•did you get enough love, my...

By sunflowerwalls24p2

109K 2.7K 515

August Miller is burning the candle at both ends. He's a freshman in high school yet he already works two jo... More

~safe for now~ chapter one
~thinking about him~ chapter two
~the bravest sweetest boy~ chapter three
~dreams or memories~ chapter four
~special names~ chapter five
~mama~ chapter six
~he's gone~ chapter seven
~we love you~ chapter eight
~take all of your pain away~ chapter ten
~love mummy and daddy~ chapter eleven
~feeling extra tiny~ chapter twelve

~you are my sunshine~ chapter nine

8.2K 205 25
By sunflowerwalls24p2

Nikolas's POV

"Almost home, amore." Davide spoke into the darkness of the car as he turned onto our street. I nodded, keeping my eyes on little Augie who was dozing softly next to me. At some point during our ride home, August had slipped once again and was now leaning his head on my shoulder. He was absolutely adorable, releasing small snores every now and then and nuzzling into my body warmth. (Love.)

I can't believe how lucky we got to find August after he ran away. I was so worried he'd get hurt or worse, he'd be gone from us forever.

But he's not, he's safe now. I finally feel good knowing that August is in Davide and I's protection for good.

Well, as long as we're actually able to get his mother to either give up parental rights or prove the home unfit so we can adopt him.

I shook myself out of my thoughts when I noticed Davide had pulled into the parking garage, pulling into a spot close to the elevator. Davide exited the car and opened my door for me, offering a hand to help me out of my seat.

I walked to the other side and opened August's door as quietly as possible. I gently unbuckled the seatbelt from his slouched frame and scooped him into my arms, eliciting a sharp whine and a shiver from the sweet boy.

"It's alright, bug. Just a few more minutes and we'll be inside." I reassured August, holding him close to my body to try and give him some of my body heat, he was still so cold and his clothes were hours away from drying.

Davide placed a hand on the small of my back and guided me through the building until we were finally back home, stepping through our front door. I breathed a sign of relief when I smelt the familiar scent of the vanilla candles I like to burn and saw the comforting glow of our hallway lights.

"Let's get you to our bathroom, honey." I whispered softly but August didn't respond, only nuzzling his head into my neck and gripping my sweater between his tiny fist. "Such a tired baby, huh." I told him quietly as I began bouncing him in my arms, hoping to keep his awake for a little while longer.

We walked slowly to the bathroom, August letting out adorable little yawns as he'd wake himself up every few minutes.

While Davide worked on filling the bathtub with warm water, I gently laid August on the bathroom floor and began untying his small converse shoes.

"Nu... Wan' Mama." August whined when he was out of my reach, small tears springing to his eyes. It seems we have a cranky baby when he gets tired like this.

"It alright, little love. Just a few more minutes." I told him as I swiped a piece of hair behind his ear. He continued to fuss and move around, never giving up on his quest to get back into my arms.

"What if Mama took a bath with you, bambino?" Davide asked August while I attempted to take his socks off through all of his wriggling. (Baby.)

"Jus' wan' Mama." I cooed at his adorable words and leaned down to place a soft kiss to the crown of August's forehead, immediately feeling a pang in my heart when I heard him whimper as I pulled away.

"I know, bubba. Shhh, it's okay." I soothed him, bringing my hand down to rub his little tummy. He seemed to calm down a little bit at the contact.

"I'm gonna go grab you both some new clothes, I'll be back, amores." Davide told us, leaving the room. (Loves.)

"Are you comfortable with me undressing you, honey? If you're not it's completely alright, I can leave you alone while you get into the bath and just sit with you, if you'd like." I asked August as I went off on a tangent. We haven't talked about what August is comfortable with yet, I don't want to scare my baby.

"Mama." He mumbled, his voice muffled by the thumb that had somehow made its way between his lips. I didn't have the heart to remove it, it would just upset him more.

"Okay, sweetheart." I started carefully removing August's wet worn out sweater, lifting it from his small frame. August stayed mostly still, completely occupied by sucking his thumb as I continued on with his small t-shirt. My movements stopped however, as soon as I saw the dark red, blue, and purple bruises covering his upper body.

They were everywhere, ranging from his shoulders to his sides as well as his stomach. I was worried to see what his lower body would look like.

My baby boy's been through so much...

"Mummy sad?" August's sweet voice brought me out of my trance as I felt hot, wet tears sliding down my face. I didn't even realize I'd started crying.

"No, no, little one. Mummy's alright, don't worry about a thing." I quickly covered my sadness with a thick coat of love and reassured him, restarting my job of undressing him moving on as if I hadn't seen anything.

