By Prakruti143

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He is man with attitude, ruthless, angry young man for the outsider and never tolerates anything wrong relate... More

CHAPTER 01: In Your Memories
CHAPTER 02: Trying to fill your blank
CHAPTER 03: Meeting arranged by Fate
CHAPTER 04: glimps of sweet memory
CHAPTER 05: Heart Breaking News
CHAPTER 06: Unknown call
CHAPTER 07: Unavoidable feelings
CHAPTER 08: Face off
CHAPTER 09: Vihaan's real identity
CHAPTER 10: Growing bond
CHAPTER 11: Meeting new Friend
CHAPTER 12: Confession
CHAPTER 13: Marriage, A Pious Relation
CHAPTER 15: Birthday
CHAPTER 16: Biggest fear
CHAPTER 17: Marriage Proposal
CHAPTER 18: Bringing them home
CHAPTER 20: Unexpected
CHAPTER 21: Father-Daughter
CHAPTER 22: Big Day
CHAPTER 23: Little Surprise
CHAPTER 23: Surprise or Shock
CHAPTER 24: Searching for the past

CHAPTER 19: Birthday

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By Prakruti143

Radhe Krishna

Let's start...

Sanskar, Swara left to zoo with kids after informing his both mothers. Sanskar was very careful about their safety so security guards were following them with safe distance. They roamed around zoo and kids enjoyed by seeing animals and played with some pets which were allowed and then he took them to see aquarium. It became evening to finish wandering around and all came out from aquarium being tired.

"Tired" Sanskar asked while looking at both who nodded their head with tired face.

"Papa, I want ice cream" Naira said by seeing ice cream vendor.

"Chachu, me too" Arush also demanded with Naira.

"Ok, I will bring them for you" Sanskar said and signed to Karl who nodded his head and went to bring ice cream for them.

"Ok, let sit here till ice cream comes" Sanskar said making them sit on wooden bench which was placed inside the park area and both Swara and Sanskar settled beside on each side of them.

Karl brought them ice cream and handed over to kids.

"Venilla" Naira squealed in happiness by seeing it.

"Yes princess" Sanskar smiled and both started to have it. Swara was just gazing at their happy face with content smile. Swara looked down hearing her mobile ringing and looked at caller id as it was from Ragini. Swara excused herself and came aside to receive call.

"Papa" Naira called him in whispering tone and signed him to come near.

Sanskar looked at her with raised eyebrow and then bent little towards her by seeing her sign because he was sitting beside her.

"Tomorrow is Mumma's birthday" Naira whispered making Sanskar widen his eyes.

"Really?" Sanskar asked her with surprise.

"Yes but she won't celebrate it because it makes her remember of Mamu so she starts to cry if anyone wishes her." Naira said in upset tone. Sanskar looked at Swara who was talking with Ragini.

"Don't tell her that I told you" Naira whispered again by seeing Swara with corner of her eyes.

"Ok princess" Sanskar said while giving small smile and after eating all left to home.


Kids were tired so they slept early and all family members were sitting around dining table to have dinner.

"Dad and Bade Papa" Sanskar got everyone's attention and all turned towards him by listening his voice.

"Yes Sanskar" Dp replied.

"I have conference to attend in Bangalore day after tomorrow so I need to attend because it will be very helpful for our company to get projects from foreign countries and expand our brands" Sanskar said while looking at his parents and then at Swara.

"It's good to hear Sanskar. When you are leaving?" Dp asked him being proud of his success.

"Tomorrow evening Bade Papa" Sanskar told.

"Ok take care" DP said and then all resumed their dinner.

Swasan room

It was near to 12 am still Swara was sitting on sofa while working in her laptop as she was checking designs.

Sanskar entered inside after finishing his work and closed the door and then turned to look at Swara who was deeply involved in her work. Sanskar smiled by seeing dedication towards her work.

Sanskar came towards her and sat on bed opposite to her while admiring. He looked at Naira who was sleeping soundly and again turned towards Swara.

"Swara" Sanskar called her softly making Swara looked at him while coming out of her work.

"Sorry, I didn't notice when you came" Swara said apologetically by seeing him.

"It's ok, if you are busy then you can carry on" Sanskar said not to disturb her.

"No, actually I didn't know where to sit and to do my work that's why I sat here only" Swara said with nervous smile.

"I was going to tell you that only. You can use my study if you don't have any problem" Sanskar said making Swara look at him.

"How do you believe me that I won't steal your work?" Swara asked him with raised eyebrow and Sanskar chuckled by listening her.

"Swara, you are standing in this position today just because of your hard work not copying others work. It's not possible to stand here where you are now if you have stolen it from others before and most importantly I trust you" Sanskar said with small smile making Swara overwhelming by hearing his words about her.

