The Own Goal ✔️

By CarriedAwayCrazy

386K 5.8K 1K

A typical story of boy meets girl, a holiday romance. Nothing more than two twenty something's enjoying a lav... More

Part 1
part 2
part 3
part 4
part 5
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
part 10
Part 11
Part 12
part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51
Part 52
Part 53
Part 54
Part 55
Part 56
Part 57
Part 58
Part 59
Part 60
Part 61
Part 62
Part 63
Part 64
Part 65
Part 66
Part 67
Part 68
Part 69
Part 70
Part 71
Part 72
Part 73
Part 74
Part 75
Part 76
Part 77
Part 78
Part 79
Part 80
Part 81
Part 82
~ The Own Goal ~ continued ~
Part 83
Part 84
Part 85
Part 86
Part 87
Part 88
Part 89
Part 90
Part 92
Part 93
Part 94
Part 95
Part 96
Part 97
Part 98
Part 99
Part 100
Part 101
Part 102
Part 103
Part 104
Part 105
Part 106
Part 107
Part 108
Part 109
Part 110 - Surprise!
Part 111
Part 112 - Going home
Part 113
Part 114
Part 115
part 116
Part 117
part 118
Part 119
Part 120
Part 121
Part 122

Part 91

2.3K 34 6
By CarriedAwayCrazy

"Fuck sake, get Grealo on the pitch! Honestly they're fucking throwing it away!"

My eyes meet Kevan's who nods at me before dealing with it "halt ya swearing around the kids yeah"

Jack's corporate box is full anyway with me, the girls and his family and siblings partners.
There's loads of his mates here, most of them have tickets within the stands, but Paul and Simon got on the train this morning with the Grealish's claiming they didn't think they needed tickets, and could just go with them.
Jack being Jack had obviously sorted it, but the stadium was sold out so they ended up in the box.
Now, just as we approach the last half hour of the game they're pretty drunk.

"Get Grealo on! Get Grealo on!" They start shouting over the railings.

"Boys, keep it down!" Scolds Karen, she's known these lads since they all met at primary school and she has no issue talking to them as if she were their mother.
"Ah c'mon momma G, the games abysmal!"
Paul draps an arm around her shoulder.

"I mean it Paul, Mia is here week in and week out, I will not have you swearing and shouting in here around her"

"Sorry mom" his voice is dripping with sarcasm, of all Jacks friends from home I dislike Paul the most. He's like a leach, bumming off of other people. He went to school with Jack, and Simon who is a pretty successful DJ, and by association knows lots of other 'celebrities' from Jack and Simon's circles.
Simon is quite nice, he can be a bit much on a night out, but most of the time, like now for example can read the situation.
He thankfully drags Paul away.

Sam and John are in the stands somewhere, Sam is married to Chloe who I became close friends with when I lived with Jack the first time, just after Mia was born, they now have a little boy and John is engaged to a lovely girl.
These are the friends Jack is looking forward to spending time in Ibiza with, the way Jack sees it, Simon's gig will give them a good night out and they just have to accept Paul as part of the package.

Suddenly there's a lot of commotion, I rush out to the balcony to see the post goal celebrations.

Ten minutes later they've won! Not just the game, but the league.

It all happened so fast, Kiera points out Jack as he sprints onto the pitch to celebrate with his team mates, from where we are we see Pep run out to embrace his players also.
The stadium is literally bouncing.
But, minutes later the pitch is swarming, we lose track of the players as the stewards try in vain to stop more people invading.

"Let's go!" Paul screams to Simon.

"No! Lads you'll get yourselfs kicked out!" Kevin warns.

"Exactly, let them go" I hear Karen say to him.

"Mammy can I go see daddy?" She's peering down at the pitch.

"No baby, I think daddy's already gone to the changing room, we'll see him soon"

The next hour is a bit of a blur, the boys receive their medals. I give Karen a quick glance and see her wipe away tears of happiness.
Jack looks like he's having the time of his life as they lift the trophy, taking photos and selfies with each other before going on a lap of the pitch.
Finally the stadium starts to clear as the players start their media rounds.
We are given the nod that families can start making their way to the pitch.

