Rise of Oni (male oc x harem...

By CarlosLewis7

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A boy abandoned in the wood until he was founded a shaman family and two about a several years until his powe... More

Chapter 1: Prologue
Harem 2
Harem 3
More Oni Forms/Pet
Chapter 2: Strategy X
Chapter 3: The X Impulse
Chapter 5: Mutant Crush

Chapter 4: Rogue Recruit

755 19 5
By CarlosLewis7


There was a party going on the riverfront and two jocks were talking about something about the party. One of them was a dark hair dude and he was going on and on about this that was little less interesting.

"Body snatchers, that's the only explanation, man."

He was looking at his blonde friend who was staring at the young girl with short auburn hair with white streaks in her bangs. She had grey eyes and a pale skin complexion, and she wears purplish-blackish makeup and lipstick. She was wearing a sheer long-sleeved green blouse over a black halter top, a short black leather skirt, and black leggings along with thick combat boots, and dog collars around her neck and wrists and black gloves.

"My good buddy, Cody, is now a pod person. Gone in an evening from bad to sad, flame to lame. Nurse, he's coded! Personality paddles, stat!" 

Cody was blushing even more because his friend was teasing him.

"Oh, come on. Ah'm just, you know, picking my moment, taking it slow." Cody said.

"Cody, Ah've seen glaciers move faster. There she is, the girl you've been staring at all week. Please tell me you at least know her name."

He was looking at Cody as the blonde just shrugged and smiled sheepishly. He palmed his forehead because he realize that his best friend didn't even talk to her.

"You lame-o! This ends now."

The brunette just pushed Cody towards the girl.

"Come on, Ty I—" Cody said, getting shoved towards the girl of his dreams.

"Huh? Can Ah help you?"

Cody just blushed as their eyes met.

"Uhh... Dance. I-I mean, would you like to? With me, that is. Together." Cody stumbled.

"Ah'm really just hanging out here and..." She said, seeing the hurt puppy dog look on Cody's face. "Aw hey, why not? After all, where's the harm in one dance?"

There is a house not too far away... There was a woman with short brown hair and she was sitting on the chair. She was wearing sunglasses as she was gasping as she was looking up at the ceiling.

"No! Don't touch him!" She said, seeing images of the young girl and Cody and many other images. "Oh, my dear child."

Back at the dance

Cody and the girl were dancing, but a few distance from each other. Ty was looking at the both of them and saw they were not getting close.

"Get closer. Make your move." Ty said.

He shoves Cody as he fell and knocked the girl down in process.

"Hey, Ah'm sorry." Cody said, grabbing her wrist to help her up.

"Aaah! My-mah head. All these images. What's happening to me/" She asked, looking at unconscious Cody. "What am Ah? Who am Ah?"

She was seeing many different images of Cody and his family. Cody was starting to lose consciousness. Ty was looking back at his unconscious friend and back to the girl.

"Cody? Cody, what's wrong?" Ty asked, glaring at the girl. "What did you do to him?!"

Rogue was crying hysterically, and ran passed a lot of people to get out of the party. She was heading towards the door until Ty jumped in front of the exit to stop her. Then she started to get more images of Cody in a football uniform and running right through other players. She slammed right through Ty in a move like a football player. Ty was knocked on his back and looked up to see that the Auburn girl was gone. He was rubbing his head.

"Woah. I thought only Cody had moves like that." Ty said.

At the house.

The brunette woman was on the phone with someone to explain the situation.

"That's not what I said. I see pathways... probabilities. I predicted what form her mutant powers would take, Not when they would manifest. Yet, I did take precautions, the phony skin condition, the way she dressed, but she's a teenage girl. I couldn't keep her in isolation."

She heard the voice on the other end of the phone. She let out a sigh because she knew that something was about to happen.

"Of course you're coming. I know. And the others? Xavier's team? They are coming too."

She hung the phone as she took off her sunglasses as her eyes were completely white.

"And so is that boy with unknown powers."

She smiled.