"Thank you" Swara said with warm smile.

Swara closed her laptop and turned to go on her side bed.

"Swara one more thing" Swara stopped hearing him and looked at him.

"I will be away for two days as you know the reason already so I have arranged security for you and Naira. Karl will be with you as for your safety. I will be leaving tomorrow evening" Sanskar said and Swara smiled by understanding him that he was nervous to talk with her because what she might be think about him for informing her at now.

"You don't need to worry, Sanskar. We will be safe here and you go without tension" Swara said with a small smile. Sanskar gave return smile and Swara went to her side and then lied on bed.

"Swara, if you don't mind, can you just come with me?" Sanskar asked her making Swara look at him with confusion. She looked at him confusingly because it's already going to be midnight and he was calling her to go somewhere.

"Just to balcony only, not outside" Sanskar said with chuckle by reading her mind.

"Ok" Swara said and got up from bed and then went with him.

Sanskar moved towards balcony and Swara followed him till balcony where Sanskar stopped. They were standing at the door of balcony and Swara looked at out and found it was dark so nothing was visible for her naked eyes.

"Sanskar, why it's so dark, wait let me switch on light?" Swara asked him being confused because she remembered switching on lights when she entered room evening and going inside but stopped by feeling tug on her wrist and looked at her and then at Sanskar. Sanskar quickly removed his hand.

"Sorry, just a minute" Sanskar said and just snapped his fingers making Swara more confused.
Suddenly whole balcony brighten with colourful lights and there was a middle table with cake. It was a big balcony and was decorated beautifully making Swara confuse as well Swara's heart best raise by seeing all.

"Come" Sanskar said and entered inside the balcony followed by Swara. Sanskar looked at his wrist watch for time and smile by seeing her who was looking all with awe expression.

"Happy Birthday Swara" Sanskar said making Swara came into sense and looked at him with overwhelming emotions. Sanskar got little bit upset for seeing her blank, not actually but oceans of emotions were running inside her.

"I am sorry, I know you don't like to celebrate your birthday for some reason. As I told before that I want to fulfill my duty as a friend and as a husb....." Sanskar stopped realising and Swara looked at him with still eyes.

"Sorry, I just wanted to make you happy and I promised that. I don't know what was your past Swara and I don't want to intervene in your personal life also but I want to make present happy. We might have married for Naira and might be husband and wife for outer world but before that we are friends. I think as a friend, don't I have a that right to celebrate your birthday? I know you are in some pain by remembering past or you might have lost something on this day that's why you stopped celebrating your birthday. But have your thought by seeing you in pain, other people who is around you would be happy? No Swara, they also feel pain and hurt by seeing you so don't mask your pain and express it and share it with everyone so that you can feel less burden" Sanskar said making Swara's eye filled with tears. She couldn't hold herself anymore and tightly hugged him making Sanskar numb. He felt current shock by feeling her sudden hug and Swara started to cry making Sanskar worry

"Swara, what happened? Did I say
something wrong?" Sanskar asked her being worried by seeing her crying.

"No Sanskar, I am just happy. I forgot my birthday because it always brings me memory of Vihaan and my Bhai but today it's not bothering me but I am feeling happy" Swara said and broke the hug. Sanskar was just staring at her and let her say what she wanted.

"I don't know why you married me, because of love or to protect me and Naira but I feel secure and feel ease if you are around us. I am seeing Naira smiling whole heartedly, it's all because of you, Sanskar. I thought she doesn't need father but by seeing you both today I felt that I can't fill father void in her life how much I try. Thank you so much. I can't get enough if I say thousand times to you and Thank you for this surprise also" Swara said while smiling through tears.

"Swara, as I told earlier I am doing it my own will and I love Naira and You more than anything and your both happiness matters to me a lot. I know your heart filled with Vihaan only but I can wait till my last breathe for you" Sanskar said making Swara more emotional. She wanted tell him how much she loves but couldn't so held herself back from shouting at it out.

"Mumma" They heard Naira's voice and both turned back to see Naira who was standing at balcony door while rubbing her eyes.

"Princess" Sanskar was the one who ran towards her first.

"Princess, you woke up?" Sanskar said while picking up in his arms.

"I got up and didn't found you and mumma so I saw light here and came to search for you both" Naira said in sleepy tone. She rubbed her eyes to get clear view by seeing decoration.

"Papa, why so many lights are here?" Naira asked him innocently.

"Because, today is mumma's birthday that's why this decoration" Sanskar said moving towards Swara who was smiling at them.

"Yes, today is mumma's birthday. I totally forgot it" Naira said extended her hands towards Swara.

