the 8th Prodigy (Even Highsch...

By Jaxread

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(Y/N) (L/N) is the brother of Tsukasa Mikogami and like his brother and friends he's a highschool Prodigy, wh... More

chapter 1

Chapter 2

259 5 0
By Jaxread

                  (Y/N)'s POV

                                        I was tasked by my brother to help Masato with the villages finances and while he is settling up the cart I am talking to Winona. Since we've bing here me and Winona have become good friends but to be honest I think she likes me. Winona then said "I hope you two and my son get along on this trip" I nodded and I said "don't worry we should be ok after all I'm coming with them" she was happy by my answer that she hugged me with my head in between her breasts and I'm not going to lie I love this monument. I started rubbing my face in them and she clearly noticed and she didn't seemed to mind and she said "if you do a good job I just might give you a reward " to say I agreed to this was an understatement, I was then pulled out by Masato and he said "will you stop hitting on her and get on the cart" he was dragging me and after we reached the cart he threw me on to the cart, he literally threw me like I'm Aqua from Kobasuba, I got up and looked at Winona and I said "see you later sexy" she blushed and she started wagging her tail and I was punched in the head.

Time skip because you where knocked out

When I woke up we made it to the port city where the village trades there goods and once we got there was a problem. Masato then said "well looks like we are at an impasse" the owner of noiow chillant trading company then replied "if you have a problem with Noiow chillant's prices then don't sell to us, your always free to take your business somewhere else" Masato then said "that sounds like a good idea, let's split Elk, (Y/N)"Elk then asked "wait, where are we supposed to go" the owner then added "one more thing Elk, if you are able to find a Buyer somewhere in Dormint you better plan on letting me know who it is, I have a responsibility to report anyone doing business without the proper permit, Hehe". We left the place and Elk then asked " hold on there mister, I tried to worn you before we went in there, that's the one trading company in this town, the only people we can sell our goods too". The life of business is the same in any world I guess there's always those greedy corporations taking all the money and take out there competitors threw illegal means. Masato then said "your thinking to small listen, I enjoy taking advantage of people as much as the next guy but I don't like it when they take advantage of me or my friends " I nodded and adding "it's true the last guy who tried to cheat my brother in a deal he punched him in the face" Masato rolled his eyes and I noticed something a pair of cat and rabbit ears listen in on us, I doubt there spy's but I'm interested to see where this goes.
                                 Elk then said "what are you talking about your not making any sense, also did that actually happened?" I nodded and Masato then said "if you think about it neither are you" I then finished for him "a deal is just a means to achieve your objective, any deal that doesn't reach that goal isn't worth taking, right?" Masato nodded and continued "your trying to sell commodities, so tell me could you have chief your objective at the amount he was offering?" . Elk then answered "I suppose not, at the prices he's paying our village wouldn't last threw winter, I understand the problem but we're trapped he Controls the market we can't do anything about it". I agreed with him it would be hard for anyone then Masato replied "that's pretty short sided you can't life your life with others allowed to discard you as they wish"  Elk was surprise by this and I said "take it from me sonny, it's the worse" Masato then continued "it's just an negotiating tactic, and it's not right you don't have to take it laying down". Elk then replied "your willing to help us get a better deal" Masato then said "of course, we owe your village our very lives, I have a proposal Elk, let me take charge of this business trip. If you do I'll make you a Fortune and teach those hyenas a lesson at the same time". I smiled and I said "well looks like I'm not doing anything on this trip if your in charge, he can do you one better then that he'll put out there shitty business with in a week for no extra charge " . Elk was surprised by this and our spy's are too I really wonder how this plays out.
