Moana 2: The Great Fandom War

By Admiralproducer4

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When Moana arranges for her friend Maui to visit her home island of Motunui with the intention of having her... More

Chapter 2: The Story of the War
Chapter 3: The California United Studios Base Pt 1.
Chapter 4: The California United Studios Base Pt 2: Shang's Arrival/Training.
Chapter 5: A Model Student.
Chapter 6: Jeremy's Plot/Battle Of The School.
Chapter 7: The Debate.
Chapter 8: Imprisonment/The Argument.
Chapter 9: The Clue.
Chapter 10: We're Going On A Quest!
Chapter 11: The Villainy Of The Fandom Menace.
Chapter 12: Finding Admiral Producer/Convincing Admiral Producer.
Chapter 13: The Recruitment of Maui.
Chapter 14: The Return of Admiral Producer.
Chapter 15: The Battle of Washington D.C Part 1/The Rescue.
Chapter 16: Maui vs Moana.
Chapter 17: The Battle of Washington D.C Part 2.
Chapter 18: The Celestial Plane.
Chapter 19: The End of the War: Reunions.
Chapter 20: Epilogue

Chapter 1: Captured/The Escape.

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By Admiralproducer4

The last thing Moana remembered was the big storm. A great typhoon storm with lightning was raging and that was it. Her mind struggled to focus as she slowly regained consciousness. She had been trying to find Maui, a demigod and close friend of hers, who had failed to show up to a get-together on her island of Motunui. As she was heading in no apparent direction, the storm came and she blacked out.

Two months ago, she had met Maui on a quest to restore the Heart of Te Fiti after it was stolen by Maui himself from the Mother Island in the beginning of time. She and Maui had worked together to defeat the lava demon Te Ka and restore the heart. Te Ka had actually been Te Fiti all along and had been corrupted because of the loss of her heart. Now, Moana's tribe had returned to voyaging after banning it for a long time and she really wanted her parents and tribesmen to meet Maui. She had arranged for him to show up on his personal boat, but he never arrived. Despite her parents warning her not to, she took off on her boat to try and find him and maybe giving him a piece of her mind for standing her up like that.

She could hear the sounds of voices and the painful sensation of a slap across her face, interrupting her thoughts. Her eyes fluttered open and she saw two men standing over her. They were dressed up in Star Wars shirts and pants and they were trying to wake her.

"Joey, you idiot, she's awake! You slap her one more time, she'll die and Jeremy will have our skins!" She heard one of them say.

"Not my fault she's got lightning wounds everywhere!" The man named Joey argued.

"Yeah?! Well you're making them worse, genius!" The first man said.

"Who...are you?" Moana asked weakly.

"Who are we?" Joey said, "Who are we?! We are the Fandom Menace! Betrayed by Disney and now we're out for REVENGE! It's like a war, but on an Internet level and stuff!"

"The Fandom...what?" Moana didn't understand. Who were these people? What was this 'Disney'? She tried to sit up, but found herself unable to. That was when she realized that whoever these people were, they had strapped her down to prevent her from escaping.

"Uh, nononononono," said the other man, "You can't go yet! Jeremy needs to check you out and see if you're okay first. I mean, I'm no doctor, he's no doctor, but who needs doctors anyway, am I right?" He caught Moana's confused look and continued, "That's a little humor there, but seriously, you're not leaving. We found you, we have captured you, so now you're our prisoner. So stay down there and don't try anything. We'll be right back."

The two men left the room and Moana had time to analyze her situation. She was now fully awake and no longer groggy, so she could easily put up a fight if anyone tried to hurt her, not like it would do any good with her restrained to the stretcher and all.

Her arms were pinned down by her sides, so she couldn't move them to try to get the straps off. She fought the urge to cry. She wouldn't give in to despair. That was unlike her.

Just then, a tall man walked in wearing a black shirt with the logo GEEKS + GAMERS on it and blue long pants. He wore a white Star Wars hat and he had a mean look about him that let you know immediately that this guy was bad news.

"I'll take care of this." said the tall man, dismissing Joey and the other man, named Brandon. He walked over to Moana and examined her. With him so close to her face, Moana felt a little scared, though she wouldn't give her captor the satisfaction of seeing her in a frightened state of being. He nodded, "Definitely from the Pacific Islands. I know that tribal wear. Now...Moana, obviously you've been captured by us and I can hurt you at any time, so I'm going to ask you a few questions and you will answer them. Understood?"

Moana nodded.

He began, "First off, where are you from?"

She answered truthfully, "Motunui." thinking this wouldn't harm her. She was also asked about her age, her hobbies, etc. She answered them all truthfully as she trusted Jeremy wouldn't hurt her if she answered with the truth and because she didn't like to lie.

The last question was:

"Do you have any affiliation with Disney?"

Moana couldn't answer that. She had only heard the mention of 'Disney' earlier today. She didn't know what they were, nor who. She shook her head, "I don't know who they are. Please, I just need to find Maui and get home..."

"Maui?" Jeremy asked her. She nodded. He replied, "Well, that big guy was here earlier. He killed one of my top advisors after we tried to contain him. So I ordered Josiah to let him go."

Moana was interested now, "Do you know where he is?"

