Moana 2: The Great Fandom War

By Admiralproducer4

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When Moana arranges for her friend Maui to visit her home island of Motunui with the intention of having her... More

Chapter 1: Captured/The Escape.
Chapter 2: The Story of the War
Chapter 3: The California United Studios Base Pt 1.
Chapter 4: The California United Studios Base Pt 2: Shang's Arrival/Training.
Chapter 5: A Model Student.
Chapter 7: The Debate.
Chapter 8: Imprisonment/The Argument.
Chapter 9: The Clue.
Chapter 10: We're Going On A Quest!
Chapter 11: The Villainy Of The Fandom Menace.
Chapter 12: Finding Admiral Producer/Convincing Admiral Producer.
Chapter 13: The Recruitment of Maui.
Chapter 14: The Return of Admiral Producer.
Chapter 15: The Battle of Washington D.C Part 1/The Rescue.
Chapter 16: Maui vs Moana.
Chapter 17: The Battle of Washington D.C Part 2.
Chapter 18: The Celestial Plane.
Chapter 19: The End of the War: Reunions.
Chapter 20: Epilogue

Chapter 6: Jeremy's Plot/Battle Of The School.

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By Admiralproducer4

Jeremy Griggs stood inside the cockpit of his newly renovated Star Destroyer command ship. They were in hyperspace and were about to reach YouTube School very soon.

Thanks to the tracking device they had surgically implanted inside Moana's brain when she was knocked out, they were able to track her movements to the location of the Disney base.

"General," said Admiral Joey, "We're entering the location of the Disney base. We're exiting hyperspace!"

"Good," Jeremy replied, "We will crush these Disney shills very soon and make way for the superior Aryan race!!" He couldn't wait to have the last remnants of Admiral Producer's empire bow before him. The last traces of the civil rights movements would be destroyed.

And Disney along with it.


Meanwhile, Moana and Amy were hanging out on the school campus on a bench. School was over for the day and she wanted to get to know more the girl who she had saved.

"I never really thanked you enough..." Amy said softly, "For...sticking up for me back there. Everyone else just turns a blind eye because I'm just the weird little girl..."

"Weird?" Moana asked, "Why would they think that?"

"It's because when I was two..." Amy pushed some of her black hair back, showing a scar. Moana gasped. Amy continued, "...I had a brain surgery because of a bad tumor in my brain that was dangerous for my wellbeing. As a result of the surgery, there's a permanent damage on my brain. I can't concentrate well in school as a result of attention problems. It renders me unable to learn well...Richard and Pete, being the top dogs in Mr. Larry's class, always bullied me because of it...They always told me I would never amount to anything because I'm just too dumb. Sometimes, I feel that they were right..."

Moana felt really bad for her, "Oh Amy, it's not your fault that you can't do well in school. It was the surgery. Don't blame yourself for something you can't control. It's not your fault."

"...It's not?" Amy asked.

Moana shook her head, "I don't know much, if anything, about the modern technology of Western civilization, but I do know that it's not your fault that you have a learning defect. Just believe in yourself, okay?"

Amy nodded and the two smiled at one another.

Suddenly, there was a blasting sound and a blaster bolt came shooting out of a cloud and at the school, causing an explosion.

Moana was shocked. She waited. Suddenly, about 20 Star Destroyers came out of hyperspace at lightning speed and started blasting at the school.

"Star Destroyers!" Amy squeaked, "They found us!"

"But-but how?" Moana asked, "I thought the location was secure." But Amy was already up and trying to pull her up.

"We need to get the professors!" Amy told her, "Fast!"

They ran into the building where they found Shang talking with Mulan in Mrs. Ridley's history classroom.

"Shang! Mulan! We're under attack!" Moana shouted.

"What?" Shang inquired. He looked at Mulan, "Get our other recruits now. I think it's time we test them. Also, get the equipment from the camp."

Mulan nodded, sprinting off into the hallway.

Another blast shook the building and the three of them ran towards the exit.

"How did this happen?!" Shang demanded while running.

"I don't know," Moana admitted, "But I feel..." Suddenly, she got a headache and heard something beeping inside of her. That was when she realized the horrible truth, "Oh no. They instilled a tracker in my head so they'd know my location."

Shang stopped, "What?! Oh for the Emperor's sake, no one was safe with you! The Fandom Menace has been watching us this whole time BECAUSE OF YOU!!"

"It's not her fault, Mr. Shang..." Amy tried pleading on behalf of her newfound friend, but backed down after a death glare.

When they got out to the exit, they saw all students and staff assembled outside. They were trying to shoot cannonballs out of tanks at the Star Destroyers, which had increased to 50.

Elsa shot a blast of ice at the iron underbelly cannons of the nearest Destroyer, which froze it temporarily. But it was short-lived as the ice started heating up and then a blast blasted through it.

"We need more cannonballs!" said Aurora.

"How are we going to take all 50 of them?" Belle asked him.

Shang was at a loss. Luckily, Mulan knew what to do, "Everyone, keep shooting! These tanks are designed to fire many cannonballs at a time. Fire like mad and aim for the cannons! You too, Moana!"

Moana found three unmanned tanks and motioned for Shang and Amy to get in them.

The defenders fired like mad at the Star Destroyers. The combined might managed to knock out two, which exploded and fell towards the ground. But there were still 48 left.

"There's still too many!" Amanda, the girl from training earlier, cried out.

Moana had to make a decision fast. She saw some TIE fighters emerge out of hyperspace, adding to the offensive, and finally came up with a plan.

She got out of the tank.

"Moana, what are you doing?" Mulan asked her, "This is insane!!"

"I need a paddle," Moana told her, "Have any?"

"You mean the one Mrs. Coldheart uses to discipline the preschoolers?" Shang asked, getting out a brown oar paddle, "It's right here. I confiscated it from her yesterday and reported her actions to Principal Larson. She's under investigation by Disney now."

"That'll work. Thanks, Mr. Shang." Moana took the paddle and concentrated. She flicked the paddle up and a torrent of water came spraying up from the ground in front of her. She was surprised, but kept going. She spun the paddle around, generating more water, and directed it right at the windows of the Star Destroyers.

"Come on! We gotta help!" Jasmine told the others. They started firing the cannonballs at the Destroyers again, putting the FM on the defensive now.

As it tried blasting every which way, the main Star Destroyer's reckless blasting hit another Star Destroyer, which hit another. Soon, all the Destroyers had smashed into each other and made quick work of the small TIE fighters, which either got smashed, or were blasted out of the sky. The combined lump exploded into a bright blast of energy and they fell towards the ground in one big smoking heap, littering the campus grounds.

Moana called off the water attack by setting her paddle down.

There was a pause.

And then everyone cheered, giving a standing ovation to her bravery. Shang came forward and said, "Moana, you're the second most craziest girl I've ever met (next to Mulan, that is). And for that we owe you our lives. From now on, you have our trust."

"Let's hear it for Moana, the bravest of us all!" Mulan exclaimed. Everyone applauded again.

"You're the best new best friend ever!" Amy chimed in.

"Come on," said Mr. Larry, "Let's get inside and celebrate. I'll take the equipment."

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