High School DxD: Crimson Cros...

By VirusChris

50 1 4

A wayward self-taught warrior, after forced on an adventure to save his home has succeeded. Sadly, in doing s... More

Prologue: A Long Journey Home

50 1 4
By VirusChris

Summary: A wayward self-taught warrior, after forced on an adventure to save his home has succeeded. Sadly, in doing so he has be barred from ever returning home and so travels to different dimension over and over again. Until finally comes to the one world to call home.

Interesting enough, like other worlds he's been too it bears resemblance to fictional stories from his world. Except, there seems to be some changes in this timeline and how his presence already altered it.

With some knowledge of this world's future, will he use it to better it?

Along with his old foes following him into his new home too.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Harem, Ecchi, Comedy, Supernatural, Romance, and Friendship

Tags: High School DxD, Alternate Universe, Original Male Character, OC, Isekai

Language: English

Rating: T for 13+

Pairing(s): Male OC/Harem



"Hello" = Character talking

"Hello" = Character thinking

(Hello) = Character whispering

(Hello) = Spirit talking


 How long has it been? Since his journey began? Since that day?

Ever since he was a kid he had strange dreams sometimes. Memories of someone's else life. Dreams so real it felt like they were true.

And they were.

It felt like ages ago when this young man was spirited away when his world broken down into the darkness. The people of his world losing their bodies and their souls captured. Leaving him the solo survivor of the event.

Stranding in another world he began trying to find a way to restore his home. Meeting a number of people on his quest that lead him on his way.

Along his journey he learned many things, especially from his mentor.

Gaining many abilities on his way like the power to travel to different worlds.

Where he met a number of friends and foes along the way. Some he was surprised were very similar to folks to fictional tales back home.

Bit by bit, he slowly find clues to help save his world and others who had the same fate as his. His strength growing stronger as well, but still much to learn.

Against the ones that cause the whole mess in a twisted 'noble' sense of salvation.

And ones that sow chaos for fun that work under them for their own reasons.

Ones intertwined with his life. Ones from the dreams.

Over and over and over and over and over and over and over again. Fight after fight. Blood after blood. Conviction against conviction.

He fought for what he believed in. Never wavering and never backing down. Once a reserved and socially awkward young man, he became an out-spoken and proud protector.

Broken. Battered. Bruised. Beaten. Bleed. Tired.

Yet, he never gave up.

He followed his heart, he sharpen his mind, and fortified his soul to never lose his way.

Slash. Slash. Slash. Break. Break. Break. Pierce. Pierce. Pierce.

One by one, he defeated each member of the group that stood in his way.

At journey's end he finally accomplished what he sent out to do. Defeating the one who destroyed his world and as his reward for his perseverance. His world and people restored. Including his dear friends and beloved sister.

And all the other worlds, too, returned to normal from his actions.

However, due to the one who caused all this for HIS world to be specific restored. A price had to be paid.

And the price he paid... he was forever barred from returning to his original world. A cruel fate, but he accepted it as he wanted to gave everyone their future back. Even if he could no longer be a part of it.

Saying a tearful goodbye to his sister who tried to no avail bring him back as she returned home without him.

Sinking into the dark abyss between the realm he smiled softly ready to rest for all eternity.


Sadly... no rest for the weary it seemed.

After the events of saving his world he found himself wandering around in the darkness only to meet one who tied their fate together.

Once more they clashed in revel.

Either one refused to back down as each blow shattered parts of their bodies. Red and orange blood dripping from their bodies.

A smile plastered on both faces. Even as nemeses the thrill of battle excited them and acknowledged each other.

As the battle between these two colossus power collided the realm around them shattered as the two weary beings fall into parts unknown.


It was a beautiful full moon night here at town of Kuoh. All was quiet and peaceful with nary a single soul wandering the streets.

Among the many people living in this fair town, one young lady remained awake.

A girl with crimson hair.

After a long day's working on paperwork for her club–stretching her arms out as she finished–she sat a top of the window sill.

She stared at the star-filled sky, admiring the beauty of the night. The cool night air brushing gently around her hair and hummed in satisfaction. If one could see her face one would assume everything is right with the world with this girl.