At the Institute

It's been a couple weeks since Kitty joined the team. Kitty, Karrie, Scott, and Jean were joined with Charles as they were watching one of the monitors where they saw Logan dressed up like a burglar sneaking through the attic and he was looking around for a moment.

"Impressive. You got past the automated defenses by using the air vents." Storm said, walking out of the shadows. "But you won't get past me."

She raised her hand as Logan looking at the skylight was being forced open the gust of wind. He jumped back up into the vent as Storm was smirking.

"Testing me, hmm? Alright then. It's time you remembered why they call me Storm!" Storm said.

She floated up into the air as the clouds started to form into the sky and there was a thunder sound. Then it started to rain as Logan was crawling through the vents when he heard a sound and turned his head. He saw a current flow of water swift him up and guided him into the Danger Room.

"You look a little flushed... And the forecast isn't good." Storm said.

He got up and jumped into the air, but he was shot by an ice laser which froze him in place. Logan managed to break and looked up at Storm.

"Now, that was cold." Logan stated.

"Then let's warm you up." Storm said, pressing some key to the turrets."

Then the lazers started firing at Logan. He dodge them as he was heading towards the Lazer's panel and he slash through.

"Gotta connect first." Logan said, cutting through the lazer and getting electricuted. "Got any other party tricks?"

He continued to trash up the obstacles.

"Stop! It is, at the moment, as much as we can afford, Wolverine." Charles mentioned.

Logan jumped down and took off the mask.

"Hey, when I give a demo, I give a demo." Logan mentioned.

Scott walked over to the controls and pressed a speaker button. He was looking at destruction.

"Demo as in demolish or demonstration?" Scott asked, looking at Storm. "What was the point?"

"The point, young Cyclops, was to teach you something about finding the weak points in sophisticated security systems." Storm said.

She was pressing a couple to play back the session. Then Logan came up to the control room still in torn out clothes.

"That's right, bub, and I'd say ours needs a little work." Logan said.

He walked past Karrie who was hanging upside down getting some popcorn. Luna on the other hand, was eating some of the popcorn that dropped to the ground.

"That was tight! I give it two thumbs up!" Karrie said.

He was looking at her with a smirk and turned back to Storm.

"The vents were pretty easily breached. Gonna need to fix that, maybe electrify them or install poison gas sprayers." Logan suggested.

Storm looked at him from the corner of her eyes.

"Wolverine..." Storm said.

"Alright, alright. Knock-out gas then." Logan said.

Kitty was shivering from the way Logan suggested. Luna was rubbing her head against Kitty's hand.

"Ugh. Is it just me or is anyone else, like, seriously freaked by all this?" Kitty asked.

Everyone was looking at the poor girl in silence.

"Oh, right. It's just me? Great." Kitty said.

Karrie ate a handful of popcorn. Before she teleported over to her.

"Relax, Kitty. You'll be fine. We're right beside you." Karrie said, teleported again. "Popcorn?"

She was holding a bowl by her tail as Kitty screamed from her powers.

"Whoops, Hehe. Sorry. Next time; I'll honk before I port."

She got up and glared at Karrie. "Whatever. Look. Guys, it's late. If it's no biggie to you, I'm gonna likem drop out." Kitty said, phasing into the ground.

Karrie just sighed because she just ruin her chances to make a friend.

"Ah. She's fully not into the fuzzy girl. Not that I really blame her." Karrie said.

Jean placed her hand on Karrie's shoulder.

"Aw, she just needs time, Karrie. She'll come around. And besides, you still have one good female friend." Jean mentioned, pointing down at Luna.

Luna let out a happy bark and jumped onto Karrie and licked her a few times. Karrie giggled as she knew that Jean was right. She petted Luna while Scott just smiled.

"Speaking of dogs, where is our lone wolf anyway?" Scott asked.

"Cain is room. He is in his own session at the moment." Storm said.

=== Cain's Room ===

Cain was sitting in the middle of his room in a mediation stand. He was surrounded by candles. He had his eyes closed while he felt the presence of something. The candles started flickering a few times as they went out. Then Cain opened his eyes to see a shadow figure appeared in front of him. The shadow figure started to take form and a bird-like creature let out a powerful roar.