                                    I contacted my brother to tell him what our next action is and he is pleased to hear about I also heard our resident magician entertaining the kids. My brother was going on about our talents and how he was going to make more mayonnaise and I shouted "And ketchup!, don't for get Ketchup!" Lyrule giggles and she said "it's not just the mayonnaise you know, you sat us down and taught us a lot of new recipes, everyone is finding it a lot more fun to cook, but" me and my brother hummed at the same time and she said "it looks like we are going to run out of salt and wheat flower pretty soon" my brother then said " you don't have to worry about any of that, the merchant and Shinobu accompanied Elk into town, they say they wanted to help out with his transactions" I coughed and said "what about me on helping too" my brother replied " if the merchant is in charge you are being lazy am I right?" I gulped and i didn't say anything". My brother then continued "I'm shure you'll be getting everything pretty soon" Lyrule then said "I hope so I'm a little worried about how Elk would get along with those three, especially (Y/N) for flirting with Winona" i then asked "that's who hit me on the head?!" They didn't answer. Winona then said "it's true, that boy can get pretty stubborn, you don't think he got that from me don't you?". I then said "of course not and I get his frustration after seeing the company i see he's just worried about the village and we keep getting less from Yayoi" she smiled after I said that and my brother asked "who's Yayoi?" Winona answered "he's the one that rules all the trade in dormont, he's a truly awful fellow he has a stranglehold on all the small businesses and pays them small peanuts." My brother then said "I see, it sounds seriously, but if thats happening then everything is ok if we just let the merchants handle it" everyone was confused but I get the signel and I just couldn't help but smile.
I hanged up and I saw what Masato got and Elk read it "a Business permeat for the Elm trading company, authorize to operate in this and all surrounding communities. Singed Walter Von Hinserid, this isn't some kind of fake is it?" Masato answered "I highly doubt that since the mayors signature is genuine" Elk then asked "I don't get it how did you pull it off" Shinobu showed up and said "to tell you the truth given my talent for gathering intel it wasn't all that difficult, uh-huh" she then gave a piece sing and i patted her a job well don't on her perky wear, she kicked me in the gut after that. Elk finally noticed her and said "aww!, when did you get involved ?!" She replied with a Nene and Masato said "think about it Elk it's pretty obvious if Noiow chalant is authorized to handle all the trad in a town as big as this, then there's has to be something behind the scenes". Elk connected the dots and asked "so what did you find?" I then said "the mayors secret account books, it's showed a large amount of money from Noiow chalant on a regular bases. So Masato confronted him with copy's of the paper work and we got this and a few other things for keeping quiet " Elk then said "that's a smart move." Shinobu then said " if we are all finished then there's some places I want to visit, oh before I forget here's the papers (Y/N)" I took them and she went off.
