heartstopper oneshots

By MilevensHeaven

2.6K 26 29

nick + charlie oneshots for the people <3 More

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love potion no. 9

1.2K 18 17
By MilevensHeaven

1950's AU: nick and charlie are teenagers falling in love in the 50's, with milkshakes, sock hops, record machines and puppy love. set in a 1950's that is more socially aligned with today, both boys are supported. less angst, a lot of fluff. music based/involved. small trigger warning for homophobia. i am american so i apologize for any British discrepancies. i tried to make everything accurate to the time but i'm sorry if i made mistakes!

word count: 11,380

songs to listen to:

love potion number nine by the searchers
put your head on my shoulder by paul anka
born to hand jive by sha na na
earth angel by the penguins
a teenager in love by dion & the belmonts
then he kissed me by the crystals
mr. sandman by the chordettes
goodnite sweetheart goodnite by the spaniels
i only have eyes for you by the flamingos
shake, rattle and roll by bill haley and the comets
little bitty pretty one by thurston harris
do you love me? by the contours
don't know much about history by sam cooke
my girl by the temptations

september 12, 1955
the first day of school

nick nelson opened the door to school and clicked his way down the hallway in his new school shoes. shined, smelling of new leather and shoe polish, complimenting the look of his freshly ironed uniform and neatly gelled and styled, slick backed hair. his tie wrapped snug around his neck and his tan socks poking out from pants, his messenger bag hanging at his side, swinging ever so slightly every time he took a new step. he flashed a smile at a lingering group of girls that waved at him, one giving a quick wink before turning back to her friends, giggling. they must have been waiting around at Truham until the first class of the day began at Higgs. it was never odd to see the occasional swinging skirt of a Higgs girl in the hallway, especially since it was the start of a new year and the students had been thrust back into a social setting, some running for hugs and some sobbing out faux apologies for a lack of contact over the summer break. Imogen, the girl who had winked, must have been done with one or the either as she called after Nick to slow down. "Nicholas! Wait up a moment!" She called after him, her flats tapping the floor as she sped up to meet him. he could hear her skirt swishing as she walked, a sort of unsettlingly soothing noise he'd become somewhat familiar with over the years. he turned around to meet her gaze and he really took her in. she had grown a bit over the break, her head meeting him at his chin compared to his shoulders the year before. her freshly dyed blonde hair was pinned up to her head in curls, framing her face and icy blue eyes. she had on the Higgs school colors, a navy blue skirt and button down with yellow details on the collar and buttons and hem of her skirt. she caught up with him, her new shoes squeaking a bit against the freshly cleaned tiles in the corridor. she caught herself and balancing herself on his shoulder, giving him a slight friendly nudge. "I missed you over break! It was hard to walk around every day without my daily dose of Nicholas" she quips with a quick smile. "You look nice in your uniform! I quite love the new one for Higgs, but what do you think?" She gives a spin, showing off the layers of her skirt and giving a dramatic hand gesture, as if to say 'look at all this!'. He nods approvingly, giving a quick chuckle and taking one hand from his pocket to lazily copy her gesture. "I don't really notice a difference but at least the colors aren't the atrocious shades of yellow and blue they were before. How many layers do they really need to force us to wear just to come to school?" he says, thinking back on his mothers look on her face when she counted how many pieces she would have to iron at least once a week, giving nothing short of a cringed look of pain. Imogen giggles a bit, smacking his arm playfully. "Oh, you don't even know the half of it, Mr. Nelson! Think of my poor laundering bill!" as she fluffs up her hair. A single bell quickly sounds, indicating a 5 minute mark to get to class. "Oh goodness! I didn't even realize was time it was! I really should be headed to Higgs before the headmistress gets impatient. I'll see you later at the rugby match, won't I?" She says as she gathers herself again, turning on her heel to head towards the door. She whips her hair around and begins her trek, not even waiting for an answer from the boy she left in her tracks. "I suppose you will", he says under his breath, turning back around and sticking his hand into his bag, retrieving the schedule he'd received a few weeks before. This year was a whirlwind of changes, new school uniforms, the mingling of different years in classes and the faint smell of lemon scented  cleaning supplies newly coated the walls of Truham, adding an ambiance to the first 10 minutes of his year 11 experience. He turned the corner, passing by some of his rugby mates, giving a quick greeting and pushing his way through the crowds of hollering  boys and quieter younger kids, guiding each other towards their correct form rooms.

Room A35

was plastered above the room he stops in front of, looking down at his paper to double check that he wouldn't be making a fool of himself. He grabs the door handle and pushing down, pulls it towards him.
inside the room, the carpet muffles the sound of his shoes as he makes his way towards the desk at the front, near a clean wiped blackboard that read


"Hello, sir." Said Nick as he approached the man sitting at the desk with a messy combed back hairdo and lopsided glasses, holding a pen and clipboard with an attendance sheet strapped done to it. Nick holds up his schedule sheet with a quick flash of a smile. "I'm Nicholas Nelson, I believe I'm supposed to be here for form." Mr. Lange, or who he had assumed to be him, looks up at the boy, gives a quick sigh, and scribbles something down on his clipboard, the sound of the pen dancing against the board ringing through Nick ears. "You'll be over there, by the window. Left side seat, top right corner of the table if we're going by where you're standing right now." Nick looks to where his pen is lazily pointed and untangles the words just spoken to him. Mr. Lange gives a small cough and nudges Nick away from the table as a group of new boys walks through the door. Nick walks over to the window seat and plops down into the chair, shrugging his jacket off and rolling up his sleeves to put his elbows onto the desk in front him. It was warm inside the classroom, but he felt a small breeze on the back of his neck, turning around to face the windows that had been ever so slightly propped open to let in some fresh air. The trees were starting to turn colours slowly, most a deep green with the occasional hint of red or yellow leaves on a branch. There were still hoards of boys and girls meandering by the school gate, saying their goodbyes and hurrying off to class, clutching their book bags and schedules in hand. His thoughts were interrupted by a second bell, giving a more serious one minute threat to the remaining clusters of students wandering the halls to. the door of the classroom had been propped open now, students weaving in and out of the class. and that's when Nick saw him for the first time.


the boy that had just walked through the door was somehow extremely organized but looked distressed enough to assume he had had a rough morning. He had dark brown curls, neatly piled atop his head that created a sort of halo effect around him. his long lanky body accentuated by the sharpness of a freshly ironed uniform, falling across his long legs that seemed to consume half his body. He had found a way to wear more layers somehow, with a sweater thrown over his button up and hidden under his emblemed jacket. his backpack sat just under his shoulder blades, tightly secured as to make sure no papers could escape with the wind outside. he began to walk towards Nick, snapping him out of his daze and forcing him to busy himself at his desk. as he got closer, Nick looked up to meet his eyes. He had blue eyes just like Imogen, but they weren't bright or icy looking like hers. his were warmer, darker, more the color of the sky during winter than cold water. he gave Nick a soft smile as he pulled his backpack of his shoulders and set it gently on the floor, moving to sit down and keeping his eyes locked with Nicks.


he breathed out through his smile.


