MAS: #2 (Will be renamed lat...

By karagreene01

98 0 0

Imhotep fell in love with Pharaoh Seti's nephew and ward Jaiden. But he was denied. As a result, Imhotep tri... More

Season 1 Episode 1: "The Summoning"
S1 Ep 1: "The Summoning" Pictures
S1 Ep. 2 "A Candle in the Darkness"
S1 Ep. 2 "A Candle in the Darkness" pictures
S1 Ep2 "Against the Elements" pictures
Author's note
I'm back!

S1 Ep 3 "Against the Elements"

10 0 0
By karagreene01

We are in India, inside of an ancient temple. Eve is trying to enter a hidden room through a crack in the wall.

"Can you reach it, mom?" Alex asks, as we wait.

"It's useless," Eve says, while she struggles to fit, "I can't get through. The opening is too small."

Alex says, "not for everybody."

Alex starts to wiggle into the crack. "And Alex please don't muck about anything else in there. These Ancient Indies temples are loaded with bobby traps," Eve says worryingly.

"Mom. I can handle this," Alex says.

No one was watching Johnathon. Alex pulled out of the crack in the wall with the Diary of Alexander the Great. Alex says happily, "I got it. The Diary of Alexander the Great."

"Remarkable. This details Alexander's daily life during his conquests in Northern Egypt. There's several references to having the Scrolls of Thebes with him," Eve says, while looking through the diary.

Alex says, "Sure, would be nice to lose this weird handcuff."

"It would be nice if ," I say.

Johnathon finishes pulling a gem out from a statue. The roof shook.

"Johnathon!" Rick and Eve shout.

"What? What did I do?" Johnathon pretends to be innocent while hiding the gem. The roof lowers down.

"What did you didn't do?" I ask.

"Ah. Sometimes I wish I were an only child,"Eve says.

We hold up the roof.

________Theme _______

In Ancient Egypt, the evil high priest named Imhotep possessed the Scrolls of Thebes. He fell in love with another priest and the Pharaoh's Ward named Jaiden. However, Jaiden didn't love him back. Imhotep planned to steal the Manacle of Osiris not only to get the power to make the world his own but also to make Jaiden his. Fortunately, He failed. 3000 years later the manacle was rediscovered. Something went terribly wrong, and the mummy rose again. The race is now on to find the ancient scrolls and in the balance hang two young boys' fate and mankind's future.

_________End _____

"You're like a good luck charm in reverse," Rick says, "Run!"

We run.

"I get blamed for everything," Johnathon complains.

"Gee, I wonder why. It can't be because you do things to be blamed for," I yell back sarcastically at him. Arrows lock in the faces within the walls.

"Everyone, down!" Rick yells, shoving us down, "This just gets better and better. Go! Now!"

Arrows fly. An arrow hits Johnathon in the ankle. Grazing him. He goes down. Alex gets out first. Me second. Eve and Rick next.

"I just wanted one little keepsake, must I be flatted for that. Help!" Johnathon yells.

"Uncle Johnathon!" Alex yells. He grabs the diary and runs back to the temple door. Eve yells, "Alex. No!"

Alex puts the diary in between the roof and the floor. Stopping the roof from completely closing.

"Good book. I owe you one mate," Johnathon says to Alex while crawling out.

"Alex, you could have been crushed to death," Eve says while grabbing hold of Alex.

"Like now," Alex says while struggling against his mother. The roof struggles to close completely.

"The diary!" Eve says as she rushes to save the book. The roof closes, crushing the diary. "Ah. It's gone."

"Oh yeah. Nothing up my sleeves. Presto," Alex says, pulling a page out of his sleeve. Eve smiles. Alex hands the paper to his mom.

"It states here that Alexander left the Scrolls at the palace of merneptah in the ancient Egypt city of Memphis," Eve says.

"Excuse me, but isn't Egypt where all this started in the first place," Johnathon says.

Rick says, "great time for the Zephyr to be out of commission. We'll need transportation."

The sheep guide narrows his eyes. We get into town.

"Be back here in one hour . and stay out of trouble," Rick says.

With that Rick and Eve turn and leave. I turn to leave with Jade on my shoulder. Later, I meet up with Alex and Johnathon. On Alex's shoulder is a mongoose. Apparently, they watched a snake charmer with a cobra. Jonathan called B.S. and tried to prove it, but was proved wrong. The mongoose came to the rescue when the Cobra got angry.

"Haha. I'm going to call him Tut," Alex says, petting the mongoose.

"Remember what happened with your last pet?" Johnathon asks.

"One lizard gets loose in a crowded museum, and you're marked for life," Alex complains.

"A mongoose is nothing but an overgrown rat. A dirty rodent like that will do nothing, but attack the instant you turn your back," Johnathon says dismissively.