Except, if one took a closer look they would see the sadness in her eyes.

'If only every night was this relaxing' she dolefully thought to herself.

As she glazed at the glimmering bright lights decorating the heavenly visage she pondered how to break out a certain engagement in her life she does not want.

Perhaps making a wish on one of these stars could help her? There are tales of miracles happening should one make a wish on a star. Though more aligned with shooting stars which sadly there are no tonight.

However, she knew such fairy tales would never happen. It was never simple.

She let out a lethargic sigh. (Like that will ever happen. Even if I add another member to my Peerage, will it be enough? No matter how much I wish for it, I don't know if I can escape my fate.)

Still she decided to try. A single girlish giggle as she complemented her wish not expecting anything at all.

'If there's any beings out there that can grant my wish. If such a thing as something miraculous could happen. Can you find someone who can free me from my fate?'


As if to respond to her wish, the sky above the school ground began to break.

Alerted to this strange phenomenon she could only blurted the most intelligent thing.


Her eyes widen when she saw two lights–red and yellow–as they crashed down in the large grass fields between her club building and school. Leaving a large crater in their wake.

She blinked at the spurious situation.

Snapping out of her stupor, she rushed outside to investigate the commotion. Currently, she's the only one on campus at the moment. Curiosity began to fill her head. Why did the sky shattered like that? What were those lights? Is this a bad omens? ... Was this her fault for wishing?

"Just what in the world just happened?" she whispered to herself. Resolved she decided to take action.

She activated a red sigil circle underneath her feet to teleport her from the room to her designated spot.

A sense of dread slowly crept into her heart as she felt a sense of power coming from the crash site before she vanished.


"Err..." a voice, belonged to a young man, groaned as he slowly picked himself off the ground. He struggled a bit due to the injuries he suffered before he crashed into the ground. Battered with scuffs and cuts all over his body, even his clothes tattered a bit too.

He had short spiky black-haired with the spiky tips drooped down a bit. And with white highlights. He wore a black v-neck T-shirt. Which he donned a bright red short-sleeved hoodie and wearing black fingerless gloves. Blue baggy cargo shorts that went past his knees and black sneaker boots with white soles.

His bright blue eyes–that seemed to glow–had a tired look as he scanned his surroundings. In his hands he held a pair of twin buster-like swords, one black blade and one white blade.

Blood dripped down from his head as he let out a cough. Gathering what strength he had remained he finally stood up on both of his feet. Even if he was slouched forward.

"Where... am I now?"

Before he could get his baring a red light shined from his left backside.

A figure had warped in his area and approached the crash zone. He glanced to his side from the light shone to see who it was and his eyes widen a bit.

A girl with long crimson hair appeared on the grassy patches nearby.

'Isn't that... Rias Gremory?' the boy blinked in surprise. 'Then this world is...?'

As the devil princess came closer the two stared at each other for a few moments. The boy–curiously–wondered why he came to his world by change. For the girl a few questions formed in her head, but put them aside for now as she gentle approached with a look of sorrow on her face.

She may not know him, but she didn't like seeing someone who had such kind look in their eyes hurt. She kneel beside the injured boy.

Rias took notice of his face. Despite the blood, bruises, and cuts he has a fairly young face with a bit of baby fat. He appeared to be the same age as her at least.

"Are you alright?" she gently placed her hand on his shoulder.

It took a second, but he smiled warmly. "Oh, this? Don't worry. I'm a bit sore, but a little rest and sleep and I'll be right as rain."

He gave her his best cheerful smile and an arm pump. She looked at him for a moment before shaking her head with a bemused smile at his response. "Still, I think it's best I take you back to my club building. I'll tend to your injuries... while listening to how you got like this. It's not everyday one sees the sky break apart like glass and a ray of light blows up the ground. Sounds good, right?"

She flashed him a devilish smile and he chuckled nervously. 'Oh boy... how do I explain this?'

Before he can uttered an answer back a dust cloud kicked up meters away on the opposite side from them with debris flying. The boy narrowed his eyes as he recalled he wasn't the only one that fall in the void.

