The Rise of The Dark Lord

By kim_taechu95

38.5K 1.3K 315

Dumbledore was sure he had made the right choice. Ten years later Harry shows him just how wrong he was. With... More

The Boy-Who-Lived
Diagon Alley
Better be...
Getting a Pet
Deal with the Devil
Blood and Magic
The Lion and the little Raven
Damned if you do, Damned if you don't
Quidditch World Cup
The Triwizard Tournament
Important Announcement
Missing You
Different paths

Slytherin Court

2.4K 85 12
By kim_taechu95

Disclaimer: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by J. K. Rowling. No money is being made.


Harry was already sitting at the Slytherin table when the students that had returned from the Yule break started entering the Great Hall. Though he rather enjoyed the holidays he was happy to see Theo again, which surprised him, he never thought that he would miss someone. Besides, he may still use a mask with Theo but it was the closest to his true self. Who knew, maybe he would be able to be himself with Theo if things continued the way they were. At least he liked him, which was good, considering how much he generally didn't like people.

"Hey Harry."

Theo's voice brought him out of his thoughts and a little smile appeared on his face.

"Hello Theo," Harry greeted him, "How were your holidays?"

"They were good, nothing too exciting, spent it with family in France, and yours?"

"They were... enlightening."

Theo smiled and shook his head, he didn't know why he was expecting a different answer. From what he knew of Harry, he didn't think that he would have some fun during the break or relax. He would bet that Harry had spent all his time in the library, though for Harry that probably counted as having fun.

He was taken out of his thoughts when he saw Jugson enter the Great Hall. Almost instinctively Jugson's eyes landed on the Slytherin table, his eyes found Harry almost immediately and he started walking in their direction. Theo was astonished when he noticed how little that surprised him, though he didn't understand it.

Marcus Jugson was a pureblood supremacist that considered all those that weren't, at least, a fifth generation pureblood as dirt, scum, and other less flattering things. However, Harry was a half-blood and Jugson practically worshiped him.

Theo knew that it had nothing to do with Harry being the Boy-Who-Lived. At the beginning of the year Theo had seen the looks of disdain and disgust that Jugson gave Harry, occasionally Theo even had some fear that Jugson would attack Harry in some way. However, after the first month of school that had changed.

The night that Jugson and four of his friends ended up in the Infirmary was when everything changed. He still didn't know what had happened but he knew that Harry had been involved, he didn't know how but Harry had defined the Slytherin hierarchy, at least until someone challenged him for the top.

However, if he was being honest with himself, he couldn't say that it surprised him, from what he knew about Harry he was certain that Harry would never tolerate not being the best at something, not being at the top. Aside from that he didn't think that Harry would ever stand it if someone did or said anything that implied that he was beneath them. He had noticed how Harry looked at some of people that he caught talking about blood purity, the sentence 'if looks could kill...' came to mind. So, though he didn't know what happened, he knew that Jugson and his friends had tried something and he was certain that Harry had dealt with it. What he wouldn't give to have been able to see it.

Harry may hide it behind that angelic face and innocent smile but sometimes the real Harry appeared. Evil genius was what came to his mind when he thought about Harry. Every time he saw those malicious and sadistic smiles he had some difficulty containing his laughter, he would bet all that was left of the Nott estate that the Boy-Who-Lived was nothing like they had imagined. Not that Theo was unhappy with the situation, it was the complete opposite.

Occasionally he couldn't help but think about what his father would say if he knew that he was friends with Harry Potter. He liked to believe that his father would approve, after all his father had also sworn loyalty to a Dark Lord. He knew that, technically, Harry wasn't a Dark Lord, but he didn't honestly think that those that believed that Harry was the next Dark Lord were far from the truth, Harry certainly seemed to have the potential.

He knew that Harry wasn't interested in becoming a Dark Lord, at least not yet, Harry himself found the idea ridiculous, stressing the fact that he was only eleven, but every time something like that came up Theo couldn't help but think that he wouldn't stay eleven forever. Besides, no matter what he said, his actions didn't match his words.