Nick responded absentmindedly, lost in the new presence of the boy next to him. he turned away from Nick, going to grab a pen and notebook from his backpack. the break in eye contact giving Nick an escape route, as he turns back to face his desk, grabbing into his messenger bag for some paper and his trusty fountain pen. looking over at the desktop next to him, the boy smoothly prints his name in the corner of his notebook, dotting the i last before setting down his pen, waiting for the class period to begin.

charlie spring

so that was his name. it rang in Nicks ears, lighting up his body. it was fitting for the boy next to him. charlie. Nick sat back into his chair, crossing his arms, letting the final and most aggresive bell wash over him. let the year begin.

lunch break

"and then, he just said hi back. i swear, he was staring me down. i can't tell if he hates me or if he's just stupid."

"right, and when did this happen? who are we talking about?" said Tao, sweeping his long, messy black hair away from his face as he took another giant chomp into his sandwich.

"god, can you not keep up Tao?", Charlie jokingly taunted, with an over accentuated eye roll and sigh.

"the rugby lad in his new form class", Isaac quipped before taking a sip of the juice in his hand, his eyes still trained on the book in front of him.

"we'll i'm sorry i don't catch every rambling word you scream at me while i'm trying to enjoy my ham and cheese" sighs Tao in a fake offended voice. "so tell me again?"

"ugh, fine, but you better be listening this time", he points as Tao throws his hands in the air innocently.
"So this boy in my form this morning, as soon as I walked in, was absolutely staring me down. i was worried i had stained my sweater or something this morning, but he was just blankly staring at me all the way to when i sat down. and then when he left for the next class, he said goodbye to me and it was just so weird and awkward" Charlie explains rapidly, recounting this mornings events for the second time already.

"right, and why is that weird?"

"he called me by NAME, tao! name! I don't even know his and he's waving me farewell using my name like we've been lifelong friends! and when i told Isaac about him, he said he sounds like a rugby boy. and i don't even know his-" charlies thoughts were interrupted by a chattering group of boys passing by their table, tossing a rugby ball back and forth. in the crowd of boys, charlie noticed the neatly styled strawberry blonde hair poking out. with a gasp, he looked down at his untouched lunch, busying his hands as Tao stared down the group, passing by after a few seconds.
"what was that about?" Tao questions accusingly, giving him an odd look.
"that was him! that was form group boy!"
tao looked back, a look of shock passing over his face. Pointing dramatically, he turns back to Charlie.
"That boy? The one in the middle of the group holding the ball?" Charlie swallows hard before nodding his head.
"Holy SHIT, Charlie. You don't know who that is?", Tao questions, earning a confused shaking of Charlie's head in return. "THAT IS TRUHAM RUGBY KING NICK NELSON. HE-" Tao continues his rant, as Charlie looks over his shoulder at the boy.

nick nelson

it was nice. it fit him. charlie liked that name.

two weeks later

after having gotten past the awkward stage of name knowing, nick and charlie became friends. greeting each other in form and in the corridor, giving small waves or a passing smile, helping charlie untangle a rogue twig that had attached itself to charlie's curls and helping nick when his tie had somehow ended up dunked into Mr. Lange's cup of coffee earlier. nick had looked him up in the phone book and had been ringing his house at least once a day, talking to each other for hours, to the frustration of charlie's mother. one day after school, the phone rang twice and suddenly Charlie's soft voice appeared on the other line.
"charlie! hey, it's nick!"
"oh, hi nick! you're a bit early today" charlie giggled, leaning against the wall, twirling the cord of the phone.
"yeah! sorry, i uh, didn't have any homework today and i really wanted to ask you something"
"oh, uh, sure. everything okay?"
"no! no yeah! everything's fine, i just- i was wondering if you maybe wanted to come to the rugby match after school tomorrow? i know you don't like sports and all but, i don't know, maybe we could do something after? we normally go out to get food and milkshakes and stuff after and... i don't know i thought i'd ask"
"oh," charlie said, swallowing and readjusting his position against the wall, still nervously twirling his fingers around the cord. "i mean, i'm not sure. i don't know if the rugby boys would really like me being there, i mean, they probably don't want the only gay boy in town raining on their parade", adding a nervous laugh to punctuate his sentence, shuffling his feet while he waited for a response.
"oh! i- no, i'm sure they wouldn't mind! i really want you there, and you don't have to talk to them if you don't want. you can even bring your friends if you want! i'd love to meet them, ya know."
"oh! okay! well, i mean, i suppose it couldn't hurt to try. is it right after school? or...?"
"no, you can probably go home and change out of our uniform while we get warmed up and stuff. it starts about an hour after school ends. and there's bleachers for everyone to sit on to watch, or you can bring a blanket and sit in the grass."
"okay! okay, sounds good! yeah! okay!"
"okay!.... on the other hand, how was your day?"
"it was actually really good! maths was confusing and i was almost taken out by a sandwich in the lunch room, but other than that...

after two more hours of chatting and laughing, the boys reluctantly hung up the phone to head to dinner. as charlie placed the phone back on the hook, his smile covering his face, he turned back around to lean against the wall but was startled by his sister, Tori, who was holding a glass of her signature diet lemonade with a straw poking out of her cup. she had changed out of her Higgs uniform, now sporting white pants that ended at her calf, a chunky black belt, and a checkered button up shirt with her Higgs hair ribbon barely hanging on to her messy ponytail, her bangs almost covering her eyes.
"so are you in love with him? your rugby boy?" she asked flatly, sipping her lemonade waiting for an answer.
"WHAT? what? no, no- even if i liked him, everyone in this town in straight as a stick. i know we're pretty progressive, but i don't think allys kiss you goodnight."
"so he's kissing you goodnight?" she challenges.
"WHAT NO- NO I- that's NOT what i meant. just- shut up" Charlie screeched, his cheeks turning pink and his voice cracking, as his pushes past his sister to make a beeline for the staircase and his room, shutting the door behind him. he flops onto his bed, screaming his frustrations into his pillows. sitting up against his headboard, he grips his pillow in his arms. so what if charlie thought he was cute? who wouldn't? with his swoopy hair, and his dreamy eyes and his movie star smile that made you feel like the only person in the room... it was fine. he knew he was straight. just having a little crush can't hurt. girls do it all the time! even if they'll never be together, they would still be friends, and Nick would still be in his life. it was a win even if he was breaking his heart. he sighed, laying down and closing his eyes, drifting to sleep with images of nick in his head and his laugh ringing in his ears. it would all be okay, he just had to remain level headed.