"Ha. Funny. Dad says the same thing about you," Alex resorts.

"As the responsible adult here, I suppose I should tell your parents," Johnathon wonders.

"What responsible adult? You?" I ask.

Johnathon glares at me, but doesn't say a word.

"Remember you'd owe me one?" Alex asks.

We meet up with Rick and Eve. Who found Elephants to ride.

"When you said you found transportation, I assumed it would at least have four wheels and padded seats," Johnathon complains.

"Padded seats? Alright. Wouldn't want you getting any brain damage on such a long trip," Rick resorts.

Alex feeds some hay to an elephant, and says, "come on Uncle Johnathon. It'll be fun."

I am already on an elephant. Alex gets on the elephant. The elephant, that Johnathon is on, reaches up to Johnathon with the truck. He screams (like a little girl that saw a spider) and yelps and asks Rick, "You positive these things are safe?"

"Sure, just don't act like a peanut," Rick smirks. Johnathon gives Rick a look. With that Johnathon's elephant begins to leave. His hat falls off, but he catches it. The elephants line up. Rick sneezes. Eve asks, " Rickey, are catching a cold?"

"I don't think so," Rick says.

"Probably you're allergic to something," Johnathon says, hoping he is joking.


In a dark place, Imhotep has Colins floating in front of him. Imhotep demands, "where are my scrolls?"

"I have researchers scouring the world for any clue to their whereabouts and a spy shadowing the O'Connells and the Prince. You just have to be patient, master," Collins says.

"Patient," Imhotep says and then morphs even ugly.

Colins pales and says, "point taken. 3,000 years is long enough to wait."

A sound alerts them to someone's arrival. The sheep header. "Salah. Perfect timing. Have you met our Lord and Master, Imhotep. "

Imhotep sent Collins flying. Salah gulped.


We made it to Egypt. We are on the Nile on a wooden raft.

"Memphis is a bit farther downriver than inland," Eve says.

I am watching Jade flying above us. I see Tut running to Alex.


"Ah. Shouldn't we be going? The O'Connells must be nearly to the Nile by now. If they get to the palace first, they'll get the Scrolls," Collins says as they walk.

"They're progress will be slowed," Imhotep says to his minion. They walk to a box. Imhotep opens it.

"Ah. The staff of set. With it you'll be able to control elemental forces of nature," Collins says in awe. Imhotep just looks at him.

"Haha. Of course. You already knew that," Collins says nervously.

"Great staff, I summon a water dragon."

With that, the staff of the set turns on. A swirl of red magic came out of the staff.


"Are we sure it's seaworthy?" Johnathon asks.

"Yes, you coward, it's seaworthy," I say.

"Johnathon, it's a river. What can happen?" Eve asks.

A water dragon appears out of the water. Well, isn't that wonderful.

"Dive!" Rick yells, as the water dragon attacks the raft.

"Diving!" I say while jumping off diving into the Nile. The water dragon destroys the boat. I surface near a piece of the boat.

"Where's your father?" Eve asks Alex as they get on the boat. Rick surfaces still in the Nile. Then he gets stuck in a whirlpool. The dragon appears again. An arrow with rope zooms toward us.

"Incoming!" Alex cries. It's Ardeth on his horse.

"Hold on, my friends," Ardeth yells. Alex removes the arrow and ties it around the end of the boat. He waves his hands. We save Rick from drowning.

"I need a desk job," Rick complains. Rick cuts off the water supply making the dragon. Johnathon complains. Tut scares him senseless by being in his camping blanket.

"We're managed to salvage some of the equipment from the barge, from now on we're on foot," Rick says. Ardeth is carrying a chest.

"A water dragon appearing out of thin air. You know what this means don't you?" Eve says.

"I have a bad feeling you're about to use the word Imhotep," Rick says, pulling out a thing of dynamite.

Ardeth pushes the chest over, crossing his legs, and says, "I am afraid so. My fellow Medjai has informed me that he's on move to the palace of Merneptah after meeting with your Sherpa guide."

Eve asks, "our sherpa guide?"

"You can't trust anyone nowadays," Johnathon puts in his two cents.

"But even Imhotep doesn't have the power to summon up a water dragon. Does he?" Rick asks Ardeth.

"Not without some help," Ardeth explains.

"The Staff of Set. Of course. Imhotep must have discovered it and is now using it against us," Eve says.

"The Staff of Set?" Alex asks.

"Set was the Egyptian god of chaos. It is said that he who possesses the Staff controls the elemental forces of nature; earth, wind, fire, and water," Eve explains.

Johnathon jokes.

"We have to get to the palace before Imhotep," Eve decided.

With that, we pack up and leave.

Ardeth and I are walking side by side. He says, "After this, we need to talk."

I nod, then ask, "What do we need to talk about?"

"You'll see."

