Regency in Diagon Alley [Theo...

Galing kay Y_Allen

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The Regency Era in the Muggle World is not much different from the Magical World when it came to the busy tim... Higit pa

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirth-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven
Chapter Fifty-Eight
Chapter Fifty-Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty-One
Chapter Sixty-Two
Chapter Sixty-Three
Chapter Sixty-Four
Chapter Sixty-Five
Chapter Sixty-Six
Chapter Sixty-Seven
Chapter Sixty-Eight
Chapter Sixty-Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy-One
Chapter Seventy-Two
Chapter Seventy-Three
Chapter Seventy-Four
Chapter Seventy-Five
Thank You!

Chapter Thirty-Four

415 11 9
Galing kay Y_Allen

In a house as big as Nott Manor it was easy avoid someone if they wish to. For days, Carina has avoided Sirius who has been staying in the East Wing of the Manor. Regulus was forced to leave as his presence was needed in Londinium. With the remaining days they were permitted by their duties to remain in the Manor, the Goldsteins and Potters, and Remus tried to coax Carina, to let her see reason and forgive her fathers. But she too managed to avoid them, until the day they were to leave.

A week or less, that was how long the Goldsteins and Potters were gone from their estates, and now they must return, and with them was Remus who too had to return to his search for Pettigrew. Standing outside to of the manor where a carriage was being prepared with the trunks of the families, Carina stood a good distance from Sirius who was present to say goodbye. With him still believing dead, it was apparent that Sirius remained in hiding, and the only logical way to do that was for him to stay in Nott Manor. He would be living in splendor, no doubt, but lonely as Carina refused to dine with him nor be in the same room as him.

Coincidentally, Regulus came to the Manor just in time when the Potters and Goldsteins were to leave. It was to visit

As James, Charity, and Tom said their goodbye to Sirius, Lily approached Carina and brought her to an embrace. "When will you return home?" she asked.

"Who knows," Carina replied. "Considering it's a rat they're looking for; I expect it to be years."

"No doubt you would prefer that, yes?" Carina turned to her sharply, eyes narrow. But Lily did not retreat. "Your parents made me your godmother because they believe that I could balance out Remus' carefree way of raising a child. I take that role as a godmother very seriously, Carina. You're a grown woman now, I have no doubt about that, but please," she turned to a whisper. "Go home. Staying here any longer will only make things worse. There is a man waiting for you in London, Carina, do not do this to him."

"I'm safer here," Carina pressed on.

"What you are is free from public eye, that's what makes it more tempting... you're away from society so you forget who you are and what you are."

Carina was about to argue but as she looked into her godmother's green eyes, she knew... and she did not need to be reminded. She knew but...

There were no buts.

It was the last thing she spoke with her godmother as Lily boarded the carriage and left with the others. They watched as the carriage disappeared into the sky and then beyond the mountains that have kept Clach Dhubh isolated from the rest of the island. Or even the world.

About to return inside the house, Carina paused in mid-step when she saw Sirius about to as well. The man saw her actions, he hesitated, wondering if maybe this could be a chance to finally speak to her but seeing how she stepped back, her eyes cannot meet his, he went inside, head hung low.


"Greyback has not spoken since he came to Thistle Hall," Theodore began. They were gathered in the drawing room to discuss about their "guest" in one of the cells under the Hall. Roman have joined them and has relayed the message to him before that time. "Mostly because his face is still healing from the burns."

Carina did not flinch this time, she remained still in her seat on the couch with Oberon on her lap. The puppy happy with the strokes through his fur. Regulus and Sirius, who sat far away from each other, sighed, their eyes glancing at the young woman from time to time.

"Of course, we don't blame you," Roman added, referring to Carina.

She gave him an incredulous look. "Good to know. What about the other werewolves in his pack?"

