By Rivaine24

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A Remarried Empress Isekai Fanfiction where the FL gets Isekaid into The Remarried Empress.She decides to hav... More



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By Rivaine24

The next day,I went to work as usual at the central palace, then headed to the Western Palace.Im not going to the nest chair cause I know that woman will be there

I need to stay put in my chambers and mind my own business so I won't be linked to whatever happens to that woman.

I know she'll fall for it so it won't be long till word goes around on how stupid she is on that

I decided to have some tea and desserts with my ladies-in-waiting while waiting to hear about that woman getting hurt.

A few moments later,a lady-in-waiting came bursting to the room, obviously rushing here.

"Your majesty!Have you heard?!That mistress got injured over a flower chair!"

"Oh my!Come here and tell us all the details"

The lady-in-waiting sat at one of the chairs and grabbed a cup of tea then when she finally calmed down,she started speaking

"So apparently,she was walking with her maids around the grounds of the Western Palace.Then they saw a chair made out of roses.They said it was so beautiful as if something out of a fairytale.So that woman sat on it and she got pricked on the roses!She was injured all over her body so she was rushed to get treated!"

"How stupid!Why would she sit on a bunch of roses?Everyone knows roses have thorns on them"

"That was so foolish to do!Well that's what she gets for being so dense"

"Why would the Emperor even like or bring that kind of woman here?She is so weak and mindless"

As expected,this will ruin her image and make her look like a weak and stupid woman.She might get pity but people can't set aside the fact that it's her fault for sitting on something so obvious like that.People will obviously blame her for it and this way,she might never come to the Western Palace again.I'd prefer that though.

She's so weak and fragile that it's not even fun to pick on her.She also cries and backs down so easily so it gets boring and cringey fast.

Sure I'm picking on her but I'm not doing it directly where people will say it's me and use it against me.

I'm picking on her...from far away,while looking like I'm not doing anything

Well,she's stupid enough to fall for them so that's that.


I was resting on my bed when I heard a tap on my window. I looked up and saw that Queen was hovering outside.

I opened the door to let Queen in.

"'ve returned more quickly this time"

Suddenly Queen flyed swiftly inside.


I turned around and saw that Queen hopped onto the bed and plopped around.

I went towards Queen and sat at the bed near him.I chuckled and petted him.

"If I didn't know any better,I'd think that this was your room.Did your master send you on an errand this late in the evening? "

Doing the trip even this late at night just to deliver a letter? You're very persistent,Prince Heinley.Im really looking forward into seeing you in personal.He looked really good in the illustrations so I'm quite excited to see him on the flesh.

I then pulled the note from its leg.

As you wish,the bird's name shall be "Queen".But you should bear in mind that it's male.

I chuckled again.

I so knew that.

I looked at Queen and acted innocently

"Oh my,were you a male bird?Are you upset that I didn't know?"

Queen then flapped his wings as if miffed by my ignorance.

I want to tease him more but I might give myself away.

I patted his head again then went to my desk, and Queen followed. I took out a sheet of paper and wrote a reply.

I didn't know he was male. An unexpected surprise.

I rolled up the note and tied it to his leg.I kissed his forehead and brought him out the window to let him fly away.

I went inside and glanced at the calendar.The New Year's celebrations were just around the corner. Some of the guests would start arriving early tomorrow at the palace...

I'd finally get to see them.Its so exciting to finally meet the others that I only used to look and read about.

Things will be more exciting now with the new characters coming in.There's so much to look forward to and so much entertainment for me

This is gonna be so fun.


Before long,the New Years Ceremony was upon us.

Distinguished guests from the neighboring countries started to arrive.

It was a relief that neither that asshole or I had very many distinguished guests arriving.We could avoid seeing each other for a while if we didn't need to greet them.

Unfortunately,I couldn't keep my distance forever...



He's finally here...

I stood outside waiting for Heinley's arrival.I stared at the carriage as it's door opened.

Then I finally saw him...

Its really him...

Prince Heinley...

The one who will save and take away my Empress from this retched man.The one who will love and respect her with all his heart.

I couldn't help but hold my breath when I saw him

He was so beautiful...

His blonde hair fell into soft, tousled waves on his face, and his lips curved into a delicate bow. He bore a strong neck and broad shoulders, but what was most striking about him were his mysterious violet eyes.