"What?" Rias muttered to herself.

That feeling of dread she sensed a moment ago before warping here. It sent chills down her spine. There was something... unnatural about what it.

In the midst of the dust cloud a silhouette could be seen as the dirt mist slowly cleared itself.

Across from him stood his arch-nemesis. A being that's been a part of his life since he was a kid.

A tall creature stood tall checking its surroundings. It had a circular head and what appeared to have outlines of a helm around its head. It seemed to have two-pronged crests near its pupil-less big yellow eyes. Its neck small and cylindrical though hard to tell from how close its head and torso were.

A bulky chest set of sorts–an insignia on the front–with rectangular shoulder plates. Just baggy arms that connect to giant rectangular arm guards that are bigger than its arms. Clawed robotic hands. Footless long needle-like legs. Lines on the sides of its legs indicating it can split open. Its lower torso looked to be a mechanical coil-like appearance.

Long thin wing blade-like thrusters hovered from its back. A long silver mechanical tail prodding from its lower back. Its entire body mostly a black as the night sky, but with hints of gray and silver.

In all honestly, it appeared to a mechanical being as it barely looked like a living creature. One would assumed it to be a cyborg-like when it bore its determined stare back at the boy. An eager and frustrated grin appeared on its face, showing its razor sharp teeth.

Just like the boy so, too, was the dark creature battered and bruised. Dents in its armor-like body with tears and slashes. Glowing orange blood dripping from its open wounds which almost covered its body.

Same with the boy with his red.

The moment they acknowledged each other the monster let out a loud echoing distorted roar as the world around them scattered like glass.

Alerted Rias glanced around her and noticed the world looked the same, but now everything had a dark red tint everywhere except the three individuals.

'What is this? It's not like one of the anti-detection spells we use to prevent outsiders from accidentally walking in on the supernatural. This feels colder and disconnected.'

The boy in red raised his eyebrows as he noticed the world changed. "A Distorted Reality Arena?"

Upon hearing what he said the Gremory princess turned her head in his direction. Noticing that she was expecting an explanation quickly explained. Without stuttering mind you.

"It's like... um... what's the best example? A Shadow Zone? Mirror World? Side Dimension? Basically it's a sort of pocket dimension that's a reflection of the world you're in, but it's not the real world. Anything that happens here has no direct effect on the real world. Otherwise we can go all out without getting anybody and their homes in the crossfire."

"I see." the crimson-haired girl nodded. "That sounds quite helpful when keeping everything secret and without destroying everything. Yet..."

"Yeah," he sighed. "Unfortunately, for the distortion realm to disperse either the caster dismisses it or you knock out the caster themselves. So, we're not able to freely leave until one of us goes down. Speaking of..."

He returned his focus on his enemy–who was kind enough to wait–with that smirk on its face to finish talking with the girl who came here.

'Why use that now, when you're so injured presently?' he asked. His brow furrowed tentatively.

Regardless, he had to take his foe out. Especially to protect the girl behind him. She knows not the horrors this creature is capable of and would rather prevent further tragedy involved with its kind.

The two sized each other up. The tension in the air growing.

Both entered into their battle stances.

The dark creature widen its stance, its back arched a little forward. Raised shoulders with slightly spread arms clawed fingers out. A gleeful battle hungry smile on full display.

The boy arched his back with his left foot point and right foot further back as he crouched. Wielding both his swords in a reverse style grip. His left arm holding his sword front center of his body and his right arm raised above his head.

Their eyes locked with one other. Never taking their gaze off.

Ready to finish their fight.

"Hey." He called out to Rias–who stood frozen in fear–without taking his eyes on his foe. "I suggest you found cover as soon as possible from here. That thing over there is nothing to joke about."

The sudden serious tone from the previous jovial nature he had earlier snapped Rias out of her stupor. She could tell there's history between the two. Especially the looks in their eyes.

The red-haired beauty knew she'd get in his way. The whirlwind of powers emanating from these two–even given their damaged state–were massive. For now she decided to hang back and observe and only interfere if things turned sour for the young man.

