a Home that understands and a...

By alex_lxxser

1.3K 109 61

Terressa has been in the orphanage for 8 years now , she's eleven years old so since she was 3 years old. She... More

getting misgendered isnt fun.(1)
first day and already crying again.(2)
making and doing the plans! (4)
tommys birthday (5)
family necklace + surpise (6)

outing (3)

233 17 5
By alex_lxxser

After half an hour they were at the shopping center , the got a cart before walking to see different kind of shops making Tommy feel a bit overwhelmed but since he was so stuborn and did not trust Techno or any of the Watsons yet he didn't say anything.

"so , first clothes and then decoration?" Techno asked as the first shops they saw were clothing shops

"sure.." Tommy answered shortly as they walked to the first clothes store , Techno walked to the girls area with tommy and showed him some stuff but saw that he didnt seem to like them and didnt seem a little bit intereseted in the girl clothes. 

Techno thought about why that could be before he remembered his friends , he than smiled when he had an Idea , Wilbur and him had a good friend who taught them both about LGBTQ and how they used all pronouns and all that so maybe Teressa was a part from the LGBTQ comunity Techno thought. 

"Hmm come on" Techno said and pulled tommy to the man area

"why the man area?.." Tommy asked shocked and worried cause what if he found out already?

"well , you didnt like the girl clothes so i thought , why not just find something here?" Techno explained looking at Teressa and noticed how she looked scared "I mean clothes dont have a gender soo" he quickly added , he didnt want to jump to conclusions but if Teressa really was part of LGBTQ than she would tell them once she felt safe with them. 

"thank you.." Tommy mumbled with a small smile on his face making Techno smile aswell , Tommy seemed to open up at least a bit but getting his full trust will be hard

"No problem , now come on lets get you some new clothes" the older chuckled. Tommy never really said anything to things techno showed but he did look at some clothes longer than at others so techno thought that he liked these and picked them up to place them in the cart. They went to a few different shops and Techno saw Tommy looking at binders in one shop

"Tess? why are you looking at- just forget it" Techno did want to ask but he decided to talk with him later.

"hm?.. alright?" Tommy said confused as they walked back to the car to put the clothes there. After they were done with the clothes shopping they got some decorations before eventually driving to the house. When they were finally home and were done putting everything away in tommys room they both looked at it and smiled , Tommy looked at Techno as if he wanted a hug but didnt want to ask and of course Techno noticed it 

"can i hug you tess?" Techno then asked and Tommy nodded before getting pulled into a hug , He could have asked if Tommy had wanted a hug but that would probably make Tommy fell uncomfortable that Techno knew he wanted one. 

"Thank you Techno" He smiled and Techno smiled back before they broke the hug 

"of course tess.."he looked at tommy and noticed that his smile was now fake and not real anymore 

"whats wrong? your smile is more then fake" Techno asked and walked to tommys bed to sit down with him


"Teressa. you have been with us for more then 24hours already and im staying till you tell me whats wrong. Your my little sister now and im always going to be there for you" Techno smiled at Tommy cupping his face and a tear fell down tommys face

"i-i..." Tommy began to cry "i-im not ready to talk about it.." Tommy said and Techno sighed

"ok but as soon as you are , you'll come to me. alright? I know we just met and you probably dont feel safe with us just yet but i promise that we wont ever hurt you or anything. If something happens what we will do is talk about it but never will we raise a hand or anything , i swear." Techno told him , seriousness in his voice as he did so and Tommy nodded before asking to be left alone. Techno was okay with that so he left the room and later brought him up some food. 

the next few weeks were alright tommy would say , he did hate that he wasnt real boy and couldnt wear a binder but luckily the hoodies that they had gotten were big enough to make it not to uncomfortable not wearing a binder. 

Tommy was going to school now too and for now he liked this family even if the thoughts of going back soon hurt ,he decided to make the best of the time. They had many family game nights too even if tommy wasnt really family they tried to make him feel welcomed and everything was going alright for now. 


it had now been four weeks since Tommy had been staying with them , everything was going great other than that they didnt know about him being Trans. Tommy met Tubbo a few days after staying with them , they fit togheter perfectly and became best friends togheter with Ranboo. they often met up in the park or just texted or called since Tommy had gotten a phone from the Watsons on day four of staying with them.