Theodore slumped on the single couch, slouching and massaged the bridge of his nose. Since the night of capturing Greyback, he has been taking late nights in attending meetings in Thistle Hall to discuss about the criminal, if his sentence must me passed on by them or by the Ministry, given that it was their own who captured Greyback. It was not the matter of pride, he told them, rather the issue of the sentence given. It was no doubt that the Ministry would simply chuck Greyback in Azkaban, a sentence worse than death if he was asked, while the Lairds require blood, not just from the leader but from the entire pack, who some were forced to join out of fear.

It has been tiring few days and little to no sleep, and no time to shave the stubbles that were about to become a full-beard. Most of the time he manages to rest, he would sneak into Carina's chambers and find some sort of solace in her company. It was not the intimacy of joining bodies he came for, it was just to let someone hear the thoughts that have been running through his mind, to help him sort it out; or to listen to her speak as she too had too many thoughts that she wishes to address; or simply to lie down side-by-side.

Roman, of course, knew of his visits but has not said anything about it. Mostly because their friend was busy with his own job of leading the hunts for the other werewolves that were part of Greybacks' pack.

It was Roman who answered her question, "Those in custody either have no idea or have their lips sealed. Then we came across three werewolves of his pack in the forest. They were waving a white flag and surrendered themselves and asked for sanctuary. They are currently in the cellar of Thistle Hall, waiting for their verdict."

He slouched in the couch next to her, aiding a headache that has been nagging him for days. Seeing his pains, Viktor handed him the potion to help with the headaches and handed a plate of food. Viktor has been staying in Nott Manor since he started a friendship with Ethan and Elias, yesterday when the boys were packing their things, Roman claimed that they were trying to help Viktor sneak into their trunk so he could go with them to Ottery St. Catchpole. Roman picked up the boy before the twins could secure him inside and informed Theodore and the boys' parents. To solve their problem of missing each other, Theodore allowed Viktor to visit them in Catchpole in the weekends.

But with Viktor staying in Nott Manor, he had to work for his keep, much like in the Den. He had chores to do, mostly tailing Roman around and doing his bidding – not too much, just simple jobs that Roman refuses to do, such as taking Oberon and Alcander for a walk outside and cleaning up after them ("I don't recall that being your job," Carina said to him when she saw Viktor walking the two animals; "But he doesn't know that," Roman snorted).

"And the others?" Regulus asked.

"We're still looking," Theodore replied, eyes shut. The bags under them have gone darker, Carina noticed. "And Pettigrew?"

"We're still looking."

"Not surprised, it's harder to find a rat than werewolves. But while we are in the subject of Pettigrew, and all that is related to our current predicament, I have some news to tell." He opened his eyes and sat up. "A few days ago, in fact the day when we saved Black from the pack, I was called by my uncle in Thorn Hall. It was to announce that his grandson – my cousin – is engaged."

Sirius' brows furrowed. "Congratulations?"

"To Delphini Riddle." The two men's brows shot up in shock. "I had someone investigate Riddle that day as well – he managed to get back quickly, actually. She is the legitimized daughter of our very own Lord Thomas Marvolo Riddle, Viscount of Little Hangleton."

"But the Viscount of Little Hangleon is a half-blood – his father was a Muggle, what happened to retaining the purity of blood?"

"And let's not forget the rumors that Riddle was conceived with his father under a powerful love potion." Sirius added. "And we all know how that would end."

"He claims it is out of love," Theodore sighed.

"Maybe it is," Carina countered. Theodore glanced at her way. They were not discussing about this there, not with her fathers present. And she agreed, but that does not mean she won't rule it out. Though she has some small belief that was genuine love, she was not a fool to not think that it was a strategy of theirs to get to them. "Wasn't the Viscount in some sort of conspiracy years ago."

Sirius smirked. "Yes, other than that he is a supporter of Grindelwald, well... there were whispers of people claiming that he was to be the next Chief Warlock."

Theodore leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. "Chief Warlock? But he's only a Viscount, besides there are those who claims that Dumbledore is much closer to that position."

