Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

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Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 15

838 16 1
By Silver-Tigress

Sakura's P. O. V:

After awhile, Sesshomaru resurfaces with me held in one arm, Mokomoko-sama curled around me to protect me and help carry me to the shore of the river.

We seem to have drifted pretty far downstream.

Water drips off of both of us as Sesshomaru steps towards the trees. He'd dived over the waterfall after me and saved me.

At a tree, Sesshomaru gently sets me down before shaking out some water. He asks, gazing down at me, "Are you alright, Sakura-chan? You're not hurt?"

I reply, "No. I'm fine. Thank you for saving me." My gaze lands on a cut on his left cheek, which is starting to drip with blood again. "How did you get that cut?"

"That's right. You don't remember. You gave it to me while possessed by Ushio back at the inn. Then he fled with you," Sesshomarubtells me, and my heart twinges with guilt.

I hurt him?

I look down, unable to meet his gaze. "I'm sorry, Sesshy-kun," I say softly.

I hear him kneel before me and he grips my chin in his clawed hand. Sesshomaru gently turns my face so I'm looking at him. I feel my eyes wavering at his intense gaze.

Then he leans forwards and plants a lingering kiss on my forehead that causes my heart to skip a beat or two.

When Sesshomaru at last pulls back, he murmurs, thumb stroking my chin, "You're more than just a simple human to me, Sakura-chan. You're my light." I gaze at Sesshomaru with wide eyes as he stands up. He turns to head into the forest. "I'm going to find some firewood and get a fire going to warm you up. You must be freezing."

I didn't notice the cold even as the dog demon stalks into the trees.

Why did he just tell me that?

I shake my head of the thought and hug myself in an attempt to keep warm. Sometime later, Sesshomaru returns with some firewood and gets a small fire going.

In almost twenty minutes, I was starting to get warm again.

As the fire pops and crackles, Sesshomaru asks, sitting next to me, "Are you getting warmer, Sakura-chan?"

I nod as I rub my arms, saying, "I am. Could do with some food, though."

"I'm afraid I don't have any," He says. "But you should try to get some sleep. We'll go looking for the others in a few hours."

"I hope they're alright," I murmur, blinking my eyes as Sesshomaru gently pulls me down so I'm lying with my head on his lap, with me lying with my back facing him. I blush. He then wraps Mokomoko-sama around me, adding to the warmth.

"Better?" Sesshomaru asks.

I nod as I send him a thankful smile. I soon drift off to sleep from the feeling of Sesshomaru stroking my black hair.

I wake up a few hours later and find it's still dark. My head was still on Sesshomaru's lap. I sit up and rub my eyes, now feeling warmer than earlier.

"You're awake," Says Sesshomaru, making me turn to him. "Feeling better?"

I nod as I finish rubbing at my eyes. "Yup! All thanks to you, Sessy-kun." I gaze at the now healing cut on his left cheek. Guilt washing over me, I reach out and gently caress my fingertips just under the cut.

Sesshomaru leans into my touch and he cups my hand with his right. "Don't feel guilty about this," He tells me softly.

"But, I hurt you," I murmur sadly, feeling tears well up in my eyes.

"You were possessed, Sakura-chan. It wasn't your doing," Sesshomaru says. "Besides, you know it'll heal in a few hours." Sesshomaru takes my hand away and kisses the backs of my knuckles, making me blush. "So don't beat yourself up over it, okay?"

"... Okay," I whisper. He kisses my knuckles once more.

Mokomoko-sama is pulled away from me as Sesshomaru gets to his feet. "Let's meet up with Jaken, Shinobu and Karina," He says. I nod my head and stand up. I put out the fire and walk next to Sesshomaru as we make our way back up to the cliff.

We were walking for just over half an hour when I suddenly see a large shape the size of my fist sitting by my feet. My body shuddering violently as my hair stands on end, I squeal frightfully, the sound piercing through the night.

Sesshomaru was quick to unsheathe Tokijin as I continue to whimper and tremble in fear at the huge spider before me. "Sakura-chan, what is it? Is it Ushio?" Sesshomaru asks.

I duck behind him as I say, "No! It's much worse!" I point with a shaky finger and Sesshomaru follows with his gaze. He doesn't react but I could feel him mentally deadpanning at the sight of the huge spider.

"A... spider," He mutters slowly, as though trying to comprehend why I reacted like this. I was surprised when he sheathes Tokijin once more. "You jumped like that over a spider?"

"Yes! They're horrifying! Why did you sheathe your sword?!" I snap, an infuriated expression on my face.