"Cain!" Karrie called out.

He was out of his trances for a moment as he was looking at Karrie. He backed away as he gasped because of how close Karrie was. She covered her mouth as he knocked over the candles.

"Have you ever heard of the term knocking? What is it?" Cain asked.

"We got a mission. The professor wants us all in the hangar." Karrie said.

She teleported out of Cain's room which Cain just sighed as he changed into his X-men uniform. He reached underneath his bed and pulled out a mask. He placed it in his bag and he left his room. Little did he know, Ishtaros was sitting on the roof and she was looking at the sky as she watched the Black Bird take off. She pulled out a mirror as she add some magic into it to open a connection.

"Sister, the group on the move." Ishtaros said.

Then an image of Nicchae appeared on the mirror. She was covered in blood and she was looking at her sister.

"What is it, sister?" Nicchae asked.

"I believed that the boy was having shadow visions. The shadow appeared to be one of the Oni flying types." Ishtaros informed.

Nicchae was stroking her chin a few times to figure it out.

"It must've been—" She sensed something. "I have to go. I'll have to talk to you soon." Nicchae said.

"Wait?! Sister!" Ishtaros called out, seeing the connection dropped.

=== Hell ===

Nicchae placed the mirror behind her back as she was looking at a shadow figure landed on a pillar. She was looking down at Nicchae with all three of her eyes. She was grinning from ear to ear as she was looking at the woman before her. She had sticky pink skin, large black wings, Heterochromatic eyes. Her clothes is bizarre: one of the legs is completely covered while the other is mostly exposed. Her hair was white and blue. Nicchae gritted her fang.

"Well, well, well, funny flying into you, sister."

"Yubel." Nicchae said, glaring at yubel.

"Now, now, no need for hostility. I am only here to see you since you have been racking up a lot of spirit powers. I've been wondering why exactly. Is it for a certain someone who has caught your eye or couldn't it be someone important that you fail to mention." Yubel assumed.

"I don't know what you are talking about, Yubel." Nicchae said.

"Pleases, how dumb do you think I am. We know that you have a child back in the human realm." Yubel said.

Nicchae's eyes widened as she turned her head and saw that Yubel wasn't alone. It was there was a woman with white hair that was sticking up and dressed in a purple outfit and the other was another woman as she was dressed in a crimson outfit and her hair was long and black.

"Elizabeth, and Satan." Nicchae said.

"Of course we knew about your little love affair with a human." Elizabeth said.

"So, is he truly the reincarnation of our former Oni King?" Satan said.

Nicchae was growling at them because her mother's instinct was about to take over. She was looking at them and threw her arm to the side as she summoned a demon sword.

 Yubel just sighed as her and the other demons jumped into action.

'I guess that we just have to beat the information out of ya." Yubel said.

Nicchae jumped towards them.

=== Black Bird ===

Karrie was in the pilot seat and she was getting the hang of piloting the ship. Scott was her co-pilot to make sure that he take control if something were to happen.

"Stealth mode stable, leveling off at ten thousand feet." Karrie said.

"Steady...Now hold it there. And... you've got it. Nice job, Karrie. We'll make a pilot out of you yet." Scott said.

"Heh. Thanks." Karrie said, steering with her feet.

"Or...maybe not. I've logged our flight plan with the FAA. We're clear Through to Jackson. We'll take the van from there." Scott said, pressing buttons to put in their logs.

"Good. You're picking up logistics quickly, Scott." Charles complimented.

Kitty was looking at Cain who went back to meditating while Luna was laying next to him. Jean was looking at Kitty and back at Cain.

"Scott seems so like, together, so cool and...He's kida cute." Kitty mentioned.

Jean snorted for a moment.

"Cute? Uh, stiff maybe, exacting definitely, but... Hmm... You know, from a certain angle... Cain on the other hand, might be your taste."

"Cain? He's like, I don't know, weird. I mean like, he could just slice you in half, ya'know." Kitty said.

