Olivia (A Cobra Kai Story)

Par AutumnWrites22

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A story about Johnny Lawrence's daughter, Olivia. Eli x Fem OC x Male OC STILL UNDER EDITING. Contains some m... Plus

#1 New Neighbour
#2 No Turning Back
#3 The Cool Table
#4 You Don't Have Any Friends
#5 Halloween Dance
#6 Mean Girls or Clueless?
#7 The Best Defense
#8 No Girls Allowed
#9 Go Ahead, Hit Me
#10 Flipping the Script
#11 My Favorite Place
#12 The Junkyard
#13 Strike First
#14 Tournament Part 1
#15 Tournament Part 2
Season 2!
#16 Being Bad-Ass
#17 An Old Friend
#18 Stuck Like Cement
#19 I Love You
#20 I'm Sorry
#21 Valley Fest
#22 Sunshine
#23 I thought you loved me.
#24 This is me quitting.
#25 Cake?
#26 Are you guys going to kiss?
#27 I miss you.
#28 Boys suck
#29 Just Tipsy
#30 My Favorite Person
#31 The School Fight
#32 The Aftermath
Season 3!
#33 Alone
#34 Where have you been?
#35 He's Awake
#36 Brother
#37 We're Okay
#38 Help Me Forget*
#39 Back To School
#40 The Soccer Fight*
#41 Drunk
#42 Laser Tag
#43 Tory and Miguel
#45 Now You're Nothing
#46 Stay Away From Me
#47 Surprises and Alliances
#48 The Christmas Party
#49 Showdown
Season 4!
#50 Lets Begin.
#51 Mending Relationships
#52 Birthday
#53 Dad Talk
#54 A Date?
#55 Best Friend
#56 A New Cobra
#57 The Drive In
#58 Lies?
#59 Secrets
#60 Mine
#61 The Incident
#62 I'm Done
#63 Our Best Friend
#64 Family
#65 Big Questions
#66 Rivals
#67 Prom Prep
#68 Prom
#69 The After Party
#70 The All Valley 1
#71 The All Valley 2
#72 Mexico
#73 Miguel's Dad
#74 In Danger
#75 Return to the Valley

#44 Fighting Battles

936 22 46
Par AutumnWrites22

Eli's POV:

Eli sat stretching on the floor of the Dojo, waiting for class to start, scrolling through his phone as he did so.

He froze when a video popped up on his feed, it was Olivia and Miguel. Olivia was cheering as Miguel took hesitant steps towards her.

Shit, he was walking.

He watched intently as Miguel stumbled into Olivia's arms and as she held tightly onto him with a wide grin plastered across her face.

She used to grin like that for him. Not anymore.

He saw her grin like that for JJ at the party the other week, just the thought made him flush with anger and his jaw clenched. Olivia was his, always had been, always would be.

But no, because she'd kissed JJ, he'd seen it. Just thinking about his lips locked on hers made him feel sick to his stomach.

After the fight at the party where she'd left he hadn't seen her, until the laser tag fight.

The look of hurt and shock she had when he did what he did had shattered his heart for a second, it made him rethink everything. But then he remembered, he was Hawk now. And Demetri had deserved it, hadn't he?

"Is- is Miguel walking again?" A voice asked from behind him, tearing him away from his thoughts.

"Yeah, looks like it."

"That's... good." Tory mumbled.

"Yeah..." he mumbled.

Olivia's POV:

Johnny and Olivia had been putting Miguel through drills constantly and Miguel was getting so much stronger on his legs.

So strong in fact, that they'd ceremoniously thrown his crutches and the wheelchair in the trash. Maybe they should have kept those for someone else...

Following Johnny and Miguel's altercation and Miguel getting back on his feet, Johnny was finally ready to restart his own Dojo and Olivia was over the moon.

She couldn't wait to get back into Karate. She'd missed it more than she ever thought she would and after the recent weeks, she'd finally had the push she needed to stop being a pussy and fight again. As long as she was doing it for the right reasons, of course. She wasn't Cobra Kai.

"How about Johnny Lawrence karate? Or strike hard karate?" Miguel asked Johnny who was at the kitchen table boring eyes into his computer screen.

"It's no use Migs, he's still looking at that message he sent to Ali." She sighed, patting Miguel on the shoulder.

Miguel sighed and threw himself down in the chair next to Johnny. "Come on Sensei, I'm trying to think of names for our new Dojo."

"How long does it take for Facebook messages to get delivered?" Johnny asked, completely ignoring Miguel. "Ali lives in Colorado so probably a while right?"

Fuck, he was so technologically challenged it hurt.

"It's instantaneous." Miguel deadpanned.

Johnny sighed and slammed his laptop shut in annoyance.

