Back In Time: An Alternate En...

By lovingwhenitrains

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This is an alternate ending to Back In Time What if Aspen Potter decided to stay back in time? What will this... More

I'm Back
A Talk With Lily
It's Been Over a Year Now
Slug Club
The Announcement
Sorted One More Time
First Day As A Slytherin Again


116 5 0
By lovingwhenitrains

 *3rd Person Point of View*

"Hey, see that girl over there?"

"The one with the long black hair and two different colored eyes?"

"Yup. That one. Aspen Wolfe."

"Isn't she in Gryffindor?"

"Yeah, she is."

"What about her?"

"I heard she's dating Sirius Black."

"What? No way!"

"Yes way."

"I thought she was dating that Lupin guy?"

"Nah, you saw the way Black acted around her before the First Years got Sorted. She's totally with Black."

"Yeah, but I've seen her around Lupin. They seem really close."

"Maybe they dated before?"

"Maybe. I thought she was with Potter."

"He's in love with Lily Evans, you know that."

"I know. It doesn't mean that he won't go out with other girls."

"True. Also, he look like he enjoyed seeing her on the first day back."

"Yeah, he did the same thing Black did."

"Maybe she dated all three of them, or, she's dating all three of them at the same time."

"She doesn't look like she would."

"You never know. It's sometimes the person you don't expect."

"I know what you mean. I mean, did you hear what she did to Samantha Simmons last Year?"

"No, what did she do?"

"Beat her to a bloody pulp. I was in the Hospital Wing when Simmons came in. I could barely recognized her, with a lot of blood on her face."

"Oh my God. What she hurt bad?"

"Oh, yeah. She had a broken nose, two broken ribs, bruise stomach, and a concussion."



"Do you know what started the fight?"

"Apparently, Simmons thought that Wolf over there slept with her boyfriend."

"Did she?"

"Nope. Turns out it was actually Simmons best friend who did it."

"Holy shit. So, Simmons wrongly accused Wolfe?"

"She did. From what I heard, Simmons just started screaming at Wolfe, and Wolfe screamed back. At one point, Wolfe screamed at Simmons to stop being a psychotic bitch. That's when Simmons slapped her across the face and then Wolfe attacked her."

One of the people talking whistled.

"What Year is Wolfe in?"

"She's in Sixth."

"So she was in Fifth when she and Simmons fought? But, Simmons was a Seventh Year."

"Yeah, she was. Wolfe's a good fighter. I don't want to ever get into a fight with her."

"Me neither. Did Wolfe ever go to the Hospital Wing?"

"Yeah, about almost an hour later."

"What was wrong with her?"

"Well, she had blood all over her face, but no cuts there. I assumed it was Simmons blood. She did however, had to have Pomfrey fixed her hands. Her right was torn to shreds. Her left was bad too, but not as bad as the right. Some of her knuckles were gone, broken, a finger broken, skin torn off, there were even pieces of wood in her hand. She told Pomfrey that she punched a tree."

"Again, holy shit."

"Yeah. I expect after she and Simmons fought, she was still pissed, she went to the Forest to punch some trees. Did a lot of damage. She must have punched them for a long time, and hard to."

"Are you three talking about Wolfe over there?" Someone asked, walking over to the others who were talking.

"Yeah, talking about her fight with Samantha Simmons."

The new person shuddered. "That was a terrible fight, happened in Gryffindor Common Room. I was there when it happened."


"Really. It was awful. Simmons only got a slap in. Wolfe practically beat her into a pulp. Though, Simmons did pull Wolfe's hair. Wolfe punched her in the side of her head to make her let go."

"That must have been what made Simmons get a concussion."

"She got a concussion? Damn. Wolfe must have punched really hard."

"What happened next?"

"Well, the fight went on for a little longer. Wolfe finally stopped when Simmons practically screamed for her to stop. Wolfe got off, but bent her head to Simmons ear. Said something, by the look on Simmons face, it was bad. Then, once Wolfe leaned up, she looked at everyone and asked if anyone else had a problem with her, practically growled it. No one said anything, she growled a 'good' before storming out of the Common Room."

"Damn." They all shook their heads.

"Then, Black and Lupin followed her out."

"Oh, yeah, Black and Lupin came with her when she came to the Hospital Wing."

"Hey, you're in Gryffindor, do you know if Wolfe is dating Black, Potter, or Lupin?"

"I can't tell you because I have no idea. She's always hanging around those boys. All the time. Never leaves their side. Except for a bit, when she hangs out with the girls in her Dorm, but it's mostly with the boys. She even hangs out with them in their Dorm."


"Really. Most of the time that the boys come out, she's right behind them. I've also seen her just walk in, doesn't even knock, just walks right in."

"I still think she's with Black. The way he yelled her name and picked her up before the Welcoming Feast..."

"Yeah, but Potter did the same thing."

