Cafe AU (NetaxReader)

By kiweedles

607 15 3

Listen...I have no real plans for this, but I wanted to post it separately just in case I decide to do more... More

First Date

New in Town

299 4 3
By kiweedles

I admittedly didn't do a lot of proof reading on this because it was just a random idea i wanted to throw out there so hopefully it's okay.

Just some basic background info for this AU would work in a cafe...Everyone is a human, modern day. all that good stuff. All the characters mentioned have been posted about on twitter before so hopefully you can see references there if you're unsure about anyone. But most are familiar faces.


"Get outta here already!" Ren kicked his foot at you and you glared up at him from your spot on the floor. You wanted to do anything but work right now so you'd slipped into the back for a breather. Ren was washing dishes and had become your unwilling companion.

"Come on, you know you love my company." You stood up, jabbing him with your elbow. Ren scoffed, flicking some bubbles at you. You laughed, brushing them away.

"Oh yeah, it's such a thrill. I swear to god if I have to listen to you talk about your ex anymore I'm gonna drown myself in this sink." He scrubbed the dish in his hand vigorously. You knew Ren wasn't a complete asshole but he really took every opportunity to make you doubt that.

"I don't talk about him...that much." You mumbled, crossing your arms. It'd been months already since you'd broken up but you couldn't help ranting about him every now and then. You frowned, leaning against the wall and staring at your feet. Ren sighed, turning off the water and facing you.

"Listen, I just wish you'd forget about that prick. Not worth your time. That's all I'm saying. " You glanced up at him and gave him a half smile.

"I know. It's just hard sometimes." You played with some bubbles on the side of the sink, rubbing the slick substance on your finger.

"Y/N!" A sweet but slightly panicked voice called out to you from the front and you groaned.

"Sounds like Evi needs you." Ren turned the water back on, getting back to work. "Better hurry before she has a mental breakdown or something."

"Yup. Hey, thanks Ren...for just being a good friend, ya know." You gave him a warm smile and his ears flushed slightly.

"Yeah yeah, shut up." He splashed some water off his fingers at you and you laughed, pushing off the wall and walking back to the front of the cafe.

When you pushed the kitchen door open and saw the state of the place your eyes widened. Evi was frantically trying to help customers but the line was backed up all the way to the door. You rushed over to the register next to hers, ushering over the next customer in line.

"Why didn't you call me sooner?" You leaned over, whispering to your coworker.

"I didn't want to bother you! I know you're stressed, I wanted you to have a minute to relax." She finished taking the order, turning around to prepare the drink. Her hands were shaking and she nearly dropped the cup multiple times. Evi would never be upset with you for slipping away every now and then but you couldn't help but feel guilty.

The two of you focused on the customers, getting the orders taken and out to them as fast as you could. Thankfully most of the orders were simple enough and before you knew it, the cafe was empty again. Evi sighed, slumping against the counter. You walked over to her and threw your arms around her, squeezing her tightly.

"W-what's that for?" She squeezed you back.

"Thank you for covering for me." You let go and she flushed, straightening her tie.

"Of course, you're my friend." She gave you a sweet smile.

"But next time you better call me the second you feel overwhelmed!" You pointed your finger at her and her expression turned apologetic.

"Alright, I'll try." You nodded, satisfied with her answer. You heard the bell over the door ring and you glanced over, seeing a young man walk in.

"Shit, we're low on a bunch of stuff. I'll grab some things from the back." You let Evi help the customer while you gathered the supplies from the kitchen. When you came back out they seemed to be having a pleasant conversation. You set the stuff on the counter, walking over to the register.

"Oh, did you just move here?" Evi asked, handing the man his receipt.

"Mhm. Just a few days ago actually. My job relocated me here." He smiled warmly.

"Well I'm sure you'll love it. It's such a nice town." Evi started making the man's drink and you joined in on the conversation.

"And hopefully you've just found your new favorite cafe." You joked, giving him a smile. When his green eyes slid to you they widened. A flush spread across his cheeks and he looked down at his shoes.

"Y-yes. I think I have." His eyes flitted back up to yours and he waved his hands in a panic. "I m-mean if the coffee is good. Not that I think it'll be bad! I just....haven't...had it yet...." He trailed off awkwardly.

You were speechless. The man was a complete and total mess. You stifled a laugh, turning around so you didn't upset him. Evi eyed the two of you from the corner of her eye.

"Here you go!" She turned and handed him his drink. "Have a great day!" She smiled and he turned his attention back to her.

"Ah, thank you. It smells wonderful." He took the drink, bowing his head slightly. "Have a good one." He smiled and turned around, leaving the cafe. You watched him in amazement. He seemed like two completely different people shoved into one body.

"Looks like someone's got a crush on you." Evi teased, bumping you with her shoulder. You looked down at her, your eyebrows raising.