As we where preparing our spy's decided to show them selfs, i see a little cat girl and a bunny girl around my age and the cat girl said "really, what you said about to sleep on a bed of money I want all that too. I want to be rich, I want to have nice things, clothes and food, I want to be able to do things all on my own so I don't want to have to beg for stuff any more. So big sis won't starve because of me, so please, please sir help me!" I looked at the girl and i was shocked that this girl said all these things, such a small girl, and I look at the bunny girl and she is a little weary but she wants the same too. These two are so young one around my age scavenging for food and a little begging just to survive, to say that I'm angry is an understatement I'm furious. Elk has his doubts and I grabbed Masato's shoulder and he saw in my eyes what I'm feeling and he agrees full heartedly, Masato then said "alright starting today your one of us" she was happy and so was the bunny girl. Elk then said "hold on your letting some random kid and some random girl join us off the streets, are you serious?!" Masato replied " of course I'm serious, look at her there's greed in her eyes, adding people like that to our team will be very helpful" I then added " and look at the girl, she has ambitions and I want someone like that on our team" Masato then said "I'm Masato Sanada, and this is my friend Elk, and other there is my friend (Y/N), what about you two?". The young girl was first "they call me Roo" Masato then started talking with Roo and I asked the bunny girl "and you miss?" She hesitated but she said "my name is Sui" i extended my hand and I said " welcome to the team, you will be working with me" I smiled howl heartedly and she was shocked by this and then she shook my hand.
We made it to a local pub and on the way we got Roo and Sui some new cloths and I can tell that they like them especially Roo. I was with Masato with negotiating some traders for our business and consignment sale was brout up and they never heard of it, so Masato explained "here's the basic deal, we are going to be in the central plaza tomorrow we got a spot all staked out, if your interested we'll let you sell your goods right beside ours." The trader then asked " what a minute, your really allowed to do that?" The other one then said " we've bing wanting to sell there but we got no permit" the third nodded and Masato said " we can do what ever we want, there are no rules for sharing a space and we where able to get a permit so your usage is wide open." They where intrigued and he continued " listen though, the bottom line is it cost us quite a bit of money to obtain this thing. And so to cover our expenses we'll be taking 20% of your sales for a hosting fee." He then thought of something and said " of course since we are in the same bout against Noiow chalant Monopoly, if your willing to man the shop we could make an exception and cut it down to 10% for the hosting fee, what do you say?". They where in a huddle trying to figure out the 10% so I but in and said " ok, let's say your selling carpets, for what I've seen in the market lately for a medium size carpet is worth 450 Luke, if you brought those to Noiow chalant he'll buy it for 150 Luke, instead you sell it to us we'll seal it under market price for 400 Luke. Once it's sold we take 10% or 40 Luke for ourselves, so expect for getting jump Chang you'll get 360" it worked like a charm they sighed it and we might be getting more so it's a big success. Once they left Masato said " alright that went well" Elk then said "wait a minute, how is it going to work we don't pay any money?" Masato answered " correct what are you worried about?" Elk then said "it seems like we are taking advantage of these suppliers some how, we get to stock up without paying anything " Masato put a hand on his shoulder and said "everybody gets to profit you'll see" I then yawned and said "well I better get to bed me and Sui have business tomorrow" Elk arched his brow and asked "what business?" Masato then asked "is this about those papers Shinobu gave you?" I just put my finger to my lips and said "it's a surprise " we then went to bed for the night.
Everyone got up early in the morning, Masato, Elk, and Roo went to the market while me and Sui went to the docks and Sui asked "what are we doing here miss?" I then said "first it's mister and second we are meeting a few captains" she then stopped walking and she just looked at me like I'm crazy and I asked "what's up?" She answered "your a guy" I nodded and I said "I prefer girl cloths, it makes me look cute and I like cute things" it always takes a bit to process. We made it to the meeting point which is a pub called the rusty anchor, we entered and the bar tender recognized me and motion the back and once in there I see all the captains I called for this meeting, the first is captain Kodie

