Falling for The Freak (Eddie...

By strangergvf0423

833K 23.3K 45.8K

(Y/N) just moved into Hawkins for her senior year of high school and already she's being shown the ropes. Aft... More

Welcome to Hawkins High
Meeting 'The Freak'
A Week into Hawkins
A Hawkins Party (Pt.1)
A Hawkins Party (Pt.2)
The Tired After Party
Catching Up
The Movie
The Start of Something New
Late Night Talking
The Hideout
Jealousy, Jealousy (Pt.1)
Jealousy, Jealousy (Pt.2)
Bittersweet Company
The Funeral
The Distraction
A Much Needed Girls Night
Losing Him
Discovering the Truth
The Thought of You
The Waiting Game
Tears and Rain
Harrington (Pt.1)
Harrington (Pt.2)
With or Without You
Juliet's Secrets
This Is What Falling In Love Feels Like
Harlow's Diner
Nightmares From The Past
Friendsgiving (Pt.1)
Friendsgiving (Pt.2)
Cleaning Up The Mess
Making Amends
Love and Glory
Kicking Names and Taking Ass
Thanksgiving (Pt.1)
Thanksgiving (Pt.2)
The Cunningham Effect
The Kidnapping
The Feared Past and the Doomed Future
The plan ~without a capital 'P'~
The Master of Puppets
Fine Line
Everyone Requires A Plan
A Winter Romance
The Snow Ball (Pt.1)
The Snow Ball (Pt.2)
A Chaotic Morning
Hey, Hey What Can I Do
Team Work Makes the Dream Work
Growing Up & Falling Apart
My Love
Hungry Like The Wolf
You're Dead, Wheeler
A Winter Wonderland (Pt.1)
A Winter Wonderland (Pt.2)
A Winter Wonderland (Pt.3)
Sweater Weather
Crazy In Love
My Mind is Drifting Away
Dreaming in Reality
Preparing for BAT-tle
Why Didn't You Run?
The Beginning of the End
Broken Bells
Your Protector
Tentpole Shangrila
The Weight of Dreams
Christmas Day (Pt.1)
Christmas Day (Pt.2)
Nobody Puts Baby In A Corner
Okay? Okay.
New Years Eve (Pt.1)
New Years (Pt.2)
Upside Down

We Could Be Heroes

10.7K 308 655
By strangergvf0423

~ Heroes by Peter Gabriel ~

(Y/N)'s POV

I ran as fast as I could, but with that, my cut began to bleed again. I cursed the world as I raced down the steps. As I made it to the bottom floor, I realized I'm on the wrong side of the building from the opening in the glass. 

"Fuck!" I screamed in a panic. I told myself to calm down and brought my flashlight up to point into the hallway walls, wanting to know what was on the walls. There it was. The dark red stain of fingerprints being dragged down to the floor where the light radiated off of another glob of a rotting body. I put my hand over my mouth as everything started hitting me at once. How did I not smell or see any of this before?

I made my way down the hall, trying to keep my eyes in a straight line to avoid seeing anymore bodies. I don't think I'd be mentally sane if I had to see anything like this again. I might as well throw myself into a mental hospital after all this. No one would ever believe me. 

Another noise came from behind me and this time I got to see what it was. Two dog looking animals were standing behind me. They had slimy skin and long fingers, so I know they weren't really dogs. What confirmed my suspicion of not being dogs was the fact that their faces opened up like a killer flower with many teeth.

I screamed louder than I ever have before before turning around and running. What is going on? Is this apart of my parents experiment? Am I going to die?

One of the dogs jumped onto my back, knocking me over and making me drop my flashlight. I managed to turn my body around at the same time the thing opened up his face. As he leaned down to bite me, I reached up and grabbed him by the throat, trying to push him off of me. 

"Get off of me." I screamed. I put my feet underneath him and kicked him off of me. The dog let out a whining sound as he hit the wall. I tried to get up after that to have the higher ground, but stopped in my tracks, letting out a screech of pain. The second dog was biting my leg - the same leg I scratched earlier. 

I tried kicking the dog with my leg until the other way from earlier bit into my side. I let out another scream of pain before trying to fight back as much as I could. My vision was getting too blurry to keep trying and I went to accept my fate of dying. I was going to be with Brandon and Eddie again and I know Juliet is in a good place with Mrs. Wheeler, so shouldn't I just allow death to hit me?

"Get the fuck off of her." The dog whimpered after get smacked off of me. The second dog on my leg looked up and growled at the being above me. I couldn't tell who it was in the darkness as the world started to fade out. I did, however, hear the screaming and what sounded like gun shots. 

