Bound by Fate (Sesshomaru Lov...

By Silver-Tigress

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Do you believe that demons could fall in love?~~ Sakura Shinguji is a princess and Priestess. After her famil... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Inuyasha The Movie: Affections Touching Across Time (Special Chapter)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 1)
Chapter 32: The Woman Who Loved Sesshomaru (Special Chapter, Part 2)
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 1
Inuyasha The Movie: Swords of an Honourable Ruler, Part 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Inuyasha The Movie: Fire on the Mystic Island
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49

Chapter 8

1K 20 0
By Silver-Tigress

Sakura's P. O. V:

"I'm sure I can hit it." She readies her bow but is stopped by Inuyasha.

"Forget it, Kagome!"

"Eh?!" She gasps, lowering her bow.

"Sesshomaru's never been the kind of opponent that's easy to strike down. And Sakura may have been kind to us in the past but she's clearly sided with Sesshomaru. Stay here and care for Miroku," Inuyasha tells her. Kagome gazes back at me solemnly. Though the expression on my face tells her everything she needs to know. "The remedies from your era seem powerful. Maybe you'll be able to save him."

"I'm on it!" She's about to leave but is stopped by Inuyasha.



"Thanks for your help. With your arrow, you reversed the Tetsusaiga's transformation. Now I can defeat him." Kagome grabs her bag and heads for the wounded monk.

Sesshomaru muses, "The Transformation was stopped by an arrow. Of a mortal girl, no less." My gaze softens as Sesshomaru closes his eyes. "I suppose the Tetsusaiga didn't take to me."

"Is it just me, or does Sesshomaru-sama appears to be wounded?" Asks Shinobu before Jaken was slugged in the back of the head by Miroku's fist. He whirls around and rubs his throbbing head nervously.

"Me thinks your earlier expression was more pleasing to the eye and less menacing to the head!" Jaken says. He attempts to get away but Miroku grabs his head and yanks him back to face the monk.

The monk has a dark expression on his face as he demands, "Where do you think you're going, you little Imp?"

"Going to... a funeral?" He squeaks.

As Shippo dumps Jaken's staff on the ground, Shinobu says fearfully, "Uh oh! Something tells me things are gonna get violent."

"Now confess you nasty, little beast!" Miroku demands while shaking the goblin violently. "Where did you get those poisonous insects?!"

With his eyes spinning dizzily, Jaken confesses, "They were given to us by a demon. I did not see his face for he wore a mask of a baboon to conceal himself."

"Huh? And what was his name?!" Miroku demands.

""His name"?" Jaken echoes. "He said it was Naraku." This stuns Miroku and Shippo.

Miroku puts him down as Shippo asks, "Did you say Naraku?! It must be the same demon you're pursuing."

Picking up the goblin once again, Miroku demands, "Tell me his whereabouts! Where can I find him?!"

"I know not where he is! And even if you were to find him, it would do you no good. Your fate has been sealed!" Jaken admits as he kicks his legs before looking back at the monk. "It's too late for you, for the poison gas taken its hold and soon will claim your life!"

Miroku grunts.

"Are you in pain, Miroku?" Shippo asks in concern.

"The pain's nothing," He groans, eyes squeezed tight. "It is death that concerns me. And my wretched fate as a mere mortal."

"Don't look to me for sympathy!" Jaken says. Shippo and Shinobu look fearful as Miroku proceeds to beat up the goblin mercilessly.

When it was over, Jaken mumbles, "I really should keep my mouth shut!" He has a bunch of lumps on his head. Shinobu gulls audibly as Miroku glances to him.

I was standing over my brother protectively from behind, letting my intimidating aura pulse outward. I say in a low tone, causing everyone to freeze, "If you lay a hand on my brother, I'll tear you apart, monk."

"Whoa... she's scarier than before!" Shippo says.