"Seriously?" You crossed your arms and she openly gaped at you.

"Don't tell me you didn't notice. It was so obvious, Y/N! He was a nervous wreck." She turned to wipe down the counter and you glanced out of the front windows.

"Maybe he's just a nervous guy." You shrugged and she scoffed.

"He seemed to talk to me just fine." She tossed the rag into a bin under the counter. "Why are you so against the idea? He was cute." Evi leaned against the counter.

"He was but...I don't know." You sighed, leaning down over the counter on your elbows. "I'm just not ready to think about dating." You scratched at a spot on the counter. It had been months but it didn't always feel like months. Somedays the wounds felt so fresh you could hardly get out of bed.

"Well, you know I would never force you to do something you didn't want to do." Evi walked over to you, placing her hand on your back. "Buuut, maybe it's exactly what you need. You'll never know unless you try."

"I don't even know the guy's name and you're already planning our first date." You laughed and Evi leaned down next to you.

"Neta. His name is Neta, he told me." She gave you a proud smile. "So can I plan the date now?"

"Not yet." You bumped her with your shoulder. "I still don't even think he likes me and I don't even know anything about him."

"All in good time." She gave you a sweet smile and before you could argue your point again, the kitchen door swung open.

"Well, you two are certainly making the best of your time on the clock, hm?" You both stood up straight, turning around quickly.

"Sorry, YB. We just had a rush and were taking a breather." You gave him an awkward smile, Evi clamming up completely. He eyed the two of you for a moment.

"I understand but let's not slack off, okay? Y/N, go clean the tables in the dining area." You nodded, grabbing a clean cloth and some spray from under the counter and scurrying away. You kept your eye on Evi as she stood in front of YB, fiddling with her long braid.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean t-to-" She stared at her feet. You felt awful for having to leave her to deal with him on her own. While he wasn't the worst manager, YB definitely was intimidating. Evi always had a difficult time dealing with him. Her anxiety seemed to skyrocket the moment he entered the room.

"Evi Evi Evi." YB's voice softened and he placed his hand on her shoulder. "Don't apologize, just do better next time, okay?" He gave her a smile and she glanced up at him, nodding quickly. "Good girl. Now, let's discuss that schedule change you asked about. Come with me to my office." Evi tensed, glancing your way for a moment before hesitantly following YB into the back.

You frowned as they disappeared through the door. You knew she'd be fine but you wished you could've done more to help. Turning your attention back to the tables, you scrubbed them all down. The occasional customer would walk in and you stopped to help them before getting back to your task. When you'd finally finished the last table you tossed the rag under the counter and slumped back against it.

"Leaving." Ren burst out of the kitchen, causing you to jump. He never failed to clock out the second his shift ended.

"Hold on! Lemme grab my stuff and we can walk together." You started untying your apron and Ren rolled his eyes, groaning loudly.

"You've got one minute." He called out as you rushed into the back. You clocked out and grabbed your stuff from your locker. The door to the manager's office creaked open and Evi slipped out. She looked shaken but her expression softened as soon as she saw you.

"Perfect timing. Let's get out of here." You smiled and she nodded, going to grab her stuff. YB stood leaning in the doorway of his office, watching the two of you.

"Don't forget to flip the sign on your way out." He smiled and you nodded. You felt Evi standing behind you, pressing lightly against your back. "Good work today." He waved his hand, slipping back into the office.

"See ya." You waved back, turning to Evi. "Let's hurry, Ren's waiting and you know how he gets." The two of you walked out, Ren waiting at the front door looking very irritated.

"Three minutes! You're killing me." Ren grumbled, flipping the sign aggressively and holding the door open for you both.

The next day Evi wasn't at work. YB said she'd called out sick and you'd messaged her a few times but only got one word answers. You made a mental note to check on her after your shift today. As a result, Ren was put on the register with you and he was far from pleased.

"These people are so fucking annoying." He grumbled. "Always asking for shit."

"I mean...that's the point of the job Ren. They ask for shit and we make it." You laughed and he slumped down onto the counter.

"Well it sucks." The bell over the door chimed and Ren stood up, sighing loudly. "What do you want?" You prayed that YB wasn't listening to Ren's shining customer service.

"I...uh..." Hearing the familiar voice you glanced up and were met with a set of green eyes looking back at you. You flushed and cursed yourself for it. Neta continued to struggle to speak and Ren snapped.

"Hey, dumbass! It's coffee not rocket science. What do you want?" He slammed his hands on the counter and Neta jumped, his attention turning to Ren.

"Oh uh, sorry." He gave him an awkward smile. Neta gave Ren his order and he scribbled his name on a cup, setting it aside. You picked it up.