"Because I don't need it against a mere spider," Sesshomaru says plainly, giving me an exasperated expression. He steps away, causing me to start. I just duck behind him once again, this time clinging to him. Sesshomaru realises he's not getting me off of him that easily and closes his eyes with a tired sigh. "Sakura." His tone turns commanding, but I frown back at him. "You can just kill it with your sword or energy projection if you're really that scared of it."

I shift my gaze back to the spider, only to see it's turned towards us. A large sweat drop forms on my head as it seems to stare right through me. I shake my head vigorously as I say in a panicked tone, "No, no, no, no, no! I-I can't do it! I can't go near that thing! You kill it! Otherwise I cannot continue!"

I may be being a bit dramatic, but who cares at this point?

Sesshomaru lets out another sign as I continue to press my face against his back, whimpering and trembling. I was deathly afraid of spiders. And insects...

I hear Sesshomaru turn and there's a screech as Sesshomaru sends the giant spider sailing through the air with a strong kick. I look up just in time to see the spider vanishing through the bushes, pincers clicking as it screeches. There's a rustle and thump, then the faint sound of scuttling but the spider doesn't come back towards us.

I sigh out of immense relief and finally pull away from Sesshomaru. I give him an appreciative smile as he gazes back at me, and say, "Thank you, Sesshy-kun!"

He turns on his heel and stalks forward. I quickly hurry to catch up and he slows his pace for me. "So, you're afraid of spiders," Sesshomaru at last speaks up. I glare at him.

"Yes. And insects. I've been afraid of them since I was young," I reply.

"I'm surprised, considering your status as a warrior and a priestess."

"We all have our fears," I say. "Don't you have something you're afraid of, Sesshy-kun?"

I glance at him curiously as he falls silent, looking deep in thought. Just when I think he won't answer, Sesshomaru says, "... No. I'm not afraid of anything."

"Figures. But I guess that's to be expected from the mighty Lord of the West," I say with a playful nudge to his side. Sesshomaru and I fall silent. I feel him gazing at me as we continue to make our way back to the top of the cliff.

When they get there, they find Shinobu and Karina battling the oni demon. Karina was forcing him back as Shinobu slashes at him with his Slashing Form. When Usui dodges another slash, Shinobu leaps up while holding his now sheathed sword in a stabbing formation.

"Strong Form!" With a grunt of exertion, Shinobu brings his sheathed sword down upon Usui. The demon was crushed beneath it. Shinobu smirks at his victory as Karina lands beside him.

"You little brat!" Usui growls, sitting up.

Jaken shoots out fire from his staff that burns Ushio's right leg. He cackles triumphantly. "That's what you get for doing harm to My Lord!"

"I won't let you eat my big sister!" The eleven year old snaps back. Karina growls in agreement.

"Maybe I'll eat you first before I eat her!" Usui says before sending rocks flying for Shinobu. Karina grabs his shirt in her teeth and jumps out of the way at the same time Sakura blurs before them and sweeps her arm out, reflecting the rocks back at Ushio.

His eyes jerk wide in shock as he's hit with the rocks. Then he screams as Sesshomaru's poisoned claws graze his already injured left side.

"Née-chan!" Shinobu cries happily when Karina stops.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Exclaims Jaken, anime tears forming in his large eyes. "You're both alive!"

"It will take more than that to get rid of us," Says Sakura. She throws Shinobu a smile. "You did well to hold out till we got here, itotou-kun." Sakura's blue eyes jerk wide when she notices a gash on her brother's right arm.

"Nee-chan, I'm goad you're here," He says.

"I'm glad too, because then I get to eat you, Priestess!" Usui says as he stands up, sneering at the unfazed priestess. "Now, let me feast on your flesh!"

He goes to run at her but is stopped in his tracks by Sesshomaru unsheathing Tokijin, and sweeping it in a wide arc to  unleash a beam of blue energy.

"I won't let you lay another finger on this woman," He says lowly. Sakura sends him a grateful glance.

"His Dark Magic is kind of weak but his possession is pretty powerful," Sakura informs the golden eyed demon. "It shouldn't be too hard to take him out."

"I'm weak, you say?" Usui says. "Let's see, shall we?!" He then disappears as he casts his possession spell. Sesshomaru tenses.

"Wh-Where'd he go?!" Jaken exclaims as he snd Shinobu gaze around. Karina sets Shinobu on the ground.

Sesshomaru narrows his eyes and forward flips out of the way of an attack from Sakura's twin swords. He spins around to glare at the possessed princess.

"I doubt you'd want to hurt your beloved!" Usui says in the Princess's voice. It makes Sesshomaru angry to see him possessing her. But he doesn't want to hurt her.

"N-Nee-chan!" Shinobu stutters as Sakura uses Benizakura Flash to attack Sesshomaru, forcing him to go on defence.

"Oh, no! She's possessed again! Hang on, My Lord!" Exclaims Jaken.

