Beneath Us

By Slugzilla

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⚠️Warnings⚠️ This ff includes- Abuse⚠️ blood and injuries⚠️ Self harm⚠️ mentions/thoughts of suicide⚠️ Homop... More

Chapter 1- Fucking Prick
Chapter 2- This Can't Be Good
Chapter 3- what..?
Chapter 4- Hey, what happened?
Chapter 6- Or just gay
Chapter 7- Im late!
Chapter 8- i jinxed it.
Chapter 9- 'Heya Hotshot'
Chapter 10- 'Say less'
holy shit

Chapter 5- Must Have Burnt Whoever It Touched

1.2K 21 8
By Slugzilla

Craig's POV- at the bus stop
"Hey is that Kenny?" Stan questioned. Surely not right? He hadn't been in school for about two weeks and now he's mysteriously back?
I kept my thoughts to myself, as usual and stayed quiet.

"Nah, can't be him. He was too much of a pussy to come back to school for two whole weeks, why would he come back now?" Fatass answered.

"If it is him, I don't think he's too much of a pussy Cartman. I think something might of happened." Kyle said, the look of concern leaking onto his face.

"Like what? He got around over a couple times by some taller kids?" He snickered.

"I mean, that would make sense. Have you seen the height of him? Jesus I don't know how he does it man. Also that's like, definitely him, he has the coat and everything. He's even got the height dude" Kyle half-shouted.

We got closer and every one of us realised that it really was him. Kenny fucking McCormick. God how good it felt to see him, well, the back of his orange Parker. But still him. "Kenny!" Kyle shouted.

"Where have you been man! You just disappeared!" Kenny turned to look at us and, when I say we were gobsmacked, I mean really gobsmacked.

The kid had a face full of dark bruises and barely cleaned up wounds and scars. He looked like he'd been round the world and back by foot!

He was just staring at me, blankly. Not saying a word. Instead, his sister answered my question.

Surprisingly, Cartman stayed quiet as hell when we were talking to Kenny. Strange. We got on the bus and sat in our regular seats.

I tapped Kenny on the shoulder, "hey, what happened?"

Kenny turned towards me with a look of pure innocence and confusion. Damn, he's so adorable - no homo.

"What do you mean Tucker?" He said.
"Well, last time I saw you, you we're worrying
about being late to get home. You were nearly hyperventilating dude. Then you sprinted home and we're never to be seen again. That's a bit suspish if you ask me" I argued

"Karen told you and the guys you moron"
He looked worried. "Yeah but she said you lied about it. Plus her points were true. How would you get home? Can you just tell me McCormick." I said, sounding annoyed.

"Dude, nothing happened okay? I got beat up outside of school. Just drop it. It's not some Netflix documentary" he said.

"But your sister said you were inside of school when it happened" I poked at him.

He paused.
"Yeah well she wasn't there was she"

The bus then stopped and everyone moaned and groaned as for another shitty day of school. Normally, I would react the same way but today I am determined to find out what happened to the little fucker.

Kenny's POV

I got off the bus as quickly as I could, trying to hold off anymore questions that Fucker had for me. God, why is he so nosey? He's never normally like this. He normally keeps to himself and stays quiet.

I have to admit though, when he was talking to me, I felt shivers down my spine. His deep monotone voice with a hint of concern impaled into my stomach.  Why does he do this to me?

I walked into school, scanning to find fatass and the group. They came up behind me and scared me shitless instead.

We were chatting, when I saw Tweek, Jimmy and the others, but no Craig. I didn't really look into it and turned back to my friends who had been shouting my name for the past five minuets.

"Who are you trying to find, Kenneth? Your boyfriend Butters?" Eric sneered, laughing at himself. Kyle and Stan gave him a look saying 'shut up' internally.

"Sooooo, Kenneth. What were you doing while you where off? Because if you really where unconscious that whole time, then your a big pussy" he went at it, again.

"Oh shut up you big whale. You weren't saying that when I kicked your ass last month fatass. Just shut your big fat pie-hole for once in your damn life man." Kenny yelled.

Eric was surprised, but he just rolled his eyes and muttered "sorry, Kenneth" sarcastically under his smothering breath.

Time-skip to first break

The bell went and everyone got up out of their seats and left for break. All of my friend just gathered round and eat chocolate bars, chips ect. I (couldn't) didn't eat so I evacuated to the toilets for a smoke.

When I got in there, Craig was standing with his back against the wall, hands in his Jean pockets with a smoke in his mouth. I seen the packet of cigarettes just topping over his Jean pockets, with none left inside them.

I decided I didn't have my smokes today.
"Got any smokes Tucker?" I asked, internally grinning. "None left McCormick, go beg someone else"

"Can't I just use yours?" I said.
"What do you mean, shrimpy?" Craig smirked.

I hated that name, and he knew it. I didn't say anything about it. I didn't want to give him the rise he wanted off me. "The one you've got in your mouth big guy" I said.

"Shrimpy I'm not big, your just tiny, little guy" the taller male said. "Okay I get it just let me have a smoke" I said, trying to not get annoyed.

"Only if you can reach Shrimpy" I walked over and tried to grab the cigarette away from
Craigs mouth, but of course, he moved it away.

Nobody's POV
After a couple of attempts of jumping, he finally got what he wanted and let the nicotine wrap around his lungs.

Kenny, during the battle for the cigarette, had taken his coat off revealing his barely white shirt with blood stains smudged into it and the extra half of his sweat pants that weren't showing. His hair was messy and his eyes looked like the sky. No, scratch that. His eyes made the sky look like a pile of dirt, he may as well of had clouds looming around in those dreamy fuckers.

Craig easily got distracted by Kenny's beauty and would zone out looking him straight in the eyes.

Of course, Kenny noticed. How couldn't he? He didn't say anything because he was secretly doing the same. In fact, he had been doing the same the whole time they were in the bathroom.

Craig was snapped back into existence when he had heard a slight groan of pain. Just a wince, just loud enough for Craig to hear. He looked over to the blonde and saw him with his coat back on, walking out. The cigarette on the floor.

Craig was confused about what happened and shouted to Kenny before he left. "Oi Kenny"
"What?" He said back. "What was that? That- that wince of pain?" He said. "What wince of pain Craig? I didn't hear anything Are you hearing things?"
Kenny lied.

"What? I- no I'm not. Was it you? Why is the cigarette on the floor?"

"I don't know Craig? What is this some sort of reality show?" Kenny said.

Kenny started walking again and paused just before walking out the door.

"Must have burnt whoever it touched"

Hello! It's me. So this is a longer chapter because I've been working on it for a couple of days. If I'm honest, I've only been working on it at about 12.00am when I couldn't sleep so forgive my mistakes. Anyyywaayyy, hope you enjoyed! I'll try to think of how to start the next chapter! <33

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