Kimetsu No Yaiba - Above the...


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Sonohara Yun, the fourth child in her family that's gifted body that's stronger than a regular human's. Due t... More


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So light and pure, they can be any shape, any size. But the most important parts about them is their color and movement. Depending on those can help tell you how the day will go. Bright clouds that welcome the sun can prove to be a wonderful day.

But there's times where they can be the darkest thing within the day and in that darkness is home to the cruelest creatures and can welcome the worst day.



???: Nee-san...



???: Nee-san, come on wake up.

A young boy wearing a green checkered kimono attempted to wake up a girl that was sleeping outside in the grass field. The sleeping girl appears to be older than the by a couple years.

???: Nee-san! Wake up already!

The boy began to shake the girl until she started to open her eyes.

???: Mmm, morning...

???: It's the afternoon!

???: Afternoon? Oh...

The girl rubbed her eyes as she was now wide awake. She had long brown hair that's pinned up and eyes that were clear as the sky as she stood about 170 centimeters. This girl is Sonohara Yun.



Sonohara: I OVERSLEPT!!!

???: *sighing* Again...

Sonohara: Okaasan is gonna kill me! Wait-...

She looked at the boy who was her younger brother. She then frowned at him before giving him a piggyback ride.

Sonohara: Haruto did you walk here all by yourself?!

He silently nodded.

Sonohara: You know very well that you shouldn't do that!

She was scolding him as she was jogging through the field with him on her back. Though this scolding only made Haruto frown sadly.

Haruto: Sorry...



Sighing before smiling at him.

Sonohara: Honestly... you know very well how much I love you.

After a bit, she and Haruto arrived home.

Sonohara: Okay, don't think she knows you were gone yet so let's-

???: Let's what?

Sonohara: Eep!

She slowly turned around as she quivers in fear. Seeing an older woman that's appearances resembled Sonohara's. This was her mother, Oya Yun. And she looked pissed.

Sonohara: M-Mother!

Oya: Now where have you been, Sonohara?

Sonohara: I-I-I was-

Oya: No, I already know... instead of doing what I told you to do. You got distracted and dozed off.

Sonohara: I-It's still bright out, I can still make it-!

She had her cheek pitched.

Oya: And what's worst is that you had your little brother go through the trouble find you!

Sonohara: Ahh! I'm sorry, it won't happen again!

It felt like she was about tear her cheek off.

Oya: It better not! Now I packed your lunch, so get to it!

The mother released her before kicking her Sonohara's behind which made her run down to the village.

Oya was always strict on Sonohara but also a caring mother.

Oya: Haruto...

Haruto: Y-Yes?

Oya: Don't go out by yourself like that again, okay?

She told him with a gentle tone, much different than the tone she used on Sonohara.

Haruto: Yes...

(Sonohara's Pov)

Sonohara: Jeez, I really thought that she was gonna tear my face off.

Rubbing my red cheek, I was running down town looking for my father. Her father, Taiga Yun is the chief of the village and I assist him with labor work with other villagers too.

But almost everytime I do help my father, he always get bothered by the villagers. Saying that "How could you let your delicate daughter do a man's job" or "You call yourself a caring father?" but they soon would realize that I'm not so delicate.

I'm quite stronger than I look.

Sonohara: Father!

I waved my hand in the distance getting my father's attention.

Taiga was a bit on the scruffy side in appearance but overall he's quite the looker... to the other villagers at least.

Taiga: Ah, there you are.

Unlike mother, my father was quite layed back and doesn't mind me coming in late sometimes.

Taiga: Help me with this.

He pointed out to a log as I went to pick it up.

Villager A: My god, Taiga! Are you letting her do this again?

Here we go again.

Taiga: Listen, Miss Nagamoto she-

The woman quickly ignored him as she approached me.

Nagamoto: Sonohara, a pretty girl like you shouldn't trouble yourself with such a heavy-

I lifted the log which was (over 100 kilos) upto my shoulder.

Nagamoto: T-Task...

She was speechless until Taiga spoke.

Taiga: My girl is much stronger than you think.

Nagamoto: W-Well it doesn't matter! She's 13! She's a growing lady and beautiful one at that! I worry if she continues to do this, she'll end up scruffy and sweaty like you.

She kept scolding him as I moved the logs into a pile.

I was born strong, as my body had ten times as much muscle fiber density as the average person. I could do things that people my age couldn't do. My appetite was greater than most of the biggest adults. Thank God that my mother is a great cook that knows a way around my monstrous appetite.

Village A: Sonohara, be a dear and help with this.

An elderly woman said as she was struggling to move large boxes.

Sonohara: Oh, let me help with that.

I carried a mountain stack of her boxes into her house before heading back.