The second his pants were removed I could see all of the harsh, rough marks all over the milky white skin of his legs. He had burn marks, cuts, and bruises everywhere.

The last thing I want to do is pull August from his headspace because I worried him so I didn't say anything but one thing's for sure, August is going to the doctor as soon as everything settles down here.

Hopefully that wont take too long.

"Here, tesoro, I'll take him. You get undressed." Davide spoke as he suddenly entered the bathroom after setting a pair of clothes down for me. He had a knowing look on his face as I carefully picked August up and placed him in his daddy's arms. "You're being so good for him, mi amore." I swallowed back my tears when I heard his quiet words. He always knows how I'm feeling and how to make me feel better so easily. (Darling, My love.)

August fussed in the background as I got undressed as quickly as possible, being sure to leave my underwear on so I don't make my boy too uncomfortable.

"Wan' mummy, dada. Wan' m-mummy." Oh, my poor little one.

As I made my way towards the bathtub I could see August struggling against Davide's chest softly hitting him with balled fists.

Now I was tearing up for a completely different reason; my sweet boy needs me.

"Just a second, bugga boo. Mama just needs to get in first." I told him, quickly stepping into the tub and sitting down in the warm water. As soon as Davide laid August down in my lap he was cuddling into my chest, locking his arms around my neck, a complete attitude change from when he was in Davide's hold.

I know August doesn't not like his daddy, he's just in a mood right now. He's in a vulnerable headspace after everything that's happened earlier today and he just needs his mama right now, a loving mother, not one that hurts him.

"There you go, baby boy. All better." I told him, bringing my hand down to rub his back and neck. He let out an adorable sigh when he was settled, melting into the warmth of his surroundings.

"Sorry this is such a boring bath, bambino. We'll get you some bubbles soon, I promise." Davide spoke as he watched August and I laying together. I could tell he was a little hurt by August's dismissive behavior towards him but, like me, he was just happy to have August home. (Baby.)

"It otay." August mumbled, placing his head on my chest and nuzzling against my skin. His thumb slowly rose between his lips and he began suckling once again.

Davide chuckled as he got a washcloth soaped up and then paused, looking towards me for permission.

"Is it alright if Daddy gets you all clean, little one?" I asked August who only grunted in response. He's practically falling asleep on me at this point.

Davide started gently washing our boy, being careful not to startle him or move too quickly. He rubbed soothing circles into August's skin, removing all of the dirt that was matted onto it. By the looks of the brown bath water, I'm not sure he had very good access to showers at his previous home.

That's just another reason why I'm so glad he's safe with us.

"Tilt your head back, il moroso." Davide spoke softly and August complied, weakly moving his head backwards. I covered his eyes with the palm of my hand as shampoo was rinsed from his hair, lightening it instantly. (Sweetheart.)

We'd definitely need to get August some tear proof shampoo so he doesn't get burnt accidentally. Kiddie products would also be more gentle on his delicate skin.

August grumbled when the next round of conditioner was washed away from his hair, blinking his eyes open in distaste.

"Wan' out now, p'ease?" He asked us adorably, pulling his thumb from his mouth frustratedly.

"Such a cranky baby, lovey." I told him through a laugh as I slowly rose from the tub, being sure to cradle August in my arms. He fussed at my words but quieted down as soon as Davide wrapped a large fluffy towel around him.

"I'll go get him dressed, amore. We'll see you in a few minutes." Davide said as he held August tightly in his hold, keeping him nice and warm. Luckily August was too out of it to recognize his Daddy taking him away. I smiled appreciatively as I stepped out of the bathtub and moved to take a quick shower. Sitting in August's dirty bathwater didn't necessarily clean me up much. (Amore.)

I dressed in the clothes Davide had set aside for me when I got out of the steaming shower; one of his large sweatshirts and a pair of silky black pajama shorts.

"Dada, wan' Mummy." I quickened my pace when I heard August's sudden whine from outside of the bathroom. It seems he woke up a little bit.

"It's alright, bugga boo. Mama's right here." I told August as I entered our bedroom, finding him a naked wriggling mess in the middle of the large bed, Davide standing over him holding a large t-shirt with a helpless look on his face.

"He wont let me dress him, he just wants his mummy." Davide said, slightly saddened.

I gave him a sympathetic smile before reassuring him, "It wont always be like this, Davie. He just had a long day and I'm familiar, give him time." I pressed up on my tippy toes and gave the love of my life a kiss before turning toward August.

I didn't let him get a word out before I was dressing him in what looked like one of my t-shirts. It was huge on him, the hem reaching his knees and the short sleeves looking more like long sleeves; it was adorable.

