for our visits, but today something seemed...off. I don't say anything else, and simply grab his hand and drag him to my bedroom. We sit down on my (fc) bedspread, and I look at Varian with sad eyes. "What's wrong?"

Varian crosses his arms and looks away. He sniffs as a couple of tears trickle down his freckled cheeks. "The village kids made fun of me again. They said nobody in their right mind would be friends with a dangerous freak like me."

I frown. "You can't let them get to you, Varian. They're a bunch of jerks. Besides, you have me. We're best friends!" I quickly hug him as though to prove my point.

The boy pushes out of my embrace. Varian takes off one of his black gloves and wipes the tears from his cheeks. "You're just my friend because I'm your only option."

I feel a bit taken aback. Technically Varian's words were true, but they also weren't. I genuinely enjoyed his company and I always thought that I would still be Varian's friend even if I was allowed out of the castle. "Varian..."

He cuts me off. "It's true!!"

"No, it's not!! I love spending time with you! You're sweet, considerate, and smart. Nobody in their right mind wouldn't want to be friends with you."

Varian shows the slightest smile. "You mean it?"

"Of course!! We'll always be best friends, regardless of whether or not I'm trapped in some stupid castle." I say.

Varian's blue eyes light up with joy. He extends his pinky out to me. "Promise?"

I hold out my own and we lock pinkies. "Promise."

:-:Present Day:-:

A lanky, brown-haired man wearing a fur vest sat on the bench across from Varians.

I scowl.


The man glances over at me, and a devious smirk spreads across his cheeks. "Ah, princess (Yn). To what do I owe this unexpected visit?"

I glare at him, knowing his polite demeanor was just an act. After he tried to steal Hertz Der Sonnes' journal about a year ago, everyone knew that Andrew was nothing but a petty thief.

"I'm not here to see you."

"Ah, I see." Andrew's eyes glance at me, and then at Varian. "You must be here to see your boyfriend then~"

My cheeks turn a bright shade of pink and I quickly turn away. "He is not my boyfriend."

Andrew chuckles. "My mistake, princess."

I ignore him and release Varian from his cell, dragging the alchemist out of the dungeon. As we enter palace halls, I turn to the boy. "Why in the world are you in the same cell as Andrew?"

Varian shrugs. "The guards moved him in with me last night. Something about running out of space for inmates?"

I sigh. "Okay, whatever Andrew tells you, don't believe it. That man lies and cheats his way through everything. He's a member of the Separatists of Saporia."

"Isn't that the group of Saporians who have it in for Corona?"

I nod. "Andrew almost got away with stealing one of the most valuable possessions in the land for who-knows-what. You can't trust him."

"(yn)?" Varian looks at me with worried eyes. "Andrew said something to me...he told me that this kingdom w-will never forgive me for what I've done."

I stop in my tracks. My blood was beginning to boil. I couldn't believe Andrew was saying such cruel things to Varian. Wasn't losing his father enough? "Varian...that isn't true-"

Varian cuts me off. "No! It is true!" He looks down at his hands. "Y-You can try and redeem me, but at the end of the day, the people of Corona will only see me as a dangerous criminal." His voice wavers. "How could anyone forgive me? I-I attacked their princess, destroyed Old Corona, heck, I kidnaped you, (yn)!" Varian looks at me with eyes filled with tears. "You should be scared of me, or mad, or...or-"

I quickly grab ahold of Varian's hands. "Varian, I forgive you."

I don't even process those words as they escape my lips. I think them over and realize something: It's the truth. I do forgive Varian. Even with all of his flaws and mistakes, Varian's apology allowed me to see him as my old friend again. I was finally ready to let go of the past.

A couple of stray tears leak out of Varian's blue eyes. "Y-You do?"

I nod. "Your apology gave me the strength to forgive you. I know Andrew's words seem true, but you have to believe me when I say that they aren't. It won't be easy, but I know that we can figure this out." I gently smile at Varian. "Together. Do you trust me?"

Varian grins and wipes a tear from his cheek. "Always."


I poke at my dinner with a fork, not feeling in the mood to eat mashed potatoes. I haven't been in the mood to eat at all with everything on my mind. Figuring out a way to help Varian, trying to stop Andrew from being manipulative, and worrying about Rapunzel, Cass, and my other friends while they were on a journey to who-knows-where was really taking its toll on my health.

"(Yn), is everything alright?" My mom asks, worry filling her emerald green eyes.

"I'm fine. My plate is just really full." I look down at my untouched dinner and slightly chuckle. "Literally and figuratively."

Dad smiles. "I know-"

The door to the dining room opens, and a messenger enters holding a floating lantern with the Coronian Crest painted on the side. I could easily recognize the lantern anywhere; it was one of the dozens of lanterns my parents sent out over the years for Rapunzel. I still have vivid memories of watching the king and queen outside of my bedroom window, sending lanterns into the night sky. I, obviously, was never allowed to participate in the ceremony, as it was too dangerous, so I would always handcraft my own lantern and release it into the sky once everyone else had let the wind carry theirs away. It had become a tradition of my own.

"Who could've sent us a lantern?" Dad asks nobody in particular.

The messenger grins and pulls a rolled-up scroll off of the lantern. "I think it's from the princess." He says, handing the scroll to the king.

Dad smiles brighter than I had seen him smile in a while. I couldn't blame him; I was elated to hear from my sister.

The excitement bubbles inside of me as my father opens the message and begins to read.

"I'm still sad to be so far from home, and there's nothing wrong with that. I can be independent, and see the world, and still miss home. That's just part of life; nobody can be happy all the time. If I'm sad, it's a reminder that I love my family. And when I miss you most, I'll have my friends to lean on.

Until I see you again, you are always in my heart.



As dad finishes reading the letter, he wipes a couple of tears from his eyes. I walk up to him and snatch the letter from his hand to read it myself.

I smile and hug the piece of paper close to my chest. Rapunzel's words really helped to lift my spirits, and give me the advice I needed. "When I miss you most, I'll have my friends to lean on." I couldn't help but feel that those words were written for me.

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