the next day

charlie popped out of bed the next morning, looking forward to the school day being over so he could see nick, but first he got to see him in form, so that was the goal. charlie, fully dressed and bright eyed opened his door before Tori got the chance to pound on his door to get up and get dressed. she stood in her uniform which looked absolutely ridiculous on her, her skirt looking as though she was drowning in the blue fabric, her hair roughly framing her face with a bow wrapped tightly around her head making her look like an awkwardly shaped christmas present. her fist was raised in the air ready to knock, which she dropped as she closed her gaping mouth. 
"well aren't you up bright and early? you excited for your date later?" she said, turning to make her way down the stairs.
"what?? it's not a date! he just- invited me to his rugby game! friends do that all the time! and tao and elle and isaac are gonna be there! it's NOT a date!" he rambled, using his hands to emphasize that platonic nature of his plans.
"right. sure. whatever you say charles" she said, throwing a look over her shoulder and shrugging nonchalantly.
charlie grabbed his backpack off the floor with a huff and made his way out the door, only making out the faint complaint from his mother that he didn't eat breakfast before he left before the door shut behind him.

once he had made it to form, he realized he may have left his house a bit too early, his feet absentmindedly carrying him to class before the first bell had even rung. he was one of the first kids in class, and he enjoyed the quiet of it all. he looked outside, the sun rising, children filing into school, couples kissing each other goodbye, boys teasing their friends and girls obsessing over their hair and the straightness of their skirts. he watched the birds flying through the branches, the way the trees had fully transitioned, now painting the sidewalk with hues of orange and yellow and red and brown leaves. the screech of the chalk against the chalkboard, courtesy of Mr. Lange. it was all so small and beautiful and quiet. losing himself in the sight, he missed Nicks entrance. Nick immediately locked his eyes onto the boy sat in front of the window, a smirk creeping onto his face as he watched him in amazement. the sunlight was hitting his face in a way that made him glow, passing through his curls, highlighting the deep chestnut hair. his blue eyes were absentmindedly wandering around, looking out the window. his hands were twirling around each other on top of the desk, and nick could feel his breath hitch. just the sight of it all, the magnificence of charlie spring, made him feel like he could melt into a pile right then and there. and that's when he caught himself. this wasn't just a friendship. friends don't think about each other like that, do they? maybe he wasn't what he had assumed his whole life.  was he gay? no, he had liked girls before. his thoughts threatened to overtake him when he was interrupted by another boy pushing into him.
"you alright mate? maybe don't daydream in front of the door lad, some of us got places to be", the kid mumbled finding his seat. grateful for the rude interruption, nick walked over to charlie, shrugging his bag off and pulling his chair out. charlie seemed to snap out of his daze, turning his head to meet Nicks eyes, giving him a smile.
"hi", nick managed to say before taking a deep breath, trying to regain his stability. when he looked back up, charlie had an odd look on his face and was staring at what looked to be Nicks head.
"what?" he asked, going to touch it and make sure he wasn't an absolute disaster. his hand wandered around a bit, not feeling anything, as charlie just continued to stared and started to laugh. god, nick could hear that laugh until the day he died. 
"here, just- stop it, let me help" he pushed Nicks hands away, and instead gripped Nicks shoulder with one hand to steady himself and used his other to fix whatever the issue was. Nick watched his face, focused and soft, illuminated by the morning sun, as his hands worked quickly.
"there" he said laughing, pulling the remnants of a few dead leaves from nicks hair and placing them in Nicks now open hand. their fingers brushing as he pulled away, a spark shocking both of them. their eyes meet and Charlie looks away quickly, pulling his hands into his lap, leaving Nick feeling colder than before, a loss of warmth becoming aware on his shoulder.
"so," nick clears his throat before continuing, "are you excited for later? i'm happy you could come. did your friends say they could come?"
"yeah! yeah i am! a little nervous but... i didn't get to ask them yet, i will at lunch, and i'm sure tao can find elle after school to ask her."
"cool! and... don't be nervous. i know harry and the team can come off kind of scary but i promise they don't really cause much of any real harm, and most of the rugby boys are nice! and you don't have to do anything you don't want to."
"okay! yeah." charlie quickly added, turning his attention to the carpeted floor, twiddling his thumbs as the final bell rang.

lunch time

"so let me get this clear... you want us- the band of misfits- tao, elle, and isaac and charlie- to watch a rugby game- for fun- and then "hang out" at the diner with the team?" Tao clarifies in disbelief, the crumbs of a chocolate chip cookie coating his sweater.
"yeah? nick invited me and i really don't want to go alone. PRETTY PLEASE?" Charlie begged, putting his hands up dramatically in a praying position. "i'll love you forever!!!"
with a sigh and a roll of his eyes, double checking with Isaac, Tao gave in with a puff. "fine. but you already love me!"
"yay yay yay yay YAY!!! thank you tao!! you won't regret this! and you get to talk to Elle! i know that's always a plus for you" Charlie teased, wiggling his shoulders suggestively.
"oh please shut up, we all miss Elle. but have you seen her in her Higgs uniform? it's like it was made for her. in like, a friend pointing out a nice outfit kind of way. yeah." Tao rambled, his voice diminishing down to a mumble at the end of his sentence. Charlie and Isaac exchanged a glance before focusing back on their lunches.

