Mí Música (Camilo Madrigal x...

By Kittycatyellow

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A 16 year old girl who secretly has a gift, moves to Encanto after her great-grandmama dying. She's always be... More

my story
Camilo Madrigal
Match makers
Comforting & consoling
Gift ceremony
Bruno's vision
Disaster dinner
Casita broken
Building casita
Return to Encanto
New book!


711 11 11
By Kittycatyellow

Hellooooooooo, everyone! I love y'all so much and thank you for reading.

                                              (Y/n POV)

Y/n:" what!?"

Mirabel:" yeah! I isn't it great?!"

Y/n:" call it off"

Mirabel:" what?"

Y/n:" call it off!"

I say as I storm past her, no one knows that we come from a town where gifts aren't allowed.

But now, they'll have to know.

I make my way down to where abuela is, I see her and she smiles at me asking.

Abuela:" ah y/n, how are you? Better I hope"

Y/n:" I'm fine, Alma you can't come with us"

She looked at me confused before asking.

Abuela:" why?"

Y/n:" because in my town we are forbidden to have gifts"

I see the madrigals starting to form around me and my mama and papa stand behind me with Andrés and nod.

Pépa:" why are gifts forbidden in your town?"

I look at them not knowing how to say it, so I don't sugarcoat it.

Y/n:"because it's the same town Abuela fled from, fifty years ago"

Everyone gasps and I walk closer to Abuela and take her hands saying.

Y/n:" Abuela, I'm saying this to protect you. What is back there is not what you remember, it's a dark, empty, dirty town with no remorse"

She looks at me saddened before giving my hands a squeeze and saying.

Abuela:" I want to see what has become of my old home"

She lets go of my hands with a smile and I say.

Y/n:" then you can't use your gifts, if you do then-"

I cut myself off, they didn't need to know what happens to people who have gifts there.

Julieta:" then what?"

Andrés:" then you'll be executed"

Everyone stares in horror, just then Camilo walks into Casita and looks shocked as well.

Camilo:" executed for what?"

Y/n:" for showing your gift in our town"

Everyone's quiet I knew Pépa would have to stay home most of the time when we were out because her powers are easily shown.

Y/n:"are you sure you still want to come with us?"

Everyone looks at each other before nodding and Mirabel comes to my side linking arms saying.

Mirabel:" you guys are part of the family now"

I give her a silent thank you before asking another question.

Y/n:" do you guys know self-defense?"

They stare at me before chuckling a bit saying.

Félix:" we have Luisa, we'll be fine"

I look at them in dismay, then back at my family who shared the same look before I turned stern.

Y/n:" this isn't a joke!"

Everyone went quiet to see my pissed off face.

Y/n:" let me make this clear to all of you one more time, you could die! And I don't only mean because you have gifts, no. I'm saying this because there are people in that town that are ruthless and cruel! You need to know how to defend yourself or otherwise you'll be dead meat!"

Their quiet.

No one says anything, they never saw me like this. This-this...mad.

Well they may know me as the sweet but strong girl yeah well now, I'm neither I'm tough, rough and no bullshit.

I look at all the women of the family who were wearing skirts and dresses.

Y/n:" no more with those dresses and skirts, tomorrow you guys will be wearing pants"

I turn and leave for my room, Abuela's funeral was in two days meaning we had to leave tomorrow and her funerals the next day.

After the funeral, we would have to leave immediately. There can't be a chance for anyone to find out.

I rush into my room and go into the third that's in the middle, I run to my huge closet and swing it open.

I didn't need much, I only needed two set of pants and t-shirts and a bra obviously too.

As I stuffed the things into my bag I had a sour and terrifying expression that could scare anyone.

In all honesty I thought that the Madrigal family coming along would only put us, and them. In danger.

And we didn't need that, it was risky enough with my gift but now a buttload? That's gonna be almost impossible to hide, or at least go unnoticed.

'Yeeeaaahhh, were screwed'

I hear my door creak open and I don't even have to turn to know it's Camilo.

Camilo:" you ok Hermosa?"

I keep stuffing stuff into my bag as I say.

Y/n:" why wouldn't I be?"

I spat, I was really annoyed and when it came to home. I was always tense when it was about home the place is bad and I was happy not having to see it again.

But, here we are. Yay!

'I hate this'

Camilo:" you sure?"

He put a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't look up. I kept stuffing my bag humming.

Y/n:" mhm"

I didn't sound convincing, in all honesty I wasn't planning too either.

I didn't care.

I really didn't.

I close my bag and move from the bed and put it down next to the door.

After that was done I put out things to wear for tomorrow, pants obviously. But also something that'll keep me hidden.

I spot a black coat with a hoodie it looked like one of those fairytale kinds, perfect distraction.

With black pants and boots, yeah. I know, black, a lot and lots of black.

Black looks good on me and all but I never dress fully in black. I actually hate that.

But here it's is anyway.

Dark and creepy I know, but that so happens how we dress there. It's awful.

Camilo:" that...doesn't look like you"

I nod and say.

Y/n:" that's the point"

I turn again and lay on the bed, Camilo comes to me and lays down too.

Camilo:" so, you told me that your town is...bad. What do you mean by that?"

I sigh, I wanted to keep him out of this. But I knew that was futile, I couldn't even if I wanted too.

Y/n:" pick-pockets, murders, street beggars, sexist jerks. Stuff like that"

He looked at me shocked, I was looking away sure but I still knew he was looking at me like that.

