The Adventure of Andrea Baggi...

By DragonJ0

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What if Bilbio Baggins had never joined Thorin Oakenshield's company? What if his cousine Andrea had joined t... More

Introducing: Andrea Baggins
The Company
Thorin Oakenshield
Off on an adventure!
Tales of Moria
First accident
Meeting Radagast
Rough day
New friend and old cousin
Singing songs
Late night talks
Death to the King!
Azog, eagles and the Lonely Mountain
Home sick
Spill the beans
Truth's out
Orc attack
Entering Laketown
She's back!


377 14 2
By DragonJ0

Deep in thoughts, Andy set one foot in front of the other. They were heading for Rivendell. How could she not have linked that before? If she'd known that before, she would have never joined them on their journey. Gandalf must have known that. That is why he didn't say anything, that dammed snake!

"The valley of Imladris. Here lies the last homely house east of the sea", Gandalf spoke, pulling Andy back to reality. "In the Common tongue, it's known by another name."

"Welcome, my fellow fools, to Rivendell", Andy added in a sarcastic tone. "Here life the friendliest elves of Middle Earth, with great hospitality. Get ready for a lot of beautiful architecture, vegan dishes, green everywhere, guys who look like girls, a lot of water and fountains, beds for everyone and fireflies. "

Awe was written all over the dwarves faces. They would never admit it, but Rivendell was impressive. Even when it wasn't quite their favourite lifestyle. Thorin marched right up to Gandalf, anger written all over his face.

"This was your plan all along, to seek refuge with our enemy", he growled at the wizard. Andy snorted. He had no idea.

"You have no enemies here, Thorin Oakenshield", Gandalf replied. Full name. This was the point, where you stop arguing with a wizard. "The only ill-will to be found in this valley, is that which you bring upon yourself.»

"You think the elves will give our quest their blessing", Thorin snapped at Gandalf, not wanting to go down there. "They will try to stop us."

"Of course they will", Gandalf said, surprising Thorin, who had not expected that answer. "But we have questions that need to be answered. If we are to be successful, this will need to be handled with tact, and respect, and no small degree of charm. Which why you will leave the talking to me. And Andrea. "

Hearing her name Andrea looked up.

"I didn't do it!" , she spoke. Gandalf gave her a piqued look.

"We never said you did something, dear."

She gave them an innocent smile before asking, what they were talking about. "Hell, no!», she responded, as Gandalf repeated himself. Surprised by her harsh rejection, his eyebrows shot up.

"I don't see your problem."

"My problem is that elves are damn bastards that I learned not to trust an inch!", Andy explained. The dwarves exchanged glances. Andy sounded just like Thorin. And no one was more surprised than he was.

"But, Andy", Kili said hesitatingly. "You're injured."

Andy let out a sigh. "I know. That is why we don't have any other option. So, start moving your asses down there. I aint gonna heal up here. And if I pass out before I can get on Elrond's last nerve, I'm gonna suffocate you all with your pillows while you sleep. "

Entering the palace over the beautiful bridge, the dwarves couldn't help but look around in amazement. Even Thorin seemed to forget his grudge for a minute. Without a frown on his lips and a deep wrinkle in his forehead, he was looking better. Younger. And a lot more handsome. Andy let her eyes rest on him for a second longer, enjoying this rare sight of the most annoying dwarf in history.

As Thorin's eyes fell on Andy, she already looked away again. He could have sworn that she was looking at him, but it seemed he was wrong. Once again. He wondered why his mind kept playing tricks on him like that. Taking a closer look at her, he could see that her bandage started leaking through. The spot over her wound was already red. She was covered in dirt and black orc blood and a few strains of her long hair had been cut in battle. Even though she was hurt and tired, there was that sparkle in her brown eyes. One he was sure was not there before. As he noticed, that he was staring at her, he turned his eyes away again, looking ahead to the elf that came down some stairs, greeting Gandalf.

