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Ashes| 'Can beauty come out of ashes?' [Book 1] chicago fire/kelly severide x oc season 1-4 ©️BUCKLEYSEVERID... More

'mon amour'
professional courtesy
one minute
hanging on
rear view mirror
two families
leaving the station
it ain't easy
merry christmas, etc
god has spoken
under the knife
warm and dead
a little taste
better to lie
a coffin that small
retaliation hit
leaders lead
let her go
a hell of a ride
a problem house
prove it
defcon 1
a nuisance call
a power move
no regrets


105 3 0

Kelly sits on a bench in the middle of the locker room watching as Carter changes into her navy shirt and her squad jacket when Eric Whaley walks in.

"Morning" whaley greets, "morning" kelly greets back, whaley hands him a small brown paper package, "you still work on boats?" whaley asks, "yeah" kelly confirms as he opens the package, "boater's key" whaley explains, "thanks" kelly says gratefully, "you probably already got one, right?" whaley asks, "always use another" kelly shrugs, "I was out of line last shift, so, uh, that is half a peace offering and carter, I'd like to apologise for bringing you into the unnecessary drama" whaley apologises, "accepted, the other half?" kelly asks as carter gives whaley a grateful smile, "a bribe" whaley admits making kelly chuckle, "these things cost 7 bucks, man" kelly says, "fair enough, look, now that I know what really happened between you and Renee, I'm thinking she's probably been letting the guilt beat her up this whole time, I got no right to ask this especially with you being in a new relationship now, but I think if you reached out to her, it could go a long way towards turning things around, cause like I said, man, we don't hear from her, look, this is her cell number, at least I think it is, It's a computerized voice, I've left messages" whaley explains, kelly cuts him off, "Eric, I don't even really know what I would say, so maybe it's just best to leave the past in the past" kelly explains, "maybe even just hearing your voice might make a difference" whaley defends as he walks out, "I think you should try it'll bury the hatchet and I'm happy to be with you along the way if you want me to be" carter muses pulling on her jacket, "I'd like that" kelly agrees, the two remain in the locker room as kelly holds carter close to calm himself when the alarm rings out, "engine 51, truck 81, squad 3, ambulance 61, possible drowning" the alarm says.

"We were playing and all of a sudden, Patrick fell in!" a small boy explains as the crew jog towards the lake, "please, help my son" the father begs, "how long's he been under?" boden asks, "three minutes, maybe more" the father clarified, "let's get that straight-frame to the edge of the lake right now" boden instructs, "exactly where did he fall in?" matt asks, "right here, he came up for a second, then he went right back down again" the father explains as the truck crew place the straight frame in the water and kelly attaches a line to his diving gear.

"Keep feeding me line until I hit bottom, then allow 6 more feet every time I tug twice, all right? when I tug three times, I've got the kid" kelly explains as he heads down into the lake, "please, god, please find my boy!" the father begs, "sir just hang tight we will get your son back to you" carter assures, "all right, he's at the bottom" hadley reports, the crew watch on tensely as they wait for kelly to tug the line, "three tugs! he's got him" hadley announces, the crew rush over to help pull kelly and the boy up, "medics, get ready, mills go with the ambulance as back up" boden instructs as kelly surfaces with the boy in his arms, "sir stand back whilst we get your son to the medics" carter instructs the distraught father, "oh, my god, Is he alive? Patrick!" the father shouts watching as they rush his son to the ambulance.

Squad walk into the hospital to check on the boy.

"Hey" shay greets as her two roommates join her at the desk, "hey" kelly greets back, "how's the kid?" carter asks, "good" shay says, "yeah?" kelly questions, "yeah, got him warmed up, his BP is stabilized" shay reports, "thank god" carter says as the father walks up to the trio, "lieutenant?" the father asks, "hey, I just heard the news, that's great" kelly muses shaking the fathers hand, "yes, thanks to you guys, I just want you to know, uh, I didn't, my son was in that water, and I froze. I, I did nothing" the father explains, "sir" kelly interjects, "I don't know why I just stood there, I wanted to move, but my feet wouldn't" the father explains, "listen to me, I've been to thousands of accident scenes, and you never know any given day how someone's going to react" kelly explains as the two lieutenants lead the father away from the desk, "yeah, but I did nothing, he's my son, and I did nothing" the father explains, "actually believe it or not you did the right thing" carter reveals, "that's cold, dangerous water, you went in there, we'd have been rescuing two" kelly adds, "If you hadn't shown up" the father begins, kelly cuts him off, "but we did, and now your boy's gonna be fine, and you're gonna be here to take him home, okay?" kelly instructs, "okay, thanks" the father says walking away.

Carter sits on the island watching Kelly with Clarice's baby when Shay enters.

