Into the Dark (Completed)

By Anubis27

513K 13.8K 6.4K

It was dark until he lit the match. I thought he was lighting the way, but little did I know he was leading m... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Epilogue: The Beginning of the End
Epilogue: That Part in the Middle
Epilogue: And They Lived Happily Ever After?

Chapter 9

18.1K 576 240
By Anubis27

A month passed. 

Things were starting to become routine. Jackson and I's friendship was slowly, but surely progressing. I gave up trying to avoid Tate and Conner. I can't expect Jackson, Marie, or Josh to stop hanging out with their friends because I don't connect with them as much. The guys and Marie were careful to stay out of Tate and I's prank war, which by the way was still going strong. Norman, my mother's now official boyfriend, has been hanging around the house way too much for my liking. He even joined us for Thanksgiving dinner and will probably be spending Christmas with us next week as well. 

"Luna!" I snapped out of my daze. Josh was snapping his fingers in my face.

"What?" I asked, batting his hand away from my face. 

"I said," He dragged out the word. "What are you planning to do after graduation?" 

The lunch table was staring at me expectantly, waiting for an answer. 

I shrugged. "I don't know. I'll worry about that then."

Josh shook his head. "You didn't apply to any colleges?" 

I bit the inside of my cheek. "Um, no. I can't afford it." 

"What about student loans and scholarships?" Jackson added in. 

I just wanted to end this stupid conversation. "I need to be able to buy groceries and other necessities. There is no way that my mother will even give me a cent."

"Get a job and start saving."

"I tried out for the school play yesterday." Marie changed the subject. I sent her a grateful look. "I would make a gorgeous Ariel. Don't you think, Jackson?" 

Marie hasn't made any effort to hide her crush from Jackson. 

"Isn't her hair red, not blue?" Jackson dodged the question. Marie dyed her hair dark blue just last week. Her formally hot pink hair turned pale pink. The faded pink hair with black highlights just didn't look right. Marie agreed and finally redyed her hair. 

"I'd wear a wig obviously." She looked frustrated. No matter how hard she tried, Jackson just wanted to be friends. 

"Conner!" I heard a squeal from behind me. A blonde girl in a cheerleading outfit approached our table. 

"Hey Cathy." He smirked at her.

She frowned slightly. "My name is Katie."

His smirk didn't waver the slightest. "That's what I said."

Katie crossed her arms across her chest. "Conner Lincoln, you called me Cathy!"

Conner turned towards Tate. "Didn't I say Katie?" 

Being the jerk that he is, Tate nodded. 

She watched him suspiciously for a couple seconds before smiling. "I must've heard wrong. I'm sorry baby." Katie wrapped her arms around Conner's shoulders. "Let me make it up to you." 

Conner stood up from the table and grabbed her hand. Together they left the cafeteria. Leave it to playboy Conner to get a girl's name wrong and end up getting laid in the janitor's closet. 

"That boy has game." Marie commented. 

I scoffed. The way that Conner treated girls isn't what I would call 'game'. It's more like disrespect.

"C'mon, Luna. You can't tell me that you wouldn't hit that if you had a chance." Marie glanced at Jackson out of the corner of her eye, trying to gauge his reaction. 

"I wouldn't!" I protested. "I actually feel bad for Katie. She doesn't know what she is getting herself into." 

"Average mundane Luna is more into good boys." Tate rolled his eyes. 

Marie smirked. "Actually, she likes the bad boys." 

Jackson's eyebrows went up slightly. 

"Aw, does little Luna have a crush on me?" Tate taunted. 

I made a disgusted face. "In your dreams, Wall-e and I don't have a type!" 

"All of your ex-boyfriends have been arrested either before you were together or after you guys broke up." Marie was starting to get on my nerves.

"First off, I've only dated three people. Secondly, I don't chase after them. It is a coincidence that they've all had trouble with the law. I didn't even date them seriously." I said a little harshly. I'm not some good girl who tries to change every bad boy she meets. 

"Whoa, calm down, Lulu. I didn't mean to offend." Marie held her hands up in surrender.

I sighed. "Sorry. It's kind of a sensitive topic."

"Who would have thought." Tate mused. "She likes the bad boys. Maybe if you bought a motorcycle, Luna would give you another round in the janitor's closet, Josh." 

I thought back to when I hid from Jackson in the janitor's closet and Josh found me. It feels like forever ago even though it has only been like four months. 

"Shut up, Taten!" I snapped. 

At the same exact time, Josh said, "It's not like that, man."

"Uh oh." Jackson groaned. "She drew the full name card." 

Tate hates his name. Like with a passion. His face started to turn red. 

"You annoying b-"

Tate was cut off by the cafeteria door slamming open. No one would have noticed if it wasn't for the fact that the door hit a cafeteria lady holding a huge tray of pudding cups. The tray flew out of her hands and at least two dozen cups of chocolate pudding landed on a table of Jensen High's richest kids.

The expected squeals could probably be heard all the way across the street. I heard a few "Oh my Gods", a decent amount of curse words and even a Draco Malfoy classic, "My father will hear about this!"

Everyone turned towards the door way. I may have not seen him since freshman year, but the smirk on his face was unmistakable.

Salvatore Lee.

His eyes scanned the room and settled on me. He ignored the lunch lady who was still on the floor and the eyes from everyone around us. 

He stalked his way towards my table, not taking his eyes off of me. Frankly, I was a little creeped out. 

"Luna Odessa Ludwig." He crooned as he stood in front of my table. 

I was surprised that he knew my first name nevertheless my last. "Sal." I answered him. 

"Why didn't you visit me, babe?" He asked. I think he was trying to give me some kind of sexy face, but he just looked like he really had to go to the bathroom.

"How do you know her, Lee?" Tate looked beyond tense and infuriated. Maybe he was still bothered by being called his first name earlier. Both Josh and Jackson looked just as tense. 

Sal ignored Tate. "All the other guys' girlfriends visited them."

"When did you get out?" I have no idea why he's even talking to me. It's not like I knew him well. 

"Yesterday. Answer my question. Why didn't you visit me? I didn't even get as much as a letter. That's not being a good girlfriend. Maybe you need some lessons." He quirked up an eyebrow. Once again, it was a failed attempt at seducing me. Why he is so interested in me, I have no idea.

"I only went on three dates with you. The third one ended with you being led away in handcuffs. I think it is safe to assume that I didn't want to see you anymore after that." I deadpanned.

"I'm innocent!" He exclaimed.

"You had ten ounces of heroin in your backpack!"

He locked his jaw, annoyed. "It wasn't for me." 

"Then who was it for? A 'friend'" I used finger quotes. Jackson, Tate, Josh, and Marie just kept looking back and forth at us, trying to follow the conversation. 

"No, I was selling it." Sal used the same tone as he would use on a child. 

"Obviously, you aren't innocent. If I wasn't clear enough before, I'll be crystal now. I don't want to date you." This is just plain weird. Did he really sit in jail for three and a half years thinking that I was his girlfriend? 

Sal glared at me. He looked like he wanted to hit me, but he didn't. He just turned on his heel and stormed for the front of the cafeteria. 

The cafeteria lady was just making it to her feet when Sal pushed her back down and slammed the door closed. 

A few people ran to the lady to help her to her feet. 

Josh, Tate, and Jackson were all looking at each other knowingly. Marie just looked confused. 

"Well, that was unexpected." I said and shoved a fry into my mouth.


I had this chapter done weeks ago, but I kept forgetting to post it. Sorry.

I don't really have anything to say right now.

If anyone wants to make banners for Into the Dark message me.

The next chapter should be up a week from today!

Anubis xx

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