"Kitty, he's just a little different from us." Jean said.

"Right... like a deranged Serial Killer." Kitty stated.

"And this Deranged Serial Killer can hear every word you two say." Cain said, getting up from his meditation.

"Sorry, Cain." Jean and Kitty said.

"Cain, are you able to control that new transformation?" Charles said, telepathically.

Cain nodded his head. He was looking out of the window as Luna hopped into Karrie's lap and wagged her tail.

"Geez, Luna, *giggle* you just want a lot of attention." Karrie said, scratching Luna behind the ears.

"I could tell from the way she was rubbing her head against people's hands." Scott said.

She was looking at her master as she was panting. She was licking his hand. Wolverine just sighed at them.

"Kids." Wolverine said.

=== At the airport ===

Raven was leaving the airport before she climbed into a limo. The limo drove off. Raven was looking at the blind brunette. She was giving Raven the details why she called her.

"You made good time, Raven."

"Our organization's mysterious founder has certain...resources, Irene. What happened?! I left the girl in what I thought was your safe keeping." Raven said, transformed into Mystique.

"At the school dance her mutant powers manifested and she accident;y made physical contact with a local boy." Irene informed her.

"Absorbing his memories and physical abilities. Wonderful. We keep her hidden away in this backwater for the better part of five years and in five minutes it all falls apart. We cannot lose her. Especially not to Xavier. She possesses the potential for limitless power. You can see the future, Irene. Where will she go?" Mystique asked.

"Home... Or what she thinks is home." Irene said.

=== Hospital ===

The X-men were waiting out in the X-van at the local hospital as where Cody who was a victim. Cain was looking out the window for a moment as he was looking up at the sky somewhat. Logan was sighing because he doesn't like to wait.

"This really necessary?" Logan asked.

"Yes, Logan. The boy, Cody, is the key to finding our rogue, but he's unconscious and his mind is elusive. To isolate his memory patterns I need someone on the inside." Charles said, placing his hands on his temple.

Inside the hospital, Jean was posing as a nurse. She came in with Cody's chart. She noticed that Cody's friends and families came to visit him along with a police officer who was pacing back and forth. Ty was looking at Jean as she got close to Cody.

"He'll be okay, right? You'll help him?" Ty asked, with concern.

"Yes. We will." Jean reassured him.

She placed her hand on Cody's head. She was using her powers along with Charles to search Cody's memories. Outside, Charles' eyes shot open because he got what he needed.

=== Cody's house ===

The limo pulled up in front of Cody's house. Irene was looking at the window before back at Mystique.

"Now what? You won't hurt her, will you? After all, Raven, she's your—-"

"I know, Irene. I know. Trust me. She will come to us willingly... given the right persuasion." Mystique said, shifting into Wolverine.

Inside Cody's room, Rogue was looking through photo album of Cody which she thinks is him.

"All this is... me? Mine?" Rogue said, walking towards the mirror. "But which me am Ah?"

Then the door was slammed open. Which scared her as she screamed and she looked at Mystique/Wolverine.

"Ungh! Wh-who are you and what do you want?" Rogue asked.

"You girly, I want you!" Mystique/Wolverine said.

She leaped towards Rogue but she was dodge her as she sliced the wall.

"Stand still and make it quick. You're dealing with the X-Men now and you ain't got a chance!" Mystique/Wolverine said.

Rogue picked up a busted wooden board.

"X-Men? Ah don't understand. Ah Just want you to leave me alone!" Rogue said, hitting Mystique/Wolverine with the board as she runs away.

Mystique was doing a pathetic, fake-sounding B-movie-grade howl. (A/N: which everyone should know that Logan doesn't howl.) Rogue was running for her life. Mystique watched Rogue flee before she transformed back to her normal self.

"One more turn of the screw and you will come running into my arms." Mystique said, shifting into Storm.

Meanwhile on the street of Caldecott, Cain, Logan, Karrie, and Kitty were looking for Rogue. Cain was looking around as he was using his demon eyes to find her faster.

