Substitute Bride

Por WriterChick82

431K 13.6K 471

Philip Treyane needed a wife. He was the last of his line so he decided that it was time that he married so t... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 12

45.8K 1.3K 112
Por WriterChick82

     Back at the manor, there was a knock on the door. Samson opened it to reveal Alyssia. Hiding his dislike, he stepped aside to let her in.

     "Is Philip available?" Alyssia asked.

     "Yes, madam," Samson said. "Shall I announce you?"

     "Yes," she said.

     She watched him as he walked away. After making sure he was out of sight, she looked at the table next to the door. There was letters that had arrived for the day. She put the letter she wrote pretending to be Jane on top of the pile. She quickly moved away when she heard footsteps. Samson came back into the hall, followed by Philip.

     "Hello," Philip said, surprised to see her. "What do I owe this pleasure?"

     "I wanted to see your wife and apologize for my conduct at my party," she lied.

     "My wife is out at the moment," Philip said. "She should be back soon. Would you like to wait in the parlor?"

     "Yes," she said.

     Philip and Alyssia went into the parlor. Samson came in five minutes later, bringing tea and the platter of letters. Alyssia felt her heart pound as she watched Philip pour out tea. Philip picked up the top letter. She watched as he opened and read it.

     Philip felt his heart stop as he read the letter. Dear Philip, I am sorry but I cannot stay in this marriage. I do not love you. I have fallen in love with Jeremy Shelton. I have agreed to run away with him. Please do not try to find me. Respectfully yours, Jane.

     The world seemed to fade around him. I cannot believe this, he thought. She told me that she loved me. She told me that Jeremy could not turn her from me.

     Alyssia watched as shock, disbelief flicker across his face. This is it! she thought excitedly. He believes that Jane has left him. Soon he will be mine.

     It took Philip five minutes before he heard the commotion going on in the hall. A young boy burst into the room. He quickly walked over to Philip. He struggled to slow down his breathing.

     "Sir," Gabe said. "Sir, you must come quickly."

     Philip looked up as Samson walked into the room. "Who is this?" he asked.

     "His name is Gabe, sir," Samson said. "He is the son of one of the grooms in the stable."

     Philip looked at Gabe. "What is wrong?" he asked.

     "I followed Lady Jane as she rode with a man because I did not like the look of him," Gabe explained. "It started to rain so Lady Jane and the man rode to a shack. I overheard him tell her that there was a plot for him to steal Lady Jane away. She tried to escape but he tied her to a bed."

     "Are you sure about what you heard?" Philip said. "I have a letter from her saying that she was leaving."

     "I heard the man tell Lady Jane that he had her write you a letter," Gabe said, pointing at Alyssia.

     Philip looked at Alyssia. He saw her go pale. Anger bubbled up inside him. He picked up the letter. "Did you write this?" he asked.

     Alyssia swallowed. "Y-yes," she said.

     "Why?" he said, trying to refrain from yelling.

     "Jeremy came to me saying that he had a plot to steal Jane away from you," she said. "Somehow he heard about the thousand pounds that you will receive upon your year of marriage. He owed money due for a gambling debt. I agreed to help him because I thought if you thought Jane had left you, you would turn to me for comfort."

     Philip turned back to Gabe. "Son, do you think you can take me to the shack?" he said.

     Gabe nodded. "He has a gun, sir," he said.

     Philip quickly ran to his chambers. He pulled out a gun out of his dresser. He and Gabe went to the stables. After his horse was saddled, Philip followed Gabe to the shack. He prayed that Jeremy didn't decide to move her.

     In what seemed like forever to Philip, they reached the shack. He saw Jane's and Jeremy's horses still tied to a tree. Gabe and Philip climbed off their horses. Gabe showed him the open window. Philip peered inside. Jeremy was sitting on a chair. Jane was laying on her back on the bed, her hands and ankles tied to the bedposts. Philip turned to Gabe.

     "Watch our horses," he said. "As soon as I got her untied, we will leave."

     "Yes, sir," Gabe said.

     Philip quietly snuck around to the door. It was slightly ajar. He slowly opened it. He took his pistol out of his pocket. Jeremy's was laying on a table a couple of feet away.

     Jeremy looked at his pocket watch. "We have been here an hour and your beloved husband hasn't come for you," he said. "He is probably in the arms of Alyssia and wrote you off as a bad job."

     "You are mistaken, Shelton," Philip said. "I am here to rescue my wife."

     Jeremy stood up and looked at Philip in shock. "How did you-" he said.

     "You were followed and overheard about your plot," Philip said. "They came for me straight away. Now I want you to pick up your gun and hand it to me."

     Jeremy walked over the table and picked up his pistol. He took one step toward Philip. His hand swung upward. A shot ran out. Jane screamed.

     Philip and Jeremy stood still. Then Jeremy looked down. A blood stain was rapidly spreading on his right thigh. His legs crumpled under him and he fell to the floor. Philip picked up Jeremy's gun and pocketed both. He walked over to the bed, pulling out a knife. He cut the rope.

