The Void Throughout (Void Sti...

By Wolfysstories

5.6K 251 12

Void, Theo, Teen Wolf. What else has to be said to make you give this story a chance? This story is a sequel... More

Chapter 1: Waking up
Chapter 2: Guess who's back?
Chapter 3: Mutual feelings?
Chapter 4: Plans and plotting
Chapter 5: Pretending
Chapter 7: Fangs and claws
Chapter 8: Myths in the sky
Chapter 9: Demnatio memoriae
Chapter 10: The Calavera's
Chapter 11: Trigger, torture and tricks
Chapter 12: Deucalion
Chapter 13: Visions
Chapter 14: Revealings
Chapter 15: The last fight

Chapter 6: Poisonous

302 15 2
By Wolfysstories

'So... you are telling me that the sheriff was poisoned by another chimera, and that Scott is trying to figure it out. You pretended to be Stiles and he believed you... And now you want me to be nice! Void! You have any idea how he acted towards me!? I don't even wanna see him, I just wanna forget him. I have you and Theo right? Why would I want anything to do with him!?'

'Because... you can trick him now, just pretend, alright? Just stick with the plan and take revenge.'

Keylee shook her head as Void parked the car in front of the hospital. 

'I'm not like that Void, I'm not like you. I don't want revenge, I just want to let it go...'

Keylee stared down at her shoes. Void gently took her hand. 'I know Kitten, but, please... Can you do this for me? We only have to act for a while... after that we can leave, I promise.'

Keylee thought about the offer. She wasn't sure if he would keep his promise but it wasn't a bad offer. She could leave the past behind after this. That's what she wanted, right? Yeah, that's what she wanted.

'Okay, but promise me, if you'll ever plan to go you take me with you.'

Void smirked. 'I won't leave you again, I'll protect you. I'll take you with me wherever I go, I promise.'

Perhaps it was a bad thing to trust a fox again. But in this case, it might be alright. For once, Void didn't think of a way to trick her. For once he was planning on keeping his promise.

They both stepped out of the car. 'So, you know what you are gonna do

'Look sad, look broken, look like Theo is the bad guy and like you, Stiles, convinced me it was all a trick.'

'Exactly. Let's go.'

Actually, it was kinda funny how Void had told her the truth before. Normally it's the fox who lies everything together, now it was the chimera. For once the fox revealed the truth. Not that anyone believed him, but still...

They both walked inside the hospital and went straight to the sheriff's room. Keylee was shocked when she saw him. He looked bad. He really looked like he was dying.

'Hey.' Void softly nudged her arm. 'You wanna try something?'

'Try what?'

'I want you to try communicate with him.'

Keylee looked at Void in utter shock. 'You want me.... to communicate with him? Like, have a conversation with the man who is so much dying he can't talk?'

Void rolled his eyes. 'No, I want you to have a conversation with the spirit of the man who's so much dying he can't talk.'


Keylee still stared at Void like he was crazy. 'Oh my- just do it alright? You can do it, technically.'

Void took Keylee at both her shoulders and brought her closer to the dying sheriff. Keylee moved a bit uncomfortable with her feet. 'I'm not sure this is a good idea. This is sheriff Stilinski. Like, Stiles dad. Like, the man who's more like a dad to me than my own dad.'

Void looked at Keylee from the corner of his eyes and frowned. 'Then... why aren't you sad? I mean, if he's like your dad and dying-'

'He's not dying! They are gonna safe him.'

Void turned towards Keylee and looked at her. She had crossed her arms stubbornly and looked up at him like he shouldn't dare to try and say anything else.

'Alright, I get it now. You are in denial. If you can talk to him he's really dying. Is this also why you didn't want to get in here? You were afraid you would see him with your cat eyes.'

Keylee blinked a few times. 'No. I just... Maybe. I mean. I didn't lie, I really don't wanna see Scott. But I also don't want to see him dying. What if, what if we're the last ones to see him alive, if you can call this alive. I don't wanna be the last one to speak to him.'

Keylee suddenly felt two strong arms embrace her. 'W-what if I lose him. W-what if, if I lose my dad. I can't loose him Keylee. I just can't, I'd rather let Void take over a million times.'

Keylee froze and her eyes widened. 'Stiles?'

'Yeah. I- Keylee, what if I lose him? What if I'll never get the chance to- what if I can never tell him it was me who killed Donovan. He'll die in a lie Keylee...'

'No. no Stiles. We- I- I'll tell him alright? If he'll die I'll tell him.'

She was gonna regret it. She was sure of it. But Stiles looked so sad. And for a moment, Keylee felt extremely guilty for tricking him into bringing Void back.