Cold silence ebbed into the area as both combatants held their breath. Waiting for the right moment to strike.

Soon an aura started to encapsulate around their being. A yellow aura for the dark creature, with parts of the lines on its body glowing in the same color. And a red aura for the boy in the red hoodie.

Watching from outside the edges of the crater Rias was taken aback at the fight sight.

And it was then... when they rushed at one another!

They bolted at high speed leaving almost a blurry image of their bodies as the two collided with each other. The creature slashed upward with its right claw hand while the boy brought down his sword downward to clash.


Spark flew as their attacks connected.

They pulled back their attacks. As the boy flung his left leg up for a kick as the creature went with a left hook–BANG–followed with a spinning back somersault kick from the boy using the momentum of their attacks.


As the attack connected. The creature growled as the kick smashed on top of its head. It whipped around in a right corkscrew motion and elbowed the boy's right side–CRACK–followed with a front kick combo to knock the boy into the air.

The boy strained with pain and coughed up blood as he was launched several meters into the air.

The wing blade-like floating devices behind the creature split open in half, along with its legs, and a stream of jet fire erupted. Which caused it to burst into the air after the boy. Appearing above him as a blue light shifted a blade on its right arm into a long curved blade with its middle finger transforming into a part of it.

As it slashed downward at the boy's torso, the young fighter glared and threw his hands forward in the direction of his enemy.

He blast red energy orbs from both of his hands using it to ricochet away the attack and counterattack back at his opponent.


Smoke covered the creature's face as it winced back as the boy spiraled downward to the ground. He somersault to regain his balance and land on his feet to brace the full brunt of the impact from the fall as a buffer.


Six dark green spheres of energy rotated around the boy as it burst into rains of streams at him.

His back unfortunately got hit as he growled in pain from the sudden sneak attack as volley of energy rain came out him. He dodged by rolling and spinning around in the air.

Never a moment of rest he his damaged body couldn't move as agile as he wanted. He dodged the last of them by fall onto his back–despite the pain of it–and rolled to the side.

Debris was everywhere around him. Natural smokescreen making it hard to see his surroundings.

Soon after the creature instantly descended into the ground like a statue and smiled eagerly at its adversary. Kicking up more dust clouds around it as the dark beast moved in.

Eyes alerted and looking around. The boy turned to sense his foe and narrowed down the metal peg-like leg on his face as he rolled away.

He could barely react in time to counterattack as the creature continued to dart in and out of the dirt smokescreen to stomp on his body.

Just as the creature used its tail to slam down onto his torso, the boy break danced out of the way in the nick of time. Stand on his hands as he used his feet to launch a storm of handstand kicks to the monster's chest.


However, it only served to irritate the monster as it tried to backhand the stubborn reckless fool away. The boy's last kick hit the creature with greater strength as he felt his back battered from the creature's push back move. The boy took the g-force of the hit to correction himself in midair to land back on his feet.

Both warriors were set several meters away from each other. Skidding along the ground. The monster chuckled as it shrugged off most of the previous attacks as nothing as the boy's body shook with pain just being the defensive.

The disheveled black-haired youth clicked his tongue as he raised his swords up. "Weapon Shift!"

A moment it burst into a blue neon light and digital cube-like particles as it began to form from a sword to a gun with a downward curved blade attached in the front.

Rias standing outside of the crater had her eyes widen in awe and surprise. 'And now his weapons change shape. Is it a Sacred Gear? No, his weapons don't feel like one. Curious, he keeps on adding surprises one after another.'

Blue sparks fritz on the side of the guns as the boy took noticed of it. He grimaced as he noticed cracks along his weapons as he realized the earlier parts of their fight before falling here he pushed and overused the powers of his armament as it took damage.

As of right now he can't use the full strength of his weapon's powers so he'll use what he can in the meantime.

The young man dashed forward and started blasted energy shots at the monster. In defense the armored creature swiped all the shots away with its blade arm. Then in retaliation it transformed its right arm into a Gatling gun and returned fire.

Using the small blades attached to the front of the guns, he parried and deflected the incoming energy bullets. He slide, turned upside down, twirled, and spun himself around to avoid taking damage as he closed in on his opponent.