Taiga: By the way, your grandfather should be visiting here soon.

Sonohara: Oh....


Taiga: What's with that uninterested tone?

Sonohara: He always talks about stories of when he hunted "demons" and what not.

Taiga: You don't believe them?

Sonohara: No way, he just wants to just scare us.

Taiga: Well anyways you should head back now, I'll finish up here and make it to dinner.

I nodded before leaving. Sprinting through the fields and trees before stopping suddenly. I look up to the sky and saw a dark cloud approaching. Then I noticed that the wind was picking up as well.

Sonohara: A storm? I should hurry back then.

Arriving shortly to my house where immediately was greeted by Haruto.

Haruto: Welcome back, Nee-san!

Sonohara: Hey Haruto.

I gave him a series of pats and hugs as I usually do, smothering him with a affection.

Haruto: Nee-san do you alway need to do that?

Sonohara: Yup!

Haruto: A-Anyways, let's go to the horses!

Sonohara: Tomorrow, it's going to rain later today.

Haruto: Aw!

He trying to look sad but I immediately picked him up and started spinning around with him.

Sonohara: Come on, don't me the sad face.

Haruto: H-Hey! *chuckles* Come on, I'm not a little kid!

Oya: It's dinner time!

She called out to us as we started to dine. It soon became dark and my father as yet to arrive.

Chowing on meatbuns I looked out the window to notice that it's dark out. It was still daylight but the storm cloud came in, blotting out the sun.

Oya: Sonohara, you watch things here. I'll go grab your father. He must be overworking himself again.

Sonohara: Aye aye, Madame!

It was strange though. Normal he'd be here awhile ago.

But hours had passed and now my mother hasn't returned yet. The sky was completely dark with now heavy rain. It practically night now as I kept the fireplace going for a source of light.

I went tucked Haruto in bed seeing how it was his bedtime.

Haruto: Nee-san.

Sonohara: What is it?

I sat next to his bed.

Haruto: Well I.... ever grew up to be at strength as you?

Sonohara: Of course! You're a growing boy and-

Haruto: Be honest...


My energetic smile faded when I noticed how serious Haruto looked.

Sonohara: I am though...


But I said that, Haruto didn't look convinced.

Haruto: All of you... Mother, Father, and even you sister... I wish I was like you guys. I wish I was like the kids that run around the field all day.

Sonohara: Haruto...

Haruto: But instead, I'm stuck being weak and useless.

Sonohara: Hey...

Haruto: Why am I even-

Sonohara: ENOUGH!

My shouting startled him as he went quiet.

Sonohara: Who-


A scream from the distance? No, that was a familiar scream.

Haruto: Was that-?

Sonohara: That was Mother! Haruto, stay here and I'll see what's going on!

He nod as he was a bit shaken.

I quickly kicked open the door before rushing out in the rain to where I heard the scream.

But when I arrived to the source, my skin turned pale as my eyes widen from shock.

It was my mother and father, laying in a pool of blood.

This sight... I was hyperventilating as tears ran down my cheeks.

💭Sonohara: A dream... this must be... a nightmare...

I slowly approached the corpses as I fell to my knees. I shook them a bit, trying to wake them up. Father's arm was wrapped over my mother, it looked like father was trying to protect mother until the very end.

Sonohara: Mother... Father... are really... 

Tears wouldn't stop flowing from the pain.

There bodies were still warm but they didn't have a pulse.


But that would also mean that...

The murderer might still be around!

Sonohara: Haruto, he might be in danger!

I sprint back to the house as fast as I could only for the worst thing I could imagine.

I enter the house only to see Haruto laying on the ground bleeding greatly. It looked like something broke in the house. The door was smashed as Haruto's blood was splattered over.

Sonohara: No, no, no, NO! Haruto, please be okay!

It was faint but I felt a pulse, he's still alive.

Wasting no time, I began to run towards the village to get help for my little brother. Trying my hardest to hold back the rest of my tears.

💭Sonohara: Run, run faster! Ignore the rain, Ignore the heavy wind!

But something was strange. I felt Haruto slight moving with a groans.

Sonohara: Hold still! I'm almost-

Haruto roared and growled as if he was a beast.

Sonohara: H-Hey! Stop! I'm gonna fall!

My foot slipped from the wet grass as tumbled down a deep hill.

I fell face first, moaning in pain. Picking myself up, I immediately looked for Haruto who was standing in the distance before I ran upto him.

Sonohara: Don't push yourself! I'll carry you!


Sonohara: Haruto?

He wouldn't respond as his eyes met with mine.

He had red devilish eyes as he tackled me down and pinned me. As I struggled, I saw fangs in his mouth.

💭Sonohara: He's... a demon?

He then bit into my shoulder.

Sonohara: Gragh!