the rugby match

nick had been warming up with the team for about 45 minutes now, changed into his shorts and striped rugby polo, when he first caught a glimpse of Charlie in the stands. his hair was framing his face like it normally does, the curls free and loose. he was now wearing a striped polo that had the top two buttons unbuttoned, black freshly ironed pants held up by a belt and chuck taylor converse on. he smiled and waved at nick and lifted up the sunglasses that had previously been covering his eyes, opting to place them on top of his head. he looked... gorgeous. like, genuinely, could make anyone stop and stare gorgeous. nick trotted over to him as charlie walked down the bleachers. nick took him by surprise when he hugged him and suddenly picked him up and swung him around.
"put me down nicholas!! i mean it! what are you doing" he gasped through his laughter.
"never" nick joked back placing him back down to the ground, not completely dropping his hands. they took a second just staring at each other, laughing and catching their breath. charlie broke their eye contact first, pushing back so his hands were pushing against Nicks chest, looking him up and down.
"well this is certainly... a uniform" he laughed.
nick released charlie and gasped dramatically.
"how dare you insult me, the rugby king, nick nelson?" charlie looked at him, and bright smile spread across his face. he dropped his arms and was about to compliment the sweaty glow that had plagued Nick through warmups when he heard a somewhat shrieking voice that caused Nick to whip his head around.
"NICHOLAS!" shouted the freckle faced boy that jogged up to meet the boys. "Is this your boyfriend?" he gestures loosely to Charlie with a nod of his head and a childish grin spread across his red face. Nick took a step back and gave a weak laugh, rubbing his hand across his neck as a blush spread across his face. "Uh, this is Charlie", he said still staring down the ground, placing his hands on his hips. "He's the one in my form I was telling you about?"
"you still didn't answer my question mate", Harry proded further. "i mean, the whole town knows he's a bit of a fairy". Nick stops and looks up to Charlie, trying to gauge his reaction to the word but only sees a sigh and the weight shifting in his feet, his arms wrapped around himself as he stares down at the ground, glancing up to catch Nicks stare. He turns away a bit.
"Look, hes my friend and he's a boy, and so are you, so i guess we're all going out then, huh?"
"All right then, keep your secrets mate, it's just a question." Harry steps back and sizes up both Nick and Charlie before shaking his head and nodding to Nick. "We oughta get back to practice before Coach gets at us, yeah?" Nick faces Charlie a last time, giving him a half smile and waving him a goodbye, giving him a point as he jogs away as says "I'll see you after the game okay?"
"Yeah! Go be rugby king!" Charlie responds, waving back to him and giving him the same smile back, turning to head back to the bleachers but not before catching one last thing.

nick had... winked at him. a full, cheeky grin, wink over his shoulder had been targeted at Charlie. and Charlie thought he might combust right then and there, but decided that might be a bit inconvenient at that current moment and instead made his way back to the bleachers. Tao had arrived in a similar outfit, an argyle patterned sweater with black and gray, as well as black wrinkled pants held up by a black belt, his signature saddle shoes rounding out the outfit. his long black hair had been slicked back, indicating either a rare occasion or a soon to happen visit from Elle.
"Well don't you look all fresh and squeaky" commented Charlie as he passed by him and led him to the spot where he had marked in his mind would be the perfect view of the field. Tao sat next to him, smoothing over his hair once more.
"I feel like i rarely see Elle anymore and when i do it's fleeting, so I had to be ready to see her today."
"Oh please, why don't you just go and make your move you big square" chimed in a new voice. Isaac was approaching them with a new book in hand. He wore practically the same outfit as Tao, with no belt in sight and instead slip on blue loafers, complimenting his blue sweater. He was wearing his glasses, a rarity nowadays, and his hair had been untouched. He looked the most comfortable out of all of them and quickly settled next to them, opening his book to a specific page and skimming his finger over the words to find where he left off.
"How dare you Isaac! I am the furthest thing from a square! I am practically a circle! And Elle has already been so overwhelmed with her transition, I just don't want to make her feel even more stressed and I just think that if I were to tell her it would be way more rom- " Tao is interrupted by a sharp pain in his side, most likely by Charlie's elbow. He goes to protest dramatically when he see's Elle walking towards them. Her hair is half pulled back by a pink ribbon that compliments the sweater sitting around her shoulders. She's wearing a white button up with puffy sleeves and a lacey collar, along with a black velvet skirt swishing around her knees, held up by a chunky shiny black belt around her waist. Her glasses framed her sharp features, her curls softening the edges. Her white saddle shoes clunk against the bleachers as she walks towards them. Swinging herself around and picking up her skirt, she settles in next to Tao.
"Well hello there boys! Did you miss me?" She asks with a cheeky smile, as Tao wraps her up into a tight hug.
"Of course we missed you what kind of a question is that?" said Tao, pulling away to look at her.
Charlie gives her a small wave and turns back to watch the field. More people have shown up now, finding their spots in the grass and on the bleachers, laying down blankets to sit on. practically half the team is distracted by their friends or girlfriends, so practice is basically at a standstill. His eyes search to find Nick and unfortunately they do. A girl with blonde curly hair who is wearing a yellow dress with a white sweater draped over her shoulders has her arms wrapped around Nicks neck. She's laughing at something he said and his hands lay lazily on her waist. a sense of dread starts sinking into charlie, the pit at the bottom of his stomach becoming heavier. he can't be upset. he was foolish to assume something could happen. Nick was the rugby king. of course he was going to have girls all over him, of course he was straight. Charlie sat back into his spot on the bleachers, feeling the metal creak underneath his weight. he follows the pit of dread in his stomach to the core of the earth and watches blankly as the rest of warmups go by in a flash. in his whirlwind of emotions, he nearly misses Nicks very pointed grin and stare, accompanied by a strong wave of his hand in Charlie's direction. the passing show of friendly affection leaves Charlie with warm, pink cheeks and slightly straighter posture, his hands clasping the underside of the bleachers for extra support as he leans forward, gazing softly at Nick. Charlie doesn't quite understand the rules or regulations of Rugby, so the game goes by in a whirlwind of cheers and boo-ing, all of which Charlie just coasts by on. Every couple of well done plays that were rewarded with a cheer, Nick made a note to somehow call out to Charlie in the bleachers. partially as a thank you for supporting him, but mostly, and secretly, he did it just to see the shimmering glee in his blue eyes and his wide, care free smile. it didn't just light a small fire deep inside, but gave him a shove harder, something, or someone, to win for. to fight for. needless to say, the Truham boys won the match and with no doubt in his mind, Nick fervently thanks charlie. After shooting him a wink that makes his own heart feel like it might beat wildly out of his chest, Nick exits the feild in a shouting heap, straight into the locker rooms.
"Wow. you are absolutely cursed by puppy love. Elle, can you even believe this love sick clown?" Taos voice rudely interrupting Charlie's giddy thoughts.
"I am not cursed by anything." Charlie quipped back, trying to hide his blush on his cheeks and the way he couldn't hold down the upturn in his cheeks, his dimples showcasing themselves as the sunset.
"Charlie, darling, it's okay to be in love. Nick seems sweet and I can tell you really like him. Don't listen to Tao, he's just bitter he hasn't got a betty of his own." Elle chimes in with her honey sweet voice, wrapped onto the side of Taos arm. He makes a false offended face and pulls away, grasping at his chest as if to say he was wounded by her comment. She smacks him lightly and giggles, indulging in Tao's presence. every now and then, Isaac looks up from his book and rolls his eyes with a sort of fondness behind them. Charlie sits and waits as the stands clear of friends and family and the occasional couple, until only him and the group are one of few lingering on the stands. the sun has fully set at this point, the whispers of a sunset hanging behind in oranges and pinks and blues. Charlie looks up from where he was watching a cloud float by when he hears the trample of feet. Nick and the rest of the rugby team have finally left the locker room, all with freshly styled and slicked back hair, a dewy look on their faces. Nick has changed into a pair of black jeans and a basic white t-shirt with rolled up sleeves. He's wearing his letterman jacket, blue and gold for the school colors, with the name "Nelson" embroidered in big gold letters on the back. He looks... angelic almost. The last hints of natural light framing his freckles, his perfect smile, the way he's brown eyes squint when he smiles at Charlie, giving him a small wave of acknowledgment. Charlie grins back, standing up so quickly as to almost knock the glasses off of his head. He trots his way down to meet him at the bottom of the stairs.
Charlie looks up into his eyes, sighing a bit.
"You did a really good job out there, I think. I'm not really sure but... everyone in our stands seemed to be happy!"
Nick laughs a bit, a breathless laugh, while shaking his head a bit.
"yeah, i think it was good too. thank you... for... everything. for coming and being here. it means a lot to me."
"yeah, of course. i want to be there for you, Nick. I just really like spending time with you."
A blush spreads across their faces, an energy passing between the two of them that creates a small bubble, unbreakable by any evil or bad in the world. just Nick and Charlie.
"So," Nick begins, his hand rubbing behind his neck, breaking the comfortable silence. "me and the team were gonna head out for some milkshakes and burgers to celebrate. did you- your friends and you, maybe want to come along? the boys really won't mind, and Daniel's already gotten his license so he can drive all of us in his van."
"Are you sure? I really don't want to be a burden to anyone-
"I am absolutely certain. please come, i want you to be there."
"okay" Charlie agrees, his mind lingering on the words "i want you", his thoughts floating in a separate universe. And that's when Nick does it- he grabs his hand. Nick snakes his hand around Charlie's wrist and intertwines their fingers, his breathing halting for a couple of seconds, staring down at where their fingers were now locked in with each other. Charlie looks up first, his smile reaching his eyes, his dimples accentuating his smile, and his loose curls falling in front of his eyes ever so slightly. And  Nick thinks he may die in that very moment, holding Charlie's hand and staring into his eyes as the cool night air floods in around them, no compliments of natural light  any longer. after turning around slightly to give a shout to the rest of his friends, Tao, Elle and Isaac join Charlie at the bottom and follow Nick's lead to Daniels car, piling in and buckling up, Nick and Charlie's hands immediately finding each other once again.