As he got up close to its face. The creature smirking at him with that bloody face. A flurry of attacks were exchanged. The boy's weapons dispersed into blue lights and encased his gloves and boots.

A punch to the chest–BAM–blocked when the monster gripped it–SWOOSH–the boy arced his head back to dodge the straight right jab. Using the momentum he spun around in a ball and threw blurry kick to its face.

The creature's head disappeared making it look headless. However, it was not from the kick. Blue digital particles were left in place around its neck. The head of the creature appeared behind the boy smiling.

It hinged open its jaw larger than its own have to take a bite out of him. Its left leg and right arm are 'separating' and appearing below and the side of the boy.

He twirled his body to the side to avoid the bite attack. Used his palm to use the kick to throw him into the air to avoid the kick below him and narrowly dodge the upward claw clash from his left.


However, he felt a stinging sensation as he was whipped by the monster's tail as it used his own dodge against him to warp the rest of its body above him.


Then he was kicked to the face and smashed into the side of the crater.

Rias gasped at the sight. It happened so fast she didn't have time to respond with a barrier or spell to help.

The creature blitz after the boy as he broke out of the rabble of rocks on him. Looking even worse now, but still willing to fight as he rushed at the monster.

An exchange of punches–SMACK–followed with kicks to their sides–BASH–a flurry of blurred motions countering each other. The boy brought up his elbow to guard his face and body as the creature smashed its fist into it–CRACK–which broke its hand and slightly wound his arm. A tail stab to his side–RIP–a sword summon to the torso–TEAR–left hook punches to the faces–CREAK.

Their faces conformed with their punches dug into their faces' sides. Standing their ground for a moment before the momentum of their blows sent their flying.

Both barreled away from each other, kicking up sandy debris in their wake, as they collided with the edges of the crater.

Rias, who has been a bystander in this fight, watched with awe and amazement. Knowing that this creature is truly dangerous as she's never seen or felt a being like in all her life, but she couldn't help but think this was straight out of an action anime or manga scene.

There was no way for her to help. She might be a high-class devil, but she doesn't have the experience or the knowledge to fight like these two were. Just who or what were these two? That dark monster was an enigma.

The boy was an ordinary human. Aside from the magic and another type of power he uses. Even powering himself with magic, there's no way he can take that much damage as a human.

She... felt a strange sense of hope and interest in her heart the more she saw him fight.

Both warriors slowly got back up. Their bodies shaking in pain, but not once taking their eyes off of each other and refusing to lose. The boy was panting heavily. He was more injured than Rias thought, but the creature–while shaking–looked barely winded.

She realized just how much trouble the boy was in. She had to do something. Anything at all to help.

However, the creature smirked as it suddenly vanished.

"ARRRGGGHHH!!" the black-haired teen screamed out in pain.

As the monster lodged its knee into his stomach.

"NO!" she cried out as the boy puked more blood out.

The creature smiled. The boy's power had dropped greatly as was about to fall.

Until it heard the boy chuckled and glanced up with a knowing look in his eyes.

It looked confused at first–BAM–until it felt the boy's fist smashed into its torso, breaking through the armor.

"HA!" with a mighty yell he fired off the rest of his energy into an energy blast that ripped open its chest up a little and enough strength to launch it into the air.

After being knocked into the air, the dark creature seemed to had enough. A flash angry sparked in its eyes as it gathered its remaining power onto itself. Creating a massive yellow energy sphere around its body.


When it roared several streaks of lights blew from in all directions. Everything in the distorted area were blown away, even parts of the school were blown apart. But, most of the blasts were headed in the direction of the warrior boy.

He glanced all over him to see how to get out of his with his sluggish hurt state, but his eyes widen in panic when he caught a sight of red.

The only person trapped here with him, Rias, who was off to his side... and within the blast zone.

Knowing she was in danger, the boy burst over to her position in front of her. He re-summoned his swords he quickly deflect–in a flurry of slashes–as many of the energy shots away from her as much as possible. Steering away the shots that would skewer and maim her. While taking the brunt of the rest with his body that he couldn't deflect in time.


