Corpse Groom

By thelittleblackghost

183K 7K 1.9K

Male Emily x Female Reader (Y/n) = Your Name (H/l) = Hair Length (H/c) = Hair Color (E/c) = Eye Color (S/c)... More

Chapter 1: According to Plan
Chapter 2: First Meeting
Chapter 3: Rehearsal Disaster
Chapter 4: Accidental Marriage
Chapter 5: The Corpse Groom
Chapter 6: Getting Acquainted
Chapter 7: Going Upstairs
Chapter 8: The Misunderstanding
Chapter 9: A New Arrangement
Chapter 10: New Arrival
Chapter 11: A Wedding!
Chapter 13: The End

Chapter 12: Second Thoughts

12.7K 511 105
By thelittleblackghost


Hildegard entered the room carrying a small cake for Victoria and Lord Barkis's wedding. She placed the cake on the table in the very silent room. All the guests were quiet and looked insanely bored.

Lord Barkis tapped a spoon against his glass. "Quiet down now, everyone. Thank you. Elegant, cultured, radiant. Victoria has found a husband with all these qualities and more. Serendipity has brought us together, and no force on earth could tear us apart."

Suddenly, the room went dark, and the fire in the fireplace turned green. Skeletons came up behind Lord and Lady Everglot and one of the skeletons eyes dropped into Lord Everglot's soup.

"There's an eye, in me soup." He stated.

The guests shrieked and started running around at the sight of all the dead people. Lord Barkis shoved Victoria away and he and his sister crawled under the table to hide. Lady Everglot stood on a chair and stared down at Scraps who was barking at her.

"Fetch me musket!" Lord Everglot demanded.

"Fetch your own musket! I'm off!" The butler declared, leaving the room.

"Excuse me." The Maggot said, crawling up a man's arm. "You don't know me, but I used to live in your dead mother."

"Finis, who invited these people?" Lady Everglot asked fearfully as she and her husband stood on the stairs. "They must be from your side of the family."

"Certainly not. Why if my grandfather Everglot could see this, he's be turning in his grave."

"Finis." A voice said.

He turned and saw the skeleton of his grandfather standing in front of his own portrait.

"Where do you keep the spirits?" He asked.

The two screamed and ran down the hall.


Outside, the dead were making there way to the streets and ran past the town crier.

"In other news...THE DEAD WALK THE EARTH!!!!" He screamed.


An old lady was in a corner swinging her cane. "Get back! Don't try and sneak up on me!"

She swung her cane randomly, but because she had poor eyesight, she couldn't see if she hit any of them. "Get back! I'll give you such a wallop!"


A group of the dead approached a family, and a little boy was cowering behind his mother, when he suddenly noticed on of the corpses and started walking towards him.

"No!" His mother called.

The corpse picked the kid up and they stared at each other for a while.

"Grandpa?" The kid asked.

The corpse brought the kid into a hug and the crowd awed.


The old woman was hitting a skeleton man with a mustache as he tried to get her attention.


"Sweetie pie."





"Alfred?" She asked. "Oh, you've been dead for 15 years."

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn." The man declared, dipping his wife as other dead people were reuniting with their loved ones.


Back at the Everglot mansion, Victoria was standing in the middle of the room in shock, when Lord and Lady Barkis resurfaced next to her.

"Right. That's it. We're going to take whatever money we can and get out of here." Lady Barkis declared.

"Money? What money?" Victoria asked.

"Your dowry. It's my right!" Lord Barkis snapped.

"But my parents don't have any money. It's my marriage to you that will save them from the poorhouse." Victoria explained.

"The-The poorhouse?!" Lady Barkis bellowed.

Lord Barkis grabbed Victoria by her shoulders and shook her. "You're lying! It isn't true! Tell me that you're lying!"

"Did things not go according to your plan, Lord Barkis?" Victoria asked smugly, before shoving him away. "Well, perhaps in disappointment we are perfectly matched."

Victoria stomped out of the room, leaving behind a very angry Lord and Lady Barkis.


Victoria stepped outside and saw all the dead people and the living people making their way to the church.


Victoria turned and saw Victor running towards her.

"Victor!" She cried, and embraced him.

"Please, please don't marry him! I know I'm not as wealthy as Lord Barkis, but I know I could make you happier than he ever could." Victor declared.

"Oh, Victor, I never wanted to marry Lord Barkis. I want to marry you." Victoria pressed her lips to Victor's and he happily kissed back.

The two pulled apart and looked around. "Now what the devil is going on here?" He asked.

"I'm not exactly sure. But I intend to find out." Victoria grabbed Victors hand and they both started following the crowd towards the church.


"Be gone, ye demons from hell! Back to the void from whence you came! You shall not enter here. Back! Back!" Pastor Galswells bellowed.

"Keep it down, we're in a church." One of the skeletons told him.

They all entered the church passing Pastor Galswells who stood there in shock.


Inside the church, Emile waited at the alter as the song 'Here Comes the Bride' played. Everyone turned and saw (Y/n) walking down the aisle in her beautiful dress.

Emile held his hand out for her which she happily took and the two faced Elder Gutknecht, who had opened the Wine of Ages bottle.

"Dearly beloved and departed, we are gathered here today to join this woman and this corpse in marriage."

Victor and Victoria entered the church as saw what was going on.

"(Y/n)?" Victoria and Victor gasped.

"Living first." Elder Gutknecht said.

(Y/n) gazed into Emile's eyes and lifted her right hand.

"With this hand, I will lift your sorrows."

She lifted up a goblet.

"Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine."

"Now you." Elder Gutknecht gestured to Emile.

Emile smiled at (Y/n) and looked at her with love.

"With this hand, I will lift you sorrows."

He lifted up the Wine of Ages.

"Your cup will never empty..."

He poured some in her cup.

"For I will be..."

He paused and gasped when her saw Victoria and Victor standing behind (Y/n).

"I will be..."

"Go on my boy..."

"Your cup will never empty...for I will be..." he hesitated.

"I will be your wine." (Y/n) finished, and went to drink the wine, but Emile placed a hand over the cup and stopped her.

"I can't." He whispered.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

"This is wrong. I was a groom. My dreams were taken from me. My family was taken from me. And now...I'm taking them away from you."

Emile placed his hands on her cheeks.

"I love you (Y/n). But I can't take you away from your family."

Emile gestured to behind her and (Y/n) turned to see Victoria standing there.


Victoria rushed forward and embraced her sister.

"This should be their wedding." Emile said, motioning for Victor to come forward.

He stepped up to the alter and Emile linked the couple's hands together.

"Oh, how touching." A sinister voice said.


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