'How are you talking to me instead of Void?'

Stiles looked down. 'I kinda hoped you wouldn't bring that up. I don't know, he just... let me. I don't know why. I still feel like he's in control though. I can hear him you know, talk to him. I have the feeling it's more than it looks like right now.'

Stiles sat down at the chair besides his father's bed. 'Keylee. I know you tricked me, that you are with Theo. That you and Void care for each other. I just want you to know that I don't care right now. I just want my dad back. So please, if there is anything you can do...'

Keylee looked down. 'I'm sorry Stiles, I don't know.'

Stiles tapped annoyingly with his feet but Keylee decided not to say anything. He was just nervous. For a moment he was silent.

'He says you can take me with you.'

'He what? How? You mean like, I can let you talk to your dad?'

Stiles nodded. 'Can you do that? Right, c-can you at least give it a try? Please, just, just close your eyes and take my hand. Imagine like I'm with you, and like you really, really want me to see what you see.'

Without thinking twice about it Keylee nodded and took his hand. She closed her eyes. It was easier now, when she opened them the world was immediately green again. Stiles looked around. 'Is this how you see everything when you shift?'

Keylee just nodded. The sheriff was still lying on the bed. Then it was like he was also standing besides himself. Gazing at his own body with a blank face. Stiles and Keylee looked at each other before walking closer.


No reaction. 

'Mister Stilinski?'

Still no reaction.

Keylee waved her hand in front of his face but he kept staring at his own body. Keylee closed her eyes and opened them again to see the world in it's normal colors again.

'This didn't worked, why couldn't he see us? I don't understand it.'

'It's because he's not dead enough.'

Keylee looked up to Stiles again. 'Lemme guess, Void again?'

Void smirked. 'That was quick. At least you know you can take people with you now, right?'

'Yeah, did I even talk to Stiles or was it just you acting?'

Void was quick to answer. 'It was Stiles, he didn't stop asking me to let him talk to his dad and eventually I got enough of it.' Kinda ironic how he had started to tell the truth so much and yet lying came so easily to him. Cause Void wouldn't let Stiles take over, not even if he kept asking. He just wanted to know Keylee's limits. He had underestimated her. It was so easy for her to take him with her.

'Okay, I believe you.'

Before she could say anything else a doctor came running in. 'We think we now how to safe him!'

Without further explanation he took the sheriff away to an operation room. Theo came running in after. 'I wan't you to continue, I want you to come with me.'

He pointed at Void and then at Keylee while speaking. He then was ready to walk out when Void stopped him. 'No, she's fine with me.'

Theo turned around and gave him an angry glare. 'She's coming with me Void. I don't want anything to go wrong. There are still things... you know...'

Void knew. Oh he knew, he knew he was pointing at Melissa. No one had told her Keylee was back and Keylee had seen enough fake proof to believe her own mother didn't care. If they met, Theo's entire plan could fell apart. So he needed to take her away. Void knew, and he didn't care one a bit.

'Keylee, let's go.'

Keylee looked hopeless from Void to Theo to Void and back to Theo again.

'You can't make me choose. It's unfair.'

'It's not a choice, Void doesn't need you to act, in fact, it's better if you stay away just to be sure. I do need you and your abilities.'

Keylee sighted and gave Void an apologetic look before following Theo, who was walking pretty fast to get out of the hospital.

'Why are we going so fast?'

'Hayden is waiting.'

'Hayden like... like from school? Like, Hayden and Liam who hate each other but who I secretly ship?'

Theo chuckled slightly. 'Yes, that Hayden. She's half werejaguar, half werewolf. I think you can be good friends with her, you two are both cats for a part.'

Keylee simply nodded. 'Why do you want Void to stay?'

'I want him to find information like he's Stiles.'

'But... Why? Why do you still want something to do with them.'

'Don't question me Keylee! Just do as I say!'

Keylee narrowed her eyes. 'Fine, jeez, just asking.'

Theo sighted. 'I'm sorry, I'm just a bit tense.'

Keylee chuckled dryly. 'Yeah, figured that out, note taken, thanks for the oh so early warning. Are you alright Theo?'

Theo nodded. 'Yeah... yeah I'm fine. There's Hayden. Let's go.'

Keylee looked at him in worry for a moment before walking over to Hayden. Both the girls stared at each other for a moment. Not saying anything. Eventually Hayden turned to Theo.

'Who's she?'

'My best friend. Keylee. She's a werecat.'

Keylee rose her eyebrows at his description of her. Best friend... werecat? How could he bend the truth so easily?

'Well, I'm Hayden. Nice to meet you.'

Keylee shook her thought of and smiled. 'Yeah, nice to meet you too.'