"(Y/N)!" Juliet's angelic voice sounded worried as I felt her try to shake me awake. 

"Is she alright?"

"No, we have to get her to a hospital, now!"

"Get her out of here!" 

"Darling, listen, it's me, you have to stay awake, okay?" Someone reached underneath me and scooped me up, hurting my wounds. I would be crying out in pain if it weren't for the fact that I was on the brink of death. The only thing keeping me awake was that nickname. There was only one person who called me that.


Eddie's POV

"Hey, guys."

"What the fuck, Munson?" Steve asked me, in total shock, even though he was the one that swung a baseball bat at my head. I looked around the group in confusion as they stared at me in horror.

"What?" I asked them. That was when Juliet ran over to me and hugged me tightly. I felt my shirt get wet and looked down to see her crying. "Juliet, what's wrong?"

"You're alive!" Juliet pulled away and gave me a big, wet smile. I wiped her tears away and asked her what she meant. "The whole town thought you were dead."

"Dead? No, I've been in the city all day. What is going on?" I asked them. Why would people think I'm dead?

"We'll explain later, right now we have to go find (Y/N). She's in danger." Dustin told me, looking at me like I was a ghost, but also panicking from the urgency of the situation. 

"Why is she in danger? Where is she?" I was now the one panicking. 

"Listen, we can stand here and catch up with twenty questions, or we can go save (Y/N) from possible danger leading to possible death." Steve cut everyone else off from more questions. "Now, let's go!" I followed the group as we made it to a fence with a sign that barely read Hawkins Laboratory

"This is it, but how did she get in?" Dustin wondered. 

"Maybe she hopped the fence?" Robin questioned, but we knew that wasn't true since the top of the fence had barbed wire. She would have been all cut up. 

"I think she might have gone another way. Let's head towards the front, maybe it has an opening." Mike announced. We followed his lead as he showed us the way. So many questions swirled in my mind as I thought about what was happening at the moment. Why was she in danger? Why did people think I was dead? Did (Y/N) think I was dead? Oh, God, what if she thought I was dead?

"She crawled under this fence." Juliet's voice stopped us in our tracks as we looked at where she was pointing. The bottom of the fence was dented in and it looked as if someone had dragged themselves underneath. Getting a closer look, there was spot of dry blood that stained the grey wire. 

"Why would she do that? Why not walk around to try and open the front gate?" Lucas asked. 

"She might have thought that she was going to be caught by the cameras. You know how the Hawkins Lab is, they are always watching and listening in." Robin butt in. This added on so many more questions I was dying to ask. 

"Alright, so should we climb under? You said (Y/N) is in danger, so I would really love to get her out of there as soon as possible." I told them as I clasp my hands together to let them know I was growing impatient. 

Steve started pulling up the fence to allow a bigger gap for us all to fit under. The line began as we all crawled our way onto the property. 

"There, that was easy." Steve said while huffing. Nancy was about to say something back to him when suddenly a loud scream flew by in the woods. 

"Shit!" We all started running towards the Hawkins Laboratory in worry as we heard more screams, getting louder the closer we got. 

A wrestling noise echoed as we got to the front doors. Everyone started running through the broken hole in the door. Before I could go, Dustin pushed me back and handed me a knife. 

"Here, be ready." I gave him a look, but it was left unanswered as he left to go inside. I followed behind with the knife and was left shocked from the scene. (Y/N) was on the ground, looking dead, as two creatures ate at her side and leg. 

"Get the fuck off of her." Steve screamed as he swung the bat, stabbing the thing with the nails sticking out. The thing flew back and hit the wall, whimpering at the blow it just got hit with. I have to admit, I'm impressed from the force. 

Nancy brought her arms up and shot at the dog-thing on the ground, killing it. I had no idea what to think in this moment. I wanted to shrivel up and become the coward that I've always been. I have no idea why I'm here or what to even do. 

"(Y/N)!" Juliet's panicked voice tore me out of my deep thoughts. I looked down to where she was crying, seeing (Y/N) bleed out on the floor in front of me. Juliet shook (Y/N), trying to get her to look at her. 

"Is she alright?" Max asked as she went to help Juliet with (Y/N) open wounds. 

"No, we have to get her to a hospital, now!" Nancy called out as she took her last shot at the second dog-like creature. 

"Get her out of here!" Steve's voice knocked me out of my scared state. I rushed over to (Y/N) and reached down to scoop her up into my arms. 

"Darling, listen, it's me, you have to stay awake, okay?" I wanted to cry from how much blood rushed out of her body. Her eyes were rolling to the back of her head as she laid in my arms, looking up at the dark sky as I brought her outside. "Keep your eyes open, darling." 