Jeremy shrugged, "Heck if I know. But you're not leaving this place. If Disney discovers you, they'll radicalize you, turn you against your own people. You're safe here."

"So this Disney...they're the bad guys?" Moana inquired him.

"Yes indeed," Jeremy replied, "They're very bad. You don't want to meet them. You'll be safe here. Away from them."

"I'll be safer on my island. Just please, let me go." Moana told him, trying to move her left arm out of the iron clamp.

Jeremy was immediately on top of her. He laid on her and beat her over and over and over again until she apologized profusely, promising she would cooperate. Then, Jeremy got down and told her, "You move one inch, I'll know. Just stay here and let us help you see the truth."

Moana was bruised all over her face where she had gotten beaten. She just nodded and Jeremy walked out.

Moana just lay there for several minutes, in pain and feeling scared out of her mind. Why didn't she listen? She had been so foolish!

Just as she was about to break down in tears, she heard a knocking in the walls and suddenly, something burned through the wall across the room, forming a door-shape. Then, that part of the wall fell down and several women came through. They were all dressed uniquely. Their leader was a young Chinese woman.

"Who are you girls?" Moana asked.

"My name is Mulan," the Chinese woman said, "This is Jasmine, Rapunzel, Anna, and Elsa. We're with the Walt Disney Company and here to save you." She ordered Jasmine, "Jaz, go get Moana out of her restraints. We need to blow this popsicle stand before Jeremy notices and calls in backup."

Jasmine saluted and rushed over, "Excuse me." and started tinkering with the straps on Moana's arms until they were undone. Then, she worked on the rest of the straps until they were undone. Moana shakily got down, feeling her legs go numb. Jasmine supported her and they came towards the hole in the wall where Mulan, Rapunzel, Anna, and Elsa were.

Then, the girls ran with Jasmine pulling Moana along until she was sure she could run on her own. Eventually, they got to two escape transports headed by a droid.

"Get in!" Anna shouted. Moana obeyed and got in one of the rows with Jasmine.

A screen to the left turned on and the face of JJ Abrams appeared, giving instructions, "Okay princesses, this is it. These droids are programmed to bring you to HQ. Go down to the escape pods of the Star Destroyer and launch yourselves down. Hurry and don't get caught."

Moana buckled her seatbelt as did Jasmine and the transport started backing up, moving across the platform. Moana grabbed on to the handlebars and watched as the transport carried them through multiple rooms, and through a room with AT-AT Walkers. Suddenly, some guards saw them and started shooting. Jasmine shrieked and ducked as a bullet flew right over her head. Luckily for Moana, she was safe, but the transport started backing up again, moving across more platforms. Finally, they stopped at the cockpit of the Star Destroyer. They were in the air.

Jeremy and Joey were talking.

"Disney will attempt to rescue that islander princess." Jeremy told Joey.

Joey scoffed, "They have neither the resources nor the courage to engage us."

"You underestimate their confliction," Jeremy replied, "Raise the shields!"

"Shields? I see no evidence-"


Suddenly, several airships appeared out of nowhere in the sky and started blasting at the Destroyer.

"Engage the fleet! Engage the fleet!!" Joey ordered desperately, "Shoot them down! Kill them with fire!"

"SILENCE!!" Jeremy yelled, pushing past him, "I'll do it myself!!"

In a dizzy state, Joey said, "All hail the leader!" Then he fell over.

The transport moved again, towards an elevator. They saw Jeremy with a red lightsaber chasing them. The transport went into the elevator and it went down. Just then, Jeremy's lightsaber started cutting through the ceiling of the elevator. The girls screamed and the transport backed out again, the droid beeping. They went by some large windows. Cannons were taking turns shooting outside at some Disney aircrafts.

Suddenly, the transport turned and there was Jeremy standing menacingly before them, "There's no escape! You will tell me the location of the Disney base! I will get it out of you!" There was a gust of air and Jeremy was momentarily distracted. That was when the transport rolled into a room that must've been the escape pod. There was a lurch and the escape pod dropped with everyone screaming. As the escape pod fell, it managed to travel down towards a city before crashing through the roof of a building marked: WALT DISNEY STUDIOS.

Finally, after tumbling through many things, they stopped. A man was above them saying, "Your escape pods came in a little off target. Ground crews will meet you beside the wreck."

Moana breathed a sigh of relief and so did the others as the transport peacefully rolled down a ramp. An announcer said, "Nice job, princesses. Not what you signed up for, but hey, you've completed the mission! I think I have that authority! Right, Iger? Where's Bob Iger? I need all eyes on the Commander!''

As they exited the ramp and slid outdoors, a wreckage of a blimp was sitting on top of a pile of rocks. Suddenly, the cockpit lights blinked on and a man said, "Commander Bob Iger here!"

"Iger! You're alive!" exclaimed the announcer.

"I should hope so," said Bob Iger in a congratulatory tone, "Well done, princesses. Thanks to your heroism, the location of the Disney headquarters is secure. Bravo!" The droid beeped, "Yes R5, you too."

The girls all got off and as tons of people came to congratulate them on their return and the success of the mission, the first thing Moana said was, "Okay, can someone please tell me what is going on here?"

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