He soon had more holes with bleeding seeping out and burnt skin from the mini explosives. Rias could only look on in horror at what he just did as he collapsed onto his knees when it was over. His swords dispersing into a blue light and vanishing.

Oddly enough, a strange pendant appeared around his neck now. An eight-prong–four long and four small–star with the Yin and Yang symbol in the center. Baring the same color schemes as his weapons from earlier.

However, that wasn't important as the devil girl rushed to his side and placed her hands on his chest and shoulder to steady him.

Her eyes were beginning to water. How could he be so reckless to nearly sacrifice himself for a total stranger she thought.

"Why did you dive in to protect me?" Rias asked in concern.

The boy looked at her for a second before giving her a gentle smile.

"I just couldn't stand by and watch you die."


Rias's face heated up upon hearing this words.

After seeing he saved her from dying from a stray shot he relaxed. Unfortunately, that proved to be a mistake as all of the damage he's accumulated from the fight beforehand caused his vision to blurry and then faint as he fell into Rias's lap.

"Hey! Hey! Are you alright?!" Rias exclaimed as the boy finally passed out. With the danger still present and even she wasn't sure she can fight the creature while protecting the boy or not. She was worlds apart in power between the two. Even calling for her Peerage wouldn't matter even if they made it in time.

The dark creature just stood there and stare at the two. The crimson-headed girl glaring back it. Even though she knew she didn't stand a chance, she would not abandon him. She would find a way to protect him and win.

With a tired sighed, it turned around and began to walk away. The dark red distorted world 'broke' and everything returned back to the real world. All of the damages that took place were 'gone' as well.

"Huh?" Rias was confused.

It had them right where it wanted. It could finish him his enemy once and for all. They were dead to rights in her eyes. So why choose to not follow through with its goal?

As if sensing her thoughts, the monster turned its head slightly so it can glance at her. "I lost interested in the fight that's all."

Still confused the creature elaborated with a chuckle when it saw her disbelieved look. "I simply want to fight him at his absolute best. Him and me. A battle for the ages. No distractions." It glanced once more at Rias. "And seeing his attention was elsewhere, I see no point continuing our bout. Not to mention we burnt the rest of our powers earlier before coming here. Talk about anti-climatic."

Lifting an arm up it opened a dark vortex in front of it. Something Rias couldn't make, but knew it was a portal of some kind. It turned fully back to her with a toothy grin.

She suddenly noticed that the wounds of the monster were already finishing closing up and the bloody vanishing from its body. 'Don't tell me... was it already healing itself during the fight?'

A panicked look briefly flashed before her eyes when she realized what favor the battle would've ended with from the start.

"Keep him safe for me, will ya? I want him to break his limits even further for our next battle. To reach even higher heights. To our level. Oh... and I think I'll stick around." It looked around the world it was in with a menacing smile. "This world interests me."

And it took leave into the vortex and vanished.

Rias sat there trying to process what she just witness. So many questions she needed answers for and this boy is the key to it. She sighed. First off, she'll have to call her brother to explain the situation and get the school field fixed. Thankfully that distorted space prevented further damage so it only left the small crater.

And she'll need to inform Sona as well.

'What a night this turned out to be.'

So much to do, but right now tending to her savior comes first. First off, she checked his body and saw he was breathing just fine. A sigh of relief escaped from lips to see his condition was stable at least. Though she had to bring him inside to properly heal him to get through the worst of his injuries.

She created a red circle sigil beneath them. Ready to teleported themselves back to her bedroom. She lifted his arm around her neck and help get his unconscious body up.

'Oh!' she giggled. 'He's much lighter than he looks.'

It was a surprisingly simple task to get him into her bed and slowly and carefully removed his bloody clothes one by one. After that she got a cloth and bowl of water, drenched it, and patted back and wiped all the bloods off his body.

Getting a better look at his body, she noticed that he had quite the lean type of build. He wasn't lanky by any means nor were his muscles huge and bulky. A fit body that allows a lot of mobility and aerobatic movement like she saw earlier in his fight with that creature.