Sakura says, "Warrior Maiden Dual Swords: Leopard Claw Frenzy!" She slashes wildly for the dog demon who deflects each attack with ease. "Moon Flash!" Sakura slashes her right sword in a crescent form and manages to cut Sesshomaru's right arm, much to Shinobu's, Jaken's and Karina's shock. "Trinity Sword!"

Sakura slashes her swords in a delta formation which Sesshomaru deflects with the blue form of Kenatsu. Sakura forms a barrier to deflect it.

"Benizakura Flash!" Sakura swings viciously for Sesshomaru who deflects her attack with ease. He aims a swipe for Sakura but she deflects it.

"You can't win if you're holding back, Sesshomaru!" Sakura taunts. They exchange more swift slashes, with Sesshomaru mostly on defence. He really doesn't want to hurt her but he knows she's right; he can't win staying solely on defence like this.

With a thrust of his sword, Sesshomaru sends out blasts of energy at Sakura. She simply raises her hand to form a barrier to block it.

Shinobu doesn't want to hurt his sister but he knows now is his chance while she's preoccupied with Sesshomaru. Unsheathing Archenemy, Shinobu runs towards Sakura.

"Archenemy," He says lowly, "Slashing Form." Shinobu goes to slash for Sakura's right arm but she drops the barrier to block his attack with ease, barely glancing at him. Shinobu's eyes widen as Sesshomaru ceases his attack.

Sakura shifts her gaze to her brother as she says, "You annoy me to no end, brat." Shifting her left sword in her other hand, Sakura reaches down and touches her fingers to Shinobu's forehead. He turns light blue as he freezes in place, his blue eyes wide with confusion.

"What did you do? Where is Shinobu?" Sesshomaru demands to know as Sakura turns back to him.

"I've immobilised him with my spiritual powers," She explains, smiling. "It can also turn them invisible to everyone but me. That brat won't be interfering again anytime soon." Sakura runs a hand through her inky black hair. "Now, where were we?"

Sesshomaru blurs towards Sakura. She swings both swords at him and they exchange more swift slashes. Sakura unleashes Kenatsu in the form of a swarm of green butterflies at Sesshomaru but he easily dodges it. Sesshomaru sends out his own blue Kenatsu but Sakura dodges that too before they're clashing swords again.

Sesshomaru and Sakura press their swords against one another.

She laughs. "This is fun! It must be painful for you, having to fight against the human woman you love, tell me, can you bring yourself to kill her in order to save her?" Sesshomaru answers by pulling back and sending out a wave of blue Kenatsu. Sakura dances away to avoid it. "I'm going to savour every last bite of this priestess!"

She sends out multiple spheres of Kenatsu at Sesshomaru who evades them with ease, eyeing Sakura steadily. She looks before Sesshomaru and swings her swords for him but Sesshomaru blurs as he jumps into the air.

Sakura straightens to glare up at him. Sesshomaru tells her, "Not fast enough. Sakura-chan is even faster than you." With that, he launches straight for the woman. But instead of stroking her with his sword like Sakura thinks he would as she steps back, Sesshomaru throws himself on top of her and pins Sakura to the ground, straddling her waist.

Sakura struggles as Sesshomaru overlaps her legs with his and pins her right arm down. Even she couldn't dislodge the dog demon as he's far stronger than her,

"Listen to me, Sakura. I know you're in there and I know you don't want to hurt me or your brother," Sesshomaru pleads with her. Sakura continues to struggle. Sesshomaru closes his eyes as an idea comes to him. "I guess I have no choice but to do it, then, since I don't want to hurt you."

Jaken, Karina and an invisible Shinobu watch, slightly surprised, as the dog demon leans down and kisses Sakura on her lips. Usui starts at this, his eyes widening.

He immediately releases the Princess from his possession, freeing her. He reappears a few paces behind them while breathing a sigh of relief.

This allows for Sakura, after overcoming her initial surprise, to return her lover's kiss. Shinobu is also freed from his immobilisation, blinking in confusion.

He feels just as relieved as Sesshomaru when he sees them kissing. Shinobu also sees Usui is released, meaning Sakura is back to her normal self.

Sesshomaru finally breaks the kiss and leans his forehead on Sakura's, her face feeling flushed.

"Sesshy-kun, not that I don't mind it, but why did you kiss me just now?" Sakura questions.

"It was the only way I could think of to free you without hurting you," Responds Sesshomaru.

He pulls back to see Sakura deadpanning. She mutters, "I was possessed again, wasn't I?" He nods as he caresses her right cheek.

"I will have my meal!" Usui cries, snapping the couple back to the present. Sesshomaru gets to his feet as Sakura does, glaring at the demon. He summons wind around him to attack them. It feels stronger than before. "You shall die along with your beloved!"