He may have only wanted to observe and see how things in the Wizarding World worked. That, however, didn't explain why he had seized control of the Slytherin hierarchy, nor did it explain why he was spreading his beliefs. He seemed to have converted Jugson and before he had gone home for the Yule break he had heard an older Slytherin rebuking a younger Slytherin when the younger one had used the word mudblood. The older Slytherin had looked around and when he didn't see anyone he'd said with a touch of fear in his voice "Don't say that. The only thing that matters is magic."

Theo knew where the sentence came from, he had heard it before when his friend would talk about the stupidity of the pureblood supremacist beliefs. Theo agreed, he hadn't been raised to believe in pureblood supremacy, though his father was a loyal Death Eater, what the Nott family believed in was power.

He still remembered what his grandfather had told him the day before he went to Hogwarts, "Theodore, you are a Nott and the Notts have always believed in the equality of all magic be it Dark or Light; in power, be it magical or political. Your father and I, both follow the same man, we both believe in his ideals, in his policies and we are, to this day, still loyal to our Lord. However I never forced your father to follow in my footsteps, it was a choice he made of his own free will. Neither your father nor I will force you to choose the same path we did. Choose your friends, your allies, chose your own path but never forget that you are a Nott and the only thing that matters to a Nott, besides family, is Magic and Power."

He hadn't understood then, he may not have been raised with pureblood supremacist beliefs, but it was the environment he had grown up in. How many times had he heard his mother's family use the word mudblood, heard them saying how purebloods were superior?

Now though, now he understood. Harry James Potter, son of a pureblood father and a muggleborn mother, making him a half-blood who's supposedly inferior to purebloods. Theodore didn't believe that anyone could look at Harry, talk to Harry, know Harry and consider him inferior in any way.

He supposed that that was what his grand-father meant, and even if it wasn't there was nothing he could do about it, he had chosen his path and it didn't look like he would regret it anytime soon.

"Good evening."

Jugson's voice took him out of his thoughts and he lifted his head in time to see him sit in the seat in front of Harry.

"Hello Marcus." Harry greeted him with a small smile and Theo was almost able to see a tail appear behind Jugson and move from side to side, that was how much Jugson looked like a little puppy at the moment. Theo would bet that it was because Harry had used Jugson's first name, as far as Theo knew, it was the first time that Harry had done so.

It showed that Harry had gone from tolerating his presence to liking his presence, well maybe not liking but at least it was something above tolerating, at any rate Theo suspected that it was something like that. Understanding how Harry's mind worked wasn't something that Theo believed he would ever be able to do.

Theo looked around and he wasn't able to stop the small chuckle, gaining the attention from the other two.

"What is it?" Jugson asked looking at Theo curiously.

"They are looking at you the same way they looked at me when I sat with Harry the first time."

A little smile appeared on Harry's face and he sighed.

"It's hard to believe that they still think that I'm going to become the next Dark Lord. It is starting to annoy me a little."

Theo saw Jugson pale when Harry said that he was getting annoyed and he asked himself if it was related to the night that he ended up in the Infirmary. He withheld a sigh, he really, really wished he had been there.

"There is nothing you can do about it," he said looking at the students that had been looking at them with fear in their eyes, with disgust, "People believe whatever they want, especially when it concerns Slytherins, and considering who you are..."

Theo didn't need to continue, both Jugson and Harry knew what he meant. Jugson was nodding, agreeing with him, he didn't seem the least bit worried that practically three quarters of the school believed that he was a follower of the next Dark Lord, Theo contained a chuckle, from what he had seen it was probably something to be proud of for Jugson.

"Considering who I am..." Harry muttered, gaining Theo's attention.

Harry had a calculating look in his eyes and after a few moments a malicious smirk appeared on his face.

"I'm not certain I want to know what you are thinking." Jugson remarked however his eyes showed he was teasing, and smirks just as malicious as Harry's appeared on Theo and Jugson's faces.