"But Dumbledore is old," Carina said. "Riddle is young."

"By a few years."

"Dumbledore is 120 years old, Riddle is in his mid-seventies, if my math is correct."

"And how old is his daughter, you say?" Regulus asked Theodore. The duke replied that she was in her early twenties. "Riddle would have been in his fifties when she was conceived."

"But with who?" Roman spoke. His eyes still closed.

Viktor, who has been silent since the beginning, spoke, "Maybe I could find out." When the adults turned to him with questioning looks he explained. "I could go to Thorn Hall, do some snooping. Try to find out who the lady's mother is."

Before Theodore to give a harsh "no", Carina beckoned Viktor to her side and told him, "As much as we need your skill in eavesdropping, Viktor, there's one problem. You still don't have a wand."

"Then I should go to Mr. Gregorovitch, he's the best wandmaker here! Then I could help."

"Ollivander would contest to that," Roman mused.

"But you still have no proper magical training," Carina told Viktor, brushing his hair back. "When you're older, when you have completed your magical education."

"But that's seven years too long!"

"Nine!" Theodore corrected him. "Durmstrang has nine years of magical education. Beauxbaton has eight."

"It's too long!"

Carina only smiled with his stubbornness. "Since when does a wizard become skilled in one day? It took Dumbledore years before he was dubbed the Greatest Wizard in the Century. Merlin took decades before he became a legend. And your duke..." she sighed. "He was good." ("Good?" Theodore raised a brow) "But he became the strong wizard that he is now because of years of training and studying, and gloating."

Theodore rolled his eyes at the last part.

"But I want to help to protect you, milady." Viktor pressed on.

"When you're older, you will have a special place in my house as my personal guard." Carina removed the brooch on her coat and pinned it on the boy's shirt. It was a small, unlike the others she had. "That is a promise."

The sight of the brooch was enough for Viktor. After bowing to her, Viktor was told by Roman to show off his badge of honor to the other children in the Den, and like any child given such a medal, he ran to the floo to show it off. Rose made sure that he cried out "Den" and not "Thorn Hall". When he was gone, silence came to the room, until Sirius spoke.

"You're good with him," he said sincerely. "Good with children."

"You only saw me with one child, you can't be sure that I am," she fidgeted with her family ring.

"No. I've seen you with others. During the times I was Snuffles, whenever I would accompany you whenever you do your job of seeing the orphanages under the Emmanuelle Black Foundation... you know how to talk to them... and I am proud of you, truly."

She would be lying if Carina said that she did not feel anything after hearing those words. Regulus was always a man of action than words, and he rarely says that to her, and she has accepted that. But to hear him say it... it was different. Maybe it was the endless wondering if her parents knew what she was doing now, wondering if they would happy to see her, wondering if they would be proud of her...

Clearing her throat, she replied. "The problem with adults is that they forget that they were once children. I see myself in Viktor, and I based on experience, whenever an adult tells me "no", I would the exact opposite."

Theodore and Roman smirked at the list of memories of Carina taking the words "no", "do not", or "impossible" as a challenge than a warning. One in particular was when Snape specifically told her (after a full minute of being bullied by the man) to not add more than one slice of bursting mushrooms. Hermione did warn her, but the girls' anger only got the better of her and she added two slices. The potion exploded in the cauldron. She received a week's worth of detention.

Not all her rebellious acts had good outcomes. Most were just her ending up getting detention with the last professor she wanted it to be with. She once claimed that she would rather spend detention in the Chamber of Secrets than with Snape and the grease of his hair – those were two different things, she said.

"And I think," Sirius continued. "That's what will make you a good duchess."

She frowned at that. To think of the future, of her future brought only a void inside her. Yes, she would have what she wanted – the title she has been working for years now, the title she was raised to have – but she knew with it comes a marriage that has an unrequited love. She could love Cedric, she could learn to love him, but not like Theodore. How could she when she has already given Theodore everything that she has and is.