*Keylee's pov*

I'm not sure where exactly Theo took us but it seems like some old train station according to the rails and the platforms.

'He was here.' Hayden says quietly.

'What else can you tell me?' Theo asks.

'Why don't you tell me how I know that?' Hayden questions back.

We still continue to walk as Theo explains that Noah's part a beserker and that he and Hayden has a connection because she's part werejaguar. I have no idea what a beserker is but I'll ask void later, I'm sure he knows.

'Is that why I'm here with you?'

We stop walking and Theo turns to Hayden. 'I saved your life. Both of you.' He turns to me but I can only focus on Hayden who seems to hear something.

'Hayden... What is it?'

She looks like she is kinda shocked and doesn't wanna believe it. 'I think he's dying. That mean's they're going to find him.'

She turns to me and Theo. Theo looks away and sighs. 'They probably already have.'

*Void's pov*

I have waited patiently until Stiles' dad woke up. I let him take my hand. Tell me he was alright. Like I actually care. I told Stiles his dad was fine but then I also left him again. He's probably still thinking about a way to get back or tell someone but he just can't. I know Keylee feels guilty for tricking him but she did it anyways to bring me back.

I would say that makes me feel warm inside or something else romantic. But I don't feel much about it. I mean, yes, I'm glad about it. But I don't feel warm inside. I don't feel that feeling people describe as butterflies in my stomach. I just feel satisfied. I can't describe it as something else.

When the sheriff was asleep I took his pain. Not to help him, just to help me. After that I pretended to be asleep until I heard the door open softly. I could sense and smell it was Keylee. My suspicions were confirmed when another chair was pulled besides mine and she softly nudged my shoulder.

'Void... Are you awake?'

She whispered. Probably to not wake the sheriff up. I didn't answer her. I wanted to know what she would do if I was asleep. Turns out she would fall asleep against me eventually. I'm not sure it was her intention but right now she's resting her head on my shoulder, sleeping.

I slightly open my eyes when I hear the sheriff waking up besides us. He stands up and walks to the door while leaning on a cane. 

When he's out of sight I softly nudge Keylee.

'Kitten, hey. We gotta follow the sheriff.'

She rubs the sleep from her eyes and yawns while nodding and standing up. We follow the sheriff and I have to say, Keylee improved her sneaking technique. We follow the sheriff to the mortuary where he's looking at Donovan's body.

I remember the boy as the one Stiles killed. He felt so guilty, I really don't understand why but let's just pretend I feel guilty too. 

The sheriff looks up at me and Keylee and we walk toward him.

'The story Theo told be about the library, that's how it happened. Except it didn't happen to him.' He concludes.

I pretend to hesitate and look away before guiltily looking up at him. 'Yeah.'

'Stiles, I can't protect you if I don't know the truth. Did you really feel like you couldn't tell me?'

'I couldn't tell anyone.'

'You thought I wouldn't believe it was self defense?'

I finally look at him. 'What if it wasn't? What if I told you I wanted him dead?'

'I'd believe you. I also know that wanting someone dead and killing someone are two different things.' He shakes his head and looks at Keylee. 'What about you Keylee. How long have you been back now? I thought you died.'

Keylee looked down. 'I couldn't really tell anyone right? What would someone like the judge say if they knew about Stiles or me?'

'To the hell with the judge! I would destroy every shred of evidence and even burn the whole station to protect you kids!'

I see Keylee get tears in her eyes and she walks forward to hug him. I quickly follow. He hugs us both and I have to say he's pretty strong for a man who just almost died.

He eventually let us go when i get a text. It's from Theo. He wants us both coming to a location he shared.

'Supernatural stuff?'

I nod and force myself a weak smile. 'Yeah, we need to go.'

He nods and I take Keylee's hand. 'Come on.'

Before we leave I hear him call us back. 'And Stiles, sometimes the first step to forgive yourself is to forgive someone else.'

I feel Keylee tense but she nods anyway. I  nod too and then we quickly walk out of the hospital to the car. Ready to go to the location Theo shared. What does he want now?'


Hey, I just wanna let you know I'm currently starting my last three weeks of school with a lot of things to finish, this means I'm gonna have less time to update if I keep writing chapters from at least 2000 words. So I was wondering if I should write shorter chapters and update more or keep long chapters and update to once and maybe twice a week. Please let me know what you prefer.

Don't forget to comment and vote :)

Oh yeah, and the void inside just reached 1K reads :D I just wanna thank everyone who read it for that! It made me smile to see people like it that much cause I didn't even expect 10 people to read it let alone read so much I'm writing a part two :)

Have a good morning/day/night :)

ps; who figured out the hidden message?

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