She hummed when she noticed his body was slowly healing already. 'Interesting. He's a human, but clearly he has interesting magic coursing through his body.'

It was more evident when she removed his clothes. Though simple in appearance and don't look like they often a lot of protection, she could feel a powerful magic wavered into them. She never sensed this kind of magic before. It seemed similar, but very different as well.

It wasn't Demonic or Holy protection. Maybe Divine protection? She couldn't quite place it.

Her interested in him continued to grow. 'You're just fill of surprises aren't you?'

Still there were many injuries left on his body. She putted aside the bloody cloth as she went to her desk and began penning a letter to her brother. After a few minutes she finished and summoned her bat familiar and handed the letter over.

"Make sure my brother gets this." She smiled.

Her familiar squeaked with joy as the bat vanished to make the delivery.

Right after that she was about to use her magic to patch up the boy's clothing... only for it to start mending itself. She was taken aback at first. Seeing the article of clothing shine a green glow and the cuts and stems vanished and looked brand new.

Minus the blood that apparently remained.

"How fascinating." she mused with a smile. "Perhaps he can tell how how that works. Would save a lot of time and effort to fix our own clothing when they get shredded."

Once she got over another oddity about the boy, she placed his bloody–renewed–clothing into the washer in the next room. With that done she returned to her bed and pulled the cover sheet over the sleeping youth.

Soon after she started to remove her clothing. Not just her Kuoh uniform, but her undergarments as well. Folded neatly and placed into the beside cabinet.

After everything that happened tonight she was ready to go to bed. Lifting up the covers, she snuggled into and wrapped her arms around the boy's neck. Pressing her body into his. Her breasts smooched comfortably on his side.

Direct physical contact allowed faster healing with devil magic and she could feel his body recover faster. Though at first, her healing power were being pushed away. But, it only lasted a moment as whatever it was initially blocking her powers sensed no ill-intent and allowed her power to heal him.

She sighed with relief. She was a bit worried it wouldn't have that much effect on him seeing as he was soaked with a strange kind of magic she's never felt before let alone almost preventing her magic to heal him. It's almost like his magic is alive in a way.

"I still don't even know your name." She said sadly. Looking at the mysterious boy that fell to her lap. Despite what happened, he looked so peaceful and content without a care in the world. A big happy smile on his face as if he didn't come out of a grueling life or death battle.

Rias found his sleeping face quite adorable.

She's not sure what his appearance means or even that strange dark creature he fought, but one thing's for sure that a Gremory always repay their debts. He didn't know her and risked his life for hers after only meeting her for a few minutes. Almost paying the price for his kindness.

Which made her admire his selfless nature. Even if he was reckless.

As much as she would like to invite him into her Peerage, she could tell he has many things he needs to settle first. So instead, she'll help him as much as she can and hopefully they can become friends.

"Goodnight, my mysterious crimson savior," she whispered into his ear before going to sleep.

Just in this moment in time, she felt at safe. A peaceful reprise she hasn't felt in a while.

Long days from now, ever since that day she met the boy from beyond the rift she never expected her future to change as it did.

And not only that.

She's forever grateful to have meet this boy and become a part of her life.



At a secluded part of the town of Kuoh, in what appears to be an abandon building. A certain man yawned from boring as he treated the instrumentals to located special anomalies. Particular certain types of arms that were imbued within people's souls.

Earlier today, he keep adjusting the machine to look for new potential candidates and to keep an eye on ones they've already located.

It does enjoy his research, but things have been slow lately. Not to mention some of his subordinates have decided to disappear on him. Most likely trying to appease him and he knew just who though it didn't matter to him. But, they have been acting strange lately so might need to keep an eye on them so they don't do something beyond stupid.

As he brushed his brown and golden locks with his hand in exasperation. Today could not get anymore boring.

Until loud beeping snapped him out of his boredom.

"What the hell?" he questioned as he rolled his chair over to the instrument making the noise. Looking at the data it appeared that something akin to a gap in the dimensional rift near Kuoh Academy appeared for a second.

He doubled-check and lo and behold a ping in the space-time rift did happen.

