I Can See Straight Through Yo...

By RainAndThunderstorms

46.3K 1.6K 643

After Toni's interaction with Cheryl at the Whyte Wyrm she couldn't help but think that something was off. Wa... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five


1.9K 73 54
By RainAndThunderstorms

9 years later...

'I can't believe our baby boy is ten,' Toni said as she carried the grocery bags into the kitchen.

'Oh TT don't, I've just fixed my makeup and I don't want to cry again,' Cheryl said following behind her wife.

Toni shook her head as she smiled, 'what time is Britta getting here?'

'She said she and Darcy would be here to help finish setting up in the next hour, does that leave us with enough time?'

'Yeah, I told Kevin and Fangs to bring Anthony back by 1pm, everyone else should arrive by 12.30pm'.

'Great. Remind me to thank Brittania for looking after Charlotte'.

'Babe, Britta loves spending time with her sister,' Toni said turning to face the redhead.

'I know but...'

'No buts,' Toni said wrapping her arms around Cheryl's neck and placing a soft kiss on her lips. 'Now come on we have a party to prepare'.


'Happy birthday!' The crowd yelled as the young boy walked through the glass doors.

Anthony looked around the yard at his family and friends with the biggest grin on his face.

He turned to his dads wrapping his arms around them both before his eyes landed on his moms.

'Mom! Ma!' He ran and collided with their legs, wrapping his arms tightly around them.

'Happy birthday baby,' Toni said as she placed her hands on his cheeks and kissed him sweetly on his nose before he turned to his mama.

'Happy birthday sweetheart,' Cheryl said, placing a kiss on the top of his brown curly hair.

'No love for your sisters?' Britta said from the crowd with Charlotte in her arms, the two year old spotted the bouncy castle at the back of the yard and she was desperately trying to wiggle out of Britta's embrace.

Anthony ran over to them, first hugging Britta and then taking Charlotte from her arms, before long the youngest redhead shuffled from her brothers arms and was leading him over to the bouncy castle as he greeted the guests.

'Hey guys,' Fangs greeted Cheryl and Toni with a hug followed by Kevin.

'Hey,' Toni said as she pulled away, 'how are you both?'

'Great,' Kevin smiled, 'we had breakfast at Pops and took a walk in the park'.

'You guys did a great job of pulling this off, it looks great,' Fangs said looking around.

'That's all Cheryl, you know she's a perfectionist,' Toni said before laughing.

'It was a team effort,' Cheryl smiled.

The four parents turned when they heard Anthony laughing loudly.

'You know, I don't know why he thinks they're so funny...' Toni said with a teasing tone.

'You know how much he loves his aunts,' Cheryl said looking over at Anthony with Abigail and Thomasina.

'Oh yeah,' Fangs laughed, 'Aunt Abigail and Aunt Thomasina have the best stories'.

Cheryl smiled, Abigail and Thomasina helped her over the past decade more than she could thank them for.

They'd been a constant in her life, and even though she was an adult she was grateful for that, they treat her as family should with love and respect.

Abigail and Thomasina both wanted the same as Cheryl did, to settle down and live out their days with the love of their lives and they were.

They rid Riverdale of magic a few weeks after Cheryl and Toni settled into their new home, it was harder than they anticipated but they conquered it together with no one getting hurt in the process.

And then they concentrated on building their lives from scratch.

Cheryl and Toni signed for the house together, they were equal in every commitment they made, they even proposed to each other at the same time on their third Christmas together much to the others surprise.

Many happy tears were shed that day.

More children was also something they'd discussed on multiple occasions but Cheryl didn't want Brittania or Anthony to feel pushed out, although they weren't her blood they were her children and she couldn't love them more.

The children started getting older though and when Britta moved out with her current girlfriend Darcy, Cheryl started feeling differently and Toni was more than excited to try for another baby.

That's when Charlotte came into the world and completed their family, a little girl with hair as red as Cheryl's and a rebellious attitude like Toni's.

Her parents and her siblings adored her from the moment she was born.

Fangs spent the first two years of Anthony's life after his split from Toni picking their son up almost without a word to Toni or Cheryl, he'd contact Toni through text message and she would have Anthony ready but that was about it.

Eventually though they figured out how to be friends again.

And then a family.

Fangs and Kevin rekindled their relationship not long after when they took Anthony to his first swimming lesson and everything finally felt like it was falling into place for everyone in Riverdale.

Thomasina and Abigail remained at Thornhill, they moved with the times, their clothing becoming more modern as did their speech but their love for each other stayed the same.

The people Abigail once hated were now her friends with families of their own and she lived her life happily with Thomasina by her side.

'What you thinking about babe?' Toni asked nudging Cheryl slightly pulling her from her daydream.

'Just about how far we've come and how lucky I am to have such an amazing wife and family,' Cheryl said with a watery smile.

'We're both lucky,' Toni said leaning in for a kiss.

'Moms!' Anthony groaned, he was at the age where his parents kissing was gross, 'can we do the cake?'

'One sec kid,' Toni said before turning back to Cheryl scattering kisses over her face.

Britta smiled happily, Anthony playfully rolled his eyes and Charlotte clapped her hands together with a giggle.

'Okay, ready,' Toni grinned as she took Cheryl's hand and led her to the cake whilst Britta and Darcy rounded up the guests.

Familiar faces gathered around the table in celebration of a special young man and as soon as the candles were lit everyone began singing loudly.

Anthony pretended to be embarrassed but he secretly loved it, his eyes scanned over everyone that was here to share his special day.

'Make a wish baby,' Toni said from behind as Anthony blew out his candles.

Anthony squeezed his eyes shut and wished for something he'd been wishing for for a long time but never believed would happen.

Everyone clapped and cheered loudly before falling into conversations or running back to the bouncy castle.

'What did you wish for?' Toni asked as she bent down with Fangs and Kevin by her side.

'I can't say or it won't come true,' Anthony said as he pretended to zip his lips shut.

'Interesting,' Toni said as she stood back up, 'do you hear that? I think Mama's calling'.

'I don't hear anything,' Anthony frowned.

'I did,' Fangs said, a mischievous look on his face as he looked at his son and then Kevin.

'Let's go check,' Kevin said placing his hand on his sons shoulder.

Toni led the way stopping in the kitchen and turning to Anthony, 'why don't you call for Mama, see if she called for you'.

Anthony looked at three of his four parents, they were all looking rather shady but he called for his mama anyway.

'In here sweetheart,' Cheryl said from the lounge.

'What's wrong?' Anthony asked as he looked at the redhead stood in the middle of the lounge.

Cheryl smiled before stepping to the side revealing to the young boy a small black puppy laid in a blanket on the rug.

Anthony gasped as Cheryl made her way to Toni, standing by her side with Fangs and Kevin besides the brunette.

His parents watched proudly as Anthony greeted the puppy.

'What do you think of him bud?' Fangs asked.

'He's mine?' Anthony asked turning to face his parents with tears in his eyes.

'He is,' Toni said with a smile as she leaned her head against Cheryl.

'He's exactly what I wished for. How did you know?' Anthony asked picking him up just as his sisters joined them in the lounge, both of them immediately kneeling down by him.

'Magic,' Cheryl said sending a wink to Toni who smiled brightly with a sparkle in her eye.

Cheryl and Toni watched their children together, their hearts full of pride and love, what more could they ever ask for?

'I love you,' Cheryl whispered into Toni's ear.

'I love you,' Toni whispered back, 'I truly do'.

There was only one way to describe such a strong connection between two people that were this in love.


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