He didn't often show it, but when Harry revealed that darker side that he had it made Theo shudder. Theo was certain that when that side came out to play was when Harry was being his true self, or at least when he was closer to his true self and it left Theo feeling excited. Every time he saw that Harry he wanted to see more, it made him wish that Harry didn't have to use any type of mask. However he controlled himself quickly, he knew it wasn't possible, at least not yet. Seeing Jugson's smile he was sure that the other boy felt the same.

"If everything works the way I want it to then I think you will enjoy it quite a bit," Harry answered, his eyes showing just how much the idea he was having amused him, "Unfortunately you will have to wait, these things take time and have to be carefully planned, however I guarantee that you won't miss it when it happens."

Theo almost pouted, however he knew that there was no point in arguing, normally when Harry had something in mind no matter what Theo said he never changed it.

The rest of dinner went by quickly, the three boys talking about their break and about classes, with Theo lamenting the fact that he only understood about a third of what the other two were talking about. That led to Jugson offering to tutor him whenever he wasn't busy with school work, seeing Harry's approving look both felt rather proud, they didn't know why but the fact that Harry approved and was pleased with them made them feel as if they had done something great.

When dinner ended and Theo was in bed in his room he didn't even try to stop the huge smile that appeared on his face. When he boarded the Hogwarts Express for the first time to go to Hogwarts he hadn't thought, even for a second that he would be so happy to be back at school, and it was all because of Harry Potter.


A little over a week after the Yule break ended Harry and Theo were in the library sitting at their usual table when Harry heard footsteps coming in their direction. He knew it wasn't Marcus, he had been with them a little while ago and left with another sixth year student to do some Charm's essay that they had to hand in the next day. He was a little curious to see who it was, generally the students let him be, even the ones that called him a traitor and a Dark wizard every chance they got.

Looking up from his book Harry saw a group of Slytherins coming closer to their table. From what he could see they were all first years, Draco Malfoy, Blaise Zabini, Pansy Parkinson and Daphne Greengrass, if he wasn't mistaken. Malfoy appeared to be the leader of the little group, which didn't surprise him, the first years had all flocked around Malfoy from day one. From what he had learned it had nothing to do with Malfoy himself, as far as he could tell only Zabini was really his friend, the others all flocked to him because he was a Malfoy, nothing else. He hoped that they weren't there to cause trouble, he wasn't in a particularly good mood and he didn't really want to get into trouble because he had killed or maimed some brat.

They stopped in front of their table and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"May we sit?" Malfoy asked in what was supposed to be a confident voice, though Harry could clearly hear the uncertainty that Malfoy was trying to hide.

He couldn't say that it wasn't something that he was expecting, he had thought that the younger Slytherins would start to approach him, however he hadn't decided what do to about it, mainly because it depended on how he was approached and what they wanted.

Harry nodded, either way he would see what they wanted first and if they could be useful.

He saw the four of them relax just a little bit and sit in the vacant chairs. Not wanting the situation to become uncomfortable, well, more uncomfortable than it already was he remarked.

"I'm a bit surprised to see you without your two bodyguards Malfoy. They follow you everywhere when you're not in the common room."

Malfoy went a little pink and Harry had to contain a small chuckle, he was expecting that the Malfoy heir would be able to control himself better. Well that was a lie, from what he had seen Malfoy was quite temperamental, he behaved more like a Gryffindor than a Slytherin.

Maybe he could get Theo to tell the Malfoy brat exactly that, he was sure that it would be rather entertaining. Yes, he would do that, probably when he got bored. Clearing his mind of the amusing picture, he went back to the matter at hand.

Malfoy really did behave like a Gryffindor, no self-respecting Slytherin would confront someone where all the teachers were able to see it, nor would they do it in front of so many witnesses that had absolutely no problem in blaming the evil Slytherin even if he wasn't at fault. 'Well he is still young...' Harry thought completely ignoring the fact that he was actually a little bit younger than Malfoy.

"The library isn't really somewhere they would go..."