I help Mia down the steps as Kevin carries Esme for me.
Mia sees him before he sees her and her little legs move as fast as they can as she runs over to him wearing her 'daddy 10' shirt.
"Daddy!! Daddy!! Daddy!!" She screams at him.
I tear up as I see him crouch down to catch her, he's living his dream right now.

We pose for photos, watch as Jack does a couple more interviews and finally we get a second to breathe.
"Suits you" I tell him, toying with the medal against his chest.

He grins shaking his head "I've run outta good things to say an' me face hurts from smiling" he says.

I tilt my head, studying his face "how does your heart feel?"

He furrows his brow, thinking for a second "so full it almost hurts"

Forgetting everything we kiss and lose ourselves in a bubble.

Eventually Jack and the boys head off to get changed and we head up to the lounge and the after match party that's been put on.

When they join us it's chaos, there's loud singing and shouting, everyone wanting to congratulate each other again.

"Hey you" he slides in next to me, I lost him in the chaos so took myself off to a quiet corner to feed Esme.
He places a glass of champagne on the table.
"When she's done, you can have one with me yeah?"

I look at him, he really is breathtakingly beautiful.
I'm so happy and proud that I understand what he means, my heart feels almost painful too - it's just so full with love and happiness right now.
I shake my head.

"One won't hurt?" He looks upset at my refusal.

"Well......." Fuck the face on him, those puppy eyes, I'd literally do anything for him.
"I need to pump when we get home"

He narrows his eyes "but why??"

"Because, your mum and dad are staying over and have agreed to watch the girls, including giving Esme her early feed, but I've not got much in the freezer"

His eyes flash, dark and brooding "so ya comin' with us? To the roof garden?"

"Of course I am"


"Whaaaaaat?" I'm screeching over the noise, I didn't hear what Pep was saying, but everyone around me is clinking glasses and shouting 'cheers' so I just join in.
The music is loud.
Jack's arm is snaked around me tightly, almost holding me up but I feel his own body swaying as he talks, his deep but now croaky voice vibrating through his chest to me.
I accept the jagabomb that's thrusted into my hand, but as soon as I feel the coldness of the glass in my hand, it's empty.
Confused I hold my hand out and turn it over, trying to work out where it went while gradually more and more of my weight leans into Jack. If he moved I'd definitely fall.
"Huh? My drink??"

There's a warmth at my temple "you told me to never ever let you drink another jagabomb" he husks into my ear.
Fuck, why is it so sexy that he's lost his voice?
I spin into him, in my head it's a sexy move, but in reality it's a bit of a stumble.

"I'm fiiiiiiiiiiine" I pout up into his perfect face "totally finnnnne"
He downs the drink.
"Nooooooo that was miiiine!!" I slam my palm against his chest, fuck he's too sexy, I grab his denim jacket and pull him to me for a kiss, the alcohol still fresh on his lips, his mouth still cool from the cold liquid. I can taste it.
My hand grabs at the back of his head, pulling him down to me, chasing that tingle that's already making my underwear feel damp.
He breaks the kiss, but keeps his forehead glued to mine, his hands still holding me tight.

"Bab, ya've not drunk for like a year, even before ya got pregnant with Essie ya hadn't gone out properly for a while"
I pout again before pressing my lips to him again.
He opens his mouth to me, but it feels like he's holding back.
Someone knocks into me from behind and I'm momentarily shocked back to reality, at where we are, at how busy this place is, that there are cameras and phones everywhere.
Now I pull away, staring at his mouth, the slightest smudge from my lipstick on his lips.
"I jus' don' wan' ya passin' out on me later......."
As hard as I try I can't stop the grin from spreading across my face.
"Stick with the champagne bab"
He bites his lip before leaning in closer "always makes ya fuckin' filthy champagne does"