They had found out he didnt have a phone to contact them or anyone so they had gotten him one , he was shocked but wasnt allowed to say no to taking it. He was allowed to text friends and call them and he was told he had his privacy with it.

Now Tommy was in his room and sat on his bed , he watched Videos on youtube how other people who were Trans and got kicked out because of it and was even more scared to tell them now , of course he saw Videos of accepted Trans people ,too , but he was still scared to not have the happy ending. He closed his phone and began to cry , he cried really loud apparantly because Techno was the only one near tommys room and heard him.

Techno walked to his room and knocked but there was no answer so he just walked in , he saw Tommy crying on the bed and walked up to him sitting down to him and put a hand on Tommys shoulder to get his attention

"Tess? Whats wrong?" he gently asked

"i-i cant say.." Tommy answered and looked at Techno with tears in his eyes , Techno hugged him and he leaned on Techno more trying to stop crying but the thoughts wouldnt stop bothering him

"I promise you , whatever it is i will always be here and so will Wilbur and Dad , you have stayed with us for four weeks already tess and we love you. I dont think that whatever you have to say will change that , we love you to much for that" Techno told him , he sounded serious but would he still be after he would be told?

"n-no.. your going to hate me and- and.. kick me out.." Tommy said the last part as a wisper but Techno could hear him and his eyes widened at that

"why would i hate you? We would never hate you Tess , your mine and wils sister and phils daughter and we would never kick you out.." Techno said smiling but tommy cried even more

"thats the thing!" Tommy yelled and hid his face on Technos shoulder

"Tess whats wrong? Tell me.. what do you mean?" Techno said 

"f-fine but dont be mad!" Tommy said and Techno smiled with a nod 

"i promise" 

"i-im not a girl.." Tommy wispered


"im not a girl!" Tommy looked right at Techno ,who was really shocked now ,while crying . The older one needed a few seconds to think before he cupped Tommys face again with a soft smile

"y-your not mad?" Tommy asked Techno who began to chuckle slighly

"No.. now, whats my brothers name?" Techno asked ruffling Tommys hair , Tommy smiled at him 

"T-tommy , my name is tommy" he answered proud while wipping his tears away

"it fits you , well tommy ,  Its nice to finally meet the real you" Techno said , Tommy was quick to hug Techno again. Never in his life he ever felt happier about anything , finally someone really cared and accepted him the way he was.

"want to tell dad and wil?" Techno asked and Tommy sighed

"yea.. but you'll do it!" Tommy said , Techno chuckled and nodded at him. They walked down to the Livingroom where Philza and Wilbur where sitting , Tommy was nervously hiding behind Techno

"Guys i want you to meet someone" Techno said , gesturing to Tommy

"Teressa?" Wilbur asked and they both shock their heads and Tommy took a big breath before saying something

"I-im not Teressa!" Tommy said making wilbur and phil both confused

"what?" Wilbur asked. Tommy looked to Techno who nodded back at him meaning for him to tell them

"I-Im a boy. My name is Tommy and im a boy" Tommy said looking back at the other two and phil smiled at him

"oh come on!" Phil said laughing and even if he was laughing tommy was worried to get kicked out now , he looked scared and worried both of the twins noticed.

"p-please dont kick me out! please!"In the last four weeks Tommy grew attackted to them so he would try anything for them to keep him ,

"i would never , you're my son and im sorry if i worried you with what i just said" Phil chuckled "i said that because i relised i have three sons now" he explained before going up to Tommy and hugging him , the Twins joined them and cheered that they had a little brother now.

"T-thank you for not being mean.." Tommy said and the others smiled at him as they pulled away from the hug and the Twins sat down on the couch

"Of course , we should get you a haircut soon and a binder! Omg you need a Transflag!" Wilbur said really fast and everyone laughed

"Lets get you a haircut tomorrow" Phil said ruffling his hair and Tommy nodded smiling

best family ever..

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