     Jane climbed off the bed and stood up. A second later her legs lost strength and she started to fall. Her legs were weak due to laying still on the bed for an hour. Philip quickly put his arms under her knees. He picked her up.

     "Are you hurt?" he asked.

     She shook her head. "I am just a little weak," she said.

     He carried her outside. Gabe stood waiting for them, holding the reins of their horses. Philip helped Jane onto his horse. He tied her horse to his. Then he climbed onto his horse behind her. He put his arms around her as they rode back to the house.

     When they got there, Samson had called for the constable. Gabe took the horses to the stable while Philip carried Jane inside.

     "Ah, sir," Samson said when he saw them. "I see that you rescued our fair lady."

     "Yes, Samson," Philip said. "Please send some tea to the parlor for Jane."

     "Yes, sir," Samson said. "I took the liberty of sending for the constable. He is in your study."

     "Send him to the parlor," Philip said. He didn't want Jane out of his sight.

     Samson nodded. He walked away. Philip went to the parlor. He sat in a chair with Jane in his lap. She pulled away slightly and looked at him.

     "I think I  can sit in a chair by myself," she said, smiling.

     "True," he said. "But I like having you on my lap."

     She stroked his right cheek. "Thank you for rescuing me," she said.

     "When I read that letter that Alyssia wrote pretending to be you...." he said, shaking his head. "I thought my world had ended. I never should have believed that you lied about loving me and ran off with Jeremy."

     She kissed him. "All is forgiven," she said.

     The constable walked into the room followed by Samson baring a tea tray. As they drank tea, Jane recounted what happened to the constable. He jolted down everything she told him.

     "He is still at the shack," Philip said. "I wounded him when he tried to shoot me." He reached into his pocket and handed Jeremy's gun to him. He explained how to get to the shack.

     The constable left. Five minutes later, Samson announced that Joshua and Caroline came to the manor. They walked into the parlor.

     "Jane, what happened?" Caroline said. "We were suppose to have tea but you didn't show up."

     "I went for a ride with Jeremy Shelton this morning," Jane said. She told her what happened.

     "Oh, Jane!" Caroline said when she was finished. "It must have been dreadful!"

     "Philip came and rescued me," Jane said, smiling at her husband.

     "How romantic!" Caroline said.

     "Yes, it was," Jane said, stroking his hair at his temple.

     They talked for an hour. Joshua and Caroline declined Philip's invitation to supper. After supper, Philip insisted that Jane take a nap. She told him that the only way she would take a nap was if he came with her. He relented.

     Two hours later, Jane awake to find Philip watching her. "Hello," she said, smiling. She stretched and turned onto her side to face him.

     "Hello," he said, solemnly.

     She frowned. "What is wrong?" she asked.

     "I almost lost you because I believed you wrote that letter," he said. "If Gabe had not followed you and then alerted me to what was going on...."

     She moved close to him. "You cannot change what happened," she said. "All we can do now is move on. You have lived without the love of a woman for so long that you doubt any woman would love you. But I do love you. You have my heart. No one can take it from you."

     "What did I do to deserve you?" he said.

     "By just being you," she said. "You are sweet, kind, loyal, and fair. Your servants love you and your sisters adore you. Most men did not care about their illeglamate children. But you brought Anna into your home and your heart. How could anyone not love you?"

     He put his hand under her chin. He kissed her. Surprising him, she laid her body on top of his. He sat up and she removed his tunic. He laid back on the bed. She pressed kisses over his chest. His breath hissed through his teeth as she flicked his nipples with her tongue. She trailed kisses down his stomach. She unbuttoned his pants. They removed them. She settled between his legs.

     She enveloped the tip of his shaft into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around it. He groaned and slid his fingers into her hair. She moved her mouth down on him and then back up again. He could feel his orgasm building as she repeated the motion. After a couple of moments, he felt himself close to exploding. He gently tugged on her hair. She stopped.

     "Stand up so I can take your dress off," he said.

     As he unbuttoned the back of her dress, he trailed a line of kisses until he reached the top swell of her buttocks. Wet heat pooled between her thighs. She stepped out of her dress when it fell to the floor. Then she took off her shoes and bloomers.

     "Stop," he said when she reached down to take off her stockings. "Leave them on."

      She nodded. He reached behind her and pulled out the pins in her hair. It fell around her shoulders. He lifted her into his arms and laid her on the bed. She smiled at him as he laid on top of her. He pressed his lips to hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck. She parted her lips and he slipped his tongue into her mouth. He slid his mouth to her throat. He bent his head and closed his mouth around her nipple. She arched her back.

     After giving her other nipple the same attention, he moved to her stomach. He kissed every inch. He parted her thighs. He spread her folds and gently licked. She fisted the bedcovers by her hips as they raised to press her against his mouth. He could feel her orgasm building as he continued to lick her. He grew bigger as the small noises she made got him more aroused. Soon he was desperate to get inside her.