The diner, fondly named "Alice's Juke Joint", is hopping by the time they get there, the neon lights outside lit up brightly, a constant hum in the background. Kids are everywhere, chunks of letterman jackets and a clutter of curled hair and the faint sickening smell of their mothers rouge. They pile out of the van, Tao and Elle leading the way, lost in conversation about a film neither Charlie or Nick had ever heard of. Isaac stays back, mentioning something about Daniels expertise when it comes to dramatic romantic novels. Once they get inside, it's all a blur of waitresses and yelling and the smell of burgers sizzling on a grill faintly. They end up with milkshakes sitting in front of them on the counter when Charlie snaps back into the moment. a chocolate one sitting in front of him and an unfamiliar looking pink and blue one in front of Nick.
"Is that- bubblegum?" Charlie questions, his voice lilting up at the end with an eir of disgust.
"Yes it is, and what about it?"
"Well that's an absolutely disgusting choice. You could have picked strawberry or vanilla or even a root beer float."
"Doesn't a root beer float defeat the purpose of asking you out to milkshakes?"
"okay, fine i suppo-
"and have you ever even tried bubblegum? maybe you'll miraculously fall in love with it!"
"i seriously doubt that, but i refuse to let you hang this loss over my head, so i will agree to a SIP."
Nick smiles at him like a child and makes a punching movement in the air as if he's just won at something as Charlie snatches it away from him, opening another straw from the counter and stubbornly sticking it in, Nick taking the opportunity to steal a sip at Charlie's.
"Mmmayy! huuh cohnt zhu chat" Charlie mutters through a mouth full of milkshake.
"Excuse me, what did you just say??" Nick teases, nearly bending over halfway as he cackles to himself.
"we never agreed to you trying mine! give it back! and by the way, your choice tanks majorly" Charlie bites back, reaching over Nicks side of the counter and stealing his milkshake back.
"okay, i will admit that yours tastes far better. do you want to share drinks maybe?" Nick suggests timidly, handing Charlie an extra straw from the pile in front of them.
"there's no way i'll consume that monstrosity ever again, but i suppose i could let a cute boy share mine with me."
Nick blushes up to his ears as Charlie opens up his straw, delicately sticking it into the mountain of whipped cream at the top of the glass.
The glass sits inbetween the two as they both go to sip at the same time and it seems as if the world stops. The noises of people shouting fall away, Paul Ankas smooth voice blending into the background, slowing nearly to a stop. Just him and Nick, gazing deeply into each other's eyes, sharing a milkshake and just being. no words, no interruptions, no teachers or parents. just each other. when they finally come up for air, they're both blushing and charlie's giggling and Nick thinks he's about to spontaneously combust because oh my god he has a massive, big fat crush on Charlie Spring. the realization hits him like a freight train and he nearly falls off of his bar stool, losing his balance and going to grip the countertop but instead grabbing onto Charlie's hand. when he catches his breath, Charlie's softly holding onto him, staring down at their hands. Nick looks up at him, waiting for something, for a loud reaction or for Charlie to pull away but he never does. he just sits their quietly staring at their hands and Nick can tell his breathing is becoming ragged. Nick is the first to break the silence. "Is... is this okay Charlie?" he says, practically whispering to himself. After a beat goes by with no response, he's worried he hasn't heard him when Charlie looks up and nods yes. He gives Nick possibly the most kind and reassuring smile he's ever seen in his life, and he holds his hand tighter.