I stood opposite of Prince Heinley, admiring him as surreptitiously as I could.He then started walking towards me but before I could say anything, Prince Heinley bent one knee and reached out his hand like a knight swearing a vow of loyalty. I gave him my hand, upon which he placed a gentle kiss.

"It is an honor to meet you,MY QUEEN"

He released my hand and smiled, and I felt my stomach knot for some reason.

I can't believe I'm getting this reaction when I already knew him from reading.

I can't let myself be crushed by him...well not yet.

I wore a dignified expression and greeted him.

"It is an honor to meet you as well,Prince Heinley.I hope you will get plenty of rest before the new years ceremony.Please enjoy your time at the palace.Im sure it will be to your liking."

He smiled softly and rose to his knees.The prince's eyes squinted in a smile at the ceremonial greeting.

"It is already very much to my liking.And very beautiful as well"


The amount of work required from me was halved after the arrival of the special guests, and most of what was left was for the celebrations themselves. I finished my work earlier than usual and returned to the western palace.

I knew Queen will be arriving soon enough so I waited at the balcony for him to arrive.

Finally,I saw Queen flying towards me.

"Back so soon?"

I let him in and Queen held out his foot as if he wanted me to read the note as soon as possible.

"Alright,Alright.You want me to quickly read it?"

I opened the note and sat at my desk.

I've arrived at the Imperial Palace.Can you guess who I am?

I chuckled.

Should I tell him I know and write his name?

But that would ruin the fun of all of this.

I'll just play along for now and enjoy this moments with him.

I took out my paper and pen and wrote the words my Empress used.

I'm not sure who you are.Do you know who I am?

As soon as I finished writing the letter, Queen hopped to my side.

I stroked Queen's head and he made a pleased sound and half-closed his eyes. I rolled up the note and tied it to his leg, and he fluttered his wings and landed on the bed in a small dance before leaping back out the window.


The next day, more guests arrived at the palace, starting with the arrival of the princess of the Southern Kingdom early in the morning. The time passed quickly as I exchanged greetings with her and her security was cleared.

I retired to my room in the evening that I found Queen sitting on the window frame, pining pitifully as he waited for me. I opened the window, and he crept into the room, soaking wet and shuddering.


I grabbed a towel and wrapped the soft towel around his body and gently dried his feathers.Queen hesitated for a moment, but soon started dozing in my hands. I rubbed him with the towel until he was completely dry, and carefully pulled the note from his leg. The handwriting was smudged by the rain, but this was what it said.

Shall we make a bet?The one who figures out who the other is first wins.

Wow,making the trip despite the rain.Very daring of you Heinley.But I have to pretend I don't know or else he'd be suspicious of me.

"The nerve of your master,making you go out in this rain!What a wicked master you have!"

He shook his head sideways,strongly disagreeing.

I'm going to tease him more

"Why are you shaking your head?It's clear that you do"

He squawked surprised.That should teach him a lesson.

I went to the desk and wrote a reply.

And what will be the prize?

After I finished, I looked at Queen and back out the window again. The rain was still lashing heavily against the glass, and had been going on for hours.If I sent him out now, wouldn't he catch a cold? Queen was staring at me and he tilted his head and flew over to the desk.He extended his leg,as if he wanted me to tie the note.

"You want me to tie it on you?"

Absolutely're staying here Queen.

"NO, It's raining outside.Im different from your master.You shall sleep with me tonight. I'll let you leave once the rain lets up"

He was suddenly frozen as he understood the situation he's in.

Well,lucky for you.You're stuck with me, my bird prince.

I carried him to the bed and put him on the other side.I layed beside him and embraced Queen.He was solid frozen.This is hilarious.I closed my eyes and since I was really tired this day,I fell asleep really fast.


I woke up the next day and saw Queen was gone.And then I heard his voice and I saw Queen sitting outside the window again.

"Queen!Have you already made the trip?!"

The weather was clear and he was half-dozing off in the sunshine,instead of shivering in the rain. When I opened the window, Queen quickly came into the room and held out his leg. I pulled out the note and checked it eagerly, and once again saw the familiar handwriting.

Queen shall be the prize

Now this is tempting...

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