"I saw that too. Maybe she's into both, but, she's the same way with Lupin. Always around him. Always sits next to him."

"Then maybe it is Lupin."

"Maybe." The other three chorused.

The small group turned their heads to look at Aspen Wolfe. She was just about to walk into the Great Hall for breakfast.

"Aspen! Wait up!" A voice called. Wolfe turned around and smiled. The group turned their heads and saw Sirius Black and Remus Lupin walking down the stairs.

"Hey, boys." Wolfe said, as the two boys caught up. "Where's James and Peter?"

"Still sleeping." Lupin answered.

Wolfe rolled here eyes and shook her head. "I'm surprised you're up, Sirius. You usually sleep in for a long time on Saturdays."

"Yeah, well, I thought of getting up early today." Black answered.

Wolfe hummed, stealing a quick look at Lupin. "I see." She then leaned her head to Black's, whispering in his ear. He immediately blushed. Wolfe smirked, bit her lip, and chuckled.

"It's so easy to make you blush." She nudged Black's shoulder.

"Shut up." Black mumbled.

Wolfe through her arm over Black's shoulder. "You know I'm just teasing ya." She smirked again. Black just glared at her.

She threw her other arm over Lupin. "Come on my boys. Let's go get some breakfast. Now. I'm hungry." And with that, she led them into the Great Hall and to the Gryffindor Table.

"Yeah. I still don't know who she's with. Maybe one, maybe both."

"Come on, let's get to breakfast as well."

*Aspen's Point of View*

I was walking through the corridors. On my way to the Great Hall. For breakfast. As I was almost there. I tripped. Looking down. I noticed that my shoe laces were undone. Sighing. I bent down to tie them. As I was tying them. I felt eyes on the back of my head. I looked up and to the left of me. I noticed three Ravenclaw Fifth Year girls were looking at me. I frowned. But. Pretended like I didn't notice. I went back tying my laces. But. I kept watching them out of the corner of my eye. They were talking with each other. Every now and then. Looking at me. Weird. Why were they doing that?

I stood up. And started making my way to the Great Hall again. I was hungry. I still felt their eyes on me. I turned my head ever so slightly. So that I could keep an eye on them. One of them whistled. Why? I looked behind me. And I now saw that a Gryffindor Fourth Year boy was with them. The Ravenclaws looked at him. And he joined the conversation. What was going on?

I still made my way down. It bothered me. That they were staring and whispering. I wanted to know what they were saying. Were they saying anything about me? I didn't know. But I wish I did.

I was almost to the door of the Great Hall.

"Aspen! Wait up!" I heard someone call. I turned around. And smiled. It was Remus and Sirius. Just now walking down the stairs. I started walking my way up to them. I noticed that the Ravenclaws and the Gryffindor were close to them.

"Hey boys." I said. Once I caught up with them. "Where's James and Peter?"

"Still sleeping." Remus answered.

I rolled my eyes. And shook my head. They're always sleeping in late. I looked at Sirius. Usually he's sleeping in too.

"I'm surprised you're up, Sirius. You usually sleep in for a long time on Saturdays."

"Yeah, well, I thought of getting up early today." Sirius answered.

I smirked. Looking quickly at Remus. "I see." I leaned over to Sirius and whispered in his ear. "Having an early morning snog with Remus I bet."

I pulled back. Smirked. And bit my lip. Sirius was very red. I chuckled.

"It's so easy to make you blush." I nudged his shoulder with mine.

"Shut up." Sirius mumbled. But. He was still blushing like mad.

I chuckled. Throwing my arm over his shoulder. "You know I'm just teasing ya." I smirked. Sirius just glared at me. Still blushing.

I threw my other arm over Remus. Who had been still this whole time. "Come on my boys. Let's go get some breakfast. Now. I'm hungry." I led them into the Great Hall. And to the Gryffindor Table. Once there. I removed my arms from the boys and looked around.

I noticed that group form earlier still staring at me. As they walked in. They departed ways once they past the Ravenclaw Table. I frowned.

"You alright, Aspen?" Remus asked.

I looked at him. "Yeah. It's just that. As I was walking over here. You see those Ravenclaw girls who just sat down? Next to Lockhart?" Remus nodded. "Well. They were staring at me. And whispering. It was weird. And then. That Gryffindor over there. The one with the blonde hair. He joined them. And did the same thing the girls were doing before. It's just creepy. I think they might have been talking about me."

"Whose talking about you?" I heard a voice say. I looked across the Table. There was James.

"Finally decided to wake up?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Shut up. Now who is talking about you?"

"Those three Ravenclaw girls next to Lockhart. And that Gryffindor boy with the blonde hair. I don't know if they were actually talking about me. But I think they were."

"Want me to go over there and ask them?" James asked. Raising an eyebrow.

"No. Don't do that."