Not wanting to discuss, Carina decided to continue to the conversation they had before Viktor interrupted. "Can we know who this person you've sent to look at Riddle's history?" she asked Theodore.

"No. He and I had a strict agreement that his identity remains a secret." Theodore pulled up his hand, hands that have always been covered with scars brought by his father's strict education and discipline. "He made me take an Unbreakable Vow to keep his identity secret." He smiled, but it looked a sarcastic one.

"Whoever your contact is, for him to keep it a secret... can you trust him?" Regulus asked.

"With my life? No. But with my secrets, yes – well, selected secrets. Don't worry, he also vowed to never tell anyone of the jobs I had him do but for my heir."

"Who is..." Theodore shrugged and Regulus sighed. "You do know that you need an heir – are you barren, Nott?"

Carina snappily turned to Theodore. Anxious to hear his answer.

"No –" He turned to Roman and Carina who both had wide eyes. "Not that I have any children out of wedlock – but I'm not saying that I'm celibate too –" he choked on his words, it did not help that Carina's gaze were... intensely on him. "I-I have – I did some sort of test with a sample of my – what I mean is that, I know of a way to check if I was infertile, and when I did it I confirmed that I was not – that I am capable of having a child." His face was deep red in embarrassment. "In conclusion, I can have children if I want to."


"I have not found the right match." It took everything not to look at Carina when he said it.

To fill the awkward silence, Roman spoke, "Can you check if I'm infertile?"

Carina bit her lip to stop the grin, but she snorted in amusement; Theodore too couldn't help the chuckle that left his lips. After all, they knew of Roman's secret.

"I would need a sample of your..." Theodore made a gesture that had Carina bark out a laugh, which caught the attention of her fathers. Roman too was laughing in his seat. But her laughter died when she realized something, "What about me? Is there a way to check?"

Worry was in her eyes; everyone could see that. What was the point of her fighting for her position if she can't even have children in the end? If she cannot continue the bloodline. But there was also a good reason for this... if they find out that she is incapable, then Regulus is forced to find another heir... and maybe give her the freedom to be with Theodore without guilt –

But then, they too will not be able to have children of their own...

The poets were right. No one, not even the gods, can have everything.

Regulus leaned forward and took her hand. "You shouldn't worry about such things, Carina."

"But if I was incapable of having children, shouldn't we know sooner? What's the point if I can't," she spat out the word in spite. "Breed a new line of Blacks in the main family?"

"Then it ends with you –"

"Then you choose," Theodore spoke. "Here in Scotland, the families who run the estates, well, here we follow tanistry. We choose amongst our kin who our heir will be. It doesn't have to be the son or the daughter, it can be anyone. Anyone you think will be fit to take your place when you pass."

"Problem is, that's not how it is in the south," said Regulus.

"There are ways to do it, Your Grace... that is if you are willing to stomach it. But bloodline is truly your concern, then maybe it's time you find a wife." Theodore's words were cold, and Regulus did not fail to take what he meant by them. "It is best to prepare for the worse than take drastic measures when it does."

All that Regulus could do was glare at him.

"But" Theodore continued. "If it would ease your mind, my lady, there is a Healer in town that could check. I can set an appointment with her, just tell me when."

"Tomorrow, anytime tomorrow." She said immediately. Just thinking of the possibility had her heart hammering in her chest. She could hear and feel it in her ears. "But that aside... Pettigrew. What are we going to do with him?"

Theodore rubbed his stubbles, Carina could only imagine how it would look when he let it grow out. "I've been asking a lawyer in Bath about it – of course, I made sure it is all a hypothetical scenario."

"Why Bath?" Roman asked. He made a mental note to get a shave as he too noticed the stubbles that were growing on his own face.

"Best to keep things a secret when consulting about the law, and it's far from the circle that the family lawyer dwells in. It is stated that any act of dueling is a crime that is punishable by an indefinite stay in Azkaban."