"I'll make it." You prepared the coffee and brought it over to Neta who was standing off to the side of the counter.

"Thank you." His voice was quiet.

"Of course. I take it your coffee was good yesterday then?" You didn't know if you'd go as far as thinking about dating this guy but you couldn't deny that he was very cute. There was no harm in just talking.

"It was g-great." He stuttered. He glanced at Ren who was giving him an icy glare. Neta stiffened.

"Sorry about him." You motioned to Ren. "I promise he's all bark." You smiled and Ren scoffed, turning away. Neta smiled awkwardly, fiddling with his cup.

"You know, I should probably go." He glanced at his watch, laughing nervously. "Work...and all that...stuff." He swallowed hard, looking down at you.

"Aw, that's too bad. See you tomorrow then?" You waved as he awkwardly backed away, bumping into a table. He bowed his head slightly before turning and rushing outside.

"What the hell's up with him?" Ren walked up next to you.

"Nothings up with him. He's just new to the area." You grabbed the broom and started sweeping up around the counter.

"Nothing? The guys a freak. Can barely even talk." You turned and bopped him on the head with the handle of the broom.

"Be nice. He's just nervous." Ren rubbed his head, rolling his eyes.

"Clearly. Just look at him." He scoffed. You cocked your eyebrow, following Ren's gaze to the front of the store. Outside the front windows you could see Neta pacing back and forth in front of the building. He kept walking to the door and then quickly walking away. You covered your mouth, trying to hide your smile. Neta pulled his phone out and called someone. He started talking a mile a minute, his pacing speeding up even more. After a minute he ended the call and slid his phone back into his pocket. Taking a deep breath he went to the door and swung it open.

"Back so so-" You started but Neta walked up to you, standing right in front of you.

"D-do you want to go out sometime? With me? Like a d-date." He fiddled with his fingers and your heart raced. You looked up into his freckled face and felt a warm flush spread across your cheeks.

"Yes." You whispered your response, not even hesitating for a moment. You were taken aback with yourself for answering so quickly. You'd already spent more time than you'd like to admit thinking about whether or not you should entertain the idea of going out with Neta and 'yes' had never been the answer you settled on.

"Really?" His eyes snapped to yours and your heart thudded again. The astonishment on his face was clear.

"Yes. I'd love to." You started feeling nervous, your fingers fiddling with your apron. A smile spread across his face.

"G-great! That's great!" He perked up, radiating excitement. "W-well, I really should get to work now." He laughed awkwardly.

"Right, have a good day." You smiled and he waved, hurrying to the door. "Oh! Wait!" You ran after him, taking your phone out. "We didn't exchange numbers."

"You're g-giving me your number?" He flushed, pulling out his phone.

"Of course, silly. We're going on a date, right?" You took his phone from his hand and inputted your number, calling your phone. When it rang you held it up for him to see, handing his back to him. "Now I'll have yours too."

Neta flushed, staring down at his phone. You made sure to save his name and number and you said your goodbyes again. After he left you walked back over to Ren.

"That was gross." Ren gagged and you smacked his shoulder.

"Shut up. You should be happy for me. Aren't you the one that told me to stop thinking about my ex?" You crossed your arms and he rolled his eyes.

"Yeah but that guy? Total loser. How are you even going to have a conversation with him when he's too scared to even look at you?" Ren hopped up to sit on the counter, leaning back on his hands.

"He's just shy. Plus it's only a date, it's not like I'm committing to marry the guy."

"If you say so." Ren's sarcastic response was interrupted by a notification alert on your phone. You looked down and saw a new text.

You couldn't help the smile that spread across your face. You typed out a response, letting him know that tonight was perfect. After letting him know where he could pick you up you put the phone back in your pocket and glanced back up at Ren.

"Just a date, huh?" He raised an eyebrow and you flushed.

"What?" You busied yourself with straightening the cups on the counter.

"I don't think I've ever seen you look at your phone like that before." He pushed himself off the counter and walked up to you. "When's the wedding? Do you think you'll have kids?" Ren mocked and you buried your face in your hands.

"Shut up! You're such a jackass." You groaned and Ren laughed loudly.

"Man, Evi is gonna hate she missed this." He walked into the back room and your stomach turned. You'd forgotten that you'd planned on going to see Evi tonight after work. With the date being at 8, you'd only have time to rush home and get ready. You chewed your lip, looking at the read receipt on the last message you'd sent her.

You were sure she'd be fine. You'd check on her first thing in the morning. From what she said, it was just a little cold so there was really no reason to worry. You slid your phone back in your pocket and tried to concentrate on the rest of your shift.


Sorry for the abrupt ending but if anyone wants to see more then maybe I can continue this?
like i said before, no big plans for it really. just thought it'd be fun to play around with hehe

anyway, thanks for reading! <3

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