His crew is hired for protecting ships from pirates and he has a crew of 15,000, the next one is captain Belis

Him and his crew always get rare items and sell them when they reach port and he has a crew of 10,000. Next is captain sil, she and her crew always make it out of the most dangerous storms and seas making her an untouched gem

She has a crew of 25,000, next we have captain heil and he primarily passenger voyages

He has a crew of 30,000. And last but not least captain Vasco him and his crew are mercenary for hire so there a jack of all traits and has a crew of 45,000.

I sat at the head of the table and I said "ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming, I know you people prefer me getting to the point so I will" I pulled out several papers and I said "each one of you was put out of business by Noiow chalant's ships so here's what I want I want all of you to join me and to make a union" they didn't expect this and the first to asked was captain Sil and she asked "how will this benefit us?" I smiled and said " for starters your payments for goods and services will increase since they pay you 1,040 Luke and that includes there fees but I would only take a 15% fee which will increase your pay to 15,400 Luke." I can tell a few where intrigued and I added " we will also better safety practices making your jobs safer by 78% and that includes health benefits as well which will increase your crews by 50% more and more crew more ships and more ships new opportunities" each one of them has thought about it and I added the icing on the cake.  I said " and each one of you can provide the others services you need which saves you money" each one of them where discussing this and the one who spoke next was Vasco. He said " i think I speak for all of us here and what I'm trying to say is that we don't feel comfortable combining our crews and would like to keep it that way" I actually expected this so I said " i assure you this is not the case, all of you will still have your crews unchanged all you would do is offer your services to each other for free besides that everything else is business as usual". They where liking this deal more and more by there body language and then captain Belis, he said "your offer is very enticing but we are failed to see the proper permit" everyone else noticed this and I asked Sui to hand me the paper I have her hold and once she did i showed everyone that i have the proper permit in relations with the Elm trading company . They all started discussing the pros and cons of this deal and there are more pros then cons, then captain Kodie stood up and said "we agree to your terms and will be joining this union" i smiled and handed them the contract and after they singed it they left. Sui then said " you do know we don't have the means to handle this stuff then why-" I interrupted her and said "i know Masato will handle the rest so that's why I offered it" Sui was rathered surprise by this and agreed with my logic, after that we went to see how Masato's group is doing.
                                      Once we made it we saw a lot of stalls with a lot of goods and Sui was amazed and judging by the crowed Masato worked his magic. He stopped me and he waved me over and he asked "how was your secret project?" I gave a smug smile and I said "I just created a union what do you think?" Masato gave a wicked smile and said awesome work, I can handle the rest from here, you do you" I smiled and said "I'll be exploring bye!" And I did. It was sunset and I spotted Shinobu and I used my skills I learned from her to get up there and she said "that's all I am able to learn about Yayoi so fare" and I can tell she's talking to Masato so I waited till she was done. She hanged up and I showed myself and I said "hey Shinobu " she greeted me and said "hey (Y/N), oh I found something you might like" I arched my brow and asked "what is it?" She handed me a document and it's a piece of a spell book, well one page, and she said "I got it from an old mage, he said it's a teleportation spell and since we don't know anything about magic and given your talents I figure you are the best option to test it out" I'm literally beaming with happiness right now. I looked at the page and I studied it for a minute before I figured out how to use this spell and I said "well might as well test it out" I closed my eyes and i felt like the wind stopped and started again and once I opened my eyes I'm behind Shinobu ,I'm so happy but there's a catch and that behind Shinobu is air so I looked down and I said "why me?" I started falling with Shinobu chases after me.
                             After a few days I delivered the supplies to the town still getting used to my magic but this time I don't teleport myself five feet off the ground. Everyone's tails where wagging and I heard Winona said "oh my goodness, salt and pepper, oh they even have sugar" one of the kids then said "they brought us honey" the other said "this is going to last us for weeks". Another group of kids then said "look at all the bread" the other then said "wow amazing " and the last one said "there's fresh fruit too". I was seen standing next to my brother at a tree and I heard Shinobu say "I stopped by Rinko's lab for her supplies" my brother then said " excellent work, we don't want to delay her progress at this point, and how's the merchant doing" she then answered "everything is going just great, by the way he was talking he should be coming back in about three or four days". My brother then asked "why so long?" I replied "he wants to crush Noiow chalant" he then said "that's trouble, if the merchant made such a promise it would probably happen " I nodded and I said "I better head back" my brother then asked me "how's your magic?" I replied "it's getting better, still weird I can use it easily thow"  he nodded and said "we should have a mage check you out until then keep practicing " I nodded and I teleported.