"Ugh. So does this, like, bite or what?" Kitty complained.

"The Prof says the girl's mind is confused and difficult to pinpoint. So keep looking." Wolverine said as he stopped for a moment sniffed the air.

"Vas? Got a Scent?" Karrie said.

Then Cain sniffed the air as well.

"That's not all. I smell hatred and smoke." Cain said.

"Hatred and Smoke. Well, that's not good." Wolverine said.

"What is it like, a fire or something?" Kitty said.

"You could say that, Half-pint. What kind fire are we talking about, Fang-boy?" Wolverine said.

"The one that is moving towards the girl." Cain answered.

"Wait? Fire doesn't move that fast, can it?" Karrie asked, looking at Kitty.

Kitty shrugged her shoulders because she didn't know.

"That could mean only one thing. We need to split up from here. Elf, Half-pint, you two are with me. Fang-boy, you know what you must do with that fire." Wolverine said.

Cain nodded his head as he transformed into his demon wolf form and raced off to find the fire. Kitty was looking at the direction that Cain took and looked back at Wolverine.

"Shouldn't we like, help him with the fire?" Kitty asked, looking at Karrie and Wolverine.

"No, Half-pint. We'll just get in his way." Wolverine said.

Elsewhere, Rogue was still running for her life while Mystique/Storm was pressing buttons on a small explosive device.

"One well-placed lightning bolt, one ex-mute." Mystique/Storm said, throwing the device.

Rogue screamed as she jumped the fence and she ran into Irene.

"Rogue! It's me, Irene. Try and remember." Irene told her.

"Uh, who? Wait, Irene... Yes, but I'm so confused. Strange thoughts in my head, people chasing me..." Rogue said, struggling to get her head on straight.

"Easy, easy, honey. The police are coming. The X-Men will not risk a confrontation." Irene said.

"X-Men?" Rogue asked.

Irene nodded her head.

"Yes. Mutant hunters. Now hurry! I have a friend who can help you. I'll take you to her." Irene said, taking Rogue's hand.

She was about to leave, but Rogue stopped because she was confused by all of this.

"I don't know. All this is happening so fast. I don't—-" Rogue said, seeing Wolverine and the others in the corner of her eye. "It's him! The one who attacked me! Run, Irene! Run!"

She ran but she loses her glove in Irene's hand. Wolverine spotted Rogue

"That's gotta be her." Wolverine said, pointed at Rogue.

Rogue was looking at them.

"Please! Leave me be." Rogue said, jumped the fence again.

He was about to move, but Karrie jumped in front of him.

"Wolverine, wait! She seems to be terrified by you. Let me try." Karrie suggested.

"Okay, Kid. Just don't mess up, capisce?" Wolverine said.

"Yes, sir!" Karrie said, giving him a salute.

"I'll go find the Prof. And, squirt? Pust on your best face. No sense freaking the poor kid out any more than she already is. And keep an eye on the half-pint, here?" Wolverine said.

"Hey!" Kitty said.

Rogue was running toward several different backyards to get away from Wolverine and the others. She stopped for a moment as she was completely exhausted. Then Karrie appeared in her holo-self as she was sitting on the swing before swinging.

"Guten tag, Fräulein." Karrie greeted.

Rogue gasped as she turned around to see Karrie as she teleported right next to her. She gasped once again as she saw Karrie was sitting on the trash can lid.

"Please. Don't be frightened." Karrie comforted her.

"What do you want?" Rogue asked.

"To help you. We're the good guys. Especially me." Karrie mentioned.

Then Kitty phases through the fence. "Half-pint? I'll show him." She muttered, looking at Karrie talking to Rogue.

"I was like you once. Alone, unsure what I was, afraid to show my face. Can you believe it?" Karrie said, showing her holo-self.

Kitty raised an eyebrow as she was looking at Rogue as she scoff for a moment.

"She doesn't look so tough to me." Kitty stated, getting ready to jump Rogue.

Karrie notices Kitty approaching Rogue from behind. "Kitty, no!" Karrie called out.