He wasn't used to this, well I grew up in it. We still lived in the 'ok' part where there was the most little crime then possible but it was still there.

Bad people do bad things while scaring others, while good people are scared trying to do good things.

So yeah, it's an endless cycle.

*sigh* 'I hate it, so so much'

My family made my childhood good but not great. I stayed in our house most of the times not wanting to hear the begs of beggars or be robbed.

The only thing that was good about that place was Abuela, but now that she's gone.

There really isn't anything....

Good anymore.

I feel Camilo wrap his arm around me and forced me into his chest.

I knew better then try to deny or stop it. He wouldn't give in until I did, ha! Can you believe it!? He's more stubborn than I am! That's a true miracle.

I grumble and hear him chuckle, he softly kisses my hair and I give a child like moan when their mama or papa does it.

He hugs me closer whispering.

Camilo:" we'll be ok, we'll come back after your Abuela's funeral. I promise"

I nod before slowly giving into sleep, today was a lot to handle. Almost too much.

But this, this Is exactly what i need.

'Camilo Madrigal, I am glad to have you....'

For life.


(Time skip, till morning)

The morning was tense after my outburst and I decided to do something about it. I stood up and said in a calm voice.

Y/n:" um, I'm sorry about my outburst yesterday...it was just *sigh* a lot for me to take in, and I shouldn't have yelled at you all like that. It was wrong and I'm sorry"

I said with sincere eyes, everyone starts smiling at me sweetly before Pépa says quietly.

Pépa:" we know dear, but just know. We're all here for you if you need to talk"

I smile back before nodding and sitting back down, I eat my food and feel a hand on my shoulder I look to see Andrés give me an encouraging look.

I smile back and continue eating.

After we were done I helped Julieta with dishes, she thanked me. Again.

We left an hour later.

Leaving Casita after staying there only for fifteen days now was weird. I haven't been here for long but it seems like I've been here all my life.

Mama says that it seems like that when you fit in somewhere and you click with someone.

Well, she's right. Cause I about click with everyone.

The farther away we got from the Encanto the more I became afraid and anxious.

Obviously everyone noticed, but I tried my best to hide it. For them.

'They can never know what happened'


Another hour went by and we made our way there.

The minute I saw the mysterious and dark outlining of the town my stomach coiled and flipped in fear and anxiousness.

I hated seeing the town after living in a literal! Enchanted one.

Making our way into town, we stopped at Abuela's house. I already noticed someone trying to Pickpocket me.

So I grabbed his hand saying in a low and dangerous voice.

Y/n:" what do you think your doing?"

Guy:" *grumbles* nothing"

His voice was laced with venom, but he moved on.

Everyone stood still not knowing or even wanting to know how I knew he was going to rob me.

We made our way to Abuela's house and before we knew it. I was knocking.

Rita:" oh y/n! I am so glad to see you"

She gives me a tight hug which I return.

Rita:" I am so sorry that it took me so long to tell you"

She pulls away greeted with my warm smile.

Y/n:" its ok Abuela, we all have our ways to process things. And this was yours"

She smiles back, looking around she shops us all in and whispers.

Abuela:" did anyone follow you?"

I shake my head, curiously Abuela pulled away boxes from a...secret door!?

Y/n:" what the-!?"

Abuela:" pshhh!"

I stay quiet, she continues pulling away boxes. Until I see the full door.

She opens it and walks down, a second later she comes out with a emerald necklace and asks.

Abuela:" do you still have yours?"

I nod and undo my necklace.

She smiles widely in some sort of excitement.

Abuela:" good, Andrés my boy. Come here"

Andrés does as asked and comes to her. He stands in front of her and she puts on an emerald necklace. 

The necklace suddenly glows and weird flying green sparks go inside Andrés heart so his eyes and mouth glow bright green.

When it's done the necklace looks once again normal and Andrés is heavily panting. I rush to his side and ask concerned.

Y/n:" are you ok?"

He manages to nod and I turn to Abuela asking confused.

Y/n:" what was that?"

Abuela:" that was the emerald stone, we have necklaces from our family past down generations to generation. Which is the source of your gift."

I stare in disbelief.

Abuela:" now, Andrés has one too"

I stare wide eyed before smiling in excitement. 'Andrés has a gift now too!? That's great!'

Andrés:" what kind of Gift?"

He asks still not believing it as. She shrugs before saying.

Abuela:" who knows? You'll find out soon enough"

He nods as I remain confused, I am a curious child after all and I don't believe in that crap of." Curiosity killed the cat" stuff.

So naturally I asked.

Y/n:" how did magic end up in a stone?"

Yeah, ok maybe I said that a little to bluntly but I mean hey! If you figured out your family is a long ancestor line of gifted magical's, would you seriously believe it?

Let me answer that for you, no.

No you would not.

Abuela:" we were blessed and that is all I know"

'What is it with this blessing thing?'

'The madrigals got a blessing, we got a blessing. How many years ago even was that- wait a minute!'

Y/n:" how many years ago were we blessed?"

She thinks for a moment, if this is what I think it is then that would be so strange.

Abuela:" fifty years ago"

"Fifty years ago"

"Fifty years ago"


Those words echoed through my head, it was impossible!

Y/n:" we got the gifts at the same time!"

Yeah sorry, I know it's a cliffhanger. Sorry about that, but I have something to say. I'll be taking a couple of days off due to a family emergency.

After the emergency is cleared, I'll keep writing. I Promise.

I won't quit on you all, I defiantly am not that stupid.

Love y'all and thank you so much for everything!

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