The answer didn't surprise Harry, from what he knew Crabbe and Goyle were the type of people that he tolerated the least, well maybe not the type he tolerated the least, but definitely in the top five. They were only good for their brute strength and nothing more, they didn't even put some effort in getting better, in being more than what they were. They had the wonders of magic at their disposal and they wasted it. They could be more, they could strive to be extraordinary and they were content in being ordinary.

"It doesn't surprise me." Harry answered with an innocent little smile on his face and Theo chuckled. He loved how Harry was able to insult someone without ever losing that innocent air.

Harry was still looking at Malfoy so he didn't miss the way the blond boy looked at Theo and he narrowed his eyes.

"Stop." he ordered and they all looked at him, except Theo, who had taken out his wand and was casting a few privacy charms that Harry had taught him. He knew that Harry was about to lose his mask and he was sure that he didn't want everyone in the library to see it. It was a shame that Marcus wasn't there, Theo was certain that he would have loved to see this.

It was easy to see that the four Slytherins were confused, but none of them dared to ask anything, not that Theo blamed them. If Harry had spoken to him in that tone and had ordered him to do something he would have done it without a second thought, after all he quite liked being alive.

"Let's get something straight," Harry told them in a cold voice, he wasn't talking very loud, however that low, cold tone was far scarier than if he had been shouting, "You mean nothing to me," he continued looking at Malfoy, making the other three relax just a bit, they were quite glad that they weren't the ones that had somehow displeased Harry, the last time they had heard a similar tone coming from Harry five older students had ended up in the Infirmary, "You have absolutely no value to me at all. The fact that you are a pureblood and a Malfoy doesn't mean anything to me. At this moment I tolerate your presence because you may be useful in the future, nevertheless my tolerance for spoiled little brats with delusions of grandeur is extremely low, it doesn't matter how useful they could be. And you are quite close to the limit of my patience.

If I catch you looking at Theo like that again I guarantee that you won't like the consequences. What happened to Marcus was because I was a little annoyed; you are well on your way to making me angry."

Theo didn't think it was possible for Malfoy to get even paler, but he was proven wrong when Harry said that last sentence. Malfoy didn't look like he was able to say anything, hell he didn't seem able to move.

He hadn't seen the way Malfoy was looking at him, but the fact that Harry cared made him want to smile like a loon. He didn't think that Harry would actually care. He knew perfectly well that Harry had only started talking to him because of the information he could give him. He didn't hold it against Harry, it was the way he was, but seeing that he actually, truly cared about him made him happy. Maybe he wasn't the only one to consider what they had a friendship.

"Do not forget that your blood and your name will not help you. Prove your value, your usefulness, because if you don't I doubt that you will be able to leave the end of the food chain.

This goes for all of you."

Harry didn't say anything else and focused on his book again. Becoming fond of Theo wasn't part of the plan, but he was and he couldn't stand the look of contempt that Malfoy had when he'd looked at Theo. Theodore had been the first, he wouldn't say first friend because he didn't know if that was what Theo was, but he was the first, apparently that meant something to him even if he hadn't noticed it before.

He didn't know if he had made the right choice when dealing with Malfoy. From what he had seen Malfoy was used to everybody doing what he wanted just because he was a pureblood and a Malfoy, the sooner he got used to the fact that things had changed the better. He was sure that if he let him, Malfoy would, sooner or later, cross the line and then Harry would be forced to take drastic measures to guarantee that it didn't happen again. The way he saw it he was saving Malfoy from himself; he was preventing Malfoy's arrogance from causing him future pain. He was actually being a good person, helping his peer and all that.

It was better if Malfoy had no illusions. He, at the moment, was of absolutely no use to Harry, even his school work was mediocre at best. Not that Malfoy was stupid or weak, he just didn't even try, he was certain that his status would grant him anything, so he didn't put in any effort. The sooner he learned that he had to earn on his own merits the place that he so obviously wanted, the better.