Miroku looks just as scared and sheepish as my face darkens and aura intensifies. "Eheheheh! I wasn't going to hurt your brother! My, aren't you an angel sent from heaven! I'm surprised such a beauty like you is travelling with Sesshomaru..." I tense as he slings an arm around my shoulders. I could feel Sesshomaru gazing intensely towards us. "Why don't you and I get away from the fighting and go somewhere privately? I really don't want to have to fight you."

I shiver with suppressed rage as I feel the monk stroking my behind with his hand. The intense feeling from Sesshomaru increases.

With lightning speed and a flushed face, I grab the monk's wrist and spin, pulling him with me. Upon finishing my spin, I throw Miroku back first into the ground. Everyone falls silent as they stare at us, shocked.

"Touch me like that again, Monk, and I'll sever both of your hands," I threaten while cracking my right fingers.

He twitches as he mutters, "So strong... and yet so beautiful..." Miroku pulls himself up and leans against a boulder.

"Miroku!" Shippo cries as he runs up to him.

"I'm fine. I just need to rest," Says Miroku.

"Shippo!" Kagome calls, causing us to turn around. She kneels as she drops her bag and bow. "How's he doing?"

"Not well. He's gotten worse," Shippo informs her, leaning on Miroku.

"Hang on," She says, rummaging in her bag. She pulls out a thin box and a jar. "I need you to take this medicine. Think you can sit up?"

"No. I'm too weak. Pass it through your mouth," He suggests, closing his eyes. "She's not really falling for that, is she?" I think with a deadpan expression.

There's a crack and hiss, then the sound of puckering lips. Miroku and I look to see Shippo leaning forwards and trying to make contact with his lips.

Miroku turns his head away as he says in disappointment, "I think I can manage on my own."

I let out a giggle as Kagome combs on the rock. I say to Shinobu, "Stay here, itotou."

"Right." He nods in understanding.

I join Kagome as she knocks an arrow, eyeing her curiously.

How is it she has the sacred arrow? She must be the reincarnation of the priestess Kikyo.

Inuyasha says, "I've figured you out, Sesshomaru. Because you're a demon, you shouldn't be able to grasp the Tetsusaiga. That left arm of yours must belong to a human." Sesshomaru raises the Tetsusaiga. "You're using a shard of the Shikon Jewel to connect the arm to your body." Inuyasha raises his right hand as he clenches it. "If I lop off that human arm, you'll no longer have what ot takes to hold onto the Tetsusaiga. And that's not all..." I watch as Inuyasha dashes for Sesshomaru. "When you lose that arm I'll have myself another shard of the jewel!"

Sesshomaru runs to meet him as he challenges, "Let's see you try to take this arm away from me!" They got to lash at each other but Sesshomaru was faster. Inuyasha barely jumps back to avoid the whip of green poison in time. Sesshomaru lashes it at Inuyasha as he continues to dodge it.

Inuyasha tries to leap for Sesshomaru but the whip comes at him again. It barely hits him as Inuyasha lands. Sesshomaru lashes his whip out again but Inuyasha forward flips into the air and lands on a rock.

"Iron Reaper Soul Stealer!" Inuyasha shouts as he launches himself for Sesshomaru. He swings his right arm forwards but misses Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru lands a right hook to Inuyasha's face, throwing him back.

Sesshomaru was smirking triumphantly until Kagome's sacred arrow flies toward him and strikes his left arm, shattering his armor but missing the jewel shard.

Shippo cheers, jumping up and down next to me, Shinobu on my other side, "You did it! You broke through his armor!"

Knocking another arrow, Kagome says, "I was trying to hit the jewel in his arm."

Inuyasha climbs out of the hole he'd been thrown into and gasps, looking back to the girl, "Kagome!"

Sesshomaru looks anything but pleased as he hisses at his brother, "Inuyasha, make her stop. Half demon though you are, the blood of a demon runs in you. Be proud of that. Do not accept human aid even in death."

Inuyasha warns her, "Don't try anything, Kagome. Sesshomaru is totally ruthless! And you need to be careful of Sakura!"