"Even if the duel did not proceed?" Sirius asked.

"A threat of a duel – the mere declaration of it has a minimum sentence six months in Azkaban." Theodore carefully explained. "You declared a duel between Pettigrew, you bounded him to that mark." Sirius nodded. "Now, here is where it gets tricky. If Pettigrew told the authorities about the duel, he could have the protection of the Ministry, and you will be sent to Azkaban for six months – depending on if they wish to extend it."

"No doubt they would," Sirius commented.

"But Pettigrew didn't. He had every right to report you to the authorities, but he didn't... now, according to your story, both you and Pettigrew, and Lupin went to attend the duel – Pettigrew did not have a second?"

"No, he didn't."

Roman's brows furrowed. "But you need a second in a duel."

"Clearly Pettigrew's aim was not a fair duel but to kill you." Theodore smirked. "Here is where it gets tricky. According to the law, with you issuing the duel, and going there is a one way ticket to Azkaban, but with Pettigrew going there without a second and with an intent of cheating, he could have a heavier sentence."

"What is heavier than a lifetime in Azkaban?" Carina exclaimed. "It's Azkaban! I'd rather die than go to Azkaban!" Her outburst startled her fathers, but they agreed with her.

"He'll be executed. He'll be brought to the Death Cell. You know, that silvery pool," Theodore explained. "Now, with Tonks' theory of Pettigrew being part of a circle of conspirators that have killed many Muggles, Muggleborns, Muggleborn-supporters, Magical Beings, and Noble that have support or is part of that community, we can make a deal with the Ministry. Have them absolve Sirius Black's crimes – make them see it was an act of passion, the initiation of the duel – and Pettigrew will be sent to Azkaban and will be waiting a long execution with a Dementor's Kiss."

A pardon. The thought of it made Sirius breathe out a laugh. To be pardoned, he could go back to his life – not as a duke but he could be in London again, closer to his daughter and maybe, finally, fix their relationship and be part of her life.

"But in light of new discoveries about my cousin's engagement to Delphini Riddle, there is something that could be more favorable to us that could have Black's pardon and the threat on our heads removed." Theodore continued.

Regulus scoffed. "That is a dire accusation to make, you could get arrested for it – worse, killed!"

Roman's brows furrowed. "What's going on? What's the mad hatter planned?"

"He wants to expose the rumored conspiracy that Thomas Marvolo Riddle, Viscount of Little Hangleton, is making a move to be Warlock with the help of his supporters who have been responsible for the deaths of many noble magical, magical, and Muggle blood." Carina supplied the answer. "Am I correct?"

Theodore shrugged. "Just about."

"That is suicide."

"Do that and we have the entire Ministry in our debt and in the palm of our hands."

"Can't we just settle on getting the men who has done us wrong and be done with it?"

"Then what? Let them grow, let them scheme again, and you'll have to face another threat. It will be an endless cycle. What I'm proposing is we take it out from the very root."

"And if we're wrong? What if someone traces it back to us and it would be us facing the Death Cell or Azkaban, or a Dementor?"

"That's why we have agents who are good in their job," Theodore sighed.

"Theodore, this is madness."

"Better than having to look over our shoulder for the rest of our lives."

Silence came to the room. Oberon woke from his nap on Carina's lap and jumped off, joining Alcander as the chimera went off to walk around the grounds.

"I have also hired someone to look into Malia Black," Regulus spoke.

"Why?" Carina asked.

"Her arrival has been bothering me," he said. "Since she came, she and Mother have been bonding."

Roman opened his mouth and closed, he thought for a moment and then said, "You're having someone invade your cousin's personal history because they're bonding with your mother?" He turned to Carina. "I think your uncle is the mad one here – no offence."

"None taken, I too am having trouble with seeing reason," Carina said.

"Hear me out," Regulus sighed. "According to your grandmother, she arrived in London a week before the Greengrass ball. At that time, things have been bloody chaotic here, then Mother invited her to stay with us in Grimmauld Place indefinitely, and since then, they have been. They have secrets."