"Okay how about All American Karate?" Miguel continued.

"It's not good enough, we need something that tells everyone we're the most badass Dojo in the valley." Johnny exclaimed.

"Yeah, sucks that Cobra Kai's such a badass name."

"What if we just keep that? But we spell our Cobra with a K. They can call us triple K."

Olivia scrunched her nose in bewilderment. "Think that one through dad..."


"Like KKK?" Miguel explained for him.

"Yeah that's probably a bad idea... whatever we'll figure it out. First we need some students."

"It's my first day back at school today! I could do some recruiting." Miguel remarked.

Olivia smiled widely. She was ecstatic to have Miguel back at school. School had been the hardest part of the past months without him and to have him back felt like such a massive weight off her shoulders.

However, with Miguel coming back to school, the risk of him finding out everything was prevalent. Demetri's arm, JJ's outburst...

She didn't like keeping secrets from him, but it was for his own good. He had needed to focus on himself and himself only. And he's only just got back on his feet, he shouldn't be burdened with any of Olivia's problems yet.

"Where will we train?" Miguel continued.

"You let me worry about that." Johnny smirked.


Olivia walked happily through the school entrance, her arm linked with Miguel's. Her worries were pushed to the side, it felt too good to have him back here with her.

"I've never been so happy walking into school." She smirked to Miguel who grinned back.

"There he is!" Someone called and the students around them erupted into cheers. Looking up, Olivia saw a massive yellow poster hanging from the staircase that read 'Welcome Back Miguel!' Cute.

Teens came up to him and grabbed his shoulder, fist bumped him and said sweet words and Miguel grinned bashfully at the floor.

"I don't feel famous enough to be hanging around with you right now." Olivia joked.

"Whatever." He laughed.

"El Serpiente!" Called a voice from behind them.

Olivia froze. It was Hawk. She didn't want to see him. She didn't want to be near him.

Miguel turned to grin at the red-haired boy striding towards them.

"Uh, I've gotta- I've gotta go to study- home. Down there." Olivia rambled as she pointed down the hall and took off quickly, leaving a bewildered Miguel in her wake.

"Liv!" He called after her, but she didn't even turn back to look.

Olivia rushed to homeroom, Moon wasn't in homeroom today because she was back late from a spa retreat with her mom, but luckily neither was JJ, since he hadn't been to school since the party.

Olivia's walked into the class with her eyes focused on her usual seat.

She spoke too fucking soon.

Because there, sat at his usual seat, was the shaggy haired boy.

Her breath hitched when she saw him but she quickly turned her eyes away from him and to the floor. She headed to her desk and instead of sitting in her usual seat, she sat two across. Robby's old seat. The thought was just another stab to the chest.

She threw her bag onto the floor and leant her arms forward onto her desk, propping her head up on them.

The screeching of a chair being pulled back made her cringe.

"OJ, can we talk?" JJ whispered as he sidled up onto the chair next to her.

"I'd rather not." She mumbled.

"Please I didn't mean what I said."

"Shouldn't have said it then."


"Can you just not right now? I don't want to talk." She'd had enough. She wouldn't be treated like shit anymore and just let people get away with it.

JJ sighed deeply before leaning back in his chair, bringing his hands to his face to rub it anxiously. After a few more moments he spoke again. "I spoke to Robby, you should try calling him again."

Olivia debated on her response. Yes, she was thankful he'd spoken to Robby but on the other hand, he'd been a dick. She decided to keep it brief.

"Thanks." She mumbled before turning her attention back to the droning teacher.

After her morning classes, Olivia walked down the hall to meet her friends.

Seeing the back of Demetri, she skipped happily towards him, until she saw who was in front of him. Miguel. And he did not look happy.

She made a swift turn on her feet and started walking back in the other direction. She cringed as she heard footsteps quickly approaching behind her.

"Not so fast." Miguel grunted before grabbing her wrist and spinning her back.

"Demetri's told me everything. His arm, Hawk, JJ... why didn't you tell me Liv?" Miguel asked, hurt evident in his eyes.

Olivia looked solemnly at the floor, playing with her fingers nervously. "Because I didn't want to give you any extra stress. You had enough going on." She muttered.

"Liv, I'm your best friend, it's literally my job to look after you." Miguel sighed. "I could've helped."

"I'm sorry." She mumbled guiltily.

"It's okay. Just no more secrets, ever, for any reason." Miguel asserted as he gripped onto her shoulders.

"No more secrets." She said, pulling out her pinky finger and holding it in front of him.

He gave a small but soft smile and wrapped his own around it.

"The same goes for me Liv, we'll always look after you, even with my defective arm." Demetri smiled.