"Mithrandir", his soft voice spoke. Out of the corner of his eyes, Thorin saw Andy slightly hiding behind Dwalin. The grumpy dwarf also noticed it and gave her a glare. As he saw, that her usual smirk was gone and her being on guard like never before, he knew something was wrong. He looked over to Fili and Kili, giving them a small wave with his head. They understood him and discreetly moved closer, shielding Andy's sight from the elf.

The sound of a horn makes all heads spin around. "Ifridî bekâr!", Thorin shouts, all dwarves gathering around. "Hold ranks!" Andy got pushed in the middle. Even though she didn't not like it, she was too weak to protest. And she was glad for the cover. She was sure, that she was not welcome here. Between the coats of the dwarves and over their heads, she saw horses galloping down the bridge, circling the dwarves who had pulled their weapons, ready for a fight.

"Gandalf", an elf spoke, pleasantly surprised at the sight of one of his oldest friends.

"Elrond! Mellonen. Mo evíndeth?" Gandalf walked up to his friend, a wide smile on his face.

"Farannem 'lamhoth I udol o charad", the elf answered in his native language. "Dagannem rim na lant vedui. Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders. Something or someone has drawn them near." A knowing smirk was plaster over his face. Hearing his voice made Andy tense up. The last time she saw him, was a few monthes before she left Greenwood.

"Ah, that might have been us", Gandalf admitted with a sheepishly smile. Thorin seemed to have had enough of all this smalltalk and stepped forward, catching the attention of Elrond and Gandalf. With a dwarf missing in the ring, the dwarves had a little more problem with shielding her from the sight of the elves. Andy cought a few nervous glances toward her, from a rider.

"Welcome Thorin, son of Thrain", Elrond greeted the dwarf and bowed his head slightly, showing him respect.

"I do not believe we have met", Thorin said.

"You have your grandfather's bearings. I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain. "

"Don't say something stupid. Don't say something stupid. Don't say something stupid", Andy chanted quietly to herself, squeezing her eyes shut.


This didn't seem to be so bad.

"- he made no mention of you. "

Andy's head shoot up, her eyes widened. Elves might be sly bastards, but they show respect and kindness. Most times. And Thorin wasn't doing the company a favour, if he continued acting up like this. Elrond ignored it, but she wasn't sure for how long he would let Thorin be rude as shit.

"Nartho i noer, toltho I viruvor. Boe i annam vann a nethail vin", Elrond spoke in elfish. But his face was so stirn, that it didn't suit the words he spoke. Andy had to grin, for she understood the language of elves.

"What is he saying", Gloin cried out, stepping forward, already fed up of the High-Lord. "Does he offer us insult?" With Gloin pushing past his friends, he broke the ring around Andy, giving clear sight on her from the right. The elves saw her and whispered to eachother.

Andy knew, her cover was blown. So she decided to step out and make herself noticable, before the guard told Lord Elrond about her.

"Dear Valar's, get me out of this misery", she spoke looking up to the sky. All attention turned to the little person, hidden behind the dwarves. As Andy wanted to step forward, Dwalin laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Andrea, don't", he ordered. Since she saved Fili's life a few weeks ago, she slowly started to grow on him. And as she hid behind him before, he felt the need to protect her. He didn't know what was wrong, but he knew Andrea was not comfortable with these elves.

"Dwalin, back off! ", she snapped back, just as quiet as he was. However she was not able to hide the worry in her eyes, and Dwalin did not stand down. As she saw, that he was being protective, her expression softened and she gave him a little smirk. "It's okay. "

Shaking his Hand off, she walked past all of them, straight back and chin high.

"Fellas, this Elf is almost as old as your race. He would be stupid, insulting you, and he knows that. He's offering one of the two things, a dwarf loves most."

"And what would that be? ", Gloin growled.

"Food", was the simple answer. "My beard, you can really be really stupid sometimes! I hope you know that."

"You don't have a beard", Kili said, slightly smiling. She used a dwarf expression, without noticing it.