I tried to get him off but he was so strong. Was he always this powerful?

Sonohara: H-Haruto...

His fangs dug deeper into my shoulder.

But through the pain, I pat him on the head.

Sonohara: I'm sorry... I couldn't protect you or Okaasan and Otousan.

I hugged him tightly to keep him where he is.

💭Sonohara: How could I let this happen?

I was losing a lot of blood, he must have hit a big artery. My vision weaked as I was passing out.

Sonohara: I-I'm... here...

My strength faded as I fainted from the fast blood loss.


His eyes widened a bit, after drinking my blood for a while. Having a shock expression, Haruto looked at me on the ground bleeding from shoulder.

Haruto: N-Nee-san?

He spoke softly as I was unresponsive. He backed away from me as he was panicking. He covered his mouth as he realized what he just did.

Haruto: What did I-?

But his urge to continue was overwhelming.


He knew it was his sister...

Haruto: Nee-san.... Nee-san.... No! Aagh!

He dashed into the darkness of the storm, fleeing from the area as he left me in rain.

The rain...

It didn't stop...

It was so cold....

Am I going to die in this rain? 



Hours probably went by when I woke up.

When I did, I noticed that I was in a house resting in a bed.

Slowly looking around, I noticed that it was my house.

Sonohara: Was I really dreaming all that?

I tried to move but I suddenly felt a pain on my right shoulder. It was bandaged up, but... it was the same wound Haruto gave me.

Sonohara: So... it was real...

Looking down as I gripped my sheet, I was tearing up before a man walked in.

???: You're awake, Sono.

Looked at the man who speaking. He was elderly with grey spikey hair with an oni mask, wearing a black short kimono with cloud. His name is Goko, my grandfather.

Sonohara: G-Grandfather? When did-...

I quickly left my bed as I ran outside, only to see a grave site beside the house. My heart sank as I fell to my knees.

Goko: I... I buried them after I found you on the open field this morning.

He spoke with no emotions.


Goko: Tell me what happened. 

I silently nod, as Goko returned me to the bed where I grip the bed sheet greatly as I told him everything from last night. 




Goko let out a deep sigh after hearing the death of her parents and brother, who has been turned. 

Sonohara: Everything happened so fast... just like that everyone.... 

Tears continued fall from my face as a great pain in my chest appeared ever since that night. That is until Goko comfort me with warm hug.

Goko: Sono... forgive me for not being there... when you guys needed the most... 

I remained silent as I wailed on his chest crying for minutes that felt like an eternity.

Sonohara: Grandfather... demons... really do exist don't they?



Goko: Yes... 

Sonohara: And so is my brother?



Goko: Yes... 

Sonohara: What will... become of him? 



Goko: Like other demons... he'll kill and devour innocent lives. 

I jolted away from him with a surprised expression. My brother, harm people? Haruto is such a gentle boy. He would.... he would never...

Sonohara: Haruto would never do that! 

I stood on my two feet as stated in a loud tone. But then Goko grabbed and pressed my shoulder wound where my brother bit me. It was bandaged up, but I still flinched, feeling an aching pain when he touched it. 

Goko: Was this the wound he inflicted upon you?

Sonohara: ... 

Goko: When someone transforms into a demon, any shred of their humanity is discarded. Whether the person is their siblings or not, they will devour them. 

In my mind, I realized if my brother really did have no humanity him then... 

Sonohara: How can you explain why he didn't devour me on the spot?

Goko: What?

Sonohara: He had me pinned that night, so why didn't he just kill me there? He must still be in there; some bit of his humanity must still remain! 

Goko: I see... but it's only a matter of time before that fades away. 

Sonohara: Then... then I'll find a way to save him! Maybe there's some way to reverse it!

Goko: That's unheard of, and maybe impossible.

Sonohara: .... 

Goko: But even if I say that's impossible, it wouldn't stop you, huh?

Sonohara: Yep!

I replied bluntly with an energetic tone. This made my grandfather smile under the mask. 

Goko: Then you'll have to be stronger then. If your path is to save your brother then you'll encounter other demons like the one that destroyed our family. 

My expression turned serious as I nodded.

Sonohara: I plan on repaying them. 


Sonohara: Wait... Does that mean you'll- 

Goko: Yes, I'll make sure to whip you in shape and teach you everything. Then, I'll see if you're capable of becoming a member of the corp that slays demons. 

In his younger days, my grandfather said he was a former Demon Slayer with the rank of "Kinoe" before retiring. But when he was telling me back then, I was barely listening. 

Goko: Rest well, we'll begin when you fully recover. 

Sonohara: Okay!


(A/N: The beginning of my first Demon Slayer X Oc. Thanks for reading and hope you enjoy!)

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