     He slid his body up hers. He looked into her eyes as he slipped inside her. He began to thrust. Her hips rose to meet his thrusts. She wrapped her arms around his neck. With his hands, he wrapped her legs around him. The silk of her stockings slid against his skin. It was the most erotic feeling he ever had. He thrusted faster. She tightened her limbs around him.

     Her world exploded. She cried out his name. Above her, he stiffened. His seed poured into her womb. He collapsed onto her, his body shuddering. After a couple of minutes, he rolled onto his left side. They laid in bed cuddling. He looked at her. He replayed the minutes when he thought Jane had left him in his mind. He had thought his world had ended. He wasn't sure if he would have been able to live without her. Suddenly it hit him.

     "I love you," he said out loud.

     She looked at him. He looked like he had been hit in the face. "What did you say?" she asked.

     "I love you," he said. "When I thought I had lost you, I was not sure if I would be able to go on without you. I love how sweet and kind you are. I love how you like to see the good in people. I love how loyal you are to your family. My life has change for the better since you switched with Caroline on our wedding day."

     Her eyes welled up with tears. She kissed him. "I love you too," she said.

     Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Philip got up and put on his trousers. He opened the door. Samson stood on the other side, holding a tray laden with food.

     "Sir, I thought you and Lady Jane would like to take supper in the room," Samson said.

     "Thank you, Samson," Philip said, taking the tray. "Tomorrow I would like a maid to start bringing Lady Jane's things to my chambers."

     Samson smiled. "Yes, sir," he said. He left.

     Jane waited until Philip put the tray down before jumping into his arms. "Are we finally going to share a chamber?" she said excitedly.

     Philip smiled. "Yes," he said. He looked at her. "I wish I had fallen in love with you sooner."

     Jane kissed him. "It matters not," she said. She pulled away. She walked over to her wardrobe and put on one of her nightgowns.

     They sat on the bed as they ate. After eating, they went to check on the girls. They jumped up from playing dolls on the floor and hugged Jane. They had heard what had happened from Anna's nurse.

     "We are so happy that you are safe and home with us," Lauren said.

     "Thank you, girls," Jane said.

     They sat and talked for a couple of hours until it was time for bed. Jane read them a story. Philip and Jane tucked them in and kissed their foreheads. Then they went into Anna's room. Her nurse had just finished feeding her milk when they walked in. Jane took Anna from the nurse and she left.

     "Hello, little girl," Jane said, rubbing Anna's nose with her own. "How are you today?"

     Anna gurgled happily and grabbed a lock of Jane's hair. Philip kissed Anna's forehead.

     "Time for bed," he said.

     Jane laid Anna in her crib. Philip rubbed her back until she fell asleep. Philip took Jane's hand and they walked back to her room. He closed the door behind them. He cupped her face.

     "I love you," he said.

     He kissed her. He lifted her nightgown over her head. He took off his trousers. They laid on the bed. He pressed his lips to hers. As he slid his tongue into her mouth, he cupped her right breast. He gently rolled her nipple with his fingers. She arched her back as he switched to the other nipple. He drew her nipple into the wet heat of his mouth.

     He slipped his hand between her thighs. He slipped a finger into her. He rubbed her clit. Her hips began to move as he continued to rub her. She threaded her fingers into his hair.

     "Philip, I want you inside me," she said breathlessly.

     He slid up her body and into her. She wrapped her arms and legs around him as he slowly thrusted.

     "Oh yes, Philip," she gasped. "Harder. Faster."

     He began to thrust faster and deeper. He kissed her as he pounded into her. He groaned as she made noises. It didn't take long before they reached their orgasms. She cried out his name. He collapsed on top of her. She stroked his hair.

     After a couple of moments, he shifted off of her. She looked at him.

     "There is something I want to tell you," she said.

     "What is it, my love?" he asked.

     "The reason I have been vomiting lately is not because I have the flu," she said. "I think I may be pregnant with your child."

     He looked at her in shock. "Pregnant with my child?" he said.

     She nodded. She took his hand and placed it on her stomach. He caressed it. He slid down the bed and laid his head on her stomach. She caressed his hair.

     "You are not sure if you are with child?" he asked.

     "Betsy said that I was probably suffering morning sickness," she said. "I have not had my monthly flux for one month. My breasts feel a little tender."

     "We will have to visit the doctor, but it sounds like you are with child," he said.

     She hesitated. "Are you happy?" she said.

     "Yes, my love," he said. "I believe that I am the happiest man on Earth."

     It would be hours before they finally fell asleep. She dreamed about the future. Lauren and Jonathan were betrothed. Anna, Philip's and Jane's sisters ran around Philip's property with a five year old girl with blonde hair. Philip and Jane sat on a blanket, watching them. Philip had a plump red haired three year old boy sitting on his lap. Jane was round with child. She smiled in her sleep.

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