And soon after he felt a tremor of power for a few minutes in the same direction. His eyes widen at the strange energy that felt like nothing he's ever witness in all his life. Before both energy signature died down.

Something new. Something dangerous. Something fun.

The Governor General of Grigori couldn't help, but smile like a kid in a candy store at this most intriguing turn of events.

"Well, well, well! It looks like things are about to get very interesting!"

A big grin plastered on his face as he went to make a call.


Author's Note: How do everyone! This is another story I wanted to write for the longest time, and I've sort of struggled on how to go about this one. There are specific changes I wanted to do to make it stand out a bit on its own while not removing more of the 'important' elements of the series.

It's quite hard to figure out how to start this story, but I hope you like what I have so far.

If you can guess by the title and the beginning parts of the story it takes some inspiration from Kingdom Hearts series as I'm a fan of that series and used it as a bit of a basis for this story and my character. And 'Crossworld' is part of a little side idea for a story series I hope to showcase one day.

Truth be told, it's been AGES since I last watched this series and kinda never got to reading the light novel or manga so I'm bound to fix a few things especially with the amount of characters this series has. If I'm neglecting any important details or missed someone I do hope you point it out for me to correct it so I can make it work with the story I have in mind.

I hope I described the Monster alright. I have this vision of what the creature looks like in my head, but it's so hard to descended it in words. Even looking up wiki pages for references to what it closer looks like, the wiki pages don't even DESCRIBE the parts I'm looking for so I had to do the best on my own.

Annoying, but oh well. I might make a drawing to show an accurate look to it.

Honestly, the FIGHT scene to the LONGEST to write and figure out. It was driving me nuts trying to make it work. I can visualize the fight scenes, but writing it down is another matter. Not to mention I wanted to try something different with writing it but making some 'impactful' moments.

But, at times I wanted to make the fight more brutal to say. Have the hero's lance weapon appear and pierce the monster's eyes as it he rips half of its head off and the monster impaling his left leg. However, I decided to do that in a LATER fight when their full strength is back.

Edit here. I went back and extended the fight a little longer. I wasn't entirely satisfied with how it played for the most part as I realized I didn't get to show more of the Monster's strength in battle. Also, I forgot a few things I wanted to add in the fight like skidding across the ground. I kinda imagined the Goku VS Cell fight from the Androids saga. Where I kinda wanted that level of fighting to take place with the dodge movements.

I hope you don't mind it. Truthfully, I wanted to do more with the fight showing off how clever both hero and monster were, but wanted to keep it within the realms of their injures. Also, I didn't want to write too long a chapter.

Didn't help that I was suffering from a running nose which drove me nuts while writing this chapter. I seriously wanted it to end.

I was waiting until I got 3 chapters done, but screw it. I'll post it here for now and get the other two when I can.

Right now, this quite a lot of things going around a lot at home and I might not be able to write as much as before, but I'll weather this storm and keep on marching forward one step at a time.

So, in the meantime I want to do more writing to help myself push for my dreams and wanting to write stories I love to do. I hope that's not a bother.

If you noticed any spelling or grammar mistakes in this chapter. Please point them out so I can correct. Even some suggestions of what I could've improved on some scenes will help too.

I'll try to do as many chapters as I can and hope you enjoy the ride.

Until next time, this is VirusChris signing off! Sayonara my Nakama! Laters!


Time Stamp Started: 5/28/2022

Time Stamp Finished: 6/4/2022

Time Stamp Uploaded: 6/5/2022 (A03), 6/5/2022 (Wattpad)

Time Stamp Updated: 6/5/2022

REVISED NOTES: Wasn't too happy with how I originally didn't showcase more of the Antagonist's abilities in the fight and seemed more in favor of the Protagonist even though I meant to show they're sort of evenly matched.

That and I forgot I had a scene with him and the monster skidding on the ground after exchanging blows. With some ideas of the monster attack him more with energy attacks.

Looking back I should've added Rias checking up on the hero the moment she went to him instead of after she giggled about seeing how light he was. I kinda saw it as putting things out of order. I was thinking of adding her thoughts of using a Chest Piece, but decided against it.

Just a small update.

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