On the dancefloor a mass of bodies moving, I'm not even sure who's with me or who is where, just that he's here. Even in his own drunkern state there's always a hand or arm providing a constant reassuring touch.
I haven't danced or laughed like this in a very long time.
I'm vaguely aware of people watching us, girls eyeing Jack up. I'm used to that, everyone wants him, but he's mine. Possessively I draw him him for another kiss and feel a rush of lust tear through me when he cups my arse in his large hand.
Then, I hear the hum of him talking to someone. Moments later a glass is in my hands, clear with ice and lime.......
I knock it back.
"It's water!?" I complain eyeing up the tumbler of spirit in his hand, have they moved onto whiskey? I lean up to kiss him, I taste his lips as he chuckles. Mmmmm almond now...
"Why did I get water?"

"Ya've had enough bab" if gravel spoke with a Brum accent, it would sound like Jack now.

"You sound so fucking sexy though....."
That laugh again.
"I don't need water"

"I'm holdin' ya up"

"I'm fiiiiiiiiiiine!"

He just smirks "ya on the line.........I've got plans f'you later that do not include ya passin' out"

"Tell me more"

He whispers pure filth into my ear and I swear I nearly come there and then. He watches my face.
"Shall we go now then?"


I'm not entirely sure how we got home, I look around, we're not home.

I take in our surroundings, it's our old apartment "huh?"

"Palmer was stayin' here, but he's jus' moved out......he had the key still so I asked for it when ya said me mom an' dad was stoppin' ova"

My head spins "do they know we aren't going back? Why?"

Jack finds two glasses and fills them with water.
"Drink" he instructs.
"Cos I didn't think ya'd wan' me parents hearin' the noises ya gonna make....."

My insides flip.
It's been a long time since this Jack came out to play. I've scared him away with my moods, crying, and nagging.

He looks at me intently "can I have ya Chels?"

I'm naked, he's naked he's got me on the dining table kissing me with such force as his hand works it's magic over my clitoris. The rooms in darkness but for the city lights illuminating us through the large windows.
"Wait, stop!" I push him back, I need to do something for him, this is his night afterall.
We swap places and I take him in my mouth as he sits on the table.
I devour him, I want every inch of him....I release him frequently to kiss and lick his thighs, his abdomen, his chest, each time I free him from my mouth he whimpers before moaning at my next action.
"Lay back" I instruct.

"Hey I'm supposed t'be in charge" he protests pathetically as I push him back before I bury my head between his thighs again.
I stretch my lips over his balls, my hands run underneath his heavy thighs, my fingers grazing his buttocks.
My hand wanks him as I suck his balls. I love the whine he makes. I'd do anything for him and I can't remember the last time I showed him that.
I let his balls fall from my mouth and lick at them all over before moving lower to that delicate skin.
His whimpers get more fevered. I continue to wank and lick until his whimpers turn to pants and I feel the sweat running down his thighs and then I stop.
He curses me at the sensations all finishing abrubtly. My head still between his thighs and I know he's looking at me, watching, but I don't look back. I just wait.
Wait for his breathing to sound somewhat normal again.
Then my tongue gets to work again and he cries out loudly as I lick him, there.
Rimming him.
His mumbles are incoherent.
Simultaneously I wank him and rim him until he's falling apart and when I insert my finger he yells my name out as he feels me fill him.
I take his throbbing cock back in my mouth and gently start thrusting my finger.
He's gone I can't hold down his strong body the way he does me when I'm in the throes of an orgasm but I try and keep working on him as he erupts. It's never ending the cum that's hitting the back of my throat.
As it slows I remove my finger, the sensation causing him to buck again, thrusting to the back of my throat.

I crawl over his body.
I saw a picture of him earlier on Instagram, captioned 'happiest man alive' as he kisses the trophy.
If they could see him now, totally spent, delirious in the afterglow of such an intense climax. I actually feel proud of myself.

"You ok?" I ask quietly, rubbing his chest.

"Fuck yeah, fuck that were amazing........I wanted to be the one doin' the destroyin' though an' ya destroyed me"

"You complaining?"
He cradles me to him, too fucked to talk anymore.

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