"You're the right dwarf to say", she shot back, before turning to Elrond. The elf was staring at the little figure in front of him with shock.

"Long time no see. Can we please skip the drama and get to buisness?"

"Gador hen" [Prison her], Elrond spoke and turned around. Immediately all spears and swords were pointed at her. The dwarves jolted at the sudden movements.

"I guess, that's a no", Andy muttered, rising her handy above her head.

"What are you doing?", Fili shouted out in anger. He wanted to rush to her, but an elf stopped him, standing on front of him as if he wanted to shield him from danger. That behaviour confused him even more. Why on Arda would an elf try to protect a dwarf? "Let Andy go! She didn't do anything!"

 As two elves started tying Andrea's hands behind her back, the rest of the company also started to protest. Thorin stood next to the concerned Gandalf and expressionless Elrond, not knowing what to think of this situation. His first impulse was to join his friends and family, helping her.

"What is the meaning of this?", he asked Elrond instead. As the elf didn't answer, Gandalf tried to ease the situation.

"Lord Elrond, this will not be necessary", he started, but was cut off by the angry elf.

"Not necessary, you say? This woman is highly dangerous. "

"It would be quite disappointing, if a student of the greatest warriors in Arda's history, wasn't a dangerous woman, now wouldn't it?", Andy had the nerve to chirp in on the discussion. 

Elrond gave her a furious look. "It was foolish of you to trust a word she spoke! She is a traitor and an outcast."

"Traitor?", Kili piped up, not believing his ears. Fili shoved his elbow into his ribs. Kili looked at his brother questionably, who was looking at him meaningfully. Kili nodded, understanding what his brother was trying to tell him. After Andrea rescued Fili, they decided to find out, what she was hiding from them. Maybe this was it.

"A traitor to the race of elfes", Andy spat but still did not show any kind of defence against her restraints. "Because I was not willing, do decide between two races! Because I was not willing, to pick a side in the war of elves against dwarves! Isn't it so? "

"Indeed, the most Elves would count that as the main reason. I however, know better", Elrond countered.

"What did I do this time? Is it obout the incident with the mice in you winecellar? Grow up, frownyface! You used to find my pranks amusing. "

"You don't know?", Elrond asked suspicious, ignoring her last sentence. The dwarves looked back and forth between them, not knowing what to think about this.

"Know what?", Andy asked fustrated. "That your a prick wich a stick up your butt? I do, in fact."

"You really do not know", Elrond realised. "The king is dead. The same day you left his son, wounded and dying. "

The little Hobbit's face fell. Horror mirrored on it. "He's dead?", she asked in a thin voice. "N... no. He... he was fine. I ..."

"You murdered a king?", Ori shrieked. Taken back by this, the dwarves stepped back. Grief stung into Andy's chest and she fell to her knees. Squeezing her eyes, she let her head hang low. A sob broke the silence, shaking her weakened body. With her hair falling in front of her face, no one could see the two tears leafing the corner of her eyes.

Fili and Kili exchanged a hurt look. They prayed that Andy was a good person, but it seemed, that they were wrong. Even if it turned out, that she didn't kill the king Elrond was talking about, that still didn't mean, she was a good person. They knew nothing of her. And knowing that was their fault, made them feel sorry for the little woman. The company made her feel like an outcast, not belonging to them. Of course she'd never open up to them.

Thorin, still standing next to Gandalf, had mixed feelings. In a way, this just proved his point that they don't know who she is. His mistrust towards her grew: she was clearly hiding something. However, seeing that annoying, cheerful Hobbit hurt and grieving, let his hardened heart hurt.

"What happened?", she asked, her voice cracking.

"You left. "

"I... I never meant for any of this to happen", Andy murned. "He didn't listen to me, and I couldn't stand it anymore. I ... I coulnd't watch. I staid back with... him. But ... things went wrong. We fought. And I... I lost everything that night" A sob ascaped her, no longer being able to surpress these feelings she'd been burying for a long time.