Ardeth holds my left hand. What I didn't notice at the time was that Ardeth slipped a ring around my finger.

As the sun is rising, we stop. Eve and Alex are on Ardeth's horse.

"We're here," Eve says while she dismounts.

"And where might here be since there is no 'here' here," Johnathon says.

"The desert has a way of reclaiming what is rightfully its own," Ardeth explains.

"The entire city is buried under the sand?" Alex asks.

"What's left of it, for more than 3,000 years it has been ransacked for its stolen mansory to build other cities," Eve tells Alex.

"So where do we dig?" Rick says excitedly.

"Hmm. Alexander pen-ship isn't exactly what it should've been, but I believe the palace is right. . . there," Eve says.

"Richard, you could damage a find of significant historical importance, not to mention the possibility that could blow us to kingdom come," Eve says to Rick who is planting dynamite at the base of the building that Eve saw.

"Evelyn, trust me. This isn't my first fourth of July," Rick says.

Eve runs to where we are. Johnathon is next to Alex, and Ardeth is next to me.

"Heads down," is our warning by Rick. So we duck down. The blast cleared most of the sand.

"Woah. Hey dad, can you teach me how to do that?" Alex asks.

We are clearing the path. Johnathon complains about this being slave labor, he gets glare at. Rick finds Tut. Eve chides Alex about this was no life for a pet. "I know. I guess that I was just lonely. Besides, Uncle Johnathon and Talon, He's the only friend I got right now," Alex says.

Ardeth announced that the entrance was clear.

"That's our welcoming community. The guardians of Merneptah. They were supposed to keep away all trespassers," Eve says.

"Works for me. Let's go," says Johnathon. He turns to leave. Rick grabs him before he gets far.

"Come on, you chicken," I say.

Ardeth and Rick pry open the door. A noise is heard. It's Imhotep and Collins. Everyone gasps, "Imhotep."

"I do so despise that Mummy," Johnathon declares.

"Who doesn't?" I ask.

Imhotep reveals the Staff of Set. Imhotep brings forth stone mummies.

"Fabulous," I deadpan.

The mummies crowd us.

"Getting rid of Eve O'Connell and discovering a major archaeological find all in the same day. How lucky can you get?" Collins says.

"Colins, you couldn't discover your fanny if it had a bell attached to it," Eve resorts. Imhotep orders Collins, "Bring the children. We will . . . separate the boy from the manacle of Osiris."

Colins grabs Alex and me. Rick rushes to save us, but a mummy grabs him. I bite Collins' arm. He lets go. I say, "beware I bite."

Imhotep grabs me by my forearm. We, Alex and me, drag our legs. Rick and Eve race to Alex, who is behind me.

"Let go," I say, struggling to break his grab. At that moment, I saw the ring that Ardeth put there. I hold back a snort. Of course, that was what Ardeth wanted to talk about.

"Your struggles are useless," Imhotep says.

I snark back, "What's useless is the fact that I don't love you which doesn't get through your brain. Did the scarabs eat all of your brain cells or something?"

Then he summons a wind demon to kill Rick and Eve. Imhotep drags me away. Alex must have escaped because Collins didn't show. Eve, Rick, and Alex show up. Imhotep summons dogs made out of fire.Rick and Eve deal with the fire dogs as Alex and I try to get to the Scrolls before the almighty gauzy does. Tut distracts Imhotep while Alex gets the Staff of Set. He turns the fire dogs against Imhotep. Making Imhotep turn into sand to flee. The Scrolls of Thebes aren't here. Alex destroys the Staff of Set. Ardeth and Johnathon show up. Rick decides that Tut can stay. I say, "Ardeth? I think we need to talk about how we put rings on fingers."

I wave my left hand at him, showing that I know about how he slipped the ring onto my finger. He chuckles a bit, and says, "Perhaps, I should have said something."

"You're damn right. You should have said something. After four years of knowing each other."

He kneels down on one knee and says, "You're right, I should have done it right. For four years, I have watched you grow into a seasoned warrior. You are an independent, intelligent, and loyal person. We have fought side by side for years now. I want you to be my beloved wife and give you the life that was denied to you in your past life."

"Ok. There is no need to be smooch," I say laughing, "We have been dating for a while now."

Ardeth grabs hold of my left hand, saying, "It's a promise ring."

Now that I can look without all the stupidity of the Evil Eggplant and his sidekick Weasler. It was beautiful. I remove it, to look at it. Inside it is an engraving saying, Love to Life and Death.

Of course, Jonathan walked into our conversation, asking,"What is that ring made of?"

Ardeth smirks and says, "18K black gold with marquise-cut London blue diamonds and diamonds."

You could see the dollar signs in Jonathan's eyes. Jonathan says, "Can I see it?"

"No," I say bluntly and immediately. Everyone laughs, while Jonathan pouts. 

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