The silence that followed was a little awkward, from the corner of his eye he saw Greengrass and Parkinson sharing a look. It didn't look like the two of them would want to stay for long. It was a loss that he didn't regret. From what he had seen and heard their biggest ambition was to find a pureblood from an ancient bloodline, he had to be wealthy naturally, marry him and spend the rest of their lives being perfect pureblood wives, spending their husband's money.

Harry thought that it was absolutely pathetic. Not even considering the fact that they were eleven how could they be satisfied with that life? How could they want that when there was so much more they could be? Harry simply didn't understand. He had always craved more, more knowledge, more power, more everything. He had always wanted to be more, he worked for it. He didn't think he would ever be able to understand how people could be content with anything less.

"I'm sorry."

The whispered apology made him look at Malfoy, it was so low that he had almost missed it. The blond had a little bit of pink in his cheeks and was doing his best to keep his eyes fixed on Harry's. Harry could see that Malfoy hated what he was doing, however he could see he was sincere, but above all he could see the fear lurking in those silver eyes.

"It's more habit than anything else. I...", Malfoy began to say before he stopped and took a deep breath, "I am a Malfoy and a pureblood, I was raised believing that a Malfoy always gets what he wants."

That didn't surprise Harry one bit, he could imagine that that was something like the unofficial motto of the family. He didn't think that it was a bad way to live, after all he was also the type of person that always got what he wanted, he just thought that the Malfoy heir was going about it the wrong way.

"Nobody said you couldn't get what you want," Harry remarked in a smother, warmer tone, if he played this right maybe Malfoy could become useful and even loyal, with the right words here and there the situation could be salvaged, "You just have to work to get it. I know you are powerful and intelligent, I imagine you don't like to be at the bottom of the hierarchy. However, considering your power and intelligence, that is something that can be quite easily changed; prove that you're worth more than that.

However it won't be by putting down others that you will achieve it. Putting people down won't show me that you are better, it just shows that you are an immature brat and that I would be wasting my time with you."

Harry almost smiled when he saw Malfoy get a determined look and nod. Now he would be able to see how he could use the Malfoy heir, and if he was lucky he would even stop acting like a spoiled prat.

He actually did smile when he saw Malfoy take a Potions book out of his backpack and start the essay that they had gotten that day. On Malfoy's right side Zabini was already writing on a piece of parchment, taking notes from a book. Apparently they had taken what he'd said to heart, now he just had to see how long it would last.

The two girls however gave some lame excuse that Harry didn't pay attention to and left. Yes, he was sure that he would not regret losing them, the last thing he wanted was for some little princesses to think that they would be the future Mrs. Boy-Who-Lived, he was sure that he would have nightmares about it.

Trying to get those horrifying images from his mind he went back to reading his book, he was quite happy with how it turned out. True he had to endure the presence of two more people but at least they were intelligent, something for which he was quite thankful.


The following morning at breakfast Severus knew immediately that something had changed in the serpent house. Hell, everyone in the bloody castle that was the least bit observant could tell that something had changed.

Potter and Nott were no longer sitting at the farthest end of the table away from the other Slytherins.

Potter was sitting right in the middle of the table, with his back to the wall, observing the whole Great Hall, with Nott sitting on his right side and Jugson on his left. If that had been the only change Severus would have ignored it. However that wasn't the only change, Draco and Zabini were sitting in the seats in front of Potter, well not really in front of Potter; Draco had the seat in front of Nott and Zabini the one in front of Jugson, leaving the seat in front of Potter vacant. If that was all Severus would have only paid a little more attention, and only because Draco was his godson. He would talk to the boy and advise him to stay away from Potter. He may seem cold and uncaring but Draco was his godson and he cared for the boy and he didn't want him anywhere near Potter.

But that wasn't everything and once again Severus was forced to hide his shock and it was those changes that made him know that he couldn't talk to Draco, couldn't tell him to stay away from Potter. In all honesty he could but it would be for nothing, Draco may not act like it sometimes but he was a Slytherin and Severus knew that there was nothing that would keep him away from Potter now. The only way would be if Potter himself turned him away and if that happened then Draco would become a pariah in Slytherin.