She was so lucky to have such good friends. Literally, the luckiest. Fuck Hawk and fuck JJ and Tory. Who fucking needs them?

"Thanks guys." She smiled as she linked her arms in theirs. "The first thing you guys can help me with is math. I'm failing." She cringed as she led the two to the library.


Olivia had agreed to meet the boys again at lunch, but they both hadn't arrived yet, leaving her at the table with Yasmine and Bert, Moon still also MIA. Surprisingly, Yasmine was being pretty nice and she was actually having full conversations with the pair.

"Are your curls natural Olivia? I've always wanted natural curls." Yasmine sighed.

Olivia's cheeks tinged slightly, taken off guard by the compliment. "Uh yeah, they're natural, my mom had curly hair." She smiled.

Shit, had she just said had? If Yasmine noticed, she didn't say anything.

"I'm so jealous." Yasmine groaned.

Olivia smiled as she scanned the room looking for the boys. Her eyes widened and her heart jumped a little bit as she saw Miguel storm up to Hawk. This couldn't be good.

"I should stop him right?" Olivia asked her friends.

"Nah, I wanna see Hawk get a talking to after what he did to Demetri. That was too far." Yasmine mumbled and Bert nodded.

"I guess you're right." Olivia sighed. She couldn't help but admit it felt nice to have Miguel able to back her up again. Maybe he could talk some sense into Hawk, she obviously couldn't.

Olivia watched the two hesitantly. Although the altercation had started off angry, that had seemed to subside slightly. Hawk's face untwisted from it's common snarl and Miguel looked hopefully back at him.

Suddenly everyone's attentions were torn away by a loud yell across the cafeteria.

"Hey guys! Check this out. He's standing around with a dick in his hand!" Yelled Kyler as he held Demetri's casted arm up.

"Fucking nerd." Someone laughed. Following the voice, Olivia's eyes landed on her favourite person, Tessa. Tessa was lent back on her seat, not laughing, but cackling with the rest of the Cobras. God she fucking hated that bitch.

Demetri looked sadly to the floor in embarrassment.

"Nah, fuck this." Olivia grunted, standing up from her seat furiously.

Olivia stormed through the rows of laughing students towards the boys, and just as Demetri had ripped his arm from Kyler's grasp and taken a few steps away she called out. "Hey Kyler."

Kyler's attention was drawn to the Lawrence girl and he smirked. She looked him up and down, her nose turned up in distaste. Wait... was he wearing a Cobra Kai shirt? Was he seriously one of them now?

"Oh hey Olivia. Come to stick up for your boyfriend? Cant fight his own battles?" Kyler joked maliciously.

Demetri's eyes shifted to the floor from where he stood a few steps away.

"Yeah, I heard I missed a pretty good fight the other day." Tessa smirked.

Olivia's fists clenched and it took all she had in her to not punch the bitch right in her face. But no, right now, her focus, was Kyler.

A smirk grew across Olivia's face as she turned back to him. "He can fight his own battles, but I'd just really like to fight this one myself." She smiled a sickly smile.

Before Kyler even had a chance to respond, Olivia sent her fist flying into his face with a loud smack.

Gasps echoed around the room.

"You fucking bitch." Kyler grunted as he clutched his face.

"Oh and talking about dicks..." Olivia continued, before sending a knee right to his groin.

He doubled over in pain and Olivia took the chance to send a foot into his side making him tumble to the floor with a thud.

"Look at us Kyler! You've started Karate, I've restarted karate- we actually have something in common now. Maybe we can be friends after all." She grinned sarcastically.

"Olivia LAWRENCE!" Yelled a voice from behind her, Counsellor Blatt, shit.

The counsellor stormed up to her and grabbed her arm. "With me, now!" She grunted.

Olivia sent a smile to Demetri who was smiling warmly back, Yasmine now by his side. Huh, that was weird.

"You will be suffering consequences Miss Lawrence." The counsellor droned.

"Will I? Because I really do not care anymore. Do what you want." She said, shaking her now sore hand.

As she was led out of the cafeteria, she quickly turned around and looked at Kyler once more. "Worth it." She grunted.


Olivia sat outside the Principal's office, impatiently tapping her foot. She was in deep shit, she knew this. But she didn't regret what she'd done. Hell, she'd do it again it she had the chance.

She lifted her head up when her dad burst through the doors to the office.

"They called you?" Olivia asked with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Yeah, you got in a fight?"


"Who with?"

"A Cobra."

"Nice." He grinned proudly. "What did you do?"

"Punched him in the face."


"Then I kneed him in the balls."

"Nice, crotch shot, I like it."

"And then I kicked him to the ground." She smiled.

"That's my girl." He grinned and held his fist out for a fist bump.