"Aah!" Rogue said, throws Kitty off then and accidentally hits the button on Karrie's holowatch. She gasped as she saw Karrie's face and touched her. Rogue absorbs her when she tries to stop her. Then she teleported away.

Karrie fell to the ground and she was unconscious as Kitty gasped. She ran over to Karrie's side. Kitty was trying her best to wake Karrie but Karrie wouldn't open her eyes.

"Nightcrawler? Nightcrawler? Karrie? Karrie!" Kitty shouted, shaking Karrie's unconscious body.

=== Cain ===

Cain landed on the roof of a house as he was looking up at the sky to see that bright red color around the clouds. He saw that it was moving away from the neighborhood.

"What the hell is going on?" Cain asked.

He was moving towards the direction that the red light was going. He was on his way towards the Cemetery. He was using his Abyss tiger's speed to get there faster. At the cemetery, Rogue appeared in front of the entrance of the cemetery.

"What just happened? Where am Ah?" Rogue asked, looking around the Cemetery. "And ich verstenen deutscher? Ah can speak German? The fuzzy one...Karrie. Ah'm her. Like Ah was Cody. Ah think Ah'm catchin' on now. But how did Ah...?"

She teleported for a moment until she was on top of the building in the Cemetery. She placed both of her hands on her head as she teleported again. Then she was teleporting all over the place but she was having a fun time with those until she landed on a tombstone before it gave out.

"When is this all gonna end?" Rogue asked herself.

Then she heard something until she heard a sword being unsheathed. She gasped as the blade was pointed at her throat as she was looking up at Cain. He was glaring at her for a moment as Rogue was could tell that through Karrie's memories.

"Okay, girl. First, how in the hell did you get my friend's power? And second, are you Rogue?" Cain asked.

Rogue was panicking because she was afraid to tell him because he might kill her if he doesn't like the answer.

=== Kitty and Karrie ===

Kitty was holding Karrie close to her as she was still trying to wake Karrie up.

"Say something, Karrie! Please! Tease, scare me, anything!" Kitty said, shaking Karrie's body. "Oh, please., don't be dead. Come on, Kitty. Okay, what would Wolverine do? I mean besides dice up, like, half the landscape... Wait, the Professor can read minds, Right? Maybe he can hear my thoughts."

=== Elsewhere ===

Charles and the others were standing in the corner of the street. Charles stopped using his powers for a moment but he lost Rogue's location.

"Odd. The trail seems to have gone suddenly cold. I can no longer read Cody's brainwave patterns." Charles said.

"But if he's gone then..." Jean assumed.

"Then it may simply mean the effect of transference is temporary. Our problem now is how to find the girl." Charles said.

Wolverine grunt as he hopped over the fence.

"Try about ten gardens due west. Karrie's trying to keep her from bolting.' Wolverine informed.

"Then we must—" Charles groaned as he felt Kitty's thoughts bursting through his mind.

"Professor! Professor!" Kitty yelled, telepathically.

"Kitty? Kitty! Not-not so loud." Charles groaned, trying to withstand the pain. "Slowly, please. Order your thoughts."

"It's Karrie! She hurt her! She did something to her!" Kitty thought.

"Stay where you are, Kitty. Help is on its way." Charles said, looking at Wolverine. "Wolverine, it's Nightcrawler. The rogue has his mind and his abilities."

Wolverine growls and sighed. "This is my fault. I shouldn't a' left the little squirrel in charge." Wolverine said.

"I'm getting a clear reading now on Karrie's brainwave patterns. She's more focused each time she uses her power. You three go ahead. I'll guide you." Charles said.

"Wolverine, Where is Cain?" Storm asked.

"Fang-boy says that he had to put out a flying fire or something like that." Wolverine told her.

They all started to split up in different directions.

=== Cemetery ===

Mystique was walking in the shadow as she was looking over at Rogue who was looking at Cain with his sword pointed at her throat. She gritted her teeth to see that one of the X-men had caught up to her. Then she heard a twig snapped as she turned to see Jean walking up to them.