"I'm sure you know that women are allowed to have secrets, right?" Sirius spoke.

"You might have forgotten who our mother is, Sirius. But she has never been one to be affectionate, even towards her granddaughter. But with Malia Black, she is... it's like she is living a secret life that she's now showing, and it makes me uneasy because she hasn't been very supportive with Carina being the heiress."

Sirius leaned forward, his elbows propped on his knees. "You're suggesting they're plotting something."

"I don't know – maybe – I'm not ruling anything out."

"But," Carina started. "She seems nice. And the gift she sent, it wasn't compromised, it felt sincere."

"You'll never know," Theodore shrugged.

"Not everyone has an evil plan up their sleeve, there are people that are good."

"The world," Sirius began. "Is not separated between good and evil. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are."

It was the first time that Carina looked at her father in the eye and took his words to heart.


Regulus promised to return the day after the ball hosted by the Flints, and hopefully he had something to tell them on the hunt for Pettigrew and with the agreed plan of sending spies. Roman too hoped that by then Greyback was able to talk and give them something to work on, if Greyback could give them at least one name who he referred as "they" that night, then they had a lead, a proper one. For the rest of the day, Carina decided to spend it helping Theodore in his work in the study while Sirius did his best in helping in the Den to repay them for saving him from Greyback.

Elbow deep in the paperwork, and hands stained with ink, Carina have been reading the documents that have piled up on Theodore's desk. it was the first time in a while since she was able to practice the skills her uncle taught her in managing their estates. Not much was different but for the load of it all and the complexity.

Whenever she had a question about certain accounts, Theodore would answer her, especially when it came to the Merchant's Guild's request on increasing the price on the goods or Auror requests. She too have handled the same issue in London due to the war, but there she had to consult him first. Whenever Theodore was in deep thought, calculating in his mind, she would wait until he writes it down before asking.

The table in the study was large and Theodore divided it into two for their space. While he sat in his usual leather seat, Carina took one of the two across it and settled at the other side. Not too far but also not too close to bump elbows whenever they wrote. Unlike Theodore whose right hand was the only one that was mostly stained, Carina's were both. Whenever her right would cramp up, she would use her left hand instead. Theodore once claimed he was jealous of her having two dominant hands, especially when it came to paperwork.

Carina read a letter of request from a neighboring town for aid of Aurors to have patrols due to suspected Greyback's pack roaming the forest near them. She informed Theodore of the letter and he paused on the ledgers he was overseeing and constructed a letter to Roman and had Noctua – his owl – brought it to Thistle Hall where their friend would be. After Noctua left, Theodore leaned back on his table and closed his eyes.

"Maybe you should rest," she spoke.

"Later, when I finish this."

Frowning, Carina rose from the seat, she circled the table and came to his side, sitting on the arm of the leather chair. While his eyes were still closed, he took her hand and beckoned her closer. Carina complied and sat on his lap, he rested his head on the curve of her neck, taking in her scent. Hyacinths. In that calming silence he spoke, "I saw the look you had earlier."

"Which one? I made a lot of them earlier."

"When we talked about you being incapable of having children..." he opened his eyes and looked into hers. "It's still just a thought, not yet confirmed. Tomorrow we will know."

"I thought then that if I was incapable, then Regulus would be forced to marry and have a child that would be a more suitable heir. It would hurt to be tossed aside but it would mean that I could be with you... but then if that happens, we can't have children... and you will still be forced to find a wife yourself that would be more suitable, that will give you children." She didn't realize that tears fell from her eyes until Theodore wiped them away.

"I will still choose you, Carina." He murmured.

"But you need an heir, and the thought of you being with another woman while we're... I don't think..."

"I know... then let me be the last. I'll choose the heir but not in my family, but one of your blood. I think I can find some sort of loophole into it, pull out the centuries old family tree where I believe there is a union between a Nott and Black..." he trailed off. His silence caught her off guard, it was a silence that he always had whenever he thought of something.

