By secretlyHmontanna

27K 746 429

"Darling, you're so pretty, it hurts" girl in red . . In which Rah is dragged into the very mess she wis... More

'Whats up with Will?'
'Is your name Eleven?'
'He's dead'
'Troy Peed Himself'
'I need your Compasses'
'She couldve killed me'
'Falling off cliffs'
'I dont like Mike'
'Why did you lie?'
'Stay awake'
'Who is MadMax?'
'Trick or treat?'
'Like a rat?'
'Everyone is fighting'
'A girl?'
'Talon through the back'
'Mews is gone'
'What. was. that.'
'Whos there?'
'My girls'
'Found this girl in the dressing room'
'Are you crazy?'
'I'll take a cookie'
'I think they were drugged, love'
'We're over'
'When did I ask?'
'Forgive me?'
'I'm a monster'
'We have to leave her here'
'Will.. help me'
'I'm dying'
'Take me on a date first'
'How are you alive right now?'
'Not as big as my-'
'I need to see my dad'
'I have something for you'

'Its not safe'

437 17 3
By secretlyHmontanna


Rah walked along the old rail tracks in between Lucas and Dustin while Mike and Eleven trailed behind them.

The girl was wiping her sweaty hands on her jeans avoiding the area where she had been scratched by the Demogorgon, she was nervous. She knew they were getting themselves into trouble.

Cheryl's voice spoke in Rah's head. 'You're a brat, I saved you from that place and you go and put yourself at risk anyway.' She was right, Cheryl risked her life to help Rah and all the girl did was put herself back in danger.

"How much longer?" She heard Lucas ask. "I don't know, these only tell direction, not distance" Dustin replied making the girl sigh.

"You really need to learn more about compasses," Dustin looked at the other boy.

"Yeah Lucas" Rah said, sticking her tongue out at him. In response the boy shoved her into Dustin, "ow" the girl whined.

"I'm just saying, how do we know when we get to the gate," Lucas continued.

"Uh, I think a portal into another dimension is going to be pretty obvious."

Lucas looked back at Mike and Eleven who were walking behind the three. "Do you think she's acting weird?" he asked, referring to the girl wearing the wig.

"Are you asking if the weirdo is acting weird?" Dustin asked him. "Stop calling her that." Rah told them.

Lucas ignored the girl and continued talking to Dustin, "I mean, weirder than normal."

"I don't know, who cares." Dustin replied.


Rah looked around the junkyard questioningly, "Dustin are you sure we're heading the right way?" she asked.

"Oh, no," he said shortly. "Oh no? What's oh no?" Lucas questioned him.

"We're headed back home," Dustin clarified, "what?" "Are you sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure. Setting sun, right there. We looped right back around."

Lucas threw his arms up in the air, "and you're just realizing this now?" Dustin looked back over to him, "why is this all on me?"

"Guys , arguing isn't going to get us anywhere," Rah said, trying to ease them. "Makes no damn sense." the curly hair boy spoke to himself.

"Maybe the gate moved," Mike says, "I don't think that's how it works, Mike," Rah told him.

"I think it's something else screwing with the compass" Dustin suggests. "Like a super magnet."

Lucas turns around towards El and points, "it's not a magnet, she's been acting weirder than normal. If she can slam doors with her mind, she can definitely screw up a compass." he accuses.

Rah looked from Lucas to Eleven and down to her sleeve. Blood.

"Why would she do that?" Mike asks Lucas. "Because she's trying to sabotage our mission, because she's a traitor!" Lucas tells him.

He walks up closer to the girl, "Lucas what are you doing?" Lucas lifts up the girl's arm,

"let go of her Lucas," Rah tells him.

"You did it, didn't you?" he asks her. "You don't want us to reach the gate, you don't want us to find Will" Lucas yells.

"Seriously, just leave her alone." Mike calls.

"Admit it.. Admit!" Lucas yells again. He looks down to her wrist. "Fresh blood, I knew it."

"I saw her wiping her nose on the tracks, she was using her powers!" he tells Mike.

"Bull! That's old blood, right el?" Eleven looks back at Mike unsurely, "right El?" he questions again.

"It's not.. It's not safe" the girl sobs out.

"What did I tell you! She's been playing us from the beginning" Lucas yells. "That's not true, she helped us find Will!" Mike replies.

"Find Will?" Lucas pretends to look around before turning to Mike again, "find Will?" he repeats, "where is he then, huh? I don't see him."

"Come on Lucas, it's not a big deal" Rah tells him. "Why are you defending her?" He says accusingly.

"What? She said it's not safe" the girl replies. "We don't know that!" "Yes I do," the girl admits.

"How? How do you know that then?" Rah started to scratch at her wrist again, "I just- I just do," she hesitates.

"Just think about it Mike, she could've told us where the upside down was right away, but she was making us run around like headless chickens!" Lucas spits out.

"All right calm down," Dustin intervened.

"No! She used us, all of us. She just helped enough so she could get what she wanted, food and a bed. She's like a stray dog." Rah glared at Lucas.

"Screw you, Lucas."

"No, screw you Mike. you're blind.. Blind because you like that a girl is not grossed out by you. Wake the hell up man!" He continued yelling, "and now she's just letting him die in the upside down. For all we know, it's her fault. We're running around looking for some stupid monster, but did you ever stop to think, that maybe she's the monster."

This pissed off Rah, he hadn't seen what she saw and now he was just blaming the poor girl.

"Shut up Lucas, she isn't the monster," Rah shouted at him.

"Oh yeah and how do you know? That's right. You don't" Lucas directed towards her.

"Yes actually, I do." the girl got up close to his face. "I watched it take Cheryl while you went home and cried to your happy little family." Rah told him spitefully. "So don't blame her."

Out of nowhere, Mike flew towards Lucas pushing him to the ground. Woah.

"What the hell are you doing Mike?" Rah ran over to the boys trying to pry Mike off of Lucas while Dustin began to yell. "Knock it off you idiots."

"Stop it!" El called.

Rah's head began to spin again, blood flowing out of her nose. "Stop" screamed El, causing Lucas and Rah to fly back. Lucas hitting his head and the girl falling onto the open cut on her back.

"Jesus" Dustin gasped.

El stood staring ahead, sobbing as she looked at what she had caused, while Mike and Dustin ran over to their friend.

"Lucas! Lucas? Lucas, are you alright" Mike asked him, "Lucas come on, wake up" Dustin insisted.

"Why would you do that?" The dark haired boy yelled at El. "What is wrong with you?"

Rah watched through squinted eyes, "don't yell at her," the girl groaned out.

She let go of a breath she didn't realize she was holding when she saw Lucas wake up.

"Lucas, how many fingers am I holding up?" She heard Dustin ask, but was pushed away by the boy. "Get off of me."

Lucas began to walk off, Mike going after him, "just let him go." Dustin advised Mike as he walked over to help Rah up.

"Sorry," he apologized to the girl, "don't worry."

"Hey, where's El?" Rah asked the boys, upon realizing she had left. The kids began calling out her name but never got an answer.

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