after finishing their milkshakes and fiddling with each other's hands mindlessly, they head out to the van but instead find Isaac and Daniel in a deep conversation about the usage of colors in the Great Gatsby and instead opt to walk home together. it must be at least 11 pm and the night air had dropped dramatically, living up to the approaching October air. Charlie shivers slightly a couple minutes into the walk, holding his arms and rubbing quickly, trying to heat himself up. Nick drops his jacket from his shoulders and drapes it over Charlies shoulders instead. Charlie looks up at him, a look that implies he lassoed the moon from the sky for him instead of just giving him his jacket. He slips his arms through the sleeves, it obviously being about two sizes too big for him, and Nick thinks he might drop to his knees and propose marriage right then and there. their fingers interlock once again and it's nice. peaceful. the crickets are playing in the background and the night sky is clear, dozens and dozens of stars illuminating the dark background. the few clouds in the sky are fluffy and moving silently. Nicks voice rings out into the silence. "I'm really sorry about Harry earlier. he was being a prick and what he said... it isn't okay. you don't deserve that, no one does."
Charlie looks up into his eyes as they keep walking.
"Nick, it's really fine, i promise, i'm used to it."
"No, but you shouldn't be. you are the greatest person i have ever known, and the kindest, and the most caring and loving and i just... you deserve the best, and i'm sorry i didn't give you that."
"Nick... please. this isn't your fault. Harry is an ass, yes, but that isn't you."
"I'm gonna talk to him about it... tomorrow. i promise."
"okay. let me know how it goes."
there's a silence, but it isn't as comfortable as before. there's something hanging in the air between them, a stiffness that's keeping them from saying something. they keep walking, hand in hand, both of them with thoughts whipping around in their head. a couple of blocks down, Charlie is the first to break the silence this time.
"Nick. I need to say something and i really hope it doesn't ruin everything because you being in my life is so important to me and i can't remember what it was like before you but... I like you. like, i really like you. and i don't expect you to reciprocate or whatever and i hope this doesn't make you hate me because i don't know if i would be able to live with myself if i ever lost you so i rea-"
"Charlie." Nick interrupts, promptly shutting him up with a waiting looking face on his face. the air is still, and Charlie is holding his hand tightly like he might lose it if he lets go.
"I like you too. I really fancy you. A lot." Nick finally chokes out. "I don't really know... what i am? or... who i am? but i know that i really really really like you Charlie Spring. i like you so much." He laughs out breathlessly, staring deeply into Charlie's eyes. They give each other a smile and start back up, walking up to Charlie's door. "Well... um... this is me.  " Charlie says, rocking on his heels. "I had a really nice time tonight."
"Yeah, me too."
They're hands aren't moving. they don't let go of each other. Charlie's eyes go wide as he lets go.
"Oh you're jacket! Here let me-
"no," nick starts. "keep it. it looks really good on you."
Charlie blushes as he goes to unlock his front door.
"I'll see you tomorrow? Call me when you get home, okay?"
"yeah, of course. goodnight"
"goodnight, nick"
They stare for a moment longer when Nick gasps and runs his hand through his hair.
"Oh, i almost forgot! There's that dance going on in a couple weeks... the uh fall fling thing? i was wondering if maybe you wanted to go... together? like... on a date. Will you be my date, Charlie?"
Charlie's face goes absolutely blank but on the inside he feels like he has just been crowned prince of well... everything and he wants to scream and jump and cry and kiss Nicks stupid face off but i stead he just nods and smiles warmly, practically jumping into a hug with Nick.
"Yes, obviously! a million times yes Nick." he laughs, pulling back from the hug. and for a moment time stops, and Nick thinks that he might actually kiss Charlie, but before anything can happen, Charlie presses his soft lips onto Nicks cheek and pulls out of his grip, giving him a smile over his shoulder, before shutting the door, and Nick stands there for a second, grinning like an idiot, before turning on his heel to walk home, pumping his arms in the air and skipping just a bit, his mind set awhirl by the curly haired boy he's falling in love with.

three weeks later - the fall fling

his heart was practically beating out of his chest. here he was, in a suit and tie holding a corsage in his shaky hands, waiting outside of Charlie Springs front door. The past three weeks had been a whirlwind of secret glances during class, pulling each other into an empty room between classes, holding hands after school and cuddling in the back of movie theatres. they hadn't shared a proper kiss yet but there were other moments of kind and intimate affection. charlie laying on nicks chest as he fiddled with their hands intertwined. nick playing with charlie's hair as he read with his head on his lap. sitting with their legs intertwined as they worked on homework after school. it was good between them. it was nice and calm and nick was the happiest he'd ever been. but for now he was nervous as all hell. Charlie opens the door and he looks like an absolute dream, his curls fluffed and placed perfectly, his suit hanging on him perfectly. he's wearing a bow tie that has black glitter on it and it might be Nicks favorite thing ever. Charlie's staring at him nervously, his hands gripping each other in front of him.
"Hi" he says, still looking at Nick, staring him down.
"Hi," Nick says back. "You look... really pretty."
Charlie's laughs a full laugh, one that shows off his perfect smiled and Nick swoons. This is perfect. this is everything he will ever need in life, standing in front of him.
"This is for you. Do you want me to pin it on for you?" Nick says, reaching out with the corsage in his hand.
Charlie looks down at his hand, the white rose and green leaves on a clip, and he thinks to himself that he has finally gotten romance. this is what makes everything worth it. all the ignorance, bullying, shitty secret exes. it was worth it for the golden retriever boy in front of him, holding out a corsage with a gleam in his pretty brown eyes.
"Yeah... yeah I would like that." He says through a smile, closing his door behind him before his mom can come and bother him with more questions about the night.
Nick pins the corsage to Charlie's suit jacket with concentration painting his face and Charlie just wants to hold his face in his hands and kiss him like his life depends on. Instead, Nick finishes and guides his hand into Charlie's as they start their walk to the school. And for once, Charlie's glad to walk, because he's bursting with an energy that he feels like he may explode from if he keeps it in.