With a grunt of exertion, Usui sends out the blast of air at Sesshomaru and Sakura. Just when the white haired demon was going to protect Sakura, her body glows as she holds out her arm. The spell is reflected back at Usui who gives a cry of pain.

Sesshomaru and the others whirl around to the Princess to see her floating ten feet in the air, body glowing as she takes on the form of...


"Mum?!" Shinobu gasps in recognition, seeing a woman who looks exactly like his sister hovering in the air.

"Eh?! That's your mother?" Asks Jaken.

"Yes. This is her Lending Spiritual Power spell," Explains Shinobu. He's never actually seen his mother use it before but he knows of it from her having taught it to Sakura.

Usui sends a large boulder flying straight for Sakura. With her mother's powers and strength flowing through her veins, she easily reflects the spell back at him. Usui dives to the side and narrowly avoids it. He growls up at her before sending another powerful wind spell at Sakura.

Once more it is reflected back at him.

"I will not allow you to hurt my daughter any longer, demon," Says Shion. "I'll put an end to this."

"I'll devour her power and become stronger!" Usui says while sending another wind spell. Sakura once more reflects it and it slams into the demon, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Wind Cutter," Shion says and thrusts her spear towards Usui. He's cut across his stomach with her spear. "Destructive Wave." Shion brings her spear down and a massive wave of wind drills through the ground towards Usui. He cries out as he's hit with the spell.

"I had no idea your mother was this powerful," Jaken says to Shinobu who nods his head. Sesshomaru hasn't taken his eyes off Sakura since she took on the transformation.

Shion sweeps out her spear as she says, "Storm of Eagles!" A flock of eagles in the form of blue energy fly for Usui. He cries out as most of them slam into him.

"Towering Crane Thrust," Shion says, holding up her naginata spear and rapidly spinning it in her hand. Wind forms around her in a cyclone, pushing out towards Usui. With a scream, Usui is sliced by the cyclone. The wind cuts through him and his body dissipates as the wind purifies him.

The wind dies down and Shion smiles, happy that her daughter could be safe for now. Then her transformation disappears, revealing Sakura, who faints from exhaustion and starts to fall from the sky.

Sesshomaru and Shinobu gasp. The dog demon was already moving and throws out his arm. The Princess lands safely in it.

"Nee-chan!" Shinobu calls as he and the others run over. Her eyes flutter open as Sakura lets out a soft moan of exhaustion. She smiles up at her family.

"Hey. Is it over?" Sakura asks.

"It is," Replies Sesshomaru.

"Come on. Let's go back. Rin is probably worried sick about us," Says Shinobu.

Sesshomaru helps Sakura to stand and they return to the village inn.


Sakura, Shinobu, Sesshomaru, Jaken and Karina return to the inn at dawn to find Rin waiting there. A huge smile stretches across the little girl's face upon seeing her mother return.

"Mummy!" Rin cries as she runs over. Sakura scoops her up in her arms and embraces her daughter. "You're not possessed by that nasty demon anymore are you?"

"No. It's thanks to Shinobu-kun, Sesshy-kun and the others that I'm back to myself," She replies, sending her lover a grateful smile. Rin hugs her tightly.

"I'm glad it's over!"

"Come on. Let's all go back to sleep and leave in a couple of days," Says Sakura. Rin nods her head and they begin to go back to their separate rooms, but Sesshomaru stops the Shinguji.

"Sakura-chan, I'd like to talk to you," He says. She pauses and looks back at him curiously. Sakura nods her head and sets Rin down, telling the little girl to go on ahead.

Rin chimes an okay and runs off back to her inn room with the others.

Sakura goes to turn but Sesshomaru steps up behind her and wraps his arm around her waist.

"You asked me earlier if there's anything I was afraid of, right?" Sesshomaru asks, making the woman nod her head. "If there's two things in this world that scare me more than anything, it's Inuyasha's demonic transformation and losing you."

Sakura sucks in a shocked breath. So he was scared of Inuyasha's partial transformation! But the second one surprises her most of all.

"You're scared of... losing me?" Asks Sakura slowly. Sesshomaru hums in response. Sakura's heart melts with warmth at those words. She honestly didn't think he was afraid of anything.

"Promise me you won't leave my side. Ever," Murmurs Sesshomaru, pressing into her back and leaning on her head.

"I promise," She says, placing her hand over his. "I love you, Sesshy-kun."

"I love you, too, Sakura-chan," The dog demon returns with a gentle smile, placing a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Sesshomaru pulls back and takes a few strands of Sakura's hair in his fingers before pressing his lips to them. Sakura blushes but smiles softly to herself. They remain there like that for awhile longer, before Sesshomaru lets Sakura go back to her inn room.

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