The Guy Quiz - Do you scare g...

By QuizChick

4.2K 7 3

The Guy Quiz. Do you scare guys away from you? Do you find guys saying they need some space? Take this quiz t... More

The Guy Quiz - Do you scare guys off?

4.2K 7 3
By QuizChick

The Guy Quiz.

Do you scare guys off? Take this quiz, property of DOLLY magazine, and find out! Have fun Xxx quizchick.

You'll need: Paper, pen/pencil.

Choose a, b or c. Write down the letter you choose for every question:


1. How much time do you expect a boyfriend to spend with you?

a. Everyday after school, all weekend - all the time!

b. A few times a week scheduled around other friends, family, ect.

c. Whenever he's free and can fit you into his life.

2. You're chatting online to the guy you like when he mentions a girl from school just called. What do you say?

a. "Why is she calling you? Do you like her?"

b. "Didn't realise you guys were friends."

c. "No worries ;)"

3. How soon should you say, "I love you?"

a. Within the first couple of weeks.

b. When you feel it.

c. Wait for him to say it first.

4. How much would you tell a guy about yourself on a first date?

a. Your whole life story - the good, the bad and the embarrassing!

b. Bits about your friends and family but nothing too heavy.

c. Whatever he asks you!

5. Your man said he'd call you at 7.30, but it's nudging 8pm and you haven't heard from him. What do you do?

a. Call him and demand to know why he's forgotten about you!

b. Send him a text saying you'll be awake 'til 9.30 if he still wants to chat.

c. Don't bother him; he's probably doing something more important than talking to you.

6. Do you ever talk about the future with guys?

a. Yep, everything from where you want to buy a house to how many kids you'll have - all together, of course!

b. A little about things like where you'll go for Schoolies or uni, but never in a serious way.

c. No further in the future than what you'll be doing this weekend.

7. Do you act differently around the guy you like when you're with your friends?

a. Yes, you tend to tease him, laugh hysterically and tell him it's a private joke when he asks what's so funny.

b. Not really, you behave pretty much the same alone or with friends.

c. Yes, you get embarrassed and struggle to talk to him when your friends are there.

8. You've just had a big fight with your folks and are a crying mess, but you know your guy is with his friends. Do you call him?

a. Definitely - call and demand he walk away from his friends so you can have his full attention while you sob down the line.

b. Text him and say you're upset, and ask if he can call you ASAP.

c. No, you dont want him to hear you blowing your nose and sniffing like a sack of tears.

9. How long should you wait to text a guy again if he hasn't written back to your first message?

a. Five minutes.

b. Five hours.

c. You dont text again -  you wait for him to get back to you.

10. What do you tell a new guy about your ex?

a. That he's a devil and broke your heart, and about all the terrible fights and how you cried for days when it ended - why should you hide it?

b. The general reason why you split but don't go into much detail.

c. That it didn't work out but you've moved on now.

Count how many a's, b's and c's you have before continuing...


Mostly a's - Scarecrow girl

If your guy seems to be backing away from you, consider if you might be rushing the relationship too quickly, or putting to much pressure on him. Sometimes dude's respond better when they have a chance to miss you - he'll never call you if you always beat him to it. Take things slow to avoid spooking him.

Mostly b's - Slow and steady...

Remember the story The Tortoise and the Hare? Slow and steady wins the race! You let a guy know you're interested without overwhelming him, and your honest about how you feel (but you know when to hold back). Keep your relationship at a steady pace for the best results.

Mostly c's - Warm it up

The only way you'd scare a guy off is by making him think your not interested! It's great that you give him space, but you may run the risk of making him think you dont like him if you play it too cool. Make sure he knows how you feel by instigating a date or giving him a call.

Hope you enjoyed it!  




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