Elrond walked over to her, starring down on her cowering body. With his left hand, he reached down, gently lifting her chin. "Leith hen. Im gar- done cin roeg, iar mellon. Díhen- nin. » [Release her. I have done you wrong, old friend. Forgive me.]

"Tar na úqua ana apsene-hir Elrond. I naugrim care-vamme sinte man ni am. Ni  maquen- tye, vamme ana nimeár tien. Yes na, mime muina ana nimeár. « [There is no need for forgivness, Lord Elrond.  The dwarves don't know who I am. I ask you, to not tell them. It is my secret to tell. ]

Slowly Lord Elrond nodded. Offering Andy his hand, he pulled her back onto her feet. Wiping the tears of her cheeks, she stood up straight, proud as always.

"Well, not that that's done," Andy started to sway. Blinking she tried to get rid of the black dots in front of her eyes. However, it only got worse. "Somebody has to take me to the healing chamber. I think I lost blood somewhere along the way. If you see it, please tell that traitorous bastard to come back. I still need it. "

Her legs gave away and she fell to her right. No one was fast enough to catch her. Banging her head in the floor, she passed out.

"Andy!", Fili and Kili shouted, kneeling down next to her. After they rolled her on her back, she didn't react.

"Andy", Kili whispered into her ear, stretching her name.

Fili opened her eye. "Hello?" Surprised he jolted back. Before he could say anything, elves pushed him and his brother to the side and picked her up.

"Her eye", he whispered.

"What about it?", Kili asked.

"It was... yellow. " They exchanged a confused look. Andy didn't have yellow eyes.

"Please follow me", Elrond asked the dwarves and Gandalf. "I will lead you to you rooms. "

Lord Elrond had offered them enough rooms, so they could sleep two dwarves in each. The dwarves declined as politely as they could, saying they are used to sleeping in a group. Elrond respected that wish and led them to a open room with enough place for everyone. The dwarves did not even wait until the Elf was gone, before they started to move the furniture and spread their things all across the floor, throwing decoration to Dori across the room, who staked it up in a corner.

"This is useless. It's so small", Gloin stated and threw a lyre over his shoulder. Lord Elrond's face looked slightly appalled, but he quickly covered it back up, as Thorin catches it in the air.

"Hey!", he called out with a pout. "Just because you think that it's useless, doesn't mean that you can throw it around. "

Elrond could not resist the urge, to rise his eyebrows. Thorin's company was throwing around everything else, so what made the lyre so special?

Turning the lyre back to front Thorin admired it from all sides. He carefully plucked one of the strings, trying to figure out which sting was which tone.

"You play the lyre", Elrond spoke, pulling Thorin back to reality. Quickly he lowered the lyre and looked up.

"Harp, actually", he corrected, his voice sounding slightly uneasy. "The most of us play an instrument. We left them behind in Bag-End. Theye would get damaged on our journey. "

Elrond nodded in acknowledgement. It seemed like, elves and dwarves were not that different after all.

After Lord Elrond left, the dwarves finished setting up the room for the next few days. In silence, they now sat there, everyone in their own thoughts.

"I hope Andy's okay", Kili mumbled.

"What's up with her, anyway?", Bombur asked. "Every time I think I could get used to her, something happens and proves me wrong. "

"There's no getting used to her", Thorin ruffed. "We will leave her here. She's hiding the truth from us. We cannot trust her. "

"I don't know", Fili said following a trail of thoughts. "I agree that something is off about her, for sure. However, what if, she is in pain. Maybe she is sick. We don't know. "

Agreeing mumble goes around. Thorin did not like it, but had to admit that his nephew was right. Before they could discuss the matter any further, there was a knock on the door. Surprised Balin got up and opened up.

"He- hello. My name is Bilbo Baggins. Lord Elrond told me that – that my cousine arrived today. Is- is she here?"

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