"Theodore," she took his face in her hands. "Please, stay here."

"I am here."

She shook her head and tapped a finger on his temple. "Stay here, with me. I know you have a lot in your plate right now, but for just a moment, stay with me."

He leaned in and kissed her lips. "I'm with you, always."

Kissing him again, Carina adjusted her place, placing both her legs at each side of him so she could be closer. His hands roamed her body, tracing her jaw, neck, cupping her breasts, then down to her sides which he was careful about with the light bruising that was left, and then to her bottom, then inside her dress where he reached her bare thighs where he caressed and squeezed. His teasing closeness had Carina moan in their open kiss. But he was tired.

Breaking the kiss she looked into his eyes, brushing her fingers on the growing stubbles on his jaw that connected to his sideburns, chin, upper lip. She smiled at the rough look he donned. "Have you ever thought of growing out a beard?"

"I did grow one while I was away, I had to shave it when I got back."

"Don't shave it, I think I like it."

"It's not the latest fashion, I'm afraid."

"Who cares." She kissed him. "Since when did we care about that?"

"I thought you might not like it."

"Only because I have not seen you with one. But imagining it now... it's a nice sight." She kissed his cheek, purposely brushing her lips against the stubbles that was five days long now. "You need to rest, Theodore." Theodore let out a deep chuckle, the sound ignited something inside her. Kissing him again, Carina rose from the seat, confusing him, and then knelt, settling between his legs.

Theodore was startled with her actions and found himself flustered when she started unfastening his trousers and tugged it down.

He swallowed and shifted in his seat when she held him in her hands. His eyes darted to the door, with a flick of a hand, he had it locked and the curtains in his study closed. "Carina, are you –" He was interrupted when she ran a hand along the shaft. A groan left his throat.

"I haven't done this before so, tell me how you like it," she said.

He could only nod, then she kissed along him first, running her tongue along him as she did. This was her first time but there was no way this was pure instinct, she must have learned about it somewhere, it must be from when she was in Florence and saw all those things, or Roman who was always explicit when telling the details of his sexual experience. If it was, he was thankful for those and whatever mental notes she had about it.

He clawed the leather of his seat as she kissed and licked all the way to the head, and then slowly took him in. He buckled at the warm feeling of her lips, he leaned forward, clutching his head as he was experiencing a frustrating bliss throughout his body. He watched as she slowly and hesitantly took him more into her mouth, the warmth of her had him moaning her name, when she sucked him he cursed under his breath as he breathed out "like that", "fuck, don't stop".

She withdrew for a moment to catch her breath, he was about to tell her that she can stop if she was tired but she surprised him when she took him again, and sucked harder, brushing her tongue along, and dragging her teeth lightly against him. There was little pain, but pleasurable pain that almost had him coming then and there. And what she could not take in her mouth, she did with her hands, following the movement, the rhythm.

"Fuck, just like that," he grasped her hair, disheveling the coiffeur. "Carina..." he said her name over and over.

He started thrusting to her, slowly. She was confused at first but then started meeting his movements.

"Carina," he grunted, a warning.

He was not sure if she understood and tried to get her to stop before he could come, but she pinned him down to the chair and kept going, sucking harder and taking him deeper. He wasn't sure how much he could take of this pleasure, jaw clenched, teeth gritting, he fisted her hair –

Theodore came with a roaring groan. The sight of her slightly surprised but still keeping him in her mouth only prolonged his release, he could feel her throat bobbing as he spilled into her.

Carina swallowed as he came, taking in everything until the last shot out. The sight of her taking it all... he wasn't sure if he could take it, he would happily die with what she gave him.

She swallowed once again when she withdrew from his cock, taking what spilled down her chin. The sight of it made him groan. Before she rose, she kissed his tip once again and finally looked up to him, a smirk on her lips. "How was it?" She asked.