"I want to. No one talks about my sister like that."

I rolled my eyes. "Sister?"

"Yes. I have never mentioned this before, but I think of you like a sister to me."

I smiled. "Well. I think of you as a brother to me."

He grinned. "Hey, if you want to sneak up on them, if you see them together, I know a way you can do that. Without being seen." He smirked.

I raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? And how will I be able to do that?" I asked. Not like I didn't know the answer already. Invisibility Cloak.

"With this." James leaned forward. I felt something brush against my legs. I put my hand underneath the Table. I felt the fabric of the Cloak. And took from James's hands.

I looked down at the Cloak in my lap. "Invisibility Cloak?"

"Yup. It's how we do our pranks in the middle of the night, so we don't get caught." James smiled. I saw Sirius smile as well.

I smirked. "Thank you. I think I will use this."

"You're welcome."


After breakfast. I left the Great Hall. When I got out of there. I slipped into one of the little nooks behind the marbled pillars. And threw the Cloak over my head. I stepped out from behind where I was hiding. And kept my eye on the entrance to the Great Hall. Waiting for the Ravenclaws and the Gryffindor. To come out.

Turns out. I didn't have to wait long. About a minute of me waiting. I saw them come out. And practically ran to an empty corridor. I followed. Their footsteps covered mine. So they couldn't here me.

"So, back to what we were talking about earlier." One of the Ravenclaw girls said. "I still think it's Lupin."

"Well I think it's still Black." Another girl said.

"What are they talking about? What about Remus and Sirius?" I thought.

"Why do you think it's Black?" The boy asked.

"You saw the way he blushed when she whispered in his ear. She also kept looking at him during breakfast." The second girl said.

"She did the same thing with Lupin. She kept looking at him too. Even more than Black."

"She also smirked at both of them. Including Potter." The third girl said.

"What the fuck is going on?" I thought. I was very confused.

"She always does that. Even in the Common Room. She's always smirking at them. Mostly at Lupin and Black." The boy replied.

"I think we can rule out Potter. She clearly pays more attention to Black and Lupin." That was the first girl.

"I think we can too." The rest all nodded their heads.

"So, either Wolfe is dating Lupin or Black or both." The other's nodded.

Wait? What!? They think I'm dating Remus and or Sirius? And James? What the fuck!?

"Anything else about her? She's a mysterious person. The way she just showed up last Year."

"She was home-schooled. You heard Professor Dumbledore."

"True. Still, she's still a mystery."

"Maybe. Anything-"

"What are you four doing here?" A new voice called.

I turned around. I saw a Hufflepuff Prefect walking up to them.

"Um, we were just talking. We didn't want to be disturbed." One of the Ravenclaw girls said.

"What about?" The Prefect said.

I looked at the Ravenclaws and the Gryffindor. Would they really say something? They all looked at each other.

The Gryffindor looked at the Prefect. "Do you a Gryffindor by the name of Aspen Wolfe?"

"Yeah, she's in my Year." The Hufflepuff did look familiar. I think I've seen him in Herbology.

The Gryffindor smiled. "Well, we were discussing whether or not she was dating Sirius Black or Remus Lupin or maybe even James Potter."

The Hufflepuff's eyes widened. Then he smirked. "She's dating one of them?"

"Yeah, we think so. The way she acts around them, she might be."

"Well, I have noticed those things, but I don't know either, but I have a plan that might work for that." The Hufflepuff smirked. So did the other kids.

My eyes widened. Nope. I was not going to stick around for this. I don't want to hear it. Nope. Bye.

And so. I quickly walked back down the corridor. And back to the Great Hall. Shaking my head the whole time.

They thought I was dating Remus or Sirius or James. I thought James was off the table. I guess he was back on. I did not like this. I don't like them like that.

"You did think they were all really good looking when you first met them." A voice in the back of my head.

"Yeah, but I quickly got over that. I don't think about them like that anymore." I thought back. I shuddered.

I turned the corner that led to the Great Hall. And would you know. There were the boys. Just walking out right now. No one else was in sight. So. I flung off the Cloak and rushed over to them.

James was the first to spot me. "Hey, did you find them?"

I handed him the Cloak. "Oh. Yeah. I did."

"Why do you seem so... I don't know how to put it." Sirius said.

"Oh. I know what you mean. I have no idea how I feel about what I just over heard either."

"What did you hear?" Remus asked.

"Oh. You know. Nothing important. Totally not the fact that they think I'm dating either James, Sirius, or you Remus. Totally not that." I answered. Sarcastically.

All of them widened their eyes.

"What?" James asked.

I turned to him. "Yeah. They apparently think that I'm dating one of you three. Although. James. They don't really think it's you. Because of the whole Lily situation. But. You're still kinda there a bit. It's mostly down to Remus and Sirius. They even went as far as saying that I'm dating both Remus and Sirius." I paused. "I'm freaking out."