Severus looked to his left and he saw more than one professor looking at the Slytherin table, he saw the understanding in the Headmaster's eyes and the little bit of apprehension. Not that he blamed the old man, he was certain that the Headmaster knew what this meant, he also saw Sinistra's eyes widen, even Quirrell was looking at the Slytherin table with surprise, if he didn't find the situation so serious he would have snorted; even Quirrell noticed. But really, how could he not?

The Slytherins were making a statement.

The first years were sitting all together at the end of the table closest to the head table, they were followed by the second year students, then came the third years and then the fourth years.

After the fourth years there were two vacant seats on both sides of the table, after those vacant seats came Potter's little group and after them came another two seats that were empty on both sides.

Immediately after the empty seats came the fifth years, followed by the sixth years and finishing with the seventh years at the end of the table.

It was such a radical change that it was no wonder they had noticed, however he doubted that most of them knew what it meant. Probably only former Slytherins would know what it was and even then he suspected that most wouldn't remember, at least not immediately. He himself only remembered right away because he remembered Lucius's father talking about an identical situation.

Slytherin house had established it's court.

The Slytherin hierarchy was always changing. Occasionally there was a student that would be able to hold the top off the hierarchy for two or three years, but usually who was on top changed constantly.

When you were part of a house like Slytherin it was inevitable, it was a constant fight between the students that had more influence, power and ambition.

But what Severus was seeing was an established court, that only happened when the student that had defined a hierarchy made the ones that could oppose him submit to him, establishing him as the King so to speak. Obviously it didn't mean that someone wouldn't try to define a new hierarchy, it also didn't mean that everyone approved of the person, however they were Slytherins and self-preservation was something all Slytherins treasured and going against an established court was suicide.

But usually the ones that weren't too happy with it were the older students and they would be gone in one or two years at most, and the younger years would be drilled to respect, almost worship the court. And considering who the Slytherin King was he would have seven long years to influence the younger students, and from what Severus was seeing, even the older ones.

Severus was certain that Jugson was the one responsible for the establishment of the court, considering that it had to be someone that would be a part of the court that convinced the rest of the house that all the conditions to establish a court were met.

Jugson was a Slytherin, Severus was sure that as soon as he had seen that more than one condition to establish the court had been achieved that he had acted. Jugson was the one on top of the hierarchy before so he knew what to look for, he knew what was needed and he acted as soon as he saw the signs. After all, considering his position it would be a huge advantage for him if a court was established, seeing that even after they left Hogwarts the position that they had in the Slytherin court would influence them.

After all every member from the last Slytherin court became the first Inner Circle Death Eaters.


Marcus looked around and couldn't help but feel proud. He never would have thought that he would be part of a Slytherin Court but he was a part of it and all because of the boy sitting beside him.

As soon as Theo had told him what had happened in the library with Malfoy, he immediately thought about the Court.

Without even knowing it Harry had already fulfilled two of the three objectives needed to establish a Court. Jugson himself was the first one, he was at the top of the hierarchy before Harry had sent him to the Infirmary, after that Jugson had had two choices, continue to fight with Harry or submit. He had submitted, and he did it gladly, not holding a grudge for being beaten. At first he only wanted to see what Harry was capable of, only wanted to try and understand who the Boy-Who-Lived really was. But after spending some time with him he'd started to respect him, sure he still feared him, but Harry wasn't merciless, well as long as people didn't anger him.

And just like that he had achieved the first objective. However it was also the easiest, so he hadn't thought about it too much.

Malfoy was the second objective.

In terms of political power and wealth Malfoy was the only one that could stand on somewhat equal ground with Harry, the only one that could, if he wanted to, try and take the top of the hierarchy from Harry. Not in a direct confrontation of course, in raw magical power and intelligence Harry was far out of his reach. However politically and wealth wise Malfoy could hold his ground and if he was able to gather a sufficient number of Slytherins then maybe he would have been able to define the hierarchy, at least for as long as he would've been able to hold on to it.