When they finally get to to school, the sun has gone completely down and there are fairy lights and streamers decorating the outside, students entering the building in droves, music playing inside. They meet Tao, Elle and Isaac outside of the school. Isaac dressed in a basic black suit, with Tao and Elle matching in a sea foam green color, Taos suit full of ruffles to match the tons of layers of chiffon in Elle's skirt. "Finally asked her out, Xu?" Charlie said jokingly, giving Elle a knowing smile. Tao's blushing cheeks and Elle's hidden smirk give him the answer he needs. "And what about you? You and Nelson are looking a bit snuggly tonight." Charlie looks up at Nick, a hesitancy behind his eyes as he looks away and bites his lip. Charlie turns back to Tao with a shrug. "Nope! Just... friends." Tao gives him a lingering look and takes in a deep breath, catching the hint to change the subject, making eye contact with a suspicious looking Isaac. "Well... should we make our way in? I can hear the bands already started." Tao says as he turns and guides the group through the gymnasium doors. Nick sneaks his hand into Charlie's palm, interlacing their fingers together, his thumb brushing across Charlie's knuckles. "I'm sorry," he bends down, whispering into Charlie's ear as they walk. "I'm sorry you couldn't tell your friends. I wish we didn't have to hide and I don't want you to think i'm not proud of you. God, there's nothing more i want to do then for-"
"Nick." Charlie interrupts his ramblings with his ocean blue eyes staring up innocently at Nicks, a silent plead for him to please shut up. Their hands are still locked in place together, Nick holding onto Charlie's hand as though if he were to let go Charlie would simply float away from him. Charlie's other hand is now wrapped gently around Nick's arm, steadying himself and stopping Nick in his tracks. Charlie thinks that the gymnasium lighting might be the death of him when combined with Nicks styled hair and hopeful brown eyes, swallowing roughly in anticipation of Charlie's explanation for the interjection. Nicks cologne isn't helping at the moment, filling his senses and clouding his judgement as he fights through it to explain.
"Please don't apologize. I promise you it's okay. I like you regardless, and i NEVER want you to feel rushed or uncomfortable. This is your journey and your boundaries and I will be here with you as you walk through it. So please do not beat yourself up over it, okay love?"
Nick nods yes, his eyes slowly draining of worry and instead being replaced by a warmth that Charlie probably couldn't described if asked to, but it made him want to melt onto the indoor track from the inside out.
"Let's dance?" Charlie asks, pulling Nick fully onto the dance floor that had been decorated with paper streamers from the ceilings and helium filled red and gold balloons. Students were dancing and talking and singing along to the music. Girls dresses were flying in the air in a rainbow of colors and chiffon and silk and ruffles and lace. The smell of the gym mixed with fruit punch and perfume was intoxicating but soon started to fade away the longer they stood in the room. the ground was vibrating underneath them from the band and all of the students spinning each other around. on the back wall sat a good handful of students who had come alone, picking at their skirts and sipping their punch, waiting for each other to invite them onto the dance floor. tao and elle were standing around the snack table and isaac and daniel were sitting on the bleachers in a thoughtful conversation about some book they had both read recently. as soon as nick and charlie had made their way onto the dance floor, the band finished up the song they had been playing and were met with applause. they started up again, this time playing one of Nick's favorites. "Oh my god, they're playing it! I LOVE this song! I even own the record for it!" Nick laughs out, grabbing Charlie's hands and pulling him to the front of the dance floor where the band is situated. Charlie listens in, trying to figure out what it is when he finally recognizes it as the hand jive. he starts to dance along to song, hitting his knees and hands together as he watches Nick absolutely lose his mind over it. the rest of his rugby friends have found their way to the front and are going as hard as they possibly can, jumping around ridiculously and flailing their arms, laughing and screaming at each other. Nick looks over at Charlie, a giant grin on his face and his eyes loving staring him down. he shrugs his shoulders playfully as he scoots closer to him, weaving his hands in and out. Charlie's laughing and watching him, how his beautiful big brown eyes have tears in them from laughing, sweat beading his forehead from his violent dancing, how his suit hugs his shoulders perfectly and how his tie is crooked around his neck. his laugh echos in Charlie's ears, ignoring the loud music from the band. He smiles back up at him, his curls falling into his eyes as he tries to catch his breath as he recovers from the song. "You REALLY love that song, don't you?" He teases with a laugh. Nick looks down at him and smiles, rolling his eyes and clicking his tongue. "Oh shut up, you were having fun!" Charlie gives him an eye roll in response but the smile on his face tells a different story. He can feel the butterflies in his stomach exploding and when Nick wraps his hand around his waist he thinks he might explode right then and their. Charlie blushes up to the tips of his ears and leans up to whisper into Nicks ear. "We're in public" he says and Nick looks down with such a loving look on his face that he thinks if Nick asked for the moon in that moment he would have found a way to get it for him. "It's fine. really. and no one can see us anyway, you think anyone is paying attention to us?" Nick responds. Charlie looks around and indeed, no one is paying attention to them. To his left, he can see all of the girls rush to floor for a song, one he thinks he recognizes as 'And then he kissed me'. One of the girls is wearing a suit. She's blonde and has short messy hair, and is holding hands with another girl as they jump around together. The girl is wearing a matching white dress with pearls around her neck. Her curly brown hair is held back by pearl barrettes and her skin was a warm brown color. she had glitter on her eyes and cheeks and a white rose corsage on her wrist. The blonde is spinning around the brunette, a deep colored blush on her cheeks as she twirls her. when the lyrics come back to the chorus, the blonde girl pulls the other one in and they... kiss. just like in the song. but Charlie stops for a second and stares. he's never seen it before, another gay person let alone a couple in his town, especially not in person. but here they are, covered in joy and laughter and kissing each other with such love he wants to cry tears of joy for them. when he finally pulls his eyes away, he looks up to see Nick staring as well, a smile on his face and tears welling up in his eyes. Charlie finds his hand on his waist and holds it with his own, pulling him back down to earth. he looks down at Charlie and goes to wipe his tears away but Charlie gets to it before he can. He closes his eyes, revelling in the the feeling of his soft small hand on his cheek, gently wiping away his tears with his thumb. When he opens his eyes again, he's only inches away from Charlie's face. For a split second, the world stops and they both watch each other's mouths. Nick thinks he's about to lean in, and give in to his inner yearning. he feels like he might collapse if he loses Charlie, like the oxygen in his lungs would leave with him. but before he gets the chance to kiss him, Charlie blushes and turns away with a laugh. "C'mon, you dork. Let's go get some punch."