"Cain?! What are you doing?" Jean shouted.

"She has Nightcrawler's powers." Cain stated.

"Put that away. You're scaring her." Jean said, using her powers to force to lower his sword.

Cain scoffed as he sheathed his sword and turned his back to them. He was looking up at the sky to see that light had disappeared. He snarled as to whatever it was. Jean looked down at Rogue.

"I am sorry for my friend here. He doesn't like people very much." Jean stated.

"You're Jean Gray, and he's Cain Jones. You two are like the others!" Rogue shouted

"Woah! If you know who we are, then you know that we won't hurt you. Look, it's tough to go it solo." Jean said, holding out a device. "Hey, zero pressure. But if you want to talk more, you can reach me anytime with this communicator."

She used her power to float the communicator over to Rogue. Rogue took it as she was looking at it for a moment.

"Latest fashion accessory, huh?" Rogue said.

Then Storm started walking up to them.

"We all have one." Storm said.

Then Rogue turned her head as her eyes widened when she saw Storm was walking towards her. Cain was looking at her with a confuse look on his face.

"Y-You. No, you won't take me." Rogue said, running for her life.

"No. Wait!" Cyclops said.

He was about to grab her, but he tripped as she ran past him. The four of them were looking at each other with confused looks.

Jean sighed., "I don't get it. We were connecting, and then—" Jean said.

"Then she saw me. For some reason, she's afraid of me. " Storm said.

"Okay. I think that I might miss a few times." Cain said.

"You don't know the half of it. We'll fill you in on the way." Cyclop said.

Mystique smirked as she had another plan in mind.

=== Kitty ===

Kitty was still trying to get Karrie to wake up. She was noticed that it wasn't working at all.

"Come on, Karrie. Wake up." Kitty said.

She was still holding Karrie as she was looking at Karrie's ears. She smiled as she touched them as she saw how soft they were.

"You know, I'm—I'm still not big on facial hair, but, like, the pointy ears are starting to work for me." Kitty said.

=== Rogue ====

Rogue was hiding in an abandoned building and she was whimpering. She heard something as she turned her head to see Mystique/Cyclops dropped down from the hole in the roof.

"Thought you could escape us, did you? The X-men don't leave loose ends." Mystique/Cyclops said.

Mystique/Cyclops was looking at her while Rogue was backing away from Mystique/Cyclops until she saw an opening and took it. She ran out of the building to run into the real Cyclops. Then she looked at him before she pushed him, knocking him over. He accidentally fired off his optic blast at Cain who was looking for Rogue. He turned to see the blast heading towards him as he ducked which hit a statue in the process.

"Hey!" Cain shouted.

Scott was rubbing his head as Rogue backed up to leave, but when she turned around. Then she saw Mystique/Jean standing in front of her as Rogue gasped.

"I tried. I really did. But some people just won't be helped." Mystique/Jean said.

She was getting ready to hold out her hand, but Rogue teleported before she could do anything. Rogue teleported into the air and she screamed as she fell. Then she teleported to the ground but she landed on Cain to soften the blow. She was rubbing her head as she was looking down at Cain who groaned in pain. Jean ran over to Rogue and Cain.

"Are you hurt? Lie still. Don't try to move." Jean said.

Rogue crawled backward away from Jean and she stopped as Storm got closer to her. Cain got up and rubbed his head.

"Child, what is it? We are your friends." Storm said.

She was about to reach out for a Rogue, but Rogue touched her and absorbed her powers which to Cain's surprise to see how her power worked. Then there was a loud thunder storm. Then Scott came running towards Cain and Jean.

"Hey, what's with the effects? Is—? Oh, no. No!" Cyclop said.

The three of them watched as Rogue floated into the sky. Lightning was shooting everywhere as Jean used her power to create a protective barrier from the lightning.

"I can hold it off a little." Jean said.

"Give it up. She's got Storm's powers but not her control." Scott said.

They watched the lightning hit the power lines and the cables started to wave out of control.

"The power lines! If they hit that water, Storm will be fried!" Cyclop said.