She returned the fist bump eagerly before they were interrupted by a fake coughing noise.

They looked over at the Principal's secretary who stared at them with her eyebrows raised.

Johnny frowned. "And you, young lady, are grounded for an entire month."

"Darn." She sighed, going along with it.

The doors to the Principal's office opened and the principal walked out into the room. "Mr Lawrence I presume? Can I talk to you please?"

"Yup." Johnny said, following after him whilst Olivia slumped back down in her seat.


"So two weeks lunch detention and that's it?" Olivia asked in shock as she walked down the hallway with Johnny looking for Miguel.

"Yup. You're welcome." He grinned.

"How did you manage that?"

"Pulled all the guilt trip cards. Miguel's injury, your brother being in jail, your mom being dead." He said with a little cringe at the last one.

"You make me my life sound like a really sad soap opera." Olivia laughed. Hey, if you don't laugh, you cry.

"Maybe, but you've got a pretty cool dad who saves you from expulsions on your side." He grinned as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder. "Ah! There he is."

Miguel looked over at the pair, eyes wide but a smile spread across his face. "Thought you would've been kicked out Liv."

"Dad saved me." She smiled back.

"Nice. You should have seen Kyler's and the Cobras faces after you got pulled out. Priceless."

"Hey, I got us a pretty sweet spot for our new Dojo." Johnny told Miguel excitedly.

"Yeah?" Miguel asked.

"How's the recruiting coming?"

Miguel sighed and frowned, shaking his head before closing his locker and turning away.

"That bad?" Johnny questioned as he followed him.

"Everything's changed Sensei. Cobra kai, they drank the Kool Aid."

"Kool-Aid? What's wrong with Kool-Aid?"

God, he was dense sometimes.

"Just Sensei Kreese is turning them into an army of assholes. There's no convincing them to leave."

"I did try and warn you..." Olivia murmured.

Johnny frowned before looking over Miguel's head and tapping him on his arm. "Wait here." He said walking away.

Miguel and Olivia looked around confusedly until they realised what he was doing when they saw the boys, including Hawk, of Cobra Kai stood at the other end of the hall.

"Shit." Miguel and Olivia said as they looked at each other and then quickly sprinted after Johnny.

"Okay listen up!" Johnny yelled, making all the Cobras jump to attention, turning around to glare at him.

Olivia and Miguel caught up but she stayed close to Miguel's side and he slid his hand into her own. He knew now how uncomfortable she felt around Hawk.

Olivia looked up briefly at the red-haired boy whose glare focused on their intertwined hands before lifting back up to Johnny, his face shifting slightly with guilt.

"I screwed up and I'm sorry. I made it about me and that's not what a Sensei does. I took the easy way out. I gave up." Johnny exclaimed as he looked around the boys.

Olivia noticed a couple of former Cobras, including Bert and Mitch, who must have been kicked out since their altercation, watching from a little ways behind.

"What happened at this school." He said as he looked at Miguel and Olivia. Olivia's hand raised to the back of her head. Pain flashing through it as she remembered the hit.

"It rocked me to my core. I couldn't look myself in the eye, let alone face all of you."

"I guess it makes it easier to tell yourself that. But the truth is, you bailed on us long before that fight happened." Hawk grunted as he squared up towards Johnny. "You got soft and we paid the price."

Olivia squeezed Miguel's hand. Did THEY really pay the price though?

Johnny strode towards Hawk with fury in his eyes. "You listen up. When you came into my Dojo you were softer than a baby's ass. I made you what you are, not Kreese! He doesn't give a shit about you! About any of you!" He yelled as he stepped back waving his hands out dramatically.

Hawk's eyes looked solemnly down, obviously shaken.

"So if you wanna keep whining about the past like a bunch of pussies, then fine, we can play that game. You wanna stick with Kreese go ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you when your life ends up in the shitter. Or you could sack up and join my Dojo."

Hawk looked around at the other Cobras who all shared shocked but curious looks.

"Havenhurst and Magnolia. Tomorrow at 4. You wanna save yourselves and train the right way, you better be there." Johnny ordered and started to walk away.

Olivia smiled up at Miguel and he squeezed her hand as they turned to follow him.

"And don't be late!" Johnny yelled. For some reason, he then hit a stack of books out of a young student's hands. "Sorry kid, old habit." He said before striding away.

Olivia turned around to help the young boy collect his books back up. "Sorry about him." She winced as she handed them back.

"It's okay." The boy smiled.

Smiling, Olivia linked her arm back in Miguel's and the two walked down the hall. Not being able to help herself she quickly looked over her shoulder.

It was quick but she saw it, Hawk was smiling.


AN: yikes a long one.

Continuer la Lecture

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