The night continues, the sun setting earlier as the temperature drops and stars appear outside. the friends dance all night, swapping partners for some songs and taking breaks for snacks and to catch their breath. at one point, Tao and Elle are wrapped up into each other as 'Earth Angel' plays in the background, and Charlie can see Elle rest on Taos chest towards the end of the song. The teenagers clap and the tempo picks up as they play the starting chords for Little Bittie Pretty One. Charlie jumps up from his chair, a glimmer in his eyes and a smile that reaches his cheeks. "Me and my little brother love this song! I'm gonna go dance!" he shouts behind his shoulder as he runs towards Elle and her friends. She's holding his hand and they're jumping around recklessly, Elle swinging her skirt as Charlie twirls her around his pointer finger. Nick watches Charlie with so much love building in his heart that his hands start to shake. Charlie is flailing his long, skinny limbs around recklessly, and his dark curls are falling in front of his beautiful blue eyes and his smile is as wide as before, laughing with Elle and bending over clutching his stomach as he tries to catch his breath. Nick finds that the world stops for Charlie Spring, and he wouldn't prefer it to be any other way. The way his suit jacket is falling off of his shoulders and his lips sing along to the song is dragging Nick towards him, pulling him towards him like two magnets. he stands from his chair and adjusts his jacket in front of him, rebuttoning the inside of it. he doesn't get one step in before Imogen is in front of him, her butterball blonde hair pulled up into a tall beehive shape adorned in small yellow flowers, complimenting her pastel yellow gown. there were spaghetti straps on her shoulders holding up countless layers of yellow tulle. her blue eyes are smothered in layers of black mascara and eyeliner, and her lips are painted a berry like pink. the click of her heels coming to a stop in front of him grabs his attention first. "Mr. Nelson, you've been ignoring me!" she says in a tone that suggests she's rehearsed this conversation, and is too afraid to be serious so it comes off as a joke. "I guess so. I'm sorry Imogen, i've just been really preoccupied lately and i've had a lot going on." Nick explains, nervously fiddling with the rings on his finger and pushing his hair to the back of his head, out of his eyes. "It's fine. Really." she says, but there's a hesistancy in her voice that suggest a but. "Just- would you tell me if you had a crush on someone else? I can't follow you around like a lost puppy all the time, and if i need to move on i will, just give me the green light. But i can't keep being the hopeless romantic when you're in love with someone else." Nick looks down. love. he doesn't think he's in love, not yet. but maybe. he looks back to imogen and quickly hugs her, bending down to meet her. "I'm sorry", he whispers. "I don't want to hurt you but i need to be honest. I- i really like someone else. It just between us right now but when we decide to become officia-" "NICK." she cuts him off, leaning back to look him in the eyes. "you really don't have to explain yourself to me. it's not what i wanted to hear, but you'll always be my friend first. do what makes you happy." she gives him a sad smile and a pat on his arm, turning on her heel and walking away towards her friends. Nick looks up to see Charlie staring at him, and he looks... upset. and Nick thinks it might be the worst thing he's ever been forced to see in his life. just that one singular look could drive Nick Nelson to insanity, he wants to break things and hurt whoever made him frown. He promptly makes his way over to Charlie, pushing through the crowd of people to get to him. When he reaches him, Charlie looks away, down at his fingers that he's nervously twirling around each other. "Charlie?" he questions, hoping he'll look at him. "Is everything okay? what happened?" and that when Charlie drops his hands and looks up at Nick, and Nick can practically feel his heart break when he sees tears forming in his pretty blue eyes. "Nick... if you want to be with her, I get it but please don't lead me on, it's already too much to-" and Nick cuts him off with a "What? who?" while grabbing at Charlie's elbows, a confused look on his face. "The- the girl you were just with. the pretty blonde one?" Charlie sniffs and wipes his tears away with one hand while the other points. Nicks eyes follow his finger and sees Imogen at the other end of it. and it finally sets in that Nick made Charlie cry and he suddenly wants to get everyone out of the room and hold Charlie until his apologies sink in. "No- no that's not- I don't like her like that. Imogen is just my friend and that's all she'll ever be, i promise you that." he's holding onto Charlie's shoulders now and trying to look him in the eyes, ducking his head down. "You," he continues, "are the only person in this room i care about. to hell with my shitty friends, you are the only person i want to be with, right now and ever. you are the only person in this room that has my attention and at this point i'm pretty sure you have my heart. so please, ignore her. i really like you, Charlie. more than i thought liking someone was possible. you are the most amazing and beautiful and intelligent and sweet person i've ever met. i only have eyes for you, and i'm pretty sure i always will." This time when Charlie looks up he's blushing and smiling up at Nick, wiping away his final remaining tears. "yeah?" Charlie asks, hope replacing the tragedy in his eyes. "yeah." Nick says, and there's a silence. "Do you... like me too?" Nick asks, a hopefulness in his voice. "Are you joking?" Charlie questions, a half laugh in the back of his throat. "Nick Nelson, i madly, deeply, wholly have a horrendous crush on you and want nothing more than to kiss you half the time. what a silly little question" he responds, a laugh on his face showcasing his dimples and his perfect smile, the brightness in his eyes returning promptly. Nicks breath catches in his throat. He stares at Charlie for a second, looking around the room, before his loving gaze returns back to Charlie. "do you want a kiss? right now?" Nick asks and Charlie almost falls over in the middle of the dance floor. "Here? you want to kiss me right now?" Charlie questions, heavy disbelief coating his voice. "if you'll let me" Nick chuckles out. "Yes, obviously you idiot." Nick leans down, both of them smiling, and catches Charlie's lips on his. His hands find Charlie's waist, holding on to him as if he would disappear if he were to let go. Charlie snakes his arms around Nicks shoulders, his hands finding Nicks hair and pulling him into the kiss further. they change directions and gasp in a breath, holding each other on the center of the dance floor, everything in the world disappearing. it could have been the center of the universe at that moment. nothing but Nick and Charlie and the poetic noise of I Only Have Eyes for you playing quietly in the background. they pull away from each other and Charlie giggles a little bit, shaking his head in disbelief. "We're in the middle of the dance floor" he says, looking around. "Oh. So what?" he says, looking back at him. "Do you want to leave? go do something just us?" Nick asks. Charlie looks over to his friends, Tao and Elle's foreheads resting on each other's as they dance, and Isaacs book in hand, and nods yes to Nick. Nick grabs his hands and pulls him through the crowd, laughing as they sprint out the door hand in hand, coming to a stop at the side of the building, catching their breath and laughing at each other, the cold air showing in the night. "Can i say something probably insane?" Nick asks. "always" Charlie says, looking up at him. "I'd like to think we'd find each other in any universe." Charlie just laughs and shakes his head in disbelief. "C'mon" he says, gripping Nicks hand tightly. "I have somewhere I want to show you." and then run off together, holding each other's hands with the sound of Teenager In Love fading away.

i finally finished it 😭 i deeply apologize for how long this took, i have no excuse but procrastination and no motivation. this could have a million typos, who knows! please let me know what you think, and what you want to see in the future! thank you for your patience, ily all <3

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