They both head for the water while Cain was looking up at Rogue trying to control Storm's power. Then he started to head for her while Jean and Cyclops were saving Storm. Jean managed to get them both of the water before the power lines came hit the water. Then she threw up the barrier to protect them. Cyclop saw Cain was heading towards Rogue and avoiding the lightning.

"Cain! Get back here!" Cyclops said.

"I can't keep this up for long!" Jean said.

Cain jumped from the building as we getting closer to Rogue.

"Too much power! Ahg can't—control it. Ah have to—Aaaaahh!" Rogue screamed, teleported away.

Everything was back to normal as Cain growled and slammed his hand to the building to make a small hole. They last a mutant for the first time as he watches Jean place both Cyclop and Storm on the ground. She ran over to them to check on Storm to see that she was unconscious. Then both Wolverine and Charles came toward to see the damage was made.

"Wha—what do you think happened to the Rogue?" Cyclop asked.

"She's gone...somewhere. Her mind is a jumble. I can't trace it. But I strongly suspect the hand of another at work here." Charles said, looking around.

Wolverine sniffed the air.

"Mystique. She can change her body, but not her scent." Wolverine said.

"Great, we're dealing with a shapeshifter. I have a feeling that she must've posed as all of you to weaken her fate in the X-men." Cain said.

"Then we have to go after her!" Kitty said.

"I don't think that we're any match for her." Cain said.

"Cain is right. There's been enough damage done today, and the girl must come of her own free will or not at all. And we must first tend to our own." Charles said.

Cyclops was looking at groaning Storm while Karrie was slowly waking up and she was rubbing her head. The both of them were slowly getting to their feet. Karrie was looking around to see the damage.

"Huh? Looks like I miss quite a party." Karrie said, looking at Kitty who was excited to see her.

"Karrie! You're all right!" Kitty said.

She was about to take a step but she falls right into Kitty's arms.

"Easy, you fuzzy elf. Everything is going to be just fine." Kitty reassured her.

Both Cain and Cyclops were looking at each other.

"Fuzzy elf?" Cyclop whispered.

Cain just snicker at the cute nickname that Kitty gave Karrie. Then Cyclops was covering his mouth to avoid laughing. Jean scoffed at the both of them being boys.


Cody woke up at the Hospital and he was looking at Ty who visit him and tossed the football at him.

"Whatever this was, try to shake it off quick, okay? This game against Jackson is next week and the last thing we need is Stevens taking your position." Ty said.

Cody just tossed the ball in the air while out the window you would see the Black Bird flying off into the sky.

At Bayville High

Rogue was sitting in Principal Darkholm's office while Darkholm was sitting on her desk looking at her.

"Welcome to Bayville High. I'm sure you'll be very happy here. Happy and safe." Darkholm said.

"Sure. thank you." Rogue said, walking out her office.

Darkholm was looking at the paper clips being moved in a circular motion.

"The girl has great power. She is a fine addition to our side."

Then Mystique transformed into her normal self.

"Yes. we were lucky to get to her first." Mystique said.

"Indeed. Are you certain any residual memories of the two X-men have faded?"

"Positive." Mystique said.

While Rogue was walking out into the hall, she opened her hand to see that communicator that Jean had given. She closed it as she was looking up at the sky and sighed.

=== Hell ===

Nicchae was panting from exhaustion as she was looking at three girls in front of her. They looked like they had never broken a sweat. She knew that this was way out of her league. She used her sword to stab into the ground which created a huge smoke screen. Once they clear the smoke, Nicchae was gone.

"She got away." Satan said.

"Don't worry, sisters. We don't need her to tell us." Yubel said, showing them her third eye. "My little bird just told me what the boy looks like. See for yourself."

She showed them a clear image of Cain who was helping Karrie and Kitty. The two demon girls were giggling and licking their lips.

"He looks exactly like our dear beloved Oni King." Elizabeth said.

"I have to agree. I can't wait to see him for myself and have sex with. It'll be like he has never left us." Satan said.

The three of them just giggled as they continued to watch the image.

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