"Fuck," he breathed out. "Kill me now."

Straddling him once more, she placed a light kiss on his lips. "Not yet, we haven't tried half of those portraits in that special room."

Theodore could only chuckle but weakly, still overwhelmed with what just happened earlier. It wasn't as good as what he got from that nymph in Greece, but this was Carina's first time. Besides, knowing it was her, seeing that her take his cock in her mouth made it far better than any he received before. He looked at her for a moment and kissed her deeply, not caring if he tasted himself in her mouth.

"How do you feel?" She asked between kisses.

"Still tired," he answered. "But not... I don't feel shite anymore."

"Good," she kissed him again, then whispered. "I love you."

"I love you." Kissing him one last time, Carina was about to get up when Theodore held her waist down, pinning her to him. "Did you think that was over?"

"You're tired."

"But watching you earlier, just imagining it," he moved her skirts that her sex was directly against him, feeling it hardening once again. "I think that proves my point."

Grinning lazily, Carina kissed him again, anticipation in the pit of her stomach. In a fluid movement, Theodore swept the papers and quills off the table and laid her there. He'll fix that later; thank Merlin they were witches and wizards or the ink stain on the wooden floor would be a problem. His lips latched on her neck and chest as quick as he thrusted in.

Carina gasped at the suddenness and laughed at his clumsy and desperate movements. She brought him from her breasts and kissed him again, and again, and again.


While London had catacombs where the dead were kept, deep in the earth, below Thistle Hall was a prison that showed no light, no sign of life or hope, they say that the prison was so deep that even the gods cannot see through it. And the Earth goddess would turn a blind eye to what happens in those cells.

Roman never liked venturing to the prison below Thistle Hall, he was never fond of the idea of torture. He prefers a quick and clean death, not a long one that could drive someone to insanity. He wasn't sure if Theodore shared his views, but he hoped that the man found the tact of using torture as a last and desperate resort than one out of pleasure.

Coming to the sixth level of the prison, so deep that it was suffocating to be there, Roman could hear Ivar in his work. It was hard to imagine that the man that was all smiling and who children would play with was capable of inflicting pain to gain information. His brother, Bjorn, once told them a story that when Ivar was young, he once saw a boy torture a dragon youngling. Ivar saved the dragon then subjected the boy to the same pain the dragon young experienced. He even let the dragon have a piece, burning him a little.

Ivar was given a good thrashing because of that. Their parents found his actions to be disturbing and saw it as something that was needed to be beaten out of him. It worked, he never did such a thing again to other children or people, but when given a chance in jobs such as this, Ivar would be the first to volunteer.

Roman has not seen his work before, when Ivar was under his father's and the Ministry's employ in Norway, and he did not want to... but it seems he will now.

Coming to the last cell, Roman sucked a breath when he heard Ivar whispering to Greyback. The latter in pain, was panting. When he came to the view of the cell, he was stunned, there was no sign of a knife touching Greyback, the wounds he had were still the ones from his transformation, the bite from Sirius Black, and the burn across his face, neck, chest, arm, and shoulder from Carina's fire spell.

He wondered what Ivar could have possibly done to Greyback to have the latter in a state of defeat. Ivar answered his thoughts when the man pressed his wand that looked so much like a dagger, onto the deep and still healing wound at the center of Greyback's back and cast a curse. Greyback was holding back a painful cry.

Having enough, Roman spoke to break the session. "Did he talk?"

Ivar walked towards him. He left the cell, leaving Greyback in the dark, and walked Roman up the few levels where their whispers will not bounce to Greyback's ears. "Not much, he kept walking about the lady," Ivar started. "Then I said that there is a way to lift his curse."

"Is there?" Roman asked, stunned.

"Yes, by killing him, but he doesn't know that." Ivar shrugged. "But I've just been using the Cruciatus Curse, but it got him talking."


"Only one name... do you know someone called Umbridge?"

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