Hers For Eternity

By JijiRich

17 4 2

"Well isn't life full of surprises damn near didn't see that coming." Raila Smith who moved from her hometown... More

Chapter 2

Chapter 1

9 2 0
By JijiRich

Life is filled with many surprises but it's up to you however you choose to overcome it. Everyone copes with their problems differently, at least that's what I'm told.

Well isn't life full of mysteries Quite frankly too much for my taste. Too many twists and turns is that really what life is about...

Fuck this bullshit. I'm not telling my story and having some motivational introduction.

Now let's start at the beginning. The day everything began and ruined my freaking life. Trust me I'm trying to make this family friendly. So if you feel uncomfortable with swearing, trauma, sexual activities etc. Please don't continue further.

Cause trust me there will be a lot of those. But first you gotta get through the rough part. Now back to my story.

Where it all began that's what I said right I'm not sure let's roll with that.

4 years ago

Solana:  "Come on, wake up, or we'll be late for the flight." She shuts off the alarm and pulls my cover off. It's way too early and cold for this

Raila: "Noooooo I don't wanna do I have to."

Solana: "Get up, you said this five minutes ago, come on or we will really be late." she says, still pulling my covers.

Raila: "Is that really a bad thing?" No seriously is that really a bad thing.

She shoots me a glare.

Raila: "Ok Ok I get it I'm up happy." I say pulling my covers back. It was a purple one, you know the one with the flowers. This isn't even important, never mind.

The reason why we're getting on a plane is because our parents just recently died in an accident. Or so they say such little details. I feel like they're hiding something. But who knows "I'm just 18 years old." I'm tired of hearing that one line.

We've decided to move. It was the best choice. Since we can't afford this house anyways. I don't want to, but wherever my sister goes I go no matter what. She's all I have left.

Raila: "I'm done packing you ready." I just finished packing my bag. I head downstairs and wait for solana. Seeing the empty house no couch. Even my mothers favorite rug. No one could mess up her rug.

I really miss her and dad. He would always watch the morning news on the tv. Me and my sister would see him nodding off. It was hilarious. But now I'll never see them again.

Solana: "I'm ready let's go..." she said coming down the stairs she paused for a minute before staring at me.

Raila: "What." I look at her confused, she looks at me up and down.

Solana: "What in the world are you wearing Raila? Are you wearing pajamas." She bursts into laughter.

Raila: "I don't see what's wrong with what I'm wearing I'm comfy aren't I." No seriously I'm actually pretty comfy it's just the airport not a fashion show. No hate to the people who do look like they're going to a fashion show. Their looks are always on point. But not gonna lie I did forget to change.

I did do my hair though I have no clue how I could possibly forget to change. But I'll never admit that or I'll never hear the end of it.

Solana: "Oh my." She really can't stop laughing. Is it that funny at this point she's on the ground? Kicking her feet up in the air.

I cross my arms. "Are you done now?"

Solana: "I'm sorry, well then let's go we are gonna be so late." She's not sorry at all. I could still see her laughing all the way to the car.

We arrived at the airport. Thank god I can't stand her singing. I love her but jeez.

We grabbed our luggage and made our way to the line. Why are airport lines so freaking long? No seriously and they always somehow have one or two people at the check in.

So ridiculous anyways we get through the check in finally after half an hour. Our flight doesn't leave till 10am. It's currently 8am so we're just currently waiting.

I don't particularly like planes. Every time I go on one I just sleep through the entire thing but I can tell it'll be hard this time around.

After a while we boarded the plane. At least I got the window seat. It makes this flight a whole lot easier. My sister is in the seat behind me. Apparently the seat next to me is occupied so I'm alone.

Raila: "Solana I'm bored...Solana." I get up unbuckling my seatbelt and turn around and there she is asleep . How is she asleep already? We just sat down.

I decided to read a book to pass on some time. After a while the plane finally took off.
I feel terrible, my stomach hurts and feels uncomfortable. This happens every time I'm on a plane and it takes off.

I rested my head on the window and drifted off to sleep.
I opened my eyes slowly to see a blanket covered over me. I thought my sister did it so I closed my eyes again and rested my head on her shoulder. . .


Author's Note

Hi :) everyone or to anyone who actually gave it a try 😁😅.
I have absolutely no clue which direction this story is going to go in.
I'm just having fun while writing.
I hope you enjoy my story and have fun😁 :)

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