Findind myself

De maverickcrew

76 10 15

~ Mais

Chapter 2.

Chapter 1.

52 7 14
De maverickcrew

"It's just a bad day, not a bad life"
(Louis tomlinson)

Fuck. I said under my breath as I feel my head pounding while driving back to my home.

It was late, I was returning from a party in my brothers beat up car. Which is unsafe for a 16 year old girl as many people think but I don't think so.

Mom wouldn't be pleased.

She might try to ground me for a solid two weeks for this shit I pulled.

Even if she didn't catch me Ash would definitely snitch on me. Should've thought of it before disappearing with his car.

I should probably be ready with a good ass excuse for this shit.

Mom, it was emergency!

Nah, she wouldn't believe that again.

A friend of mine was in need of my help!

Poof, even I wouldn't believe that.

When have I even spared a glance to that bunch of idiot hormonal teenagers to even consider the term 'friend' to them.

She would straight up catch me.

God, my head is going to split in two!!!!

Arghhhh, fuck it. I will just figure it out when I face her.

I park the car in the driveway of our house as quietly as I could.

As I try to stumble my way through the front door, I notice something unusual.

A bunch of fancy cars on the road. Blocking the way for passerby cars. But because it being night time there wasn't any traffic.

I analysed it closely.

Whose could it be? Why they are here at this hour?

I checked my watch. 4 in the morning.......


I left it and turned back to my destination. Now i have to the quietest I can be.

I fiddled with the key and opened the door which damn have to make the creek sound.

We had a small house with wooden floor, so when I put my first step it has to be fucking make a sound.


"Ellie, is that you baby?" Came a bit weak and low voice.

My heart races a little.

Mom was awake the whole night. She must have been worried the whole night but why I don't have any text massages and calls from her. I remember checking but there was nothing.


I took a deep breath to embrace myself for whatever is going to happen and shake my head a bit to appear a bit sober and get rid of this splitting ache in my head.

I took small steps towards our kitchen connected living room keeping my head a bit low because of not being ready to face the disappointing look from Mom.

My eyes were casted downwards.

"Mom, I......."I started as a whisper but stopped as soon as i felt other persons presence in the room.

I lifted my gaze but kept my head hanging low.

There were two people sitting on the couch looking out of the place for our cozy living room.

The crisp tailored suit, and the elegant dress wasn't gone unnoticed by me nor was my state was gone unnoticed by them.

"Ellie, baby, have a seat...." Mom voice came out weak as if she has been crying the whole time.

Standing straight I kept my mouth shut, my lips in thin line, my head held up high, observing them.

The lady was watching me with glassy eyes whereas the man was a whole differ story, he was looking void of any emotions but his eyes shows something. Something I couldn't pinpoint.

Who are they?

Why am I having a bad feeling in my stomach which is definitely not from the liquor I had.


I was seated on the single couch with my head and eyes casted downward on my coffee mug which was hande by Ash who is standing beside where mom is sitting and comforting her with a hand on her shoulder.

Mom's hiccups could be heard. I know she is trying her best to be quiet but can't.

And after gathering all the thing I heard from them is I am supposed to be the daughter of the lady and the man is my eldest brother, we are blood related and they want me back to my 'real home'. Their words not mine.

Infact, I haven't uttered a single world from the movement I saw them.

The lady who is supposed to be my 'birth mother' was also a bit emotional while explaining and shed few tears but the man confronted her. I just nodded my head when necessary.

"It's about time you start packing, we have to leave and fetch someone else before our flight back." My 'elder brother' informed.

I snap my head up, Sucked my teeth, looked at mom's state then glanced at the car keys, the windows were open. Just the right time.

I looked at Ash. He sensed my plan as he was well aware of me and smirked.

Ash is 2 years elder than me. He was the typical golden boy with brown dyed hair, and green eyes.

"Positive?" I asked him in sign language.

It was something our father taught us because he was a cop and believed it would help us in situations if we are stucked which is I am so much thankful of right now. He always made us learn something useful.

I miss you Dad.

"Positive." As soon as he replied I was out like a bolt, I grabbed the keys in process and jumped out of the window in seconds.

It all happened so fast.

They must have been shocked because after a movement when I started my engine I could hear the loud voices.

It must sucks to be slow.

I speed down the street as fast as I could by pressing the gas paddle all the way down.

I checked but no one was following.

Finally alone.

And this is when I let my mind wander. More and more. Which immediately increased my headache.

I drove quiet far from house bit feom the looks of all those fancy cars I remember I am sure they would find me, but that could give me some time to think peacefully.

That's what I am in need of

To think.

I stopped at a gas station to fill up and grabbed some water and sandwiches, a pack of cigarettes which would be enough to survive till morning.

Found a motel quickly and bought the room for a day, it was easy with the fake id and nobody really cared as long as I payed.

I had some cash stacked up in ghe car thanks to Ash.

I layed on the bed closed the lights and started thinking how everything went till now.

Dad was a cop and was shot in a hit and run case, he would always teach me and Ash new things. He never let us slack but not pressing us for anything. He would be always there for dinner. Would sometimes bring flowers for me and mom. Scold Ash whenever we had cat fights to be a gentleman to me.

He was perfect Dad anyone could ask for.

I was always the daddy's girl type. So when he passed away I took it hard. Kept myself pushing through things. Trying to be there for mom and Ash.

And I know they too tried. Hard.

But we all changed in our own ways and lifestyle.

We live in georgia in a small house enough for our family.

Ash and I knew from the start that we were adopted. As Dad always thought that secrets tore families apart but he never liked to bring up the fact that we weren't his own child.

Mom and Dad always loved us as like their own. Ash was originally from mexico. They found him while donating there and found he was orphan so they adopted him.

Anybody could say that Ash and I weren't siblings. Because as normal his appearance is mine is opposite.

I have platinam blone hair that reach my midlle back and pale white skin. And my eyes were dusty grey.

My 'elder brother' too had this dusty grey but the 'mother' has the green one. Which means my biological father must have this eyes.

But they both didn't match my appearance just some features here and there.

Ash would always nickname me the 'snow queen.'

I laughed at the memory.

He would always say that to get me worked up.

In middlie school to I used to get bullied for my appearance but as soon as Ash found he took care of it that no one would dare to bully me.

I guess that what any big brother would do.

In high school too I used to get shit about it but till then Dad taught me how go stand up for myself. No body dared to cross me but they would always whisper.

'God, she looks dead.'

'Is she a zombie?'

'Is she contagious'

'People like her should be dead for better'

Never really cared about what the others had to say. From the start I was the quiet, laid back child who loves to keep herself didn't want to interfere in others business nor wanted someone to interfere in her's.

Dad and Mom always use to say I was quiet mature for my age.

I am a girl of few words definitely.

And about the drama earlier, I honestly don't know what to think about it. I never really thought about my real family. Never really had to. But I always use to think 'is there someone out there who looks like me?'

My appearance always intrigued people.

I don't know about them. They claim to be my family and they have official documents too. But I know one thing that all I know is I have a family for which I am ready to kill or get killed. I don't care blood or not.

And also I know that soon I have to bid them farewell. Which is going to be hard on them, especially mom but I am always there for them just away from them.

I smoke for a bit, then I was out like a light. Hangover is taking a toll on me.


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