When that was done, I picked him up in my arms and held him tightly as I walked us back to the bathroom, leaving Davide behind to change clothes as well. I set him down on the counter next to the sink, quickly walking to the bathroom closet to grab a spare toothbrush and putting some mint toothpaste on it.

"Open up, baby boy." I spoke softly, holding up the brush. He shook his head with a grunt and attempted to crawl back into my arms. "Nice try, little boy, but not a chance. We need to get those teethies of yours clean." I told him, gently pushing him to sit back down.

He didn't like it but in the end he opened his mouth and let me brush his teeth. I'd have to get him some kiddie tooth paste as well seeing as he definitely doesn't like the mint.

"All done, sweetie. You did so good." August preened under the praise, allowing his eyes to slip closed with yet another yawn, this one larger than the others. With that, I quickly grabbed my hairbrush from under the counter and got to carefully brushing through his now vibrant strawberry blonde hair.

"Nu wike, Mama." August groaned as my brush strokes woke him right back up.

"I'm sorry, darling. Almost finished." I reassured him as I finished up. "Are you ready for bed, hun?" I asked him, picking him back up and holding him close to my chest.

"Need Rory, Mummy." He whined into my neck and I immediately stopped my steps back towards the bedrooms.

"Who's Rory, little one?" I asked him, reaching my hand down to rub his back so he doesn't get upset with my questioning.

"Stuffie." Was all he said, nuzzling back into my warmth.

"Davie, love, could you go the foyer and grab August's backpack? I think he left something in there." I asked Davide as we exited the bathroom. He was dressed now in a pair of plaid pajama pants and a tight fit black t-shirt.

"Of course, amore. I'll be back." He said, quickly leaving the room. (Love.)

I moved August and I to the bed, figuring he's in too vulnerable of a headspace to sleep alone. I folded the covers to the side and sat down on the mattress, cuddling August to my chest as I pulled the blankets back over us.

"You're being so good for your Daddy and I, little love. Such a wonderful boy." I praised August as we waited for Davide. He was already falling asleep again, the only thing holding him back was his stuffie.

"Mmmm, thankies Mummy." He hummed against the fabric of my sweatshirt.

"Here you go, tesoro." Davide said as he entered the room, backpack in hand. He set it on the bed and got under the covers next to me. (Darling.)

"Is this Rory, sweetie?" I asked August softly, holding up what looked like a cute little monkey stuffed animal. It looked to be far too dirty but I'd wash it when August could let go of it for a little while, he needs it too much right now to take it away.

"Yesh!" He squealed, perking up immediately. I placed the monkey in his arms and August cuddled it to his chest, holding it close to his heart. Davide and I couldn't hold back our coos at his adorable behavior.

"Beddy by nows?" August asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Yes, bambino, it's time for bed now." Davide answered as he reached over to the bedside table and turned our lamp on before flipping the main lights off. (Baby.)

I rubbed August's back and neck with one hand while I brought the other down to pat his bum in a soothing rhythm. He hummed his approval, nuzzling further into my hold as he gripped Rory in one arm and my sweatshirt it his empty fist, making sure I never let him go.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray." I don't know why but it just felt right to sing my sweet boy the soft lullaby and lull him to sleep. I like to sing for fun and the song just fits August's and ours situation so perfectly.

"Keep goin' Mama." August demanded with his eyes closed, small yawns leaving his parted lips that were occupied by his thumb. I heard Davide's chuckle as I began rocking August in my lap, a loving smile on my face.

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take my sunshine away. The other night dear, as I lay sleeping. I dreamed I held you in my arms. When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken. So I hung my head and cried." The more I sang the tireder I became, the weight of the day hitting me. I slumped down on the bed, never loosening my hold on August, and Davide swooped in next to me, wrapping his large arms around the both of us.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know, dear, how much I love you." I paused my singing to look down at my sunshine's beautiful sleeping form, thanking my lucky stars that my sweet boy is finally home and safe in my arms.

As I settled down to go to sleep I couldn't help but think of what a beautiful family Davide and I had created, not allowing my thoughts to drift over to worst case scenarios, letting my love's rhythmic breathing lull me to sleep as I finished the last note,"Please don't take my sunshine away."


a/n - hey guys! so... sorry it's been a few days since the last update. i just started a summer course for school so it might me a little bit until i find a consistent update schedule again :(

anyways... i hope you liked the chapter!! i really liked it, i think. i liked the ending at least :) and i hope you did too! please comment and let me know what you thought of the chapter and don't forget to vote! thank you so much for reading and i hope you all have a lovely day/night <3

p.s. the song linked sounds a little creepy but i thought it was cute, hopefully you guys do too :)

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