By secretlyHmontanna

27K 746 429

"Darling, you're so pretty, it hurts" girl in red . . In which Rah is dragged into the very mess she wis... More

'Whats up with Will?'
'He's dead'
'Troy Peed Himself'
'I need your Compasses'
'Its not safe'
'She couldve killed me'
'Falling off cliffs'
'I dont like Mike'
'Why did you lie?'
'Stay awake'
'Who is MadMax?'
'Trick or treat?'
'Like a rat?'
'Everyone is fighting'
'A girl?'
'Talon through the back'
'Mews is gone'
'What. was. that.'
'Whos there?'
'My girls'
'Found this girl in the dressing room'
'Are you crazy?'
'I'll take a cookie'
'I think they were drugged, love'
'We're over'
'When did I ask?'
'Forgive me?'
'I'm a monster'
'We have to leave her here'
'Will.. help me'
'I'm dying'
'Take me on a date first'
'How are you alive right now?'
'Not as big as my-'
'I need to see my dad'
'I have something for you'

'Is your name Eleven?'

892 28 15
By secretlyHmontanna


The Wheelers basement was an interesting place, but Rah didn't know what was stranger, the fact she was standing in Mike Wheeler's house or that some stranger rocked up behind them in the woods and was now sitting in front of them refusing to speak.

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?" Mike asked. Rah stayed silent.

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?" the girl rolled her eyes, "seriously Dustin?" so insensitive.

"Did you run away?" Lucas asked, the question making everyone turn to the nameless girl.

"Are you in some kind of trouble?" She still didn't reply.

"Is that blood?" Lucas reached out his hand, just for it to be smacked back down by Rah, "Don't" the blonde scolded.

"Stop it! You're freaking her out" Mike reprimanded. "she's freaking me out!" Lucas retorted. Rah glaring in his direction. She looked back over to see the girl looking right at her making Rah quickly turn away.

"I bet she's deaf!" you've got to be joking.

"Alright, everybody just shut up. She's obviously just scared and cold" she looked over at Mike "im stealing your clothes." The boy in return opened his mouth but nothing came out.

Rah walked over to a basket of clothes that she had spotted earlier and grabbed out sweatpants and a jumper before walking back over to the short haired girl.

She got down to the girls level, "Here take these" she spoke quietly.

"Just give away my clothes like that, it's okay" Mike sassed getting a hit over the head by Rah.

All four of the kids stood around the girl watching as she smelt the clean clothes. What the fuck? Suddenly the girl stood up and began to take off her shirt.

A chorus of 'oh no's' and 'oh my gods' emitted from the boys while Rah was quick to stop her before completely stripping.

"Um.. okay, i think there is a bathroom over there" she swiftly told the frightened girl, although unconfident of the room. The bald girl looked around unsure.

"Privacy" she informed the girl but only got a confused face back.

"Here, follow me." The girl slowly picked up the clothes and followed Rah into the bathroom.

Rah watched as the girl's eyes followed the walls in the bathroom before going to shut the door. A hand quickly flew out and grabbed the door before it could click shut making Rah look up at the other girl, she raised her eyebrow questioningly.

"You want me to leave it open?" "yes" so she does understand.

"Okay cool, I'll just leave it open abit and I'll stand right outside the door, okay?" the girl nodded in reply.

While standing outside the bathroom door, Rah looks over to the boys and sees them whispering and arguing, including Dustin mocking the girl in the bathroom which causes the older girl to roll her eyes.

The bathroom door is pushed open again and the bald girl walks out. "All done? Everything okay?" Rah asks, getting a blank stare in return. Rightio.

The girls walk back out into the centre of the basement to see Lucas and Dustin walking up the stairs and a new shelter set up. Rah turns over to Mike, "Can I stay a little longer?"


"Here you go. This is my sleeping bag" Mike explains to the younger girl. Rah kneels next to him, avoiding the other girl's eye contact.

"Hey, um , I never asked your name," the boy asked.

The girl sitting in the fort in turn slowly begins to lift up her sleeve revealing the number 011 imprinted into her arm. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Mike excitedly moved forward to look "Is that real" he asked, causing her to to quickly retract her arm.

"Hey, don't worry" Rah places a hand on her shoulder, but then moves it back just as quick when the girl reacted. "i'm so sorry."

"I've never seen a kid with a tattoo before, what's it mean? eleven." Mike interrupts Rah. The girl proceeds to point to herself "is your name eleven?" the older girl asked, receiving a nod back.

"Um, well, my name's Mike, short for Michael.. Maybe we can call you El, short for eleven." the younger girl smiles before looking over to Rah expectantly,

"Oh.. My name is just Rah." She tells her. "oh." "yeah.." weird.

After saying their goodnights to Eleven, the two kids begin to walk away. "Hey" Rah grabs Mike's arm "how do I get out?" "What do you mean?" "I mean how do you get out?" he looks over at her with wide eyes "you can't go home now, it's too late." Mike grabs her hand and drags her upstairs despite her objections. "Don't worry I have a bunk bed."


When the two of them awoke Rah quickly ran downstairs to go check on El whilst Mike went to have breakfast with the rest of his family, promising to get the two girls some food.

"Hey El" Rah greeted, walking over to sit next to the girl.

"Mike has gone to get us breakfast" the girl only nodding in response "um, okay well I've got to go to school today, Mike's thought up some kind of plan I think, so don't worry" the girl continues to ramble making the younger girl smile.

El then turned over to the side, picking something up making Rah tilt her head. Oh Mike's little walkie talkie thing.

"Hey you found my supercomm" Mikes voice echoed making Rah jump a little. "Pretty cool, huh? I talk to my friends on it, mostly Lucas because he lives so close. The signals are pretty weak."

Mike then pulled some eggos out of his jacket making Rah's face scrunch up but taking it nonetheless considering she hadn't had breakfast and dinner for the past few nights. Mike then went on to explain his plan but stopped when El had cut him off. "no?" he questioned.

"You're in danger, I know" Rah told her, "we'll help you, don't worry" Mike looks over to her "trouble? They want to hurt you?" He asks. relatable.

El looks him in the eyes "Bad," Eleven then lifts up her hands forming a gun with her fingers pointing from herself, to Mike and finally to Rah. Shit.

Karen then interrupted the three as she yelled out reminding Mike to go to school. "We'll see you soon El" Rah tells her.

Mike and Rah left the wheeler's house, Mike on his bike while Rah walked beside him. "I'm going back" Mike announces to her, "what?" she questions. "I'm going to stay home today, are you coming?"

"no, I will see you this afternoon," she tells him. "Oh okay" Mike says while the two part ways.

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