"Hey! I know not to interfere in a fight unless outside forces do!" I snap back that makes Inuyasha flinch.

"I can handle it. I'll hit him!" She promises.

"I wouldn't be so confident," I mutter as she releases the arrow. It flies straight home for the dog demon but I jump in front of him and calmly raise my hand. I catch the arrow between my fingers. Then I flip it around and crush it as I release a burst of purple purifying energy, startling everyone, including myself.

I didn't know I could do that.

"What? It snapped clean in half in her hand," Kagome says in disbelief. I casually drop the remains of the arrow. I don't know what I just did, but I love it!

"I tried to tell you," I say. Irritation enters my voice. "You've had your warning. Now I shall put an end to your interference!"

I swing my right Demon Blade Benizakura as I focus immense power into my Kenatsu (Power Force) attack. It's like the Wind Scar, only instead of unleashing three slashes, it unleashes one. It's still powerful enough to split a mountain and slay a bunch of demons at once, though not like the Tetsusaiga.

I realise too late that I may have added a bit too much Yoki into the attack as it sweeps straight for a frozen Kagome.

"Oh, no!" Gasps Inuyasha. He runs towards her, as though to save her. "Look out, Kagome!" Inuyasha throws himself on her and they tumble away from the blast.

When the energy dies down, I lower my sword.

"You're not hurt, are you?" Asks Shippo.

"Are you alright, Kagome?" Inuyasha asks. I glance behind me to see she's unconscious, Inuyasha cupping her cheek to turn her head towards him. She moans which is telling enough for Inuyasha. Sesshomaru smirks and points Tetsusaiga at Inuyasha. Inuyasha scowls at him. "You'll regret that, Sesshomaru. I was confused that he yelled at Sesshomaru for her being hurt as I was the one who'd attacked Kagome. I decide to shake off the thought, anyway and refocus on the fight. "She doesn't deserve it!" I blink my eyes as Miroku uses his staff to crawl to Inuyasha. "Miroku!"

"The Tetsusaiga is not fully transformed, but it has such power," He observes, studying the sword. "There's only one method left to counter him and the sword." He grips the beads wrapping around his right hand. "I must attack with my Wind Tunnel!"

Inuyasha steps forwards as he reminds Miroku, tossing a rock up and down in his hand, "Better rethink that. Remember what happened last time you opened it?" Inuyasha chucks the rock behind him. There's a buzz and the poisonous insects emerge.

"They're... still here!" Gasps Miroku.

"Don't do it, Miroku! You're doomed if you take in anymore venom," Shippo pleads him.

Inuyasha instructs them, "Take Kagome and get out of here, fast. Sakura won't interfere now that Kagome is out of commission. Get as far away as you can. "

"Are you sure?" Asks Shippo.

"Get Kagome out of here!" Inuyasha repeats, looking at them. "Guard her with your life!"

"You will never escape me," Sesshomaru says. He raises the Tetsusaiga and it glows white. "I shall destroy you all with a single stroke." Inuyasha lunges for him with a war cry. Sesshomaru brings down the sword and it slices into Inuyasha. There's an explosion that sends rubble flying. It eventually dies down.

"The blast has subsided," Says Miroku, as he and Shippo look back at us. Inuyasha has grabbed onto Sesshomaru's left arm and is struggling to hold it off. "Inuyasha's staving off the sword."

Inuyasha looks back and yells, "Hey, why are you waiting?! Run for it!"

"We're going!" Miroku breathes, picking up the girl as he and Shippo run off.

"Very touching," Mutters Sesshomaru as he raises his right arm. "Trying to buy time, only to save the lives of your friends!" Then Sesshomaru plunges his claws into Inuyasha's left shoulder, through his pectoral. I can't help but cringe as I look away and Inuyasha cries out in pain.