"Follow me!" Robin called to me. I ran with her, constantly apologizing to (Y/N) from hurting her, since I knew she would be in so much pain from the bouncing. 

It felt like forever until we reached the cars. The adrenaline pumping through my veins was the only thing that kept me holding (Y/N) tight into my arms as I ran. 

I threw my keys at Robin, telling her to drive my van and to follow us before throwing myself into Nancy's car. Robin was protesting through the window, but I ignored her as Steve hopped into the car and we left. 

"How is she?" Steve asked as he looked back at me. His face was twisted in worry as he waited for the results.

"I think she'll be okay." I lied, trying to convince myself that she would live. Not only did (Y/N) think I was dead, but now she was the one dying in my arms. (Y/N) started wheezing and seemed to struggle to breathe. "Fuck." I cursed underneath my breath. 

"What? What do you mean 'fuck'?" Steve screamed at me, making me panic more as I watch (Y/N) close her eyes and let out a long breath. Then, she was silent. 

"No." My eyes began to tear up as I shook her shoulders. "(Y/N)? Darling, wake up." I begged her, but her body was lifeless. 

"Eddie, tell me what's going on?" Steve screamed again. 

"She's not breathing!" I screamed back as I began to cry. Since I was in the back, I was able to lay her down on the seats across from me and got down on my knees, knowing what I had to do. 

Nancy started cursing under her breath as she drove faster to the hospital. My balance wasn't that steady, but I did everything I could to give her CPR. My hands were covered in blood as I pressed on her chest. 

"Please, please, please." I cried while pumping. Once I was ready, I tilted her head back and blew life into her lungs. After one breath, I sat up and looked down at her face, but still nothing. I took another deep breath and spilled it into her lungs, still nothing. "(Y/N), darling, you have to wake up. I don't know what I would do without you." I admitted to her. I didn't care that she couldn't hear me, I had to let her know. 

I tried another round of CPR as Steve panicked in the front seat, screaming every curse word and telling us how he couldn't lose her. I wanted to yell at him in anger, but I couldn't. I knew how much Steve cared for (Y/N) - almost as much as I cared for her. With more breath into her lungs, still nothing was working. I reached over and grabbed her face with my bloodied hands, not caring that I was smearing it all over her. I kissed her forehead, her left cheek, right cheek, nose, then her lips. I then reached under her and wrapped her into my arms, crying into her hair. 

"I will do anything for you, absolutely anything if you just open your eyes. Please, come back to me. You have to wake up. I don't think I could live a single day without you. I'm so so sorry about leaving today. I'm sorry you thought I was dead. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you. I can make it up to you, I promise." I whispered into her ear as I cried for her. "I love you so much, (Y/N). You're so beautiful and I love you more than anything in this world."

The car stopped and Nancy rushed out of the at the speed of light. Steve got out right behind her and opened up the trunk to find (Y/N) limp in my arms as she bleeds all over me. 

"No, no, (Y/N)." Steve ran his fingers through his hair and grabbed at it in anger. I had never in my life seen him mess up his hair. That's just how much he loves (Y/N). 

The nurses came rushing out with a gurney to take (Y/N) away. I protested, not wanting to leave her side, but they told me that they could save her if I let her go. I agreed and laid her body on the gurney. Before I could say anything, they rushed (Y/N) inside. I was about to run and follow, but Nancy pulled me back. 

"They'll save her." Nancy's eyes filled with tears as she told me this. I nodded and went to sit in the waiting room with Steve while Nancy went to park the car. As I sat there, I rested my head in my hands while I bounced my knees. 

"Where is she?" Juliet's voice broke through the silence as she ran over to Steve and I. We looked at her with broken hearts. Juliet started putting the pieces together as she stared at our tear stained faces and the blood that covered me head to toe. "She can't be."


Author's Note

Eddie's alive!! How does everyone feel?? I couldn't kill him off! (as I sit here writing in my Eddie Munson shirt lmao)

Thank you all so much for the kind words! Again, you guys mean the world to me :) I'm always looking forward to what you guys have to say about the chapters. I almost cried reading them today and I also started to cry writing this chapter, so I hope it is emotional enough for you all, too.

I'm not sure when the next chapter will come out since my eyes are burning while looking at my screen, but I will get it out as soon as I can because I love writing this story so much! I hope you all have a fantastic day :)) <3

P.S. I wish I could answer each and every comment, but I'm not able to. Just remember that I read every comment so I really appreciate the love this story receives and so many thanks to those who say I'm a good writer. It means everything to me!!

XOXO - gossip girl

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