Return Of The Queen

By Vani_ki_kahani

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"In the process of letting go you will lose many things , but you will find yourself" More

Character Sketch - 1
Character Sketch 2
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Character Sketch 3
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Character Sketch 4
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Character Sketch 5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Character Sketch 6
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Character Sketch 7
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
To My Readers
~ Aesthetics ~
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48

Chapter 5

3K 120 34
By Vani_ki_kahani

Vansh and Pragya reached the Raisinghania Villa together . The main gate opened . Sadhana Raisinghania was standing there looking at her son and her daughter in law .

Sadhana - Pragya , is that really you or am I hallucinating ?

Pragya - It is me , maa .

Sadhana hugged Pragya , after all she adored her daughter in law more than she adored her son .

Sadhana - After so many years , I am seeing you in person .

Pragya - I know it's been long . But won't leave this time , I promise .

Sadhana - Well , this time I will not let you go from here . Where is my Prachi ?

Pragya - She didn't come with us . She went out with some friend of hers . I will tell her to pack her luggage and come as soon as possible .

Sadhana - It has been long since I last saw her . She must have grown so much , she must have become more beautiful , more sweet .

Pragya - Yes , she did .

Sadhana - You know , Arya and Pankti have also grown up . Do you want to meet them ?

Pragya - Not right now . I will meet them both , once Prachi comes .

Vansh - Mom , this is not fair ! You forgot your son , when you got your daughter in law back .

Sadhana - So what ?! She is more precious to me . Atleast she doesn't behave like a five year old , who gets jealous if their mother praises someone else .

Vansh - Yes.... Yes .... Both mother in law and daughter in law have teamed up against me . I will see you both once my princess comes .

Pragya - Do whatever , you want , still you and Prachi , both combined will not be able to defeat me and maa .

Vansh - You -

Sadhana - Enough both of you ! I will prepare dinner for tonight myself , tonight we all will have dinner together just like old times .

Pragya - I will help you maa .

M&K Mansion , Delhi

The house was hustling with noises , for today was Rhea and Ranbir's engagement . Rhea was the happiest , blushing , shying away , dressing up , today she was getting what she wanted , her love Ranbir .

Rhea - Today , I have everything , my dad , my mom , my buji , my family , my Ranbir . I wish Prachi was here to see this , she would have been so sad , she has nothing now , just her maa and that Shahana . Finally I am getting my Ranbir .

On Ranbir's side , Pallavi was the happiest as today her son will be engaged to the girl of her choice . Vikram wasn't happy , he knew his son was just doing all this because of his mother . While Ranbir was in his room zoning out , unaware of his surroundings .

Ranbir - Why did you do this with me , Prachi ? Why did you break my heart ? I thought you actually loved me , but no you were only after my money . Maybe , I should trusted Rhea from the start . Maybe , you had planted that Maya in my life . But I have so many good memories with you , which I am not able to forget .

Ranbir started remembering one such memory where he had Prachi with him .


It was after Ranbir proposed Prachi . He and Prachi used to meet each other secretly . One day , Prachi was angry with him , so he was planning to make her happy .

Ranbir - Prachi yaar , listen to me once !

Prachi - Don't call me yaar ! And why are you bothering me , go flirt with that Reema .

Ranbir - I wasn't flirting with her , she was flirting with me ! And why are you getting jealous ?

Prachi - I am not jealous ! If you proposed me you should have atleast not flirted with any other girl infront of me ! You know what , I am going from here !

Ranbir - Prachi ! Listen to me , I will not flirt with anyone now . I will make each girl tie a rakhi on my hand except you . I just love Miss Prachi Arora and no one else . You are my one and only .

Prachi , smiling a little - Okay ! So , how many rakhis should I order ?!

Ranbir - Hey ! I said I love you , but you didn't say it back ! Come on say it !

Prachi - Okay , I will say it !

Ranbir - Say , I am waiting to hear those three magical words from your mouth .

Prachi , stiffling her laugh - I am hungry .

Prachi ran from there , while Ranbir went after her .

End of Flashback

Ranbir got out of that flashback as his mother shakes his shoulders . He forced a smile on his face . Still having thoughts of Prachi in his mind , he went to the engagement venue .

At Thunder Club , Mumbai

Prachi collided with someone . She was about to fall , but that someone holded her hand . Slowly opening her eyes she saw that it was a guy . They were having an eye lock , which was broken by the sound of someone shouting . Looking in that direction , Prachi saw her best friend yelling at a girl , who in turn was yelling louder than him .

Prachi - Why is Rehaan , fighting that too with a girl ?

Someone - You know that guy ?!

Prachi - Oh so sorry ! I forgot about you . By the way , I am Prachi Raisinghania .

Someone - Nice to meet you . I am Kunal Agnihotri . And that girl is my best friend .

Prachi - That guy is mine . Let's go stop them .

Kunal and Prachi went to stop their respective best friends .

Hi readers ,

Here is the next chapter . 
Kindly vote and comment if you liked the chapter .

Till then ,
Lots of love 💕
Take care of yourself
Your author

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