However he'd opted not to fight Harry, he'd decided to follow and that had changed everything.

Harry had, without even meaning to, achieved the most difficult step that was needed to establish a Court. They were Slytherins, they wanted power, and they were ambitious. So it was only natural that someone who could be on top of the hierarchy wouldn't give it up, would fight for it. Even if they would only be able to hold it for a year, or even just a month, it didn't matter; what mattered was the power they would gain. Factions were formed every day, alliances were created, and the fights would continue. Of course it wasn't daily duels or anything like that, sure sometimes there were duels, but mostly it was all political.

So when Malfoy didn't fight, Harry had achieved the second step he needed to establish a Court, he needed only one more and he would have all the requirements.

The third one was the easiest, he only needed three people from each year in Slytherin to respect him. They didn't have to agree with his beliefs or anything like that, they just needed to respect the power he had, respect what he was able to do, they just needed to respect him, nothing more.

Generally this was a difficult step as well, but in this case Harry had a huge advantage. The simple fact was you can't respect someone you don't know and sometimes it was difficult to know every student in the House, so most of the time it was difficult to achieve the three students per year, especially since those that would be part of the Court didn't count. But Harry was Harry Potter, the Boy-Who-Lived, the Savior of the Wizarding World that was sorted into Slytherin, the first year that had defined the Slytherin hierarchy after being one month at Hogwarts in only five minutes, everyone knew him.

Marcus had hardly been able to wait to see if Harry could achieve the last step, but he hadn't wanted to do anything that would displease Harry. Marcus still felt a shiver go down his spine when he remembered what had happened the last time he'd angered Harry. So he had waited until dinner time, where he'd explained to Harry what he could do, the opportunity he had.

Harry had listened to what he had to say and when he finished Harry had been silent for a few moments. Marcus had waited patiently; he knew better than to disturb Harry when he was immersed in his thoughts. Finally, Harry had nodded and said.

"Very well, if it is possible to establish a Court take care of it and tell me tomorrow morning before breakfast. If it's not possible, don't worry. One way or another they will follow my rules, this way would simply be the fastest. However I want you to make it clear that I want no one else to join the Court, at least for now. You and Theo were the first, and I'm still trying to see what use Malfoy and Zabini have. It's enough for now."

Having his orders, Marcus lost no time in following them. As soon as they had entered the common room he'd immediately started to see if the number of students were enough.

From first to forth year, the students hadn't understood what he was doing, however from fifth year and up realized almost instantly. That hadn't surprised Marcus, every Slytherin student would be informed about the court when they entered their fifth year, it was a tradition. Besides, nobody had believed that a younger student would have been able to do it.

Some of them where quite shocked when they found out, they couldn't believe it was possible, while others felt their respect for Harry grow.

By the end of the night Marcus hadn't been able to contain his smile.

They had a Court.

So Marcus thought that he was justified in feeling proud. Proud for having contributed, proud for being a part of it, and above all proud because Harry had looked at him, smiled, and said.

"Well done, very well done."


Harry was lying in his bed trying to sleep but he simply couldn't. He had too many things to think about, so he tossed and turned but sleep wouldn't claim him.

The next day they would be leaving Hogwarts, he couldn't even say that he would be going home. Hogwarts was more his home than that orphanage ever was. However that didn't change the fact that they would be leaving.

Not wanting to linger on depressing thoughts Harry let his mind drift to the end of the school year.

He was quite happy with what had happened during the time he'd been at Hogwarts. True, it wasn't what he'd planned, but he couldn't say he wasn't pleased with the results, especially the Court.

He hadn't done much with it yet but the simple fact that there was a Court made things much easier. He would get daily information about what was going on in Slytherin house and Hogwarts in general. The information he got from Slytherin helped him to see who could be useful or who could cause problems in the future. He had quite liked the intelligence network and he had some things in mind about how it could be used and improved, though first he had to see if he would be able to do the things he had planned for the summer break.