"Happy Birthday Mumma" Naira said kissing her cheeks making Swara chuckle.

"Thank you baby" Swara said while kissing her back.

"Ok let's cut the cake" Sanskar said making Naira jump in happiness.

Swara cut the cake and fed Naira and then Sanskar. Sanskar also fed her back making Swara smile.

"Papa, where is Mumma's gift?" Naira asked him before Sanskar would say something.

"Baby" Swara said giving her no look. Sanskar smiled by listening her.

"Princess, I have your Mumma's gift" Sanskar said and took out box from his pocket.

"Here is your gift" Sanskar said while forwarding small gift box.

"Sanskar, you also....she said whatever but" Swara said eyeing Naira.

"No, I have prepared it before my daughter asked me" Sanskar said making Swara feel overwhelmed by hearing daughter word.

"Mumma, open it" Naira asked her by seeing gift wrapper.

Swara opened the box and saw beautiful customized watch.

"Sanskar, it's beautiful" Swara said by seeing watch. She took out from the box and turned it to see and then found something on it. She looked at it with close and found her name on it.

"I know, you have everything which you needed so I just found this and thought you might like this" Sanskar said.

"It's really beautiful Sanskar and I just loved it" Swara said with smile.

"Shall I?" Sanskar asked her while eyeing watch which was in her hand and she gave it to him. Sanskar tied it to her hand making both smile.

"Mumma, it's looking beautiful on your hand" Naira said making Swara smile. Swara also smiled and then looked at Sanskar who was looking at them already. They had a beautiful eye lock which was broken by Naira.

"Ok, now it's getting late. Let's go Princess" Sanskar said while picking up Naira in his arms and all trio went inside.

Sanskar and Naira slept in no time and Swara was still awake. She was just staring sleeping Sanskar and Naira as moon light was falling on their face making more clear to see them.

Swara got down from the bed and came Sanskar's side without making sound. She sat beside Sanskar but keeping distance because in the fear of waking him up.

"After so many years, I am feeling very happy. I thought I lost you but God didn't betray me, he returned you back to me. I thought Naira wouldn't get father love but she got her father who loves her more than anything. I don't want anything in my life Sanskar but I just want you to be with us and don't leave us again" Swara said with low tone and place quick peck on his forehead. Swara went back to her side and lied again and then kept her one hand on Naira and closed her eyes.

Next day

As usual day passed. Swara asked him to don't mention anyone about her birthday so Sanskar also agreed with her. He wanted to talk with her but he needed to leave for Bangalore so couldn't get a time. Evening he came early because he needed to pack all the necessary things. He entered inside and found Swara who was arranging his things in his bag making Sanskar surprise as well as happy.

"Swara, you don't need to do all these things for me" Sanskar said while coming near her.

"I am not doing it for anyone but for my husb....." Swara stopped realising and quickly averted her eyes from him.

"I am just doing it for my friend" Swara said quickly covering it but Sanskar smiled inward.

"When is your flight?" Swara asked him while closing bag zip.

"8 pm. I need to leave 2 hr before" Sanskar said.

"Ok, all set" Swara said while taking his bag in her hand.

"Papa" Naira entered inside while calling Sanskar.

"Yes Princess" Sanskar picked her up in his arms while smiling.

"Papa, when will you come back?" Naira asked him while making sad pout.

"Wednesday" Sanskar said by seeing her.

"You be with Mumma and I will come soon" Sanskar said while kissing her cheeks.

"Ok, bring lot of chocolates for me and Arush" Naira said demanding him.

"Sure dear, I will bring all chocolates and cakes for you both" Sanskar said making Naira smile brightly.

"Baby, come. Papa is getting late" Swara told her.

"Let it be" Sanskar said while turning towards Swara.

All trio went down where all see present at dining table. Sanskar took blessings from his both parents and bid bye to all. Sanskar looked at Swara at last time and sat inside his car. Car drove away from them.

It was around 11.45 pm when Sanskar reached Hotel in Bangalore. He messaged Swara to inform her that he reached safely. He wanted to call her but thinking she might be sleeping so he just messaged her. Swara who was waiting for his call or message, heard ping sound and quickly opened her mobile to see Sanskar's name flashing on it. She smiled and opened it to read.

"I have reached hotel safely and don't worry about me. Take care yourself and also Naira. Once again happy Birthday wifey and Good night"

Swara read his message with relief sign and smiled by reading wifey word.

"Please take care of yourself and Good night"

Sanskar who was removing his coat heard beep sound and opened his mobile.

He smiled by seeing returned message from Swara. He kept it on side table and went to fresh up because he needed to wake up early to attend conference.
Swara also kept her mobile on side table and lied on bed.
To be continued...

Love ❤️


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