"What are you, posing for a calendar?" shay teases, "It's called a football hold" kelly retorts pointing at the book, "thank god he looks like clarice, was he crying?" shay asks, "no, not too bad" kelly says, "he's not an inconvenience at all shay, I heard him came in and got him and kelly got up with me and we soothed him" carter says, "I must have been out like a light, I'm so sorry" shay apologises as carter gets off the island moving to stand behind kelly to admire the baby closely, "no, it's fine, really, I don't mind" kelly reasons as he places the baby in carters arms, "you two are no good to this little guy if you don't get any sleep yourselves and I will take all the baby snuggles I can get" carter muses, "hey, this attorney you guys got" kelly begins, "mm-hmm?" shay asks, "do you think he can locate people?" kelly asks having discussed it with carter, "like?" shay asks, "like renee, whaley?" kelly asks, "really? you're in a relationship kelly" shay berates, "no, it's not like that, Eric came to me, asking if I could reach out, I guess they've all tried and failed, he gave me a cell number, I left a message, but maybe if I just showed up and, and I don't even know why I'm talking about this" kelly explains watching as carter gently bounces the baby, "you're talking about it cause it might help" shay reasons, "what would I even gain from this?, nothing" kelly says, the two women give him stern looks, "what?" kelly asks, "I mean today at the hospital, you reached out to some father you've never met, but, uh, you don't wanna try and help out someone you almost married?" shay asks, "I knew you'd be on the same page as me when it came to this, It'll be good for them to bury the hatchet" carter explains as he begins to gently rock the baby causing her two roommates to smile at how infatuated she is with the small baby.

An afternoon later, Kelly walks into a club hand in hand with Carter spotting renee whaley sitting in a booth with an older man the two head over.

"Renee" kelly states announcing their presence, "I will be right back" renee tells the man as she gets up as the couple walk slightly away from the booth, "Kelly Severide, Carter Strand" renee says, "good seeing you, how you doing?" kelly asks, "what brings you two? or is this just one hell of an awkward coincidence?" renee asks, "no, um, we're working with Eric at the same house, 51" kelly begins, "oh?" renee asks, "and he asked if I'd come" kelly finishes, "I'm doing fine" renee cuts kelly off, kelly nods, "Is that what you two came to find out?" renee asks, "I guess so, yeah" kelly confirms, "well, your question's been answered then, thanks for your concern" renee says as she turns to walk away, the couple watch her for a moment before heading out themselves.

On their next shift, kelly pulls carter into the common room with him as he heads over to eric.

"Hey, Eric" kelly greets, "Kelly, Carter" eric acknowledges the couple, "so, um, we saw Renee" kelly reveals, "you're kidding" eric says, "no" kelly corrects, "that's great, or was it?" eric asks, "yeah, no, she's, she's doing fine" kelly explains, "where'd you find her?" eric asks, "this bar she works at" carter explains, "cocktail waitress?" eric asks, "basically, yeah" carter days, "she good? she happy?" eric asks, "yeah, she seems happy" kelly reports, "she seems to be doing pretty good" carter adds, "thanks" eric says gratefully, "mm-hmm" kelly nods, "don't mention it" carter adds, "hopefully I'll hear from her" eric muses, "hope so" kelly adds as the two walk away from eric, "that went better than expected" carter says quietly, "I don't think we're done with renee and eric just yet" kelly explains, "truck 81, squad 3, battalion 25, ambulance 61, house collapse, 1600 block, North Poplar" the alarm announces.

A distressed woman rushes over to the 3 lieutenants.

"The ceiling fell in! It sounded like thunder" the woman explains, "we're gonna take a look, stay back" matt instructs, "our upstairs neighbor, he's a crazy hoarder, keeps all these magazines and newspapers, we could hear the floor creaking for months" the woman explains, "have you seen him?" herrmann asks which causes the woman to shake her head, "ma'am, will you move to the corner?" boden asks leading the woman away, "this building is compromised, everybody proceed with caution" boden instructs, "main level collapsed into the basement, can't get in from here" matt tells the two squad lieutenants, "where's the entrance to the basement?" matt asks, "the door's open, oh, my god, my daughter goes down there with her boyfriend sometimes" the woman explains, "okay, we're going in, truck and squad, get all the airbags and cribbing we have, get it out here now" boden instructs as his 3 lieutenants and herrmann head to the basement. "We need to create a tunnel using airbags and cribbing, we'll slide them in one by one then use cribbing as support, Strand, you're in front call out the line, Severide you're behind her" boden explains, "all right casey, herrmann, capp, cruz, hadley, mills. you're with us, the rest of you guys, up to feed the line, let's go" kelly instructs as carter heads in with the rest following closely behind, "more cribbing" carter instructs, "cribbing" kelly says as he hands some to her watching as she crawls further in placing the cribbing where it was needed, "all right up on yellow" carter instructs listening closely as the sound of a motor begins, matt and herrmann find the woman's daughter and her boyfriend and the group in the tunnel pull them out safely.

That evening, the three roommates and Clarice sit outside as kelly puts the finishing touches on wesley's crib.

"Any word back yet from Daniel on the 50/50 offer?" kelly asks, "no, not yet" clarice says, "oh, he'll take it, It's the best deal he's gonna get, and he knows it" shay explains, "well, Wesley is gonna have a good man in his life, regardless and a really great aunt" clarice muses, Carter gives the woman a bright warm smile, "that's nice of you to say, all right, well, there you have it, we can keep it in our room until you're ready to swap it out" kelly offers jumping up from his crouching position as his phone rings, "Eric" kelly answers placing the call on speaker, "you sure Renee seemed okay when you and carter talked to her?" eric asks, "yeah, why?" kelly asks, "I just got a call from a hospital, she took a bunch of pills" eric reveals.

season one episode fifteen

happy wednesday!! I loved this storyline of Kelly giving his ex closure and trying to be friends.

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