The Court also made it easier to have Slytherins follow his orders, considering that the Court was established only a suicidal imbecile would go directly against them. Though he wasn't an idiot, he didn't go around lording it over them, he generally let them be, they could do as they wished, he had just three rules that should be followed no matter what and he made it perfectly clear that they would not like the consequences of not following those simple, reasonable rules.

The first one was not to spread their pureblood beliefs outside the common room. Inside the safety of Slytherin house they could spout anything they wanted, they would just have to deal with the consequences if he heard them, but outside the house they would behave as the perfect gentlemen and ladies, and Merlin help them if they even thought the word mudblood outside the common room.

Only the four in his Court knew why that rule was implemented and Marcus still got a little malicious smirk when he remembered what Harry was planning, Harry found it quite amusing, the first time he had told them part of what he was planning he had half expected Marcus to start cackling.

The second one was; don't bully, and if you do be Slytherin about it and don't get caught. Harry didn't give a shit about the students, however he had plans, plans that wouldn't work if everyone thought that Slytherins were evil. Harry had bluntly told them that if they wanted to bully a little first year so that they could feel all big and powerful then they should at least glamor their robes and faces so that they wouldn't get caught, they were Slytherins after all, they should use their supposed cunning.

The third rule was the easiest to follow in Harry's opinion, choose one student from every year and only that student would be talking with those in the Court unless the members of the Court talked to them first.

That was a rule that they had all agreed was needed after the first few days. Those in the Court would be practically chased around all day by students who wanted to be close to the members of the Court and maybe get a chance to join. It was exhausting and Harry had had to be restrained more than once so he wouldn't maim one of the cretins. However after the rule was implemented, and Harry having sent a seventh year student to the Infirmary with both arms broken in three places after he had ignored the rule, everyone followed it. Though he had to admit that it could also be related to the quite sadistic smiles that graced the faces of the members of the Court when they looked at the bleeding boy on the floor without moving a finger to help him while he screamed.

His little snakes were such sadists Harry thought with a fond smile.

All in all he was really pleased with the outcome.

Another thing that had pleased him were Draco and Blaise. After that first encounter in the library the both of them changed a little, they became more studious. They truly appeared to have taken what he told them to heart, especially the part about earning their place. When they found out about the Court both had wanted to prove that they deserved to be a part of it, that they deserved the place Harry had given them.

The effort they put into studying was rewarded, Theo as well as Draco and Blaise were all in the top five in their exams, first place going to Harry in all subjects. The other three fought for the second, third and fourth places amongst themselves. Occasionally the Granger girl would get third or fourth place but in general the first places belonged to them.

Speaking of exams, on the day of the last exam Harry woke up and on his bedside table was a book with a little note. He could still perfectly remember what was written on it.

'Dear Harry,

I can't express how interesting this year was for me, mostly thanks to you.

Consider this a little gift showing my appreciation.

It is a set of ten books, they're the second volume of the set of ten you already have.

If you read and understand all the books of the previous set, which I have no doubt you will be able to do, then you will have no difficulty in ending the enchantment that has compressed the ten books into one. Consider it a test of your skills if you will.

I can hardly wait to see what you will be able to do in a few years.



That same day at dinner time they were informed that professor Quirrell had gone missing. That led Harry to suspect, again, that Quirrell and T.M.R. were somehow connected, maybe they were even the same person, but he had no way of verifying it. So, although he was quite curious to know what had happened to Quirrell and who T.M.R. was, he tried not to think about it. After all he had no leads and he didn't think he would be able to find anything. Maybe he would look into it next year, or the year after that, it could be his little pet project or something like that.

Thinking about T.M.R.'s note Harry finally fell asleep, exhaustion having finally caught up with him.


Here is another chapter . It took me some time to post it as my Wi-Fi was lagging and I was unable to post it. But now as my Wi-Fi is ok I have just posted it. I have been a little busy with my school. I an thinking that I will create a updating schedule and notify you all about it.

Thanks, hope you like it. 

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