"I would too." James asked.

I turned to Remus and Sirius. "Just to be clear. I don't that way about you two. I only love you like you are my brothers. No romantic feelings at all."

"And I at least don't feel those types of feelings towards you as well. You are like a sister to me." Sirius said.

"Yeah, me too." Remus replied. "I mean. I did think you were pretty when I first saw you, but then after a couple of minutes, I realized I only liked you as a friend." He added.

I raised an eyebrow. "You know what? Now that we're being honest here. I would just like to say. That when I first saw the three of you. I thought you were all really good looking. Like a lot. But. After talking with ya'll. I realized I just liked you as friends as well. And now like brothers." I admitted.

"Really?" Sirius asked.

"Really." I echoed.

"Cool." He paused. Smirking. "So? Which one of us do you think is hotter?"

James grinned. "I would like to know this as well."

I glared at them. "I am not saying that." I paused. "But. Because you two just did that. I'm going with Remus."

Sirius put his hand over his chest. I think he meant his heart. But. He put his hand on the wrong side. "I feel betrayed. How could you do this? I am honestly more attractive than both Remus and James combined. How could you?"

I laughed. "Because I can. And. You're heart is on the other side." I moved his hand to where his heart was. He looked away. Smiling. "Well. Now that this has happened. Let's go. Before I go back there and yell at a few kids."


It was now lunch time. We were all in the Great Hall. Eating lunch. I was bouncing my leg up and down. You want to know why? Because almost everyone was glancing at me. Every few seconds. I hated it. I really did. It made me uncomfortable.

Apparently. Those kids. Went around telling people. That I was dating one of my close friends. And which one's they thought they were. I heard it was the Hufflepuff's idea. Now. Almost everyone was talking about it. Adding their ideas. And things. It was very annoying. And I hated it.

"You alright?" James asked.

I glared at him. "Does it look like I'm alright? The fucking bloody school is talking about me. And who I'm supposedly dating. So, no. I am not alright."

"Ok. Chill. I can fix some of this."

"How? What could James Potter possibly do to fix this?" I snapped.

He smirked. "Something I haven't done in awhile." He slowly got out of his chair.

"James? What are you going to do?" I asked. Warily. He just smirked. Climbing on top of his chair. I looked at Remus. He just stared. I saw that Sirius was trying not to laugh. This can't be good.

"Can I have everybody's attention?" James called out. Everyone stopped talking. And looked at James. "Thank you!. Now, this is something I have not done in awhile, but I'm doing it now! Every Year I have done this! And it now time!" James turned to Lily. "LILY EVANS! SINCE FIRST YEAR, I HAVE MADE A PROMISE TO MYSELF, THAT BY THE END OF OUR HOGWARTS EDUCATION! THAT I WOULD GET YOU TO FALL IN LOVE WITH ME! SO, WITH THAT BEING SAID, MY LILY FLOWER! I MUST KNOW HOW DEEPLY AND TRULY YOU LOVE ME! DON'T BE AFRAID TO ANNOUNCE IT! WE ALL KNOW YOU LOVE ME!"

Lily rolled her eyes. "You're fly is down." Was all she said. Ok. That was a weird thing to say. We were all silent. Then. Lily stood up. Grabbed a few pieces of some food. And left the Great Hall.


"NO IT DOES NOT!" Lily yelled back.

James frowned. But turned back to the rest of the school. "I still declare that Lily Evans will fall in love with me by the end of my Seventh Year! I will only love her and no one else! I have never dated anyone nor will I date anyone besides Lily Evans! I just wanted to put that out there! Thank you!" He finished. Giving a little bow.

"Potter..." I heard Professor McGonagall say. From the staff Table.

"I know, detention!" He called back. Then. He jumped off his seat. Smiling. Before sitting down again.

"How did that help my case now?" I asked. I was very confused.

James grinned. "Because now everyone will talk about what I did and forget about your thing. Problem solved."

"Ok?" I replied. "You do this every Year?"

"Yes he does. It's hilarious to watch." Sirius answered. Laughing.

"Shut up." James shoved Sirius. Before turning to me. "And yes, I do do this every Year. And I will keep doing this until she loves me."

"You know you only have the rest of this Year and next Year to complete your quest? Right?" I said.


"And you think she's going to fall for you in that time frame?"

"Yes, yes I do." James grinned.

I grinned. But. Shook my head. I knew she fell for him. I wouldn't be here if she didn't. But. It doesn't happen until next Year. That's going to be amazing to watch.


James was right. After his little show. That was all everyone talked about. I heard nothing about the Remus or Sirius thing. Which was nice. I still don't know why it bothered me so much. It really didn't. But. It did. But. Now. I could forget about it. And worry about the other things in my life. That have yet to come out.

A/N: I don't know where this Chapter went. I'm sorry if this sucked.

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