Miroku and Shippo look back. It was then that Kagome regains consciousness. "Inuyasha!" She calls. Kagome jumps out of Miroku's arms and runs towards the half demon, but Miroku stops her by grabbing her shoulder.


"Let go of me!"

"He wants to deal with this on his own. That's why he told us to run to safety," Miroku explains. Kagome gasps fearfully as she looks back at Inuyasha.

Sesshomaru asks as he pulls his arm free, "Any last words before your tragic demise?"

"Your ignorance surprises me," Inuyasha says, smirking at Sesshomaru. "I really thought you would've realised it by now."

"Noticed what?" Questions Sesshomaru.

"That the sword is back in my hands!" Inuyasha growls as he pulls the weapon from Sesshomaru violently, drawing blood. Inuyasha drops the human arm, the Tetsusaiga now large again.

"Master!" Jaken gasps as he and Shinobu run up to us.

I say, "Without the human arm, you're unable to hold onto the Tetsusaiga." Inuyasha struggles to hold the sword until he drops into a crouch, the tip of the sword in the dirt.

"Sesshomaru-sama, it seems Inuyasha has finally lost consciousness," Jaken says, stepping forwards.

"Do my approach any closer," Sesshomaru warns him. Inuyasha tightens his grip and the sword glows. It fires energy at the goblin who scrambles back.

"What happened? The sword attacked of its own accord," Says Shinobu.

Sesshomaru says as he half turns, "We shall leave, Jaken, Sakura, Shinobu. The Tetsusaiga's presently beyond my reach. So there's no sense in staying."

"I won't argue with your decision," I say, though not out of fear. Inuyasha was definitely strong, even while unconscious.

"After you, Master!" Jaken says eagerly.

I wrap my arm around my brother as Sesshomaru pulls me against his right side. A purple cloud with gold sparkles forms beneath us and we lift up into the air, Naraku's poisonous insects flying after us.

As we fly, I notice the insects are still following us. I ask in annoyance, "How far will these cursed insects follow us?"

"Be patient," Sesshomaru tells me. "Ultimately, it is the jewel they're after. Surely they're waiting for me to discard the arm." He removes his right arm from around me and I blush when Sesshomaru tugs down his left kimono sleeve. I gasp in horror when I see the flames licking at the joint of his arm.

"The arm is burning at the joint, Master!" Jaken says worriedly. "The fire licks at your shoulder."

Sesshomaru says as he glances at it, "This wretched arm threatens to burn me alive." Sesshomaru grasps it and pulls the arm off. He then chucks it into the lightening sky where it melts away and leaves behind the jewel shard. One of the insects grab it before they all fly away, back to Naraku.

We follow them to their Master into some trees.

Naraku says as he gazes at the jewel shard, "Pitiful soul. He failed." When Sesshomaru and I appear behind him, Naraku whirls around with a startled gasp. "Sesshomaru, what a pleasant surprise." Naraku bows.

I say angrily, "Naraku, you gave that miserable human arm to Sesshomaru-kun in the hopes that it would destroy him."

"You are mistaken," He says, punching the shining shard between his fingers, holding it up. "I merely wished to assist him. And, of course, to have my jewel shard returned to me."

"I suppose that makes sense," Says Sesshomaru as he tilts his head. He jumps forward while slashing his right hand across Naraku's throat. But the demon vanishes into thin air and his garments drop to the ground.

"Serves you right for putting my Master in such jeopardy!" Jaken yells as he kicks the baboon head.

"So he escaped," Muses Sesshomaru, surprising Jaken and my brother, though I also knew.

Jaken and Shinobu run up to the clothes on the ground and Shinobu pulls back the fur cape. "Where'd he go?" The brunette asks for there was no body.

"Sesshomaru-sama," Comes the demon's voice in our heads, causing us to look up. "I implore you to contain your anger. I may call on you again, should another opportunity arise to destroy Inuyasha."

Sesshomaru says as I glance at him, "A craft, audacious character."

I couldn't agree more. Naraku is one we'd have to keep our guards up around.

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