                       I was spying on Noiow chalants boss Yoyoi and I heard him say "the Elm trading company, why bother me with a tiny operation like that, there no competition, they won't last the week". His employe then said " excuse me sir" he was then thrown out, Yoyoi then said "I can't believe mayor Von Hinserid, he has no business giving permants to those Country bumpkins, just what dose he think I'm paying him all that money for every month. Those stupid farmers will go bankrupt in no time so I don't have to worry about them, not one of them knows how to operate a business." He then gave a smile and laughed a little and said "when they come crawling back I'll raise my prices another 50%" i then left to tell this to Masato. The next day there is a huge crowd because we are showing them mayonnaise and ketchup, that's right we played the condiment card. Roo is eating a jar of both so everyone can see how she reacts to it and it worked like a charm. Masato then said "come back again " Elk then sighed and said "about time we finally get a break" Masato then said "what are you talking about we're just starting, the big push is still to come" I nodded while patting Roo's head and that's when I noticed a sailor. He then said " excuse me, is the mob finally gone?, I hope I'm not too late can you sell me some mayonnaise and ketchup please?"
He then started to introduce himself "nice to meet you, I'm the captain of the merchant fleet sea serpent, people here call me Klaus" Masato then said "I've heard of you, glad you came to sample this, I think your going to like it a lot" Roo was wondering what's going to happen and so was Elk. I gave him a jar of mayonnaise and ketchup and he tried them both and he liked it, we thenset up a meeting and I have Sui with me because he has asked to join the union to which I'm most pleased. Masato then said "so this is the sea serpent a grand fleet the handles all the maritime trading in all of eastern freyaguard. Your reputation precedes you" Klaus then said "as do you, and especially the head of the navy union" yeah I couldn't come up with a name so Sui named it and it's not bad but I got a lot of compliments from Masato. Klaus then said "word travels fast in a country like this, I heard about a new trading company and a union that's helping out sailors of any ship, you are doing very interesting business in Dormint ".
                                  The next few days where great we got a lot of business and we where able to make a contract with the Sea serpent for more goods and to top is off he officially join the union and has made a generous donation to help improve the Quality of life with sailors. I was back spying on Yoyoi and he was mad he said "what do you mean sea serpent switched sides!, fine I underestimated them. I wont make that mistake again starting tomorrow we'll open shop in the Central plaza, they want a war I'll give it to them, they'll regret making an enemy of the noiow chalant trading company they have no idea who they are dealing with, hahaha." His employe then said "there's also the sailors union they are a joint in sir" he arched his brow and asked "what about it?" He then handed him some papers and he said "with the government at there sides they are demanding this and also we have to pay a large some of Luke for the requirements we failed in". He was furious after hearing that and only a hand full of ships are not with the union so he has no choice but to pay us. Back at the inn Roo said while looking at the money "look at all the coins so much money, I've never seen so much all in one place" Sui was happy seeing Roo this way and as was I as well. Masato then asked Elk"what's the matter Elk?"he replied "oh, nothing " I then said "worried about Noiow chalant huh?" He looked suprised and relaxed and said "a little " Shinobu came out of nowhere and said "wow look at all the money you made today" she came in threw the ceiling and I said "could you ever use the front door, or come in lags first" she smiled and said "and what's the fun in that" she then got down and started poking Roo. She then said "so this is Roo?, it looks like she's in another world " she then went to Sui and said "and you must be Sui it's nice to meet you I'm Shinobu I hope (Y/N) is not leaving is work at the Union to you." I gulped after hearing that.
Sui has a depressing look on her face and said " he dose and I'm basically running it" Shinobu then made a tsk tsk sound and said " looks like I have to tell Keine ". I shivered violently after hearing that and I was at Shinobu's feet begging her not to tell her because the last punishment I had involved lube and a leash, don't ask just don't. Masato then said " so since your here I guess Yoyoi is making his move?" She replied " bingoruni, for what I uncovered he's planing to go to war with you starting tomorrow." Elk then said " to war!, what's that mean?!" I got off the floor and said " they'll start buying off goods left and right. Then undercut our prices to sell them and they won't care if they made a profit." Masato then went to the windows and finished "it's going to be a free for all so they must be pretty confident. All things considered it's not a bad plan on there part and it couldn't bing affective" He then opened the window and me and Elk joined him and we saw people staring at us and Elk asked "who are they?" Masato answered "theses my friends are the weapons that will destroy Noiow chalant. He gave a wicked smile and I couldn't help but do the same and I thought this will be fun.